India-China Border conflict


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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This is akin to China saying they are going to war in the near future.
Nope, they already have a enormous leverage over the anglo empire due to their manufacturing clout and the fact that almost everything in US is 'made in chinkaland' . Not to forget they have subverted half of US society with wokeism and drugs (fentanyl). They don't NEED to fight a war with US. They're already winning...


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Nov 10, 2020
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Nope, they already have a enormous leverage over the anglo empire due to their manufacturing clout and the fact that almost everything in US is 'made in chinkaland' . Not to forget they have subverted half of US society with wokeism and drugs (fentanyl). They don't NEED to fight a war with US. They're already winning...
Doesn’t matter their population goes down


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
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Nov 22, 2020
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Did you miss the part about light tanks being more vulnerable than medium or heavy tanks ? I think the advances made in tank destruction vs tank armour & sensors is definitely much more viz : much more sophisticated & much cheaper than ADS vs Air Power.

If the situation in Ukraine is what it is for medium & heavy Russian tanks with definitely more armour than what a light tank possesses or our proposed light tank is supposed to have , the situation can well be imagined. Incidentally this holds true for the Chinese as well .
The real question is what will you replace tanks with? What can provide cheap fire support for the infantry, be valuable in holding ground and punch through the defences? Only a tank can do what its supposed to do nothing else


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Did you miss the part about light tanks being more vulnerable than medium or heavy tanks ? I think the advances made in tank destruction vs tank armour & sensors is definitely much more viz : much more sophisticated & much cheaper than ADS vs Air Power.

If the situation in Ukraine is what it is for medium & heavy Russian tanks with definitely more armour than what a light tank possesses or our proposed light tank is supposed to have , the situation can well be imagined. Incidentally this holds true for the Chinese as well .
To your question -


Which one will you prefer ?


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Nov 1, 2022
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The real question is what will you replace tanks with? What can provide cheap fire support for the infantry, be valuable in holding ground and punch through the defences? Only a tank can do what its supposed to do nothing else
It's a sub par solution targeting incremental gains , at least in the mountains. I'm not getting into the performance of tanks in the plains as in Ukraine at all for it's not particularly relevant to what we're going to face in Ladakh with respect to light tanks.

There's a certain cost benefit ratio akin to RoI , wherein high risk platforms like hptrs & tanks ought to deliver certain minimum results before it's forced out of a campaign for obvious reasons one way or another for it to have successfully qualified on the RoI category.

These studies weren't done for mountain warfare involving tanks but it isn't difficult to imagine the outcome which in the case of desert or plains warfare itself didn't meet average RoI requirements against peer competition.

Tank defences have been slow to evolve against massive advances in offensive platforms & armaments targeting tanks. It's still work in progress.

Not denying the validity & value of your argument but 300 nos of light tanks certainly won't cut it , not in a heavy war of attrition against a peer adversary. You'd require much more than that. As usual we do things in half measures .

The Chinese have 500 nos of Type 15 officially as of now . Who knows how many they'd have before the decade is out ?! Their predecessors the Type 62 numbered around 400 in active service which were modernised a decade before retiring them in 2013 which means they'd be in storage.


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Nov 1, 2022
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To your question -


Which one will you prefer ?
Ukraine will stop using tanks the moment the tap dries up. Russia will stop it once they run out of their inventory. This much is obvious & one side will run out of it sooner than the other.

At the end of the day Russia is fighting an offensive war with one arm & leg tied around its back & Ukraine is punching far above its weight fighting an defensive offensive war with borrowed paraphernalia where it hasn't managed to make much headway .

However to Ukraine's credit they've managed to grind the Russians into fighting a war of attrition becoming a near peer adversary courtesy all those lend lease arms ammunition & platforms.

To what extent did the Ukrainian tanks successfully qualify on the cost benefit ratio analysis in this war of attrition is unknown. Ditto for the Russians.

I haven't been following this war closely or perused much literature regarding the tactics of either side & its success rate hence would welcome any such studies or analyses conducted that demonstrates usage of tanks by either or both sides to have been effective in pursuit of the prosecution of their individual war plans.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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You didn't answer my original question. Which vehicle will you choose? Or would you choose to fight in open trenches like you are advocating what our infantry should do on the Northern border?

Ukraine will stop using tanks the moment the tap dries up. Russia will stop it once they run out of their inventory. This much is obvious & one side will run out of it sooner than the other.

At the end of the day Russia is fighting an offensive war with one arm & leg tied around its back & Ukraine is punching far above its weight fighting an defensive offensive war with borrowed paraphernalia where it hasn't managed to make much headway .

However to Ukraine's credit they've managed to grind the Russians into fighting a war of attrition becoming a near peer adversary courtesy all those lend lease arms ammunition & platforms.

To what extent did the Ukrainian tanks successfully qualify on the cost benefit ratio analysis in this war of attrition is unknown. Ditto for the Russians.
  • Ukraine is asking for more tanks, manufacturing & refurbishing T-series tanks.
  • Russia is mass-producing T-90 tanks. They opened large factories just for that.
  • The only way Ukraine was able to grind Russia was because of western weapons + guerrilla warfare strategies (I mentioned in my last post), coupled with horrible military planning, esp. the supply chain for Russia.
  • Tanks & armored vehicles will remain the backbone of any army regardless of drones & ATGMs.

