India-China Border conflict


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May 31, 2020
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He is nt a Indian citizen . He is German and lives in Germany .

This was the time whn LAC tension was all over international media . And china was peddling its propaganda saying removal of 370 destablized border .

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:hmm: he has a white girlfriend you know , shouldnt dismiss him that easily.

maybe true.

there was a report 1/2 year back i think , we successfully infiltrated chinese foreign affairs ministry using fake website.

Abdus Salem killed

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Mar 10, 2021
Someone is worried about India's potential alliances a lot!
How will an alliance between two of the largest militaries in the world and both nuclear powers be beneficial for China ???!!!

Alliance with US will crush India’s great power fantasies
By Qian FengPublished: Nov 01, 2021 06:03 PM

US, India Illustration: Chen Xia/GT

US, India Illustration: Chen Xia/GT

Former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley and Republican congressman Michael Waltz recently published a co-signed article in Foreign Policy entitled "It's Time to Formalize an Alliance With India." The article suggested that since the disastrous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the diplomatic performance of the Biden administration has only disappointed many allies. It also noted US "adversaries are growing bolder." Thus "An upgrade is urgently needed," Haley and Waltz wrote.

The article highlighted that India has powerful armed forces and a long history of cooperation with the US. The two countries share many common values. India is also a nuclear power. A US-India alliance can have many advantages. "Just as our alliances with NATO, Japan, and South Korea transformed US security in the 20th century, an alliance with India would help keep us safe in the 21st century," the authors declared, while suggesting a US-India alliance would allow both countries to expand their global strength and counter China.


This is whats worrying them:

It’s Time to Formalize an Alliance With India

A U.S.-India alliance would allow both countries to expand their global strength.

By Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017 and the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from 2017 to 2019, and Mike Waltz, the congressman for Florida’s sixth congressional district, a member on the House Armed Services Committee, and vice chair of the India Caucus.

U.S. President Joe Biden (right) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi participate in a bilateral meeting at the White House in Washington on Sept. 24. SARAH BETH MANEY/POOL/GETTY IMAGES
OCTOBER 25, 2021, 5:31 PM
In February, U.S. President Joe Biden declared, “diplomacy is back at the center of our foreign policy” and “we will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again.” Nine months into his presidency, the opposite has happened—and the United States’ adversaries are taking advantage of the situation.
Consider our allies: We witnessed ministers in the British Parliament publicly rebuke Biden in the aftermath of our disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. France recalled its ambassador in an extraordinary move. We’ve isolated our Eastern European allies by capitulating to Germany over the construction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Meanwhile, our adversaries are growing bolder, especially following the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. An axis of terror is forming from Hamas to Iran to the Taliban. Pakistan has stepped up its engagement with Iran. China has increased its incursions into Taiwan’s air identification zone to record levels. Russia is increasing its influence in Belarus and further threatening Ukraine.
Is this really the best “diplomacy” and “engagement” the United States can muster? Of course not. Instead of insulting our friends and ignoring our foes, the United States should prioritize relationships that strengthen our standing in the world.

The place to start is India. It’s time to form an alliance.

Some of it true no alliance only intrests


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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If you are dropping to a high altitude location, you would still have to acclimatize no? And that would limit the takeoff location to Leh/Thoise?
Logically, yes. Airbases, no.
Acclimitised soldiers can be flown from NE or Central frontier by helicopters. Or C-130J/An-32 can land and take-off from short ALGs serving these sectors so we have a lot of places to bring acclimatized soldiers.

Acclimatization can also be sped up by using medicines like Diamox and periodic oxygen support in case of any emergency scenario.

Get ready for counter attack.
Ours was the counter-attack.


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May 20, 2021
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About a month ago when Indian Army and Chinese PLA patrol parties stood face to face against each other for hours along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Arunachal Pradesh, China's motive was to control a 17,000 feet high peak that provides commandeering view on both sides of the border.

Strategic worth:

* Situated along the LAC in Arunachal Pradesh, the peak has immense strategic significance.

* Provides commanding view on both sides of the border.

* India controls access routes to the top on its side of the border.

During the recent tension when the PLA made an attempt at an area called Yangtse, 35 km northeast of Tawang, its patrol parties came close to one of the access routes of the Indian Army to the top of the peak. The attempt was thwarted and the area is now under snow and will remain so till March.

The peak provides a commanding view of Tibet across the LAC. India is in firm control to the top and its access routes from own side.
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Apr 16, 2015
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Oct 15, 2021
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To be frank, I don't trust this news.

According to my 2 cents, this article is just a fucking tool that CCP would use to justify cyber attacks on India. I don't want to admit this but they are way ahead in cyber defense/attacks. Their capabilities are as deadly as Israelis in this sector.

Here are a few articles for further reference,


New Member
May 20, 2021
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To be frank, I don't trust this news.

According to my 2 cents, this article is just a fucking tool that CCP would use to justify cyber attacks on India. I don't want to admit this but they are way ahead in cyber defense/attacks. Their capabilities are as deadly as Israelis in this sector.

Here are a few articles for further reference,

Ever heard of Dropping Elephant?


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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What kind of missile detachments we can drop from C-130 or An32 ?

Airborne troops were inserted to a Drop Zone at an altitude of 14000 feet plus. Pre-acclimatised troops along with specialist vehicles and missile detachments were transported via C-130 and AN 32 aircrafts from five different mounting bases to validate inter-theatre move: Sources

Precision stand-off drops, rapid grouping & capture of designated objs with speed & surprise. The drop was particularly challenging due to the low temperatures of upto minus 20 degrees and rarefied atmosphere in super high altitude terrain.

The exercise also involves conduct of Oxygen Combat Free Fall jumps and integrated battle drills by Airborne forces, mechanised columns and attack helicopters, validating capabilities and seamless integration, say Army Sources


New Member
Oct 15, 2021
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Private Power Grids are vulnerable, let them try with NATGRID.
power grid cyber attacks are more dangerous because, during a power outages, it's the economy that bleeds.
As for NATGRID, I don't know.
I still remember when UIDAI claimed that Aadhar database was unhackable but eventually it was compromised due to a faulty patch.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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power grid cyber attacks are more dangerous because, during a power outages, it's the economy that bleeds.
As for NATGRID, I don't know.
I still remember when UIDAI claimed that Aadhar database was unhackable but eventually it was compromised due to a faulty patch.
By NATGRID, I meant, National Grid which is a Power Grid owned company.

Revisit my reply.

