India-China Border conflict


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Even if such videos exist, the Central Gov won't release them. So, it's dumb to have emotional outburts every time this topic comes up.

I'm aware of what we did. So, you should know that our guys extract revenge any time there's a chance.
2 years and waiting. That’s all I’ll say.


New Member
Nov 21, 2022
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I think anger is natural and even meltdown but holding your own is important too.
Everybody needs to fucking calm down and trust the army they know what they are doing and they are putting their life on the line to protect us.
So whatever happens in my opinion our trust should be firm.
Our rant doesn't change anything so man the fuck up we are a bunch of retards who are doing nothing but giving PLA what they want the morale advantage.
If we are winning now all well and good
If we are losing we will hit back with all our might
If it's a stalemate we will strike at the best chance given.
Rather than meltdown I would say man up and believe in our soldiers.
Acting like a crying little bitch here changes nothing.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
People need to calm down and understand that this saga will continue for a good 3-4 years or a decade depending on who stays in power here.

Matter of fact is that the world is transitioning towards a G-2 world. The Saudis are preparing themselves to trade in small volumes of yuan for the oil purchases with china.

The Russians are bitterly fighting against the Ukrainians in a war that will last for a long time to come. Iran and the ME are shifting back towards BRICS and SCO.

Our infrastructure and people are not yet ready to accept the reality of a full blown war and neither does our industry have the capacity to sustain a major conflict as of now.

Give it a few years a lot more of investment and surely we will be ready eventually.


New Member
Apr 14, 2020
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"Koi nahi ghussa"
was a bad line said by modi
Due to which china is taking advantage
The above statement limits the options of the Indian government
Anyways assuming that Indian soldiers beat the hell out of PLA,there must be a reason why are they not releasing pics,the border issue is complicated than what the public knows,life of soldiers is more important than territorial ambition or propaganda warfare
Don't trust the government nor the military leadership but atleast trust our boys who are stationed at the border,they will indeed protect their beloved nation at all costs even with their blood.
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Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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"Koi nahi ghussa"
was a bad line said by modi
Due to which china is taking advantage
The above statement limits the options of the Indian government
Anyways assuming that Indian soldiers beat the hell out of PLA,there must be a reason why are they not releasing pics,the border issue is complicated than what the public knows,life of soldiers is more important than territorial ambition or propaganda warfare
Don't trust the government nor the military leadership but atleast trust our boys who are stationed at the border,they will indeed protect their beloved nation at all costs even with their blood.
as a free society India is vulnerable to adversary's propaganda, why is it so hard for folks to understand?
when it comes to state sponsored propaganda, it's a one way street. what Indian state says will not reach china, but what CCP says reaches Indian households.

it's a capability gap which will probably never get sorted as long as CCP is in power.

and also need to take this into consideration. the one who lays the ambush has the upper hand, the one at the receiving end does not know what else the attacker has planned.

If we add the possibility that CCP did the cyber warfare in Maharashtra grid and we add the rest of the attacks over the past year, we get:

- Military warfare on Tibet border
- Biological warfare with wuhan Virus
- Internal security warfare with farmer protests, as evident from presence of CPI flags
- Cyber warfare on a state grid
- Information warfare using their bots as well as foreign SM companies

CCP has covered the full spectrum warfare against India’s national security during the last one year. This makes CCP, India’s enemy no.1 . Any attack from Pakistan should be considered an extension of CCP warfare on India.
and the steps taken by Indian state since then to bring some parity is all documented starting from TikTok ban.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
I do not think India has an aspirations in regards to China. Both of us do not gain anything by pushing into each others territories. CCP cannot back out because they have printed a map long back and the party wont let them back out. India does not get much from ingression into Tibet, we are fine as it is and we have never made claims to tibet either.
From what we keep hearing there is no ambition in the army in regards to tibet. Me mentioning Tibet might just be pointless and it is very much possible that IA vision and anbition just limits to beating the Chinese in a defensive approach maybe take back aksai Chin at worst. Even politically Amit Shah only ever mentioned POK in his roaring claim no mention of Aksai Chin.