I haven't been following this war closely or perused much literature regarding the tactics of either side & its success rate hence would welcome any such studies or analyses conducted that demonstrates usage of tanks by either or both sides to have been effective in pursuit of the prosecution of their individual war plans.
Oh, so you agree you have not been closely following the war but you go ahead and throw uninformed statements like Tanks are obsolete because of drones ?


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Nov 1, 2022
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You didn't answer my original question. Which vehicle will you choose? Or would you choose to fight in open trenches like you are advocating what our infantry should do on the Northern border?
What's our battle plan for China across the LAC since we can't match them in resources or in terms of the budget ? Is it going on the offensive & if so in which sector ? Or is it purely defensive. Or is it a mix of both & if so will it be across sectors or in some sectors ? What if it's only holding the line across the Depsang plains where these light tanks are to be deployed with reinforced defences , a bevy of hptrs , FAs, drones, loitering munitions , other anti tank systems etc ?

  • Ukraine is asking for more tanks, manufacturing & refurbishing T-series tanks.
  • Russia is mass-producing T-90 tanks. They opened large factories just for that.
  • The only way Ukraine was able to grind Russia was because of western weapons + guerrilla warfare strategies (I mentioned in my last post), coupled with horrible military planning, esp. the supply chain for Russia.
  • Tanks & armored vehicles will remain the backbone of any army regardless of drones & ATGMs.

Oh, so you agree you have not been closely following the war but you go ahead and throw uninformed statements like Tanks are obsolete because of drones ?
Instead of being a smartass & quoting me selectively why don't you come up with counters to the quantities of light tanks we've ordered & what the Chinese have in their inventory as on today leave aside what they'd have by the end of the decade when hostilities are expected to break out. Not to mention everything they'd bring to bear against our tanks which I've mentioned above.

How about answering this since you've been following the war on a minute to minute basis like cricket commentary presumably & sharing your findings & wisdom with us .

To what extent did the Ukrainian tanks successfully qualify on the cost benefit ratio analysis in this war of attrition is unknown. Ditto for the Russians.
It's a sub par solution targeting incremental gains , at least in the mountains. I'm not getting into the performance of tanks in the plains as in Ukraine at all for it's not particularly relevant to what we're going to face in Ladakh with respect to light tanks.

There's a certain cost benefit ratio akin to RoI , wherein high risk platforms like hptrs & tanks ought to deliver certain minimum results before it's forced out of a campaign for obvious reasons one way or another for it to have successfully qualified on the RoI category.

These studies weren't done for mountain warfare involving tanks but it isn't difficult to imagine the outcome which in the case of desert or plains warfare itself didn't meet average RoI requirements against peer competition.

Tank defences have been slow to evolve against massive advances in offensive platforms & armaments targeting tanks. It's still work in progress.

Not denying the validity & value of your argument but 300 nos of light tanks certainly won't cut it , not in a heavy war of attrition against a peer adversary. You'd require much more than that. As usual we do things in half measures .

The Chinese have 500 nos of Type 15 officially as of now . Who knows how many they'd have before the decade is out ?! Their predecessors the Type 62 numbered around 400 in active service which were modernised a decade before retiring them in 2013 which means they'd be in storage.
Are you here to share knowledge or indulge in one upmanship ?


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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What's our battle plan for China across the LAC since we can't match them in resources or in terms of the budget ? Is it going on the offensive & if so in which sector ? Or is it purely defensive. Or is it a mix of both & if so will it be across sectors or in some sectors ? What if it's only holding the line across the Depsang plains where these light tanks are to be deployed with reinforced defences , a bevy of hptrs , FAs, drones, loitering munitions , other anti tank systems etc ?
Again, you evade my question by changing the goalposts. This discussion is not about what is our battle plan against China, that in itself is a vast topic in itself.

You were claiming tanks are obsolete, esp. light tanks against China since an excess of FPV drones & ATGMs can take them out easily.

I was countering your claim on why still light tanks still play a major role.

Instead of being a smartass & quoting me selectively why don't you come up with counters to the quantities of light tanks we've ordered & what the Chinese have in their inventory as on today leave aside what they'd have by the end of the decade when hostilities are expected to break out. Not to mention everything they'd bring to bear against our tanks which I've mentioned above.
Again, evading question. How can I talk about the qualities/quantities of the tank (Zorawar) which is still on the drawing board (AFAWK)?

We cannot assume we will have hostilities end-of-this decade and not tomorrow, or in the next decade.

Zorawar might take its time to mature & come in numbers. Till then, we already have T-90s (med. category), T-72s (med. category), and BMP-2s (light category) fielded against China on LAC. Advent of Zorawar should ideally supplement BMP-2s & T-7s which are obsolete.

How about answering this since you've been following the war on a minute to minute basis like cricket commentary presumably & sharing your findings & wisdom with us .
I unfortunately do, and I am slightly ashamed to admit it.


