India-China Border conflict


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Feb 28, 2019
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On Saturday afternoon, a Reuters journalist saw about 30 stationary hearses stopped in the driveway leading to the Dongjiao funeral home, a COVID-designated crematoriusm in Beijing.

A few metres away from the crematorium, in a funeral parlour, the Reuters journalist saw about 20 yellow body bags containing corpses on the floor. Reuters could not immediately establish if the deaths were due to COVID.
China's health authority last reported COVID deaths on Dec. 3. The Chinese capital last reported a fatality on Nov. 23.

Yet respected Chinese news outlet Caixin reported on Friday that two veteran state media journalists had died after contracting COVID-19 in Beijing, among the first known deaths since China dismantled most of its zero-COVID policies.

On Saturday, Caixin reported a 23-year-old medical student in Sichuan died of COVID on Dec. 14.


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Jun 7, 2020
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What Next for the Chinese in the Himalayas

It would appear that Chinese in Tawang area are quite. They received a beating which they never expected hence they are rethinking. This insult on Chinese big War machine, in fact, they asked for, themselves. They came for a salami slicing mode to capture a hill feature but lost the battle and have gone back to lick their wounds and not talk about it. That, what is happening today. The same thing happened in 1967 at Nathula in Sikkim. Over there also they over exerted themselves and fired at barbed wire laying crew and killed many after a few verbal confrontations. In retaliation a cleverly placed artillery guns blasted the Chinese positions so bad that hundreds of Chinese died and finally the Chinese commander called the Indian commander for respite in Indian artillery attack. They were quite there for 60 years until they came to test India again at Doklam at Sikkim-Bhutan-India border and went back without a fight.

The Tawang fist fight was a repeat of Galwan fight of 2020, but this time Indian Army was well prepared. The big force of 300 Indian Army men waiting only 30 minutes of walk away surrounded the Chinese 300 men and surprised them with adequately armed bamboo spiked sticks. The surprised Chinese formed an arrow head formation to ward off the punishment they were receiving and then their army commander fired a few shots in the air to stop Indian Troops from beating the Chinese more.

Six Indian soldiers were hurt, but Chinese received a far bigger blooding of their heads and face. Indian troops were raining blows on them from the top. A lot more Chinese were badly hurt. As the reports say that some of them could not have survived. But the badly beaten Chinese like in Galwan will not disclose their casualties……. Shame on them.

I do not believe they will come back to Tawang area in the near future but to get even they will pick another area for confrontation. It could be Depsang in Ladakh where tank warfare is possible or Walong Area in Arunachal Pradesh where in 1962 they fought battles and forced Indian troops out. They will pick areas like this. At the moment they are licking their wounds ……. Cheers Indian Army.


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Jun 7, 2020
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What Next for the Chinese in the Himalayas

It would appear that Chinese in Tawang area are quite. They received a beating which they never expected hence they are rethinking. This insult on Chinese big War machine, in fact, they asked for, themselves. They came for a salami slicing mode to capture a hill feature but lost the battle and have gone back to lick their wounds and not talk about it. That, what is happening today. The same thing happened in 1967 at Nathula in Sikkim. Over there also they over exerted themselves and fired at barbed wire laying crew and killed many after a few verbal confrontations. In retaliation a cleverly placed artillery guns blasted the Chinese positions so bad that hundreds of Chinese died and finally the Chinese commander called the Indian commander for respite in Indian artillery attack. They were quite there for 60 years until they came to test India again at Doklam at Sikkim-Bhutan-India border and went back without a fight.

The Tawang fist fight was a repeat of Galwan fight of 2020, but this time Indian Army was well prepared. The big force of 300 Indian Army men waiting only 30 minutes of walk away surrounded the Chinese 300 men and surprised them with adequately armed bamboo spiked sticks. The surprised Chinese formed an arrow head formation to ward off the punishment they were receiving and then their army commander fired a few shots in the air to stop Indian Troops from beating the Chinese more.

Six Indian soldiers were hurt, but Chinese received a far bigger blooding of their heads and face. Indian troops were raining blows on them from the top. A lot more Chinese were badly hurt. As the reports say that some of them could not have survived. But the badly beaten Chinese like in Galwan will not disclose their casualties……. Shame on them.

I do not believe they will come back to Tawang area in the near future but to get even they will pick another area for confrontation. It could be Depsang in Ladakh where tank warfare is possible or Walong Area in Arunachal Pradesh where in 1962 they fought battles and forced Indian troops out. They will pick areas like this. At the moment they are licking their wounds ……. Cheers Indian Army.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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Something doesn't add up, omicron was not fatal like delta. So why are chinks dying ? Is this a newer more deadly variant ? We should impose complete travel ban to/fro China, but our babus are busy sleeping :frusty: .