Me personally I wish we had anything regarding Tibet but I understand that the price(Economical) will be huge.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
View attachment 185670

Having an adversary so far from its core population advantage or disadvantage?
More pros than cons.

The entire eastern front of WW2 is a textbook study for this.

The further your industrial sector is the greater the enemy will have to push to force you towards a defeat. By having his industry and oil fields all the way into the Urals and Don region the Soviets were able to sustain the massive industrial requirements of the war without which they would definitely have collapsed. It also made it much difficult for Germany to hit these industrial sectors ok a sustained basis with long range weapons to good effect.

Of course this has been negated to a good degree by stand off long range weapons but the advantages still exist.

Of course in China's case things are a little different as they would themselves have difficulty in sustaining operations due to the terrain. Their advantage only comes up if they manage to push significantly in certain sectors which results in them moving into our population centre's while India will mostly be pushing into barren landing this leading to further logistics issues.

In our case we will have the advantage in a few token regions as our supply range in some areas will be much easier due to the popular density nearby.

Both nations are ideally suited to mount a strong defence against each other overall with offensives probably being too costly to sustain in most sectors.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Asking if Chinese Soldier = Indian Soldier. I do not think none of the us anything above each other in terms of warrior spirit. Maybe Chinese Conscript army has it drawbacks but I do not think it would change the tide for us.
As for People who are used to living in mountain, even china has mountainous regions where tough people reside. Yunan region which has a population of 47 million is quite like the NE of our own where various tough tribals reside.



New Member
Aug 9, 2021
there wont be any war if thats what ur asking.

we are begging them for talks . we will agree to some buffer zone mostly on our land . they will move back , shift forces back but still have large presence .

this is what happened at PP15 .

talk about weak PLA vs chad IA or whatever is nonsense.
Very weird that you believe us "begging for talks" will change any course of action by Chongs

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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as a free society India is vulnerable to adversary's propaganda, why is it so hard for folks to understand?
when it comes to state sponsored propaganda, it's a one way street. what Indian state says will not reach china, but what CCP says reaches Indian households.

it's a capability gap which will probably never get sorted as long as CCP is in power.

and also need to take this into consideration. the one who lays the ambush has the upper hand, the one at the receiving end does not know what else the attacker has planned.

and the steps taken by Indian state since then to bring some parity is all documented starting from TikTok ban.
I showed the pics to my father, the ever stressful man he is said, " ladai me fauji pakdate hi hai isme naya kya hai "
On our guys made to hold ears , he said " haramzade Chinese hai wo aur kya ,"
Then he told me iam a retard, to even say we had any disadvantage .
he said
" ee log to uska bada aadmi hi pakad liya tha na( that fabao fellow ), aur mara to u sab ka hi zyada hai, u sala sab Dar gaya hai is liye chatpata raha hai "
How folks from my father's generation are so accepting and get over it quickly?
@iNorthernerOn9. @Waanar
@Suryavanshi @Gyyan


New Member
Nov 21, 2022
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I showed the pics to my father, the ever stressful man he is said, " ladai me fauji pakdate hi hai isme naya kya hai "
On our guys made to hold ears , he said " haramzade Chinese hai wo aur kya ,"
Then he told me iam a retard, to even say we had any disadvantage .
he said
" ee log to uska bada aadmi hi pakad liya tha na( that fabao fellow ), aur mara to u sab ka hi zyada hai, u sala sab Dar gaya hai is liye chatpata raha hai "
How folks from my father's generation are so accepting and get over it quickly?
@iNorthernerOn9. @Waanar
@Suryavanshi @Gyyan
Because they aren't fapping retards we are.
Easy internet access had fucked us more than we thought.
Anyway it's because they have seen more of the world.
And they have had more ups and downs in life.
They have probably seen previous wars and i guess this propaganda shit isn't new to them.


