India-China Border conflict


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Dec 2, 2009
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The army knows better than you on how to handle such situations . There is a reason why our enemies are still at bay and only resorting to sub conventional tactics . Our army has great experience in operating russian weaponry or infact any weapon of any origin as we have seen in previous wars when centurions fought alongside our T55s and Su7s fough alongside Folland Gnats . Army and Air force are always ready to give a response to the enemy despite varying levels of operational deficiencies which are to be overcome within this decade . Right now we have a comprehensive plan and deployment structure to deter chinese misadventures and war games are being held periodically to determine the efficacy of our new plans . One more thing , Russian troops are conscripts , our troops are not . There is a difference in Quality of troops between india and russia . Our soldiers are not forced to fight like how russia is forcing its conscripts to fight
So you don't need to view the current situation in such a critical way
I truly hope so and hope you are better informed than I am. Regardless of capability, our armed forces are always shackled by the gutless MOD and govt. One such recent example is the Kargil war where IA/IAF were told not to cross the LOC. What was the need to maintain one-sided sanctity on the LOC while the other side had clearly violated it which was the very genesis for the war. It then turned into a meat grinder before the duffers on the west cut their losses and ran. We gained no territory and instead were forced to fight a war on our own land, which is a morale killer for any professional military.

Granted we are very resourceful and absolute champs at jugaad, but there is only so far we can go without the right equipment. Make no mistake, the West will not support us tooth and nail like it did with a European blond/blue Ukarine. At best they will mouth some platitudes of support and at worst be neutral/conduct business as usual with CCP. I dont think we will have the luxury of expending freely donated Javelins/NLAWs at PLA armored columns. So I am cynical about our prospects when sh.t hits the fan!


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Nov 23, 2014
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I have been wondering how come there is increased cases in Chin and korea when everywhere things are getting better with covid? EVen at the peak of covid ccp was posting an random# between 1 to 100 on everyday case counter. Now all of sudden they have started reporting more numbers. :confused1:

How come delta-cron or whatever ppl call started spreading and affecting factories now?


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Apr 17, 2014
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I have been wondering how come there is increased cases in Chin and korea when everywhere things are getting better with covid? EVen at the peak of covid ccp was posting an random# between 1 to 100 on everyday case counter. Now all of sudden they have started reporting more numbers. :confused1:

How come delta-cron or whatever ppl call started spreading and affecting factories now?
Those who know won't tell.. if the world wasn't busy with other shit right now we would be scared of whatever variant is hitting east Asia.

Angel of War

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Nov 14, 2021
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‘Boastfully stated something which should be kept secret.
lol , it's nothing to be kept secret about . Have I revealed my dad's ID ? These are general things which can be shared without any concern . So go and mind your own buisness please

Angel of War

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Nov 14, 2021
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I truly hope so and hope you are better informed than I am. Regardless of capability, our armed forces are always shackled by the gutless MOD and govt.
Agreed , MOD and GoI have disappointed the armed forces many times . It is the IAS beaureaucrats there which have corrupted the entire ministry along with lazy defence civillians .
One such recent example is the Kargil war where IA/IAF were told not to cross the LOC. What was the need to maintain one-sided sanctity on the LOC while the other side had clearly violated it which was the very genesis for the war. It then turned into a meat grinder before the duffers on the west cut their losses and ran. We gained no territory and instead were forced to fight a war on our own land, which is a morale killer for any professional military.
the decision to not cross the LoC was to prevent an international response and to portray pakistan as an aggressor , that move was done purely to get international sympathy . Either way the war would have gotten over certainly
Granted we are very resourceful and absolute champs at jugaad, but there is only so far we can go without the right equipment.
you're partially correct here , we are defficient in some areas as i have indeed admitted in my previous post but that's not too large or critical to give PLA complete superiority over us , in short , we are not rich , but we are not broke too
Make no mistake, the West will not support us tooth and nail like it did with a European blond/blue Ukarine. At best they will mouth some platitudes of support and at worst be neutral/conduct business as usual with CCP. I dont think we will have the luxury of expending freely donated Javelins/NLAWs at PLA armored columns. So I am cynical about our prospects when sh.t hits the fan!
Army planners already know that and we are not hopeless either ( very fine steps have been taken to defeat chink armour). But first of all , don't expect PLA to launch Corps level thrusts( or combined arms army as they call it ) . The largest formation which can cross into our side would be a heavy combined arms brigade of the PLA as they don't have dedicated armored brigades . These briagdes have some 3 combined arms battalions each having 31 tanks in two tank companies and the other two being light / mounted / mechanised / motorised infantry depending upon the terrain where they operate . Even spanggur gap isn't wide enough to allow a multi brigade thrust into india and if a follow up attack is to come then it will most likely be done in a linear fashion than a lateral one which will give us more time to take decisions and prepare our defences or to launch a counter offensive , our amroured brigades too are no less than their combined arms brigades , they too have multiple combst arms in them including an engineer squadron , two armored battalions , two mechanised battalions and one arty battalion and a supply company , so our current structure for armoured briagdes and mech brigades rivals the structure of PLA heavy combined arms brigades but reform is needed in our infantry brigade structure to make them more inclusive of engineer elements . Our anti tank assets have been bolstered as you must have heard in the news with BDL being given an order for thousands of Konkurs and Milan missiles in the past few months . So all i wanna say is - who needs javelins when you have konkurs ( i know it's inferior to javelin lol)😊
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New Member
Aug 19, 2009
reform is needed in our infantry brigade structure to make them more inclusive of engineer elements . Our anti tank assets have been bolstered as you must have heard in the news with BDL being given an order for thousands of Konkurs and Milan missiles in the past few months . So all i wanna say is - who needs javelins when you have konkurs ( i know it's inferior to javelin lol)😊
What engineering elements are needed? I would argue for more artillery systems. Besides I prefer konkurs and milans for one simple reason - them US bastards can't sanction those weapons. It would be India's weapon and India would be free to manufacture them as much as she needs to. With Javelin, you are beholden to the US.


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May 31, 2020
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No , div arty is integrated with all infantry brigades in a division but not every brigade is integrated with an engineer field company
do we have radar ground stations in eastern ladakh or AP ?

Chinese are making them all over the place across LAC .

wonder y we cant build a radar station on a peak at Leh