India-China Border conflict

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
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Mar 24, 2009
Can 130 + tanks be flanked and overrun that easily?
We need to remember that tanks and vehicles will be deployed in mountain plateau.
Vehicles will have no cover and sometimes will have narrow pass. These vehicles will be picked off easily by drones and attack helicopters at sand of range.
They will also be vulnerable to cluster munition from stand-off weapons.
Tanks and any other vehicles are sitting ducks.
Both countries suffer from this disadvantages hence their won't be much mechanized assault.


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Dec 2, 2009
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Depsang + anything we lost in 2020 is a goner and will hang in limbo for another 50+ years. Vishwaguru is Chacha 2.0. All talk and philosophy! Situation with IAF is pitiful. MMRCA/MRFA not wrapped up even after 8 years of 56" rule and 2 years after Galwan. The way Russian equipment has performed in Ukraine is frightening. Nothing can convince me that we can handle Russian equipment better than Russians themselves can!! I shudder to think about a 2 front situation :facepalm:

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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Folks if anyone has time then pls answer
1)what are the areas PLA is holding which they snatched in 2020
2)what are the areas which we got back or pushed them which they had snatched in 2020
Pls with bit clarity too much of confusion 😕

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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Depsang + anything we lost in 2020 is a goner and will hang in limbo for another 50+ years. Vishwaguru is Chacha 2.0. All talk and philosophy! Situation with IAF is pitiful. MMRCA/MRFA not wrapped up even after 8 years of 56" rule and 2 years after Galwan. The way Russian equipment has performed in Ukraine is frightening. Nothing can convince me that we can handle Russian equipment better than Russians themselves can!! I shudder to think about a 2 front situation :facepalm:
I have an idea, let's the best and buy from the west

not so dravidian

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Feb 3, 2021
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Depsang + anything we lost in 2020 is a goner and will hang in limbo for another 50+ years. Vishwaguru is Chacha 2.0. All talk and philosophy! Situation with IAF is pitiful. MMRCA/MRFA not wrapped up even after 8 years of 56" rule and 2 years after Galwan. The way Russian equipment has performed in Ukraine is frightening. Nothing can convince me that we can handle Russian equipment better than Russians themselves can!! I shudder to think about a 2 front situation :facepalm:
Despang very intact, but despang plains gone forever


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Can 130 + tanks be flanked and overrun that easily?
Can you provide some sort of explanation for that ?
:hmm: its not 100% accurate and its shitty but u get the idea of how we are at a disadvantage here .

green aka DBO road is our only route to 'DBO' , DBO goes up to karokaram pass , both are 'not' claimed by China but Pakistan.

red are chinese positions , see how they can cutoff the road via galwan valley - this is y 20 of our people died.

there are also 2 large PLA bases , (the red warning icon 'PLA Complex') , the one in top is only 30km from DBO , both have now shit load of troops , artillery and vehicles.

Check out Siachen glacier on left topo , pakistan has been after this a long time . a potential 2 front war here will see pakistan take siachen , china take DBO/depsang plains

yellow is our counter , its way on the other side of LAC across a mountain range , we can make a tunnel and create another road going upto DBO.

area where yellow,red,green meets is the depsang plains , the place labelled "y-junc" is where chinese are now , i think its obvious y this place is also important

if we cant make that yellow road , we will most likely get overrun quickly in DBO/depsang plains :headache:

Google Earth Pro_20220404_205906.png_stripped.png
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New Member
May 20, 2021
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:hmm: its not 100% accurate and its shitty but u get the idea of how we are at a disadvantage here .

green aka DBO road is our only route to 'DBO' , DBO goes up to karokaram pass , both are 'not' claimed by China but Pakistan.

red are chinese positions , see how they can cutoff the road via galwan valley - this is y 20 of our people died.

there are also 2 large PLA bases , (the red warning icon 'PLA Complex') , the one in top is only 30km from DBO , both have now shit load of troops , artillery and vehicles.

Check out Siachen glacier on left topo , pakistan has been after this a long time . a potential 2 front war here will see pakistan take siachen , china take DBO/depsang plains

yellow is our counter , its way on the other side of LAC across a mountain range , we can make a tunnel and create another road going upto DBO.

area where yellow,red,green meets is the depsang plains , the place labelled "y-junc" is where chinese are now , i think its obvious y this place is also important

View attachment 149134
We are at disadvantage at DBO for sure at this time being.


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Nov 23, 2014
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:hmm: its not 100% accurate and its shitty but u get the idea of how we are at a disadvantage here .

green aka DBO road is our only route to 'DBO' , DBO goes up to karokaram pass , both are 'not' claimed by China but Pakistan.

red are chinese positions , see how they can cutoff the road via galwan valley - this is y 20 of our people died.

there are also 2 large PLA bases , (the red warning icon 'PLA Complex') , the one in top is only 30km from DBO , both have now shit load of troops , artillery and vehicles.

Check out Siachen glacier on left topo , pakistan has been after this a long time . a potential 2 front war here will see pakistan take siachen , china take DBO/depsang plains

yellow is our counter , its way on the other side of LAC across a mountain range , we can make a tunnel and create another road going upto DBO.

area where yellow,red,green meets is the depsang plains , the place labelled "y-junc" is where chinese are now , i think its obvious y this place is also important

if we cant make that yellow road , we will most likely get overrun quickly in DBO/depsang plains :headache:

View attachment 149134
@mokoman Any idea if that yellow line is work in progress or not yet?

Angel of War

New Member
Nov 14, 2021
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Depsang + anything we lost in 2020 is a goner and will hang in limbo for another 50+ years. Vishwaguru is Chacha 2.0. All talk and philosophy! Situation with IAF is pitiful. MMRCA/MRFA not wrapped up even after 8 years of 56" rule and 2 years after Galwan. The way Russian equipment has performed in Ukraine is frightening. Nothing can convince me that we can handle Russian equipment better than Russians themselves can!! I shudder to think about a 2 front situation :facepalm:
The army knows better than you on how to handle such situations . There is a reason why our enemies are still at bay and only resorting to sub conventional tactics . Our army has great experience in operating russian weaponry or infact any weapon of any origin as we have seen in previous wars when centurions fought alongside our T55s and Su7s fough alongside Folland Gnats . Army and Air force are always ready to give a response to the enemy despite varying levels of operational deficiencies which are to be overcome within this decade . Right now we have a comprehensive plan and deployment structure to deter chinese misadventures and war games are being held periodically to determine the efficacy of our new plans . One more thing , Russian troops are conscripts , our troops are not . There is a difference in Quality of troops between india and russia . Our soldiers are not forced to fight like how russia is forcing its conscripts to fight
So you don't need to view the current situation in such a critical way