India-China Border conflict

tribendra bisoi.

New Member
Jun 5, 2022
Taiwan doesn’t need to go nuclear, a thousand cruise missiles launched into mainland China across major cities In retaliation will bring CCP down. CCP’s strength is not it’s military, it’s the perception of being strong. CCP’s proposition for decades to Chinese people is that, you give us power we give you security, that’s the deal.

If CCP is not able to secure mainland China, the deal is off. The rumblings will start.
The way they reacted to covid proves this point . The image of invincibility must be maintained . This they keep a watch even when dealing with foreign countries . Like they ll talk tough in front of press but ll talk normal behind the screen in diplomat meetings .


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May 31, 2020
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Tanvi Madan asked the question.

saw Chinese phoren minister on weibo recently refer to the LAC situation as 'stabilised' , same as Indian side .

👀 i think we all know what that means. nothing happening except for talks .


:| old pic of PLA enjoying the famous hotsprings near LAC gogra.

in old times this spot was used by travellers , by both sides . entire area including aksai chin should have been atleast a demilitarized buffer zone . now its firmly in chinese control.


:dude: sweet exchange conducted nearby on newyears day



New Member
Mar 11, 2021
What technology does China actually have that Indian entrepreneurs cannot catch up to? Most of the tech China has is well known and nowhere near the dominant tech western countries possess. Doing everything in large quantities is not technology, btw. Indians have complete capability to develop air breathing engines and therefore hypersonic capabilities. Indian private companies can certainly trail blaze in drones. Some like Skyroot Aerospace in Hyderabad just built the first private cryogenic engine to launch small satellites. Check out their Vikram 1/2/3 launch vehicles and the cool new tech that has gone into those. There are several aerospace and hardware tech companies funded by top VCs in the world. They are not going to fund unless the underlying team is brilliant and the tech is feasible. The biggest thing the Indian government did in defense manufacturing is allowed private companies. And Indian private companies are very good at building feasible, hi-tech products at scale. anyone who underestimates the tech that is now going to come from Indian startups and established businesses is doing so at their own peril. The Modi government has successfully pivoted the slow, inefficient government departments to effectively partner with private companies to innovate and scale rapidly. Just look at the rapid aerospace ecosystem developing in India. Just look at Bangalore - it used to be just known for IT outsourcing but now it is fast becoming a globally known innovation center with one of the largest VC investments in the world flowing there every year. Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad are going to compete well with top Chinese cities soon as very good cities to attract top global talent and work in. The infrastructure in many parts of these cities are now world class and comparable to developed nations. India only need 5 or 6 cities with world class infrastructure to attract and retain global talent and that is very much happening. And that is why the tech gap will lessen as most of China’s tech comes from inefficient capital deployed by CCP owned state companies who are never going to be as efficient as private innovation.
And the western world now trusts Indian companies with advanced defense tech - a big, big plus. China has no chance of winning the trust of the original tech holders like Japan, Russia, and the West. so, yes In companies will leapfrog in tech rapidly and the current edge in Chinese tech in some areas is going to be fast closing. That is why the CCP is paranoid. They know what is coming their way and they are putting up a false bravado with all these border skirmishes. Commies are good at hiding things and putting on a smokescreen of development, just like Chinese with all those empty buildings and hugely loss making HSR just to show smokescreen GDP numbers. Think Soviet Union - first to reach space and developer of several key defense tech, yet still collapsed due to similar strategies.
‘Indian innovation is going to reach a critical mass very soon and that is when the fun is going to begin as one key tech after another gets rolled out in rapid succession.

Technical advancement is harder than your phenomenon.

Oh, you mentioned Air Breathing Engines, can you tell us how far Kaveri Engine is in development,

When will it be installed on iAF planes? When will India produce engines of WS-15 class ?

I haven't had a chance to talk about aerospace, manned deep submarine, unmanned aerial vehicles, artificial intelligence, green energy, quantum communications, high speed rail, resource exploration, automation, superconductivity, electronics, nuclear technology, lasers


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Technical advancement is harder than your phenomenon.

Oh, you mentioned Air Breathing Engines, can you tell us how far Kaveri Engine is in development,

When will it be installed on iAF planes? When will India produce engines of WS-15 class ?

