India-China Border conflict


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May 20, 2021
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didn’t zoravar singh get ambushed in this region in one of these winter months?!
Even his enemies recognized his valour.

Charles Shering records:

“When the Dogra General was killed his flesh was cut into small portions and every family in the neighbouring area took a piece to hang outside their houses so that Zorawar-like chivalry was passed on among the Tibetan people from generation to generation”.


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May 20, 2021
Agree with you on this, we are gradually doing this we never had this much focus on R&D we are looking into it now so it will take time and for attracting foreign talent we first need to address utilisation of our own resources properly after that we can look outside because in India itself we have so much talent
If anyone want to look where we stand in education and training skills
Just compare India with other countries in terms of medal in International Mathematics Olympiad , Physics , Chemistry