India-China Border conflict


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May 20, 2021
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our retarded 'china study group' thought a feeder road to galwan yjunc was a good idea - that china wouldnt retaliate ,
Weren't you the one who claimed in the past that there was no feeder road?


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May 31, 2020
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We will give it to them as a gift if they can conquer China and make it theirs.
we should one day just start calling CHINA as 'WEST TAIWAN'

no special announcement , just start refering to them as WEST TAIWAN .

Weren't you the one who claimed in the past that there was no feeder road?
there is no road upto pp14 . we were trying to build one .


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Sep 4, 2019
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1. That means we have lost the air battle and chinks won't be stupid enough to come in reach if our manpad nor we possess them in sufficient number either.
Yes, I'm assuming the worst case scenario here, but also, isn't it what we want?
In case we have lost the air battle, won't such a scenario prevent Chinis bringing their attack helicopters and ground attack fighters close to our infantry.

Of course, while it won't be enough to protect large bases, won't it be enough to protect detachments on a tactical level?

As for the sufficient numbers, I'm sure ordering them is not off the tables if they provide a definite advantage.

2. That also means no matter what we are going to loose a significant portion of our land because army won't be able to cover or hold on to land without air support.
Yes, as I said, assuming the worst case scenario.
Also, to add to my question, does one have to be at the exclusion of other?

Can't we maintain air cover AND provide MANPADs for when SHTF and the infantry, for whatever reason, comes under air attacks not due to absolute collapse of our ability to contest the airspace but due to temporary setbacks or because our assets are stretched thin?

Also, repeating one of my questions, how do high altitude areas (like LAC) impact an aircraft's navigation and targetting systems? (I remember reading somewhere that in higher altitudes, aircrafts have to get a bit closer to targets to bomb it accurately not entirely because of the elevated terrain itself, but also because systems behave differently at heights. Is that true? I don't actually remember if I read this about modern jets or WW2 era bombers :p)

If yes, what altitude do they have to descend at to actually strike the target accurately and would MANPADs pose any significant threat at that height?

Lastly, from what I understand, in case our S400s don't get knocked out right at the beginning of the war, wouldn't the Chinese air assets and missile want to hug the terrain while moving to avoid being hit anyways (especially in the Himalayas) and doesn't that make them susceptible to MANPADs as well?

I'm sorry for so many queries, but I'm an absolute noob regarding aerial combat, systems and tactics, so, with all due respect-

Start typing, you lazy, well read f*cks.


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
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Yes, I'm assuming the worst case scenario here, but also, isn't it what we want?
In case we have lost the air battle, won't such a scenario prevent Chinis bringing their attack helicopters and ground attack fighters close to our infantry.

Of course, while it won't be enough to protect bases, won't it be enough to protect detachments on a tactical level?

As for the sufficient numbers, I'm sure ordering them is not off the tables if they provide a definite advantage.

Yes, as I said, assuming the worst case scenario.
Also, to add to my question, does one have to be at the exclusion of other?

Can't we maintain air cover AND provide MANPADs for when SHTF and the infantry, for whatever reason, comes under air attacks not due to absolute collapse of our ability to contest the airspace but due to temporary setbacks or because our assets are stretched thin?

Also, repeating one of my questions, how do high altitude areas (like LAC) impact an aircraft's navigation and targetting systems? (I remember reading somewhere that in higher altitudes, aircrafts have to get a bit closer to targets to bomb it accurately not entirely because of the elevated terrain itself, but also because systems behave differently at heights. Is that true? I don't actually remember if I read this about modern jets or WW2 era bombers :p)

If yes, what altitude do they have to descend at to actually strike the target accurately and would MANPADs pose any significant threat at that height?

Lastly, from what I understand, in case our S400s don't get knocked out right at the beginning of the war, wouldn't the Chinese air assets and missile want to hug the terrain while moving to avoid being hit anyways (especially in the Himalayas) and doesn't that make them susceptible to MANPADs as well?

I'm sorry for so many queries, but I'm an absolute noob regarding aerial combat, systems and tactics, so, with all due respect-

Start typing, you lazy, well read f*cks.
1)MANPADs dont work that well against fighters. That is left to things like QRSAM, which are the point defence against high speed targets.

2) Worst case scenario, as long as our sats (or US sats if they give us intel, which is likely considering we have agreements for it) work, we can keep blowing up their air bases and prevent them from using AF to full extent. And if XRSAM gets made in time, we can prevent other strategies that work around this (like using far off bases with mid air refuelling).

3)No, only if they dont have good ground mapping tech AND poor sensors. In Kargil, when our sats were not great, we could not do accurate standoff bombings, but I would assume chinese have a decent map of the terrain (contours and stuff) by now.