I haven't had a chance to talk about aerospace, manned deep submarine, unmanned aerial vehicles, artificial intelligence, green energy, quantum communications, high speed rail, resource exploration, automation, superconductivity, electronics, nuclear technology, lasers
Correct me if i was wrong, 70% of Indian mobile phone market is owned by Indian local brands?
80% of India local solar energy equipment owned by Indian local brands?
75% of world civil drone market owned by a Indan brand named Dajiang Innovatives?


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Correct me If Iam wrong that 99% of Chinese electronic equipments and defence technologies are reverse engineered from Western nation's technologies.

Correct if Iam wrong that, 99% of Han Chinese Companies are Technology and IP thieves.

Stealing and Boasting is what Han Chinese are best at.
Aug 17, 2020
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Correct me If Iam wrong that 99% of Chinese electronic equipments and defence technologies are reverse engineered from Western nation's technologies.

Correct if Iam wrong that, 99% of Han Chinese Companies are Technology and IP thieves.

Stealing and Boasting is what Han Chinese are best at.
Whether they stole it or not, will that matter in war?


New Member
May 20, 2021
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In fact it is smart rather re inventing the wheel it saves time, money. Let others do the heavy lifting.
Indians on the other hand achieve neither full development cycle or production.
I think this should be taken in a different way.

China reverse engineer technologies of both Russian and Western countries with impunity and they don't fear any consequences.

India and others can't do it even if they want to, because we are bound with signed agreements. And as a "moral" nation India do follow the protocols.

If we do the unauthorised Reverse Engineering than we can say good bye to the next deal with that company/country.

That's why we have and rely only on licensed copies here.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Correct me If Iam wrong that 99% of Chinese electronic equipments and defence technologies are reverse engineered from Western nation's technologies.

Correct if Iam wrong that, 99% of Han Chinese Companies are Technology and IP thieves.

Stealing and Boasting is what Han Chinese are best at.
i doubt this will be the case in few years . or maybe a decade .

they have made great stride in several areas.

u dont launch a space station or a moon rover with simple copy-paste. their moon rover is still operational - still fucking around on moon surface for some years now.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Correct me if i was wrong, 70% of Indian mobile phone market is owned by Indian local brands?
80% of India local solar energy equipment owned by Indian local brands?

75% of world civil drone market owned by a Indan brand named Dajiang Innovatives?
What can we say? cheap sh*t sells, cheap junk is your specialty :truestory:

Oh and btw Adani is moving in quickly into the solar panel and other renewables market, also, the Govt has banned the import of quadcopters and other drones in Feb 2022, by-bye DJI :troll:

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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i doubt this will be the case in few years . or maybe a decade .

they have made great stride in several areas.

u dont launch a space station or a moon rover with simple copy-paste. their moon rover is still operational - still fucking around on moon surface for some years now.
Not true; once the Chinese industry and populace gets hooked to copies of western goods whether they get legally of reverse engineer then it is very hard to get over it. Nothing in space station or moon is their own. It is stolen, copied or reverse engineered. That is why everything Chinese in the Western world is cheap but breaks down more often than anything properly researched, engineered and tested over ay number of years, locally made.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Not true; once the Chinese industry and populace gets hooked to copies of western goods whether they get legally of reverse engineer then it is very hard to get over it. Nothing in space station or moon is their own. It is stolen, copied or reverse engineered. That is why everything Chinese in the Western world is cheap but breaks down more often than anything properly researched, engineered and tested over ay number of years, locally made.
Nothing in space station or moon is their own

i know they copy a lot of shit , but where did they copy the moon rover from ?


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Correct me If Iam wrong that 99% of Chinese electronic equipments and defence technologies are reverse engineered from Western nation's technologies.

Correct if Iam wrong that, 99% of Han Chinese Companies are Technology and IP thieves.
Most of the stuff is made in China itself by Chinese companies with only name brand and design of western, japanese or korean companies being applied, TLDR outsourcing.
So it just happens that the Chinese factory owner can just produce clones of the stuff he produces for his client companies with the tacit backing of his govt when nobody's looking.

The cuckold name-brand foreign company clients don't actually care about this and can do fuck all about it.

They aren't stealing anything, it's being given to them on a platter.

There are things that they can't get meanwhile like DRAM tech, the knowhow and machines for manufacturing the latest 3nm or whatever chips, jet engine tech( made progress in this because it's a military first issue ), and your flat screen tech, OLED or MicroLED or whatever else is new, it's done by the koreans mainly.

These guys are playing the game on easy mode for a long time, courtesy greedy first world corporates and their political puppets.