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Apr 4, 2019
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Something doesn't add up, omicron was not fatal like delta. So why are chinks dying ? Is this a newer more deadly variant ? We should impose complete travel ban to/fro China, but our babus are busy sleeping :frusty: .
They're clubbing any and all deaths to show as Covid deaths. People were protesting against Zero Covid so CCP is artificially pumping numbers to scare citizens so that they beg for zero covid policies back

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Archived in text
में घायल चीनी फौजियों से मिलने अस्पताल पहुंचे जिनपिंग को उनके फौजियों ने बताया इस बार भारतीय मंत्रोच्चारण के साथ मार रहे थे । - पर वो मंत्र क्या थे? - मांग चोंग,बहंग चोंग,बहंग के लौगे,गांग तोंग देंगे। जिनपिंग ने मंत्रों का अर्थ जानने का आदेश दिया है #copied

Anandhu Krishna

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Apr 17, 2017
I see where this assumption is coming from. What you are missing is, for Japan/Taiwan, China enjoys an operational superiority vis-a-vis these normally pacifistic countries.
For LAC ground incursions, we are equally guilty of probing the Chinese and doing reverse incursions, but naturally, you won't see these incidents reported to the media.

For airspace violations, PLAAF has to first create operational superiority over us at the Indo-Tibetian border, which they currently don't have. Their rapid development and upgradation of airbases all over Tibet are exactly to achieve this gameplan.

I almost said it in a jest. What I actually meant is, IAF, or Indian armed forces in general, is not afraid of taking necessary action and asserting domination. Any airspace violation will be challenged with a warning and neutralization thereafter. There is no reason for the Chinese to believe they can get away with a "small" incursion or display of force.

GoI on the other hand is a different case.

you just said the same things i said but in an optimistic way.

We know reality will be different.


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Feb 28, 2019
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They're clubbing any and all deaths to show as Covid deaths. People were protesting against Zero Covid so CCP is artificially pumping numbers to scare citizens so that they beg for zero covid policies back
Nah.. they are still concealing/under reporting covid deaths to justify easing.


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
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Nov 22, 2020
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Nothing gives me more satisfaction than seeing these chinks suffer, from making memes on India's wuhan virus crisis to mocking the deceased patients, chinks showed their degeneracy, but now karma is hitting them back.
Chinks getting rekt and getting karma for all their bitching is truly an sight to behold .they started the pandemic and their actions led to the spreading of it now the pandemic is gonna end with them suffering.they mock Indians dying if covid but now have to sit on cars with IV bags .they laughed when the hongkong protesters got rekt and now they are getting rekt by their own police


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Feb 27, 2022
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Last I heard India hasn't denounced explicitly any of the India-China agreements regulating the affairs of LAC even after so many incidences where official position has cited clauses which stand violated because of Chinese actions. Here the statement of General Naravane is enlightening and sheds light on thought process when India used firearms willingly against PLA in violation of agreements.

In the interview, General Naravane he has said "since we felt that we had the measure of the PLA troops over there we also countered them in the same way....which was basically by the use of non-lethal that means not actually firing .......if they were carrying sticks then we were also carrying sticks".

On use of firearms he said "the various agreements which are in place categorically rule out the use of force or resorting to firing but you cannot only observe one paragraph of the agreement and violate all others....then I am free to fire so you cannot accuse me of firing when you have done all the violations there....does that mean you will come with 5000 people and I will just keep sitting obviously I will fire and that is what they were scared of and that is moment we opened a fire they realized that they made a mistake and this whole gamut of this border agreement has gone to a different level altogether and that is what imposed caution on them for the first time ever they were cautious that this tactics or this strategy of theirs of trying to overwhelm by Superior force will not work in the face of India retaliating or opening fire".
It could be safely concluded from above statements that decision to use firearms is guided by the strength of enemy force and is allowed in case of numerically overwhelming force, but not when we have a measure of PLA troops as evidenced in Tawang. It is important to remember that IA changed the rules of engagement along the LAC to allow field commanders to approve the use of firearms under "extraordinary" circumstances, which was widely reported in media.

