India-China Border conflict


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
By the way, I remeber an article from eastern line or sort of publication with name eastern
where a ret col from Bihar regt, narrated exactly what happened.

but it's an old article from 2020, where he said

after disengagement was agreed initially on 12-13th June. And SOP was to remove the tents or the other side was to burn the tents once they leave.

when col santhosh Babu and men went to check, they found it empty and when turned to signal his men, he was backstabbed by chene nail rod.

shall i post the article?
Please post. No need to ask.

Can someone also post our official narration when posthumously Col Santosh Babu ji were bestowed with MVC.


New Member
Oct 15, 2021
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There was no expedition to capture any Chinese territories or disputed points. The small Indian contingent which confronted Chinese establishing new (temporary) structures was ambushed by ready Chinese contingent. The failure was in our predictable moves or prior on ground communication with them that Chinese knew we will come and confront them. Possibly they instigated us and we reacted as usual with small altercation in mind.

…..Seperate Post ………..
There were a lot of Chinese causalities. This is quite unbecoming to see all the analysis and theories made after omitting Chinese causalities and their late admissions.
There is no doubt about the Chinese casualties.
As for capturing(read as retaking) territories, I have a doubt. If you will read the citation of Col. Babu, you will see that he was tasked to establish an Observation Post. But where that OP was to be established?

not so dravidian

New Member
Feb 3, 2021
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naah man , chinese backstabbed us .

in may 2020 we held not only PP14 but some 1km ahead of it as well.

we withdrew after talks in may itself

however chinese kept building roads and a bridge , then moved forward pitched tents on pp14 on june 15.

i think this was when Col Babu was killed , After that our guys went in not just at PP14 but ahead as well ,

but chinese fuckers brought in more troops and vehicles , i guess we got outnumbered .

check out the sat image from june 16 , few hours after clash , see how many vehicles there are at bottom of image. not only that , but they also started damming the river

View attachment 130413

even after killing Col , chinese kept up construction through out the night. IMHO this was another reason we crossed the LAC. u can see the below construction vechiles in sat image above.

View attachment 130412

however . chinese DIDNT WIN , we made them move back , they gave up . buffer zone is right where we wanted it .chinese now claim their border is there . not at PP14.

chutiya walla gave up instead of fighting and now claim victory.
@mokoman ji u said that, some indian soldier from galwan said some higher up fucked.

What was that exactly about???


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
naah man , chinese backstabbed us .

in may 2020 we held not only PP14 but some 1km ahead of it as well.

we withdrew after talks in may itself

however chinese kept building roads and a bridge , then moved forward pitched tents on pp14 on june 15.

i think this was when Col Babu was killed , After that our guys went in not just at PP14 but ahead as well ,

but chinese fuckers brought in more troops and vehicles , i guess we got outnumbered .

check out the sat image from june 16 , few hours after clash , see how many vehicles there are at bottom of image. not only that , but they also started damming the river

View attachment 130413

even after killing Col , chinese kept up construction through out the night. IMHO this was another reason we crossed the LAC. u can see the below construction vechiles in sat image above.

View attachment 130412

however . chinese DIDNT WIN , we made them move back , they gave up . buffer zone is right where we wanted it .chinese now claim their border is there . not at PP14.

chutiya walla gave up instead of fighting and now claim victory.
Why they used multiple Helicopter sorties as reported by our on ground observers even during the night time when land vehicles were available tells there were serious injuries which required faster rescue.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Why they used multiple Helicopter sorties as reported by our on ground observers even during the night time when land vehicles were available tells there were serious injuries which required faster rescue.
yep they hid their deaths , we had people watching from ridge right up above . i think injured soldiers were sighted carried away in stretchers.

:hmm: chinese will never release actual death figure , it will always be '4'


New Member
May 31, 2020
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@mokoman tell me I am not retarded and just seeing things because you suggested it

check pic below , same location can be seen in background , but pic take from other side , closer to pp14 looking back .

:rage: chinese "won" by giving up the valley , now claim the border is in fact not at PP14 but way behind.

galwan isnt depsang or gogra , they have 0 chance here . which is y they agreed to buffer zone.

too bad we didnt get the opportunity to fuck them up.


The Shrike

New Member
Jun 12, 2021
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I don't think we crossed across (our perception of) the LAC just to trash the PLA pre June-15. Why would we? We were only protecting our LAC perception which extends way beyond PP-14/"the bend". The Chinese of course were trying to grab as much as possible i.e. build the road which we were trying to stop. And most of the meele happened between "bend" and the LAC.
Of course that we are still not clear on the exact sequence of events even a year and a half after, doesn't inspire confidence IMO, one gets the sense that the people responsible are covering their behinds, a mimi keep Henderson brooks report secret even after 6 decades.