India-China Border conflict


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Dec 17, 2022
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Classic case of isolating a small part of footage to show & peddle the Chinese agenda.

For context, this is F4 in the early days (May) of the 2020 clash. A large group of Indian soldiers on patrol were suddenly swarmed by bat-eaters on boats (as shown), most of the soldiers are atop the hill (see in the vids, you can see few), and few remaining on the ground get jumped by Chinese soldiers. Chinese soldiers were also rushed in their APVs.

Thereafter we called a huge reinforcement and beat the shit out of Chinese soldiers and their APVs.

This video is 2nd part of the above video.

wait so this is the same one where we captured one of their garbage matchbox?


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Dec 17, 2022
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After India bailed out Nepal, Sri Lanka and ensured Bangladesh's head remains above the water, Ching-Chong Chinese ambassador goes into a veritable spitfest against India ahead of G-20 and the resident Chinese on DFI call us jealous of their success. LOL...
look bro, hate me if you want but India is surrounded by ungrateful neighbors. I thing we better stop trying to babysit these fcukers and let them drown in chinese loan. Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka serve no strategic purpose for India. Best, China will build bases there and use them as proxies against. They already built bases in Lanka.
As for BD, we need them for the Chickens Neck corridor.
We better tell the rest to "Go F yourselves."


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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look bro, hate me if you want but India is surrounded by ungrateful neighbors. I thing we better stop trying to babysit these fcukers and let them drown in chinese loan. Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka serve no strategic purpose for India. Best, China will build bases there and use them as proxies against. They already built bases in Lanka.
As for BD, we need them for the Chickens Neck corridor.
We better tell the rest to "Go F yourselves."
Unfortunately, we do need Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka


Nepal and Bhutan still act as buffers for us, no matter how small. If the Chinese are able to mount a thrust like what the Russians did from Belarus, then they can easily cut off the North East from us in one swoop, assuming speed and supplies hold out(major doubt from me that the Chinese can actually supply their troops meaningfully after maybe the first or second day from the mountains)

Sri Lankan ports, if accessible to Chinese Navy, means that they have the capability to challenge IN presence in the Bay of Bengal, as well as the Eastern Indian coast with many important Indian Naval centers. That's just assuming the ports, not assuming any type of asymmetric warfare like sending over smugglers or something more insidious like training guerrila fighters to go on the offensive in our territory.

Of course, a Chinese thrust in the first place is actually kind of dubious because of the way the terrain is. Any and all heavy motorized/mechanized units will be easy picking if they actually proceed. In the case of a conventional conflict, I believe that the Chinese machine will give out as the mountains end.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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China’s Infrastructure Advantage has been Neutralized

Two decades ago, India's main vulnerability against China was infrastructure, which the Chinese exploited by outnumbering Indian troops. For 50 years, India hadn't prioritized China militarily. In 1999, Pakistan's attempt to cut supply lines in Kargil was thwarted by India's swift reaction. Recognizing this weakness, India began enhancing its infrastructure. Progress was slow until the Doklam standoff, and then rapidly intensified post-Galwan incident. Constructing in the Himalayas, with elevations varying from 20,000 to 10,000 feet, is challenging and can only be done for six months a year due to winter. In contrast, Tibet's plateau is around 5-7000 feet, making infrastructure development easier for China.

The Indian BRO rose to this challenge, completing 96 roads and bridges recently, with several major connectivity projects like Sela Tunnel, ZojiLa Tunnel, Rohtang Tunnel, Chenab Bridge, connectivity of Leh with Daulat Beg Oldi, new airfields along the LAC etc. nearing completion or already operational. China, disturbed by India's strengthened position, continues to maintain tensions. A recent Chinese attempt to seize territory in 2022 was thwarted due to India's improved infrastructure. Now, China refrains from confrontations unless sure of victory. In the Himalayas, India's equal strength and infrastructure mean China can only intimidate, not combat.


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Apr 4, 2019
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Unfortunately, we do need Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka

View attachment 222717

Nepal and Bhutan still act as buffers for us, no matter how small. If the Chinese are able to mount a thrust like what the Russians did from Belarus, then they can easily cut off the North East from us in one swoop, assuming speed and supplies hold out(major doubt from me that the Chinese can actually supply their troops meaningfully after maybe the first or second day from the mountains)

Sri Lankan ports, if accessible to Chinese Navy, means that they have the capability to challenge IN presence in the Bay of Bengal, as well as the Eastern Indian coast with many important Indian Naval centers. That's just assuming the ports, not assuming any type of asymmetric warfare like sending over smugglers or something more insidious like training guerrila fighters to go on the offensive in our territory.

Of course, a Chinese thrust in the first place is actually kind of dubious because of the way the terrain is. Any and all heavy motorized/mechanized units will be easy picking if they actually proceed. In the case of a conventional conflict, I believe that the Chinese machine will give out as the mountains end.
There's a reason Indian and Chinese kingdoms didn't fight like at all throughout history and those reasons still stand. Neither India nor Chinese are rocking up Himalayas with infantry or mechanised through Bhutan-Nepal sectors.

Sri Lanka is so close that you can probably hit Chinese with Rockets.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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So there are some things like this too in the world that exist in China. This is on a whole another level, Apologies if someone already has posted it but I couldn't help myself.

Some PLA soldiers are watching a mujra by a Chinese lady.

:clap2: :devil::troll::truestory::yo:


New Member
Mar 11, 2021
So there are some things like this too in the world that exist in China. This is on a whole another level, Apologies if someone already has posted it but I couldn't help myself.

Some PLA soldiers are watching a mujra by a Chinese lady.

:clap2: :devil::troll::truestory::yo:
This is military training for Chinese university freshmen

This is probably the show during the break


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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So there are some things like this too in the world that exist in China. This is on a whole another level, Apologies if someone already has posted it but I couldn't help myself.

Some PLA soldiers are watching a mujra by a Chinese lady.

:clap2: :devil::troll::truestory::yo:
Typical culture shock.

Every September, China will suddently increased 7-8 millions youngsters with uniforums.

All students in China when they enter the 1st yr of university/college, they need to be trained 2 weeks for basic military exercises, with PLA-like uniforms.

This is the typical dancing during the break, youngsters contributed some entertainments like dancing or singing.





After 2 weeks traning finished, there always be a ceremony, the head of university and local PLA boss attend.





Those kids have no rankings, they are just college students. All educated Chinese had such experiences.
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