Additionally, it is prudent to note that all the agreements are still in place, and being referred to in official statements as "structured mechanisms" & "established mechanisms". Hence it's prudent to understand the mechanism regulating air incidents under different India-China agreements before we decipher probale future response against air intrusions on India-China border.
A brief history of India-China Border agreements and compiled information could be accessed at:
Agreement on the Maintenance of Peace and Tranquility along the Line of Actual Control in the India-China Border Areas 1993

5. The two sides agree to take adequate measures to ensure that air intrusions across the line of actual control do not take place and shall undertake mutual consultations should intrusions occur. Both sides shall also consult on possible restrictions on air exercises in areas to be mutually agreed near the line of actual control.
Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Confidence-Building Measures in the Military Field Along the Line of Actual Control in the
India-China Border Areas 1996


With a view to preventing air intrusions across the line of actual control in the India-China border areas and facilitating overflights and landings by military aircraft:
(1) Both sides shall take adequate measures to ensure that air intrusions across the line of actual control do not take place. However, if an intrusion does take place, it should cease as soon as detected and the incident shall be promptly investigated by the side operating the aircraft. The results of the investigation shall be immediately communicated, through diplomatic channels or at border personnel meetings, to the other side.
(2) Subject to Paragraphs 3 and 5 of this Article, combat aircraft (to include fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, military trainer, armed helicopter and other armed aircraft) shall not fly within ten kilometers of the line of actual control.
(3) If either side is required to undertake flights of combat aircraft within ten kilometers from the line of actual control, it shall give the following information ..........
(4) Unarmed transport aircraft, survey aircraft and helicopters shall be permitted to fly up to the line of actual control.
(5) No military aircraft of either side shall fly across the line of actual control, except by prior permission. Military aircraft of either side may fly across the line of actual control or overfly the other side's airspace or land on the other side only after obtaining the latter's prior permission after providing the latter with detailed information on the flight in accordance with the international practice in this regard.
Notwithstanding the above stipulation, each side has the sovereign right to specify additional conditions, including at short notice, for flights or landings of military aircraft of the other side on its side of the line of actual control or through its airspace.
(6) In order to ensure flight safety in emergency situations, the authorities designated by the two sides may contact each other by the quickest means of communications available.
Protocol between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on Modalities for the Implementation of Confidence Building Measures in the Military Field along the Line of Actual Control in the India-China Border Areas April 2005

Article III

In accordance with Article V of the Agreement on Confidence Building Measures in the Military Field along the Line of Actual Control in the India-China Border Areas signed between the two sides in November 1996,
(a) In the event of an alleged air intrusion of its controlled airspace by the military aircraft of the other side, either side may seek a Flag Meeting within 48 hours of the alleged air intrusion in order to seek a clarification. The investigation shall be completed by the other side and its results communicated through a Flag Meeting within a period of four weeks.
(b) If a military aircraft of either side is required to fly across the Line of Actual Control or to overfly the airspace of the other side, prior permission shall be sought from the other side according to procedures and formats to be mutually agreed upon.
(c) If a military or civilian aircraft of either side is required to fly across the Line of Actual Control or to land on the other side of the Line of Actual Control in an emergency situation, the two sides will ensure flight safety in such situations by adhering to procedures to be mutually agreed upon.
The clauses relating to air intrusion have evolved from ensuring "that air intrusions across the LAC do not take place" and obligating the parties to "undertake mutual consultations should intrusions occur"(1993) to providing for an investigation of the "incident by the side operating the aircraft"(1996). This mechanism further stands fortified to seek a Flag Meeting within 48 hours of the alleged air intrusion in order to seek a clarification(2005). The investigation shall be completed by the side causing such air intrusion and its results communicated through a Flag Meeting within a period of four weeks.

There are separate contingency measures to ensure "flight safety" even when a military aircraft crosses LAC or lands on the other side in emergency situations(2005). The whole thrust of these mechanisms is premised upon to err on side of caution to avert air shoot-down. So, it could be safely concluded that use of force in case of air-intrusion is possible only when such position is contemplated, communicated and publicised, as such action is in violation of operative clauses under India-China agreements which needs to be explicitly revoked(on assumption that they have already not been revoked).
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तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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Fobs in tawang dist are the most well connected post even better then ladakh. But apart from from tawang rest of arunachal we are foooooked...
Does this mean this clash at Tawang is a feint and the real move is elsewhere ?


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May 30, 2019
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Let me preface this by saying I am pro-Modi and pro-BJP.

I don't understand the logic behind our parliamentary system of governance. Any discussions are moot. Everyone votes on the party lines as for any important bills, parties issue a 3-line whip which has to be compulsorily followed by all party members.

So even if they discuss all day long, everyone is still going to vote the party lines. Extending this logic, what is the need of having so many people attend parliament on a daily basis? I mean it is all a numbers game, any party which has a clear majority will get its bills passed. So why have these parliamentary sessions, instead should we not let the ruling government prove majority once (or whenever needed) and then let them work in peace? Maybe have question/answer sessions but discussions on bills seems totally irrelevant to me

