India-China Border conflict

Aug 17, 2020
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New Member
Apr 23, 2021
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see, wether you people agree or not, but we need rafales, they will give us 26 aircraft/year currently we are manufacturing very puny amt of aircrafts per year.

tejas mk1 is 4th gen

tejas mk1a will be 4.5 gen

and you people know, when iaf will order the mk2 they will try to get them at least price ==== not more than 16 aircraft per year.

that is grain of sand what chinks manufacture per year.


New Member
May 28, 2016
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Cozying up to China

This is also already being discussed, people think Myanmar are just chilling with Chinese in bed. The threat to our nation is very real. They can simply place MRBMs closer to us now. In fact, in an event of war, IA should be prepared to fight not 2 front but 3 front war. One with the Myanmar forces.


New Member
Apr 23, 2021
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This is also already being discussed, people think Myanmar are just chilling with Chinese in bed. The threat to our nation is very real. They can simply place MRBMs closer to us now. In fact, in an event of war, IA should be prepared to fight not 2 front but 3 front war. One with the Myanmar forces.
then fcuk the myanmar first then srilanka


New Member
May 28, 2016
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then fcuk the myanmar first then srilanka
We have the means to curb the lankans, in an event with 3 front war, lanka should be invaded and used as a formidable fortress just like Andaman. But Chinese port access to Myanmar changes everything. Myanmar port can act a proxy to watch Bay on Bengal. I hope we have already plan a, b and c in place.


New Member
Apr 23, 2021
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We have the means to curb the lankans, in an event with 3 front war, lanka should be invaded and used as a formidable fortress just like Andaman. But Chinese port access to Myanmar changes everything. Myanmar port can act a proxy to watch Bay on Bengal. I hope we have already plan a, b and c in place.
I dont think much can be done regarding Myanmar.

Btw, we are not proactive, we are reactive, when someone does kide then we react :dude:


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
Still think why we need more 4+ generation jets, and as urgently as possible ?
you put it nicely sherlock but forgot that china have stretched supply lines into tibet and Leh. All we need to do is cut those from behind and than we can hunt nicely. from both sides.

On paper, china is superior .. not even a single doubt but none of their machines are war tested ... while our whole arsenal is battle hardened and tested.

Another factor is motivated Army. Our nigga,s can handle these lady bois with not much effort.

Rest, I agree we need more rafaels.... bloddy GOI is busy doing chai biscoot with my taxees...i am ready to pay more but show me the equipment on ground...


New Member
Dec 2, 2009
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you put it nicely sherlock but forgot that china have stretched supply lines into tibet and Leh. All we need to do is cut those from behind and than we can hunt nicely. from both sides.

On paper, china is superior .. not even a single doubt but none of their machines are war tested ... while our whole arsenal is battle hardened and tested.

Another factor is motivated Army. Our nigga,s can handle these lady bois with not much effort.

Rest, I agree we need more rafaels.... bloddy GOI is busy doing chai biscoot with my taxees...i am ready to pay more but show me the equipment on ground...
But demographics will be our Achilles heel in the future. The rate at which the hindu society is going woke is a definite concern.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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you put it nicely sherlock but forgot that china have stretched supply lines into tibet and Leh. All we need to do is cut those from behind and than we can hunt nicely. from both sides.

On paper, china is superior .. not even a single doubt but none of their machines are war tested ... while our whole arsenal is battle hardened and tested.

Another factor is motivated Army. Our nigga,s can handle these lady bois with not much effort.

Rest, I agree we need more rafaels.... bloddy GOI is busy doing chai biscoot with my taxees...i am ready to pay more but show me the equipment on ground...
Many on this forum are in logic that we are not push over and can stop Chinese
And I respect your views as you all have valid logics and reasoning
But my view is that I can feel 1962 vibes after 5-6 years
Yes you all can call me pessimist idiot fool and get very angry on me and might even ban me
I am not an exfart too just a normal guy
But knowing our bureaucracy and leadership I am feeling we are pushing ourselves towards shameful defeat
That's it I might be wrong 😕 but we are heading towards it let's brace up becoz we are not doing anything either