I think I have proven my point. Light tanks, or armored vehicles, or for that matter, are not obsolete due to drones/ATGMS, esp. in open areas like deserts & arid conditions.

Ending this discussion.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Again, you evade my question by changing the goalposts. This discussion is not about what is our battle plan against China, that in itself is a vast topic in itself.
This is not about our battle plan against China ? Then how did we decide to go in for Light Tanks ? The decision has been pending with the IA since long , much before the crisis in Doklam or Galwan erupted , much before the IA either scrapped it / or put it into the cold storage for reasons unknown or perhaps the usual set of reasons namely lack of a capital budget , other platforms getting priority & on & on.

You were claiming tanks are obsolete, esp. light tanks against China since an excess of FPV drones & ATGMs can take them out easily.

I was countering your claim on why still light tanks still play a major role.

However this debate of the efficacy of light tanks in Ladakh has had it's share of supporters & detractors within the IA much before what happened in Galwan & what's happening in Ukraine today with both sides in a deadlock till the ones supporting the decision prevailed presumably because the Chinese had them in great numbers & deployed them on the LAC. Hence parity. At least in so far as the platform went, leave aside quantities . How wise was this decision given the numbers we've ordered is something time will definitely answer !

Again, evading question. How can I talk about the qualities/quantities of the tank (Zorawar) which is still on the drawing board (AFAWK)?
Pls re read what I wrote & improve your comprehensive powers . I was referring to the quantities in the public domain of the proposed Light Tank. Where did I bring up the quality ? Similarly the quantities of the light tanks in the possession of China is well known too except we take it with a pinch of salt as is the case with everything Chinese.

Just to recapitulate my emphasis was on their PRESENT quantities . I very much doubt whether these quantities have been frozen forever or new iterations aren't being developed. We've no idea what these nos would be towards the end of the decade . At least that information is not in the public domain as of now.

We cannot assume we will have hostilities end-of-this decade and not tomorrow, or in the next decade.
True. But we're in a worse shape today in as far as our Army & AF goes as compared to what we would be by the end of the decade. Or at least this is what is presumed. The only silver lining is China's not completely prepared itself & will complete it's modernization / upgradation / joint ness in operation somewhere around 2028. Add a couple of years as cushion & we reach 2030.

Zorawar might take its time to mature & come in numbers. Till then, we already have T-90s (med. category), T-72s (med. category), and BMP-2s (light category) fielded against China on LAC. Advent of Zorawar should ideally supplement BMP-2s & T-7s which are obsolete.
Then we ought to have augmented the MBTs & added to their numbers which is what the section in the IA arguing against the Light Tanks have been asking for since long instead of the Light Tanks.

I unfortunately do, and I am slightly ashamed to admit it.

No problem . No need to be embarassed , you're among fiends . You , we know , you know.

I think I have proven my point. Light tanks, or armored vehicles, or for that matter, are not obsolete due to drones/ATGMS, esp. in open areas like deserts & arid conditions.
I remember reading about this first in 2014 or 15 IIRC on PKS's blog Trishul who was vehemently opposed to the idea then . Now this was much before Doklam , Galwan or Ukraine. I've not been frequenting his blog since the past 2 yrs so no clue if he's revised his position. While he made some great points arguing against these light tanks the counter to him was equally good raising thought provoking questions.

The argument to me which clinched the deal in favour of the nay sayers was always - we've already an inventory of medium & heavy tanks along with mechanised armour & infantry which we can't do away with for utilization in the plains & deserts for obvious reasons which means we reinforce them .

However we didn't have light tanks & prima facie they were a bigger liability than the medium & heavy ones for the weight restrictions which prevented it being heavily armoured. So why go in for them instead of the medium ones already doing duty on the LAC which though not the most optimum solution was still better than the light tanks.

In any case this is going to be one heavy war of attrition for both sides especially ours on & across the LAC , something on the lines of Ukraine ⁴ with our Jawans in the IA facing the brunt of it . I just hope our political & military leadership don't wilt under the pressure & handle the losses stoically.

Yup. You win Game set & match. Rig the game by framing rules in your favour & then declare imaginary victory. How old did you say you were , once again ?

Ending this discussion.
Yup. Pointless discussion as of this time. Good night. Thanks for engaging. I've said whatever I've had to say on this topic too. Nothing more to add not unless I want to get into repetition territory like you already have.


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May 29, 2023
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Unidentified object spotted over Imphal . IAF scrambles fighter jets.
But the object is static and light emitting, even though high altitude why was it not possible to spot the nature of the object using telescope, since it is clearly visible and not moving for a long time. May be the chinese gas bags



Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Unidentified object spotted over Imphal . IAF scrambles fighter jets.
But the object is static and light emitting, even though high altitude why was it not possible to spot the nature of the object using telescope, since it is clearly visible and not moving for a long time. May be the chinese gas bags

Looks like another one of those Chinese balloons.

Did we shoot it down?


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Feb 26, 2019
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Looks like soon IAF Rafale will make the first air-to-air strike of the Chinese balloon as was USAF F-22's first air-to-air strike was.
Had we had guts, the UFO would have been shot down.. apologize for grammatical mistakes.