4)Not exactly, but more or less. In mountains, tracking targets is hard as they disappear whenever a mountain gets in the way. They would have to stay lower than 20k ft, which is not much of an impediment honestly. But multiple radars and multiple batteries of sams positioned together and interconnected, could still track well enough to force them to go much lower. This is more likely to be with ERSAM/XRSAM combo than with s400, as we have full tech for them and can easily integrate.


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Jun 18, 2020
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I kind of laugh at idiots who keep saying "China cares about economy, they don't like wars.". There was a recent report about China's population statistics for the year 2021. They had 10.6 million births against 10.1 million deaths. That's a net population increase of just 480,000 in a country of 1.4 billion. Let that number sink in.
Chinese will not keep on waiting forever. They have to break the first island chain. And for that take over of Taiwan is necessary. If Xi Jinping does not take Taiwan before he steps down he will look like a duffer. Given the rate at which their country is aging the perfect time for war is now. The more they wait the more ground will be sleeping away from them. US and NATO will be arming themselves to the teeth because of events in Ukraine. Germany has signaled that already with 100 billion Euros defense budget which is unprecedented in post war Germany.

Joe Biden has not met with Xi yet. Joe doesn't look like a guy who will take tough decisions. The moment Xi gauges that weakness in Joe the clock will be ticking. War against Taiwan will definitely be a war against USA assuming if USA intervenes which it will surely have to and will. You don't wait until your population is grey to wage wars against great powers. You have to do when your country is still beaming with young blood. Whether you win or lose there will be massive losses in that great war. Not all young people will be dead regardless of the result. You need young blood to rebuild your country once the war is over. If most of your country's young people are dead in the war or crippled you won't have a country to build. In WW2 USSR and Germany faced massive losses with each estimated to have lost 20 million people. West Germany imported guest workers from Turkey and other European countries. Russia imported workers from USSR states. Still Russia hasn't recovered from WW2. Women outnumber men in Russia even to this day. Chinese definitely won't be importing any migrants from abroad. Even if they want to they will choose most likely from South East Asia. But they would need millions of them. So this is not a option for them.

I don't know but I am calling it here. By 2030 China will move against Taiwan. If they have any hope of taking over Taiwan it has to be done before 2030 or at the max 2035. And for India it will be a perfect time to settle scores and make sure our borders will be secured forever and extended. I am guessing Porki slaves will wage against India if India moves against China. So we will face a 2 front war scenario this decade.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Yes, I'm assuming the worst case scenario here, but also, isn't it what we want?
In case we have lost the air battle, won't such a scenario prevent Chinis bringing their attack helicopters and ground attack fighters close to our infantry.

Of course, while it won't be enough to protect large bases, won't it be enough to protect detachments on a tactical level?

As for the sufficient numbers, I'm sure ordering them is not off the tables if they provide a definite advantage.

Yes, as I said, assuming the worst case scenario.
Also, to add to my question, does one have to be at the exclusion of other?

Can't we maintain air cover AND provide MANPADs for when SHTF and the infantry, for whatever reason, comes under air attacks not due to absolute collapse of our ability to contest the airspace but due to temporary setbacks or because our assets are stretched thin?

Also, repeating one of my questions, how do high altitude areas (like LAC) impact an aircraft's navigation and targetting systems? (I remember reading somewhere that in higher altitudes, aircrafts have to get a bit closer to targets to bomb it accurately not entirely because of the elevated terrain itself, but also because systems behave differently at heights. Is that true? I don't actually remember if I read this about modern jets or WW2 era bombers :p)

If yes, what altitude do they have to descend at to actually strike the target accurately and would MANPADs pose any significant threat at that height?

Lastly, from what I understand, in case our S400s don't get knocked out right at the beginning of the war, wouldn't the Chinese air assets and missile want to hug the terrain while moving to avoid being hit anyways (especially in the Himalayas) and doesn't that make them susceptible to MANPADs as well?

I'm sorry for so many queries, but I'm an absolute noob regarding aerial combat, systems and tactics, so, with all due respect-

Start typing, you lazy, well read f*cks.
i like to read these as well , would be nice to collect these sort of analysis .

:hmm: wonder how an air battle would go , the chinese are building more air bases + will add more mid-air refueling tankers , J-20 , then there is the long range stealth bombers they will add in future + shit load of cruise missiles and rockets

Also, repeating one of my questions, how do high altitude areas (like LAC) impact an aircraft's navigation and targetting systems? (I remember reading somewhere that in higher altitudes, aircrafts have to get a bit closer to targets to bomb it accurately not entirely because of the elevated terrain itself, but also because systems behave differently at heights.

does it ? i dont think so , but i dont know much.