New Member
Sep 4, 2019
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I showed the pics to my father, the ever stressful man he is said, " ladai me fauji pakdate hi hai isme naya kya hai "
On our guys made to hold ears , he said " haramzade Chinese hai wo aur kya ,"
Then he told me iam a retard, to even say we had any disadvantage .
he said
" ee log to uska bada aadmi hi pakad liya tha na( that fabao fellow ), aur mara to u sab ka hi zyada hai, u sala sab Dar gaya hai is liye chatpata raha hai "
How folks from my father's generation are so accepting and get over it quickly?
@iNorthernerOn9. @Waanar
@Suryavanshi @Gyyan
They've seen the bodybags of 1999 and possibly 71 as well.

They know a different reality than younger guys like us here who think of war in video game mode. The silver lining of Chinese releasing those videos is this generation getting exposed to reality in microdoses.


New Member
Sep 26, 2012
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Asking if Chinese Soldier = Indian Soldier. I do not think none of the us anything above each other in terms of warrior spirit. Maybe Chinese Conscript army has it drawbacks but I do not think it would change the tide for us.
As for People who are used to living in mountain, even china has mountainous regions where tough people reside. Yunan region which has a population of 47 million is quite like the NE of our own where various tough tribals reside.

View attachment 185671
Wars are won by logistics, one of the biggest failures of german army in eastern front ww2 was logistics.

If you look at the map carefully chinese are not capable to deploy and supply there forces in border area.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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I showed the pics to my father, the ever stressful man he is said, " ladai me fauji pakdate hi hai isme naya kya hai "
On our guys made to hold ears , he said " haramzade Chinese hai wo aur kya ,"
Then he told me iam a retard, to even say we had any disadvantage .
he said
" ee log to uska bada aadmi hi pakad liya tha na( that fabao fellow ), aur mara to u sab ka hi zyada hai, u sala sab Dar gaya hai is liye chatpata raha hai "
How folks from my father's generation are so accepting and get over it quickly?
@iNorthernerOn9. @Waanar
@Suryavanshi @Gyyan
The forces aren't complaining.

Its the mango civilian with little to zero appetite for own losses, overfed on bollywood propaganda and not seen a full fledged war or massive civil unrest(riot) in decades.

Add a handful of retired faujis trying to profit from the situation and we have the usual RR brigade frontrunning a partisan press.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Wars are won by logistics, one of the biggest failures of german army in eastern front ww2 was logistics.

If you look at the map carefully chinese are not capable to deploy and supply there forces in border area.
Any attempt at retaking Tibet will most likely involve choking Chiense Logistics. But that will require lots of force on our part to cross a threshold where we can overwhelm them.
Pointless because our MO is defensive.


New Member
Dec 10, 2022
Any attempt at retaking Tibet will most likely involve choking Chiense Logistics. But that will require lots of force on our part to cross a threshold where we can overwhelm them.
Pointless because our MO is defensive.
What with this idea of retaking tibet ? As far as i know this was never the aspiration . Tibet was not ours . May be you are talking about Aksai chin , which is a pipe dream and not strategic like POK which connects india to central Asia . But still claim ll remain there as long as dispute remains .

We are defensive here to chinese aggression be it in era of Rajiv Gandhi , manmohan singh or now modi . They also claim Arunachal pradesh . There is some dispute with regards to sikkim as well ( dont know details . During recent border skirmish one chinese officer in sikkim area asserted in front of a young indian soldier that sikkim not part of india . Indian soldier gave a hard punch to his face .

I dont think border dispute between india china is about border dispute . Its not some big deal to solve it . There is more to it .

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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They've seen the bodybags of 1999 and possibly 71 as well.

They know a different reality than younger guys like us here who think of war in video game mode. The silver lining of Chinese releasing those videos is this generation getting exposed to reality in microdoses.
I see .

