India-China Border conflict


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Jul 22, 2020
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power grid cyber attacks are more dangerous because, during a power outages, it's the economy that bleeds.
As for NATGRID, I don't know.
I still remember when UIDAI claimed that Aadhar database was unhackable but eventually it was compromised due to a faulty patch.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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The Twang Fight in Arunachal Pradesh 2021

Chinese did capture Twang in 1962 and then vacated it. At that time they were about to expel all Dalai Lama supporters but then they relented and withdrew.

Then in 2020, they found Indian Army relaxed and stationed in the depth area when they stuck with nail studded base ball bats at Galwan. They probably had been planning it for years and they found the opening. The Covid-19 outbreak all over the world when the focus was on the disease prevention, Chinese executed an attack on unarmed Indian soldiers with nail studded bats. Twenty Indian lives were lost, mostly by cold water drowning. Forward Indian troops recovered and in a night fist fight killed a few dozen Chinese (they admit only 4). Soon Indian troops discovered that Chinese have occupied a few areas in Pangong Lake, Hotspring and Gogra etc. forward positions a few miles ahead. In a sudden move India occupied the heights above these areas and rendered all Chinese moves pointless. From heights India could destroy all Chinese forward moves. Again Chinese relented and began the slow negotiation process which is still incomplete.

The above was a side show to distract India. In fact they really wanted to capture Twang in Arunachal Pradesh again which is the birth place of the current Dalai Lama and could provide the next Dalai Lama. Hence Twang is very important for the Chinese. They began to make their moves in August/September of 2021 on mountain top feature about 35 miles North East of Twang. This hill feature at 17,000 feet is occupied by India and serves as a look-sea mountain top, both for Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh. Just before the snow fell, they wished to occupy and they made their move September end. They crept forward thinking nobody will notice their moves. They did not succeed. Rather they came face to face with Indian troops who intercepted them well before they reach the top. Faced with these odds Chinese withdrew.

How did India knew these Chinese moves. …… Any smart general or forward area colonel will know the importance of this hill feature. From its top, you see Twang and SeLa on Indian side. For Indian troops, there is a clear view of lot Tibet and Chinese moves on other side of McMahon Line. Hence, the most sophisticated and secretive surveillance system was activated by India. Also India broke thru the Chinese GPS system and became aware of every Chinese move. Drones flying overhead, unseen by naked eye as well as radar kept a watch on all Chinese moves. The Chinese became aware only when patrol going to the hill feature was intercepted. That told them their tactical movements have been compromised. They withdrew the forward patrol party (also snow made it impossible to proceed), turned off the GPS system and posted look outs to hear and see drones flying overhead. That face to face fight as happened in Galwan was avoided because the Chinese forward commander quickly withdrew.

Now there is no room for Chinese to make another attempt because all routes are snow covered. Also the Chinese found that India has outsmarted them technically with surveillance and outsmarted them for a fist fight.

Chinese will not tell the world about this face to face loss as they consider themselves invincible but by shear guts and courage Indian troops beat their secret plan to occupy the hill feature. The Indians won the day.

Now the next attempt to occupy this hill feature or something similar will be in June of next year when the snow melts. By then a lot more American and Israeli surveillance equipment will be in Indian hands. That will sure defeat any new Chinese attempt.

Good work India.
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Oct 15, 2021
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Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Aadhar Data Breach :
UIDAI claims:
if I recall this was a case of unsecured data outside of UIDAI database, there was a data breach but not from the core database.

This is why the debate on anonymisation of data started, which In turn is linked to data protection bill.

this whole data security is a cat and mouse game, one side keeps outplaying the other.


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Jun 16, 2020
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This is good analysis. The General highlights importance of artillery which is quite right. I would like to use artillery on concentrated Chinese forces. But, I would want armour and infantry to roll through whole Tibet and reach Chinese mainland.
Chinese with a lot of stress on firepower probably wouldn't be so effective in Himalayas. Even though we used a lot of artillery in Kargil, it took infantry to dislodge the infiltrators. Lots of firepower without infantry in Himalayas might not be effective.