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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You need to elaborate as why you think repeat of 62 is on cards . Per se, More important, what's your understanding of what happened in 1962 ... ?
Bro one is weapon superiority we were using 0.303 rifle and they were using type-56 and that to well equipped kits and more than that standardized today or after 5-6 years they will be much modernized (as we are seeing)
More than that china's balls and there is no difference between nehru and modi regarding China
Things are different but there firepower after 5-6 years will be too much more than us


New Member
Apr 13, 2021
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After this war India will be the biggest looser and china will be the biggest gainer

Russia will be able to purchase necessary microelectronics for space devices, which are not manufactured in Russia, from China. The head of Roskosmos Dmitriy Rogozin announced this on Saturday on the YouTube channel "Soloviev Live".
"I will repeat: with all our efforts to develop the Russian national micro-electronic industry, everything is impossible to produce. But the world is not without good people. We have a great relationship with the People's Republic of China that we help, helped it with the moon program, installed its isotopic generators for their lunar ship. We will solve those problems. What we do not produce ourselves, we will buy from our Chinese colleagues, they are quite developed now in this field," he said.
In addition, Dmitry Rogozin noted that today no country in the world produces the whole spectrum of microelectronics, even the USA. He also promised to solve the problem with microelectronics for Russian cosmonautics.


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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After this war India will be the biggest looser and china will be the biggest gainer

Russia will be able to purchase necessary microelectronics for space devices, which are not manufactured in Russia, from China. The head of Roskosmos Dmitriy Rogozin announced this on Saturday on the YouTube channel "Soloviev Live".
"I will repeat: with all our efforts to develop the Russian national micro-electronic industry, everything is impossible to produce. But the world is not without good people. We have a great relationship with the People's Republic of China that we help, helped it with the moon program, installed its isotopic generators for their lunar ship. We will solve those problems. What we do not produce ourselves, we will buy from our Chinese colleagues, they are quite developed now in this field," he said.
In addition, Dmitry Rogozin noted that today no country in the world produces the whole spectrum of microelectronics, even the USA. He also promised to solve the problem with microelectronics for Russian cosmonautics.
And how are we loosing here exactly ?


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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And how are we loosing here exactly ?
  1. Cheeni electronics in Russian hardware, i.e backdoor for Chong hackerman
  2. Cheeni can straight up tell Russian to not export to us the items that have Chinese micro electronics in them
  3. Cheeni is now Russia's pimp, for all intents and purposes, since you can't deal with them directly because of the sanctions.

Thing is we lose no matter what happens, because of our cowardly head-in-sand leadership, useless Western supposed (((allies))), various kinds of internal traitors and saboteurs who are given a free reign, arms supplier that will become a Chinese vassal in the coming years, exploding momineen population and an insecure neighborhood with both Burma and Lanka sitting in China's lap.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
  1. Cheeni electronics in Russian hardware, i.e backdoor for Chong hackerman
  2. Cheeni can straight up tell Russian to not export to us the items that have Chinese micro electronics in them
  3. Cheeni is now Russia's pimp, for all intents and purposes, since you can't deal with them directly because of the sanctions.

Thing is we lose no matter what happens, because of our cowardly head-in-sand leadership, useless Western supposed (((allies))), various kinds of internal traitors and saboteurs who are given a free reign, arms supplier that will become a Chinese vassal in the coming years, exploding momineen population and an insecure neighborhood with both Burma and Lanka sitting in China's lap.
Pretty much sums up the reality.

"Vishwaguru" thinks that as long as he can shout and work on sabka sath sabka vikaas the global leaders will let him have a seat at the high table eventually.

Reality is that nobody will give a seat to this napunsak who decided to help sri lanka with a billion dollar loan even as they were harrassing and arresting our fishermen and not providing any guarantees towards a stop of Chinese investments.

Similarly the world was closely watching the events of galwan for the past two years. Just like how @mokoman and @mist_consecutive were able to know the reality on ground through open net these nations also saw the cuckedness of our leadership in the form of "legacy issues" only despang lost not so important blah blah.

Being at the high table requires you to use your stick effectively a stick we don't even have at the moment.