India-China Border conflict


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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This is a bigger problem IMO, we have seemingly stoped taking and economic action against them. I find it a little bizzare.
Funny thing is BJPig minister cries that our trade deficit is rising, China does not give market access to Indian products to compete in their domestic market.

So why not reciprocate? I mean what kind of cucks these chomus are.
Taiwan can wipe out whole China and world, you invade Taiwan and chip supply becomes 0, China suffers the most, subsequently the world suffers a lot. An economic recession for that matter.

Optimistic Nihilist

Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2021
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Taiwan can wipe out whole China and world, you invade Taiwan and chip supply becomes 0, China suffers the most, subsequently the world suffers a lot. An economic recession for that matter.
That's not exactly true mate.

Two companies in Taiwan makes something around 60% of all computer chips in the world as of right now, and due to the cutting-edge tech necessary to build chip labs, it's very difficult to build more quickly, and doubly so if your tech supply chain gets cut off.

So if China invaded Taiwan, they could nab those manufacturing plants and start choking out the rest of the world out of developing new technology to attempt to leverage themselves into the position of top dog, alongside the added benefits of a publicized display of power to the Chinese people and the world.

On top of this, if they could theoretically blackmail the South Korean company into selling exclusively to them as well, they'd control nearly 4/5ths of the semiconductor supply chain.

It's really a modern resource war. If anything, TSMC only makes a Chinese invasion even more lucrative. The interference of the West is also doubtful, since chip foundries are already starting in other places.

China is economically fucked so they might try to do some desperate crazy shit like invade Taiwan to get resources. They got crushed by first the trade war, then the pandemic, now shipping cost issues, reduced global demand for their dogshit. They also can't even get meat to their own people.

If they sit back and do nothing hundreds of millions will starve. As soon as chip fabricators turn on in North America in a year and a half its game over.

But it is definitely true that China will be crippled by the fact that it won't be able to use its full firepower. It cannot completely annihilate Taiwan. That would make the whole invasion moot. If the chip foundries and plants get destroyed, it would all be for nothing.

So, this would be their Vietnam moment where they wouldn't want to destroy economy or annihilate their opposition. But I would still say that they would easily defeat Taiwan, albeit with larger casualties. If the US gets involved, things change. But even then, China has a decent chance, because the US is just licking its wounds over Afghanistan and it is questionable how much of a resistance they may even manage to put up against China.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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IMHO , this should be GOI response 😤😤😤😤

Not only has Chinese failed to capture 1.4km of Galwan Valley .

Road PLA build to PP14 is now eroding.

On the eve of border martyr Wan Zhuoran being named a national role model.

Very sad to see Chinese try to distract its failure due to Indian military threats by continuing to release images from Galwan Clash.

Galwan clash ended the same way as the Pangong-Tso stand off and Doklam stand off - with China relinquishing control of its territory.

No amount of images will change that fact.


what GOI will actually do




धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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That's not exactly true mate.

Two companies in Taiwan makes something around 60% of all computer chips in the world as of right now, and due to the cutting-edge tech necessary to build chip labs, it's very difficult to build more quickly, and doubly so if your tech supply chain gets cut off.

So if China invaded Taiwan, they could nab those manufacturing plants and start choking out the rest of the world out of developing new technology to attempt to leverage themselves into the position of top dog, alongside the added benefits of a publicized display of power to the Chinese people and the world.

On top of this, if they could theoretically blackmail the South Korean company into selling exclusively to them as well, they'd control nearly 4/5ths of the semiconductor supply chain.

It's really a modern resource war. If anything, TSMC only makes a Chinese invasion even more lucrative. The interference of the West is also doubtful, since chip foundries are already starting in other places.

China is economically fucked so they might try to do some desperate crazy shit like invade Taiwan to get resources. They got crushed by first the trade war, then the pandemic, now shipping cost issues, reduced global demand for their dogshit. They also can't even get meat to their own people.

If they sit back and do nothing hundreds of millions will starve. As soon as chip fabricators turn on in North America in a year and a half its game over.

But it is definitely true that China will be crippled by the fact that it won't be able to use its full firepower. It cannot completely annihilate Taiwan. That would make the whole invasion moot. If the chip foundries and plants get destroyed, it would all be for nothing.

So, this would be their Vietnam moment where they wouldn't want to destroy economy or annihilate their opposition. But I would still say that they would easily defeat Taiwan, albeit with larger casualties. If the US gets involved, things change. But even then, China has a decent chance, because the US is just licking its wounds over Afghanistan and it is questionable how much of a resistance they may even manage to put up against China.
You didn’t get what I say, the time they will attack taiwan will be the moment chip supply stops, I’m not talking about what will happen after they capture it, I’m talking about the phase of invasion.

Chip supply stoppage will crumble the world economy, and the biggest loser in this shortage would be China hence world will not remain silent.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Wish them the best of luck, but realistically speaking, in a China vs Taiwan conflict with no outside interference, China will win easily.
But will they able to hold ground? How many Taiwanese are ready for unification? Exactly what percentage?

Optimistic Nihilist

Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2021
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You didn’t get what I say, the time they will attack taiwan will be the moment chip supply stops, I’m not talking about what will happen after they capture it, I’m talking about the phase of invasion.

Chip supply stoppage will crumble the world economy, and the biggest loser in this shortage would be China hence world will not remain silent.
I don't think it will stop COMPLETELY, but yes there will be a major wrench thrown in the works and it will definitely cause economic problems worldwide.

