India-China Border conflict

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Think about it before leaping to the keyboard.
So you want a escalation with the Chinese?
15 rounds of talks sir , no less have been conducted between the Indians and Chinese.
They surely got the message after galwan .
As far as preparations for war is concerned , we have got time , we must utilise it and i belive we are already doing it.

Joe Shearer

New Member
Aug 15, 2009
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So you want a escalation with the Chinese?
15 rounds of talks sir , no less have been conducted between the Indians and Chinese.
They surely got the message after galwan .
As far as preparations for war is concerned , we have got time , we must utilise it and i belive we are already doing it.
So what year am I suggesting there should be a plan for action?

Joe Shearer

New Member
Aug 15, 2009
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I just felt little agitated when you said that we should not concentrate on holding land , that's why replied.
I suggest you do not reply, and if you HAVE to reply, drink some cold water first. Try not to reply in a state of agitation.

What was suggested is completely different from what you have understood. It was suggested not to go to war to gain a few extra square kilometres of land. Not that we should give up what we hold.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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I suggest you do not reply, and if you HAVE to reply, drink some cold water first. Try not to reply in a state of agitation.

What was suggested is completely different from what you have understood. It was suggested not to go to war to gain a few extra square kilometres of land. Not that we should give up what we hold.


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
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I suggest you do not reply, and if you HAVE to reply, drink some cold water first. Try not to reply in a state of agitation.

What was suggested is completely different from what you have understood. It was suggested not to go to war to gain a few extra square kilometres of land. Not that we should give up what we hold.
Can agree with this. IMO, PoK is non negotiable as a short term goal - If you have capability, and you find a reason, then go for it. Aksai chin, is a long term goal. Wait till china messes up with some other major power, and let them drag each other down before involving yourself.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Can agree with this. IMO, PoK is non negotiable as a short term goal - If you have capability, and you find a reason, then go for it. Aksai chin, is a long term goal. Wait till china messes up with some other major power, and let them drag each other down before involving yourself.
And this will give us time to improve civilian infra also , its a pity that ladkah still has no access to 4g internet.
And many places on the border have no access to electricity , while chinese are building modern villages all along. Which can double up as troop barracks etc populating the areas with han people.

Joe Shearer

New Member
Aug 15, 2009
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Can agree with this. IMO, PoK is non negotiable as a short term goal - If you have capability, and you find a reason, then go for it. Aksai chin, is a long term goal. Wait till china messes up with some other major power, and let them drag each other down before involving yourself.
Makes sense, but the people there will be an added security liability. I would rather nibble away at Baltistan, the portions that remain with them. You will recall that Turtuk came into our hands in 1971. It is preferable to the poisoned apple of POK.

Second, Aksai Chin should never have been a goal, and should not be a future goal. The security of Ladakh, if it can be secured by a proper treaty (there has only been one proper treaty in those parts), should be our goal; unfortunately, today, it is rather closely linked to Aksai Chin. On the east, we must get their recognition of our boundary lines.

On the bigger picture, their entire claim to Tibet - for that matter, historically, their weak positions for Gansu and Qing Hai, not to mention the status of Amdo and Kham - is a weak point that we have never addressed, leave alone hammered.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Makes sense, but the people there will be an added security liability. I would rather nibble away at Baltistan, the portions that remain with them. You will recall that Turtuk came into our hands in 1971. It is preferable to the poisoned apple of POK.

Second, Aksai Chin should never have been a goal, and should not be a future goal. The security of Ladakh, if it can be secured by a proper treaty (there has only been one proper treaty in those parts), should be our goal; unfortunately, today, it is rather closely linked to Aksai Chin. On the east, we must get their recognition of our boundary lines.

On the bigger picture, their entire claim to Tibet - for that matter, historically, their weak positions for Gansu and Qing Hai, not to mention the status of Amdo and Kham - is a weak point that we have never addressed, leave alone hammered.
But sir , don't baltistanis have anti india sentiments ?
Like people from azad kashmir area have anti india sentiments. That's why I guess you said it as poisoned apple.

Joe Shearer

New Member
Aug 15, 2009
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But sir , don't baltistanis have anti india sentiments ?
Like people from azad kashmir area have anti india sentiments. That's why I guess you said it as poisoned apple.
They are fewer and milder. If we really have to step out of our comfort zone, it should be Baltistan, the remainder, and nothing more.

pankaj nema

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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They are fewer and milder. If we really have to step out of our comfort zone, it should be Baltistan, the remainder, and nothing more.
Sir , I don't think that the people and societies of India , Pakistan and China can accept Thousands of casualties like Russia

So there will never be any war as long as India has sufficient deterrence to prevent a two front attack

Both Pakistan and China want Easy victories

A strong conventional deterrence
Can prevent War

Even Chinese Agression against Taiwan seems unlikely

Joe Shearer

New Member
Aug 15, 2009
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Sir , I don't think that the people and societies of India , Pakistan and China can accept Thousands of casualties like Russia

So there will never be any war as long as India has sufficient deterrence to prevent a two front attack

Both Pakistan and China want Easy victories

A strong conventional deterrence
Can prevent War

Even Chinese Agression against Taiwan seems unlikely
You have a good point. I can discuss this with you, if you like, later in the day, to explain my contrary point of view.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Sir , I don't think that the people and societies of India , Pakistan and China can accept Thousands of casualties like Russia

So there will never be any war as long as India has sufficient deterrence to prevent a two front attack

Both Pakistan and China want Easy victories

A strong conventional deterrence
Can prevent War

Even Chinese Agression against Taiwan seems unlikely
I would say India and Pakistan are used to having casualties, not in thousands but we have been losing number of lives to terrorism & skirmishes for a while now.

Indian people will accept casualties as long as the war is justified, an example would be if we are defending our territories, like in Galwan. The opposition went on a tangent but the people were more or less angry at Chinese than at our govt. I suspect most people would have backed the govt if they went for a short skirmish against the Chinese at that point.
On offensive, it depends on the govt to build the narrative and sell it to the people. The govt will need to spend lot of political capital to justify when the bodies start coming.

Not sure about how the chinese people would react.
similar to us few thousands dead would not begin to make a dent in their population but I suspect Chinese people are NOT as used to their people being killed in battle as Indians are.
The current generation of Chinese who are entering adulthood seem pretty soft, looking at the kind of kpop culture and effeminate men being the popular trend.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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I would say India and Pakistan are used to having casualties, not in thousands but we have been losing number of lives to terrorism & skirmishes for a while now.

Indian people will accept casualties as long as the war is justified, an example would be if we are defending our territories, like in Galwan. The opposition went on a tangent but the people were more or less angry at Chinese than at our govt. I suspect most people would have backed the govt if they went for a short skirmish against the Chinese at that point.
On offensive, it depends on the govt to build the narrative and sell it to the people. The govt will need to spend lot of political capital to justify when the bodies start coming.

Not sure about how the chinese people would react.
similar to us few thousands dead would not begin to make a dent in their population but I suspect Chinese people are NOT as used to their people being killed in battle as Indians are.
The current generation of Chinese who are entering adulthood seem pretty soft, looking at the kind of kpop culture and effeminate men being the popular trend.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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You have a good point. I can discuss this with you, if you like, later in the day, to explain my contrary point of view.
This should not be cause of concern sir , in my opinion.
India can bear casualties and so can Pakistan.
It wont be first time when we will lose thousands of men .

effective control of media in wartime can be helpful though, like the points mentioned in this order are followed while keeping in mind the modern conditions.