China won't lose anything because China anyway has no access to this technology because Western companies (and Taiwan) aren't allowed to sell it to them. Their chip supply mostly comes from Israel and other countries. The world might respond or it might just decide to resume their supply from somewhere else or from China itself.

In any case, an invasion of Taiwan is quite some years off. By that time, the Chinks will most likely get even more belligerent. Would the West risk nuclear war, if it came to that for TSMC? Hard to tell.


New Member
May 28, 2016
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Near the Siliguri Corridor, Chinese have annexed some part of Bhutan? The National Wildlife Sanctuary which shared border with Chinese is said to be salami sliced. Indian Government is tight lipped?

Do I think they deserve it?
Yes they do! This is what they get when they ethnically cleansed almost 1 lakh Hindus.

Karma is a bitch!


Hindus in this century have to really think hard, that if they want to survive, they have to be aggressive. This is evident in the fact that few of my colleagues don't want to go to US or UK for there Masters just because there Opinion doesn't matter and if they dare to raise voices say "black lives matter", they would basically loose there scholarships. WTF!


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Ya'll Nibbiars The DFi post has gone ballistic.

Chinese slaves got triggered because mud was slung towards their masters. Good good, exactly what I wanted.

Next time any Chinese bot tries to troll here or post Galwan pictures, post this and show them how we effortlessly insulted their national flag, and even after 4:1 numerical superiority they were not able to do shit.

And these weak kids want to take Ladakh.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Near the Siliguri Corridor, Chinese have annexed some part of Bhutan? The National Wildlife Sanctuary which shared border with Chinese is said to be salami sliced. Indian Government is tight lipped?

Do I think they deserve it?
Yes they do! This is what they get when they ethnically cleansed almost 1 lakh Hindus.

Karma is a bitch!

View attachment 118003
Good that you raised this important issue.

Yes the Bloody Bhutanese has systematically conducted Hindu Genocide inside Bhutan.

Bhutanese Hindus who fleed away are now residing in US and UK, some are in India, just like KPs.

Bhutanese don't deserve our sympathy.

But again we need to secure Bhutan for our own security.

Optimistic Nihilist

Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2021
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But will they able to hold ground? How many Taiwanese are ready for unification? Exactly what percentage?
Taiwan's identity is complicated, the vast majority of the populace are some variant of what we consider Chinese (either Hakka, Fujian/Hoklo, or "Mainlanders" who are those who emigrated from elsewhere in China, and particularly those who immigrated after the loss of the KMT in the civil war) but that masks the enormous divide between the first two groups and the latter group (and of course including the aboriginal groups, who while small demographically are important especially in political narratives) thanks to how the KMT governed post 1949, in which mainlanders basically had a monopoly on politics and all major socioeconomic positions and heavily pushed the notion that Taiwan was just another part of China.

The anti-KMT politicos in response really spawned the modern notion of Taiwanese identity as an almost Americanesque melting pot culture, and pushed to highlight its uniqueness and differences from mainland China. Since the 1990s this unique sense of Taiwanese identity has really took off and absolutely dominated in the past few years as the CCP has fallen back into heavy handed authoritarianism. The Hong Kong response was a disaster for China in the long term identity debate in Taiwan in my opinion.

If China manages to successfully take it over, it would remain to be seen if they can successfully suppress the Taiwanese who would resist them. In all probability it will be, like I said, their Vietnam moment. A mini-Syria, if you will.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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I don't think it will stop COMPLETELY, but yes there will be a major wrench thrown in the works and it will definitely cause economic problems worldwide.

China won't lose anything because China anyway has no access to this technology because Western companies (and Taiwan) aren't allowed to sell it to them. Their chip supply mostly comes from Israel and other countries. The world might respond or it might just decide to resume their supply from somewhere else or from China itself.

In any case, an invasion of Taiwan is quite some years off. By that time, the Chinks will most likely get even more belligerent. Would the West risk nuclear war, if it came to that for TSMC? Hard to tell.
Dude big chunk of China’s chips come from Taiwan afaik


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Taiwan's identity is complicated, the vast majority of the populace are some variant of what we consider Chinese (either Hakka, Fujian/Hoklo, or "Mainlanders" who are those who emigrated from elsewhere in China, and particularly those who immigrated after the loss of the KMT in the civil war) but that masks the enormous divide between the first two groups and the latter group (and of course including the aboriginal groups, who while small demographically are important especially in political narratives) thanks to how the KMT governed post 1949, in which mainlanders basically had a monopoly on politics and all major socioeconomic positions and heavily pushed the notion that Taiwan was just another part of China.

The anti-KMT politicos in response really spawned the modern notion of Taiwanese identity as an almost Americanesque melting pot culture, and pushed to highlight its uniqueness and differences from mainland China. Since the 1990s this unique sense of Taiwanese identity has really took off and absolutely dominated in the past few years as the CCP has fallen back into heavy handed authoritarianism. The Hong Kong response was a disaster for China in the long term identity debate in Taiwan in my opinion.

If China manages to successfully take it over, it would remain to be seen if they can successfully suppress the Taiwanese who would resist them. In all probability it will be, like I said, their Vietnam moment. A mini-Syria, if you will.
IMO, China will seek for a 'Color Revolution' inside Taiwan.

Taiwan is not Crimea, it will retailiate, whether the end results will be in their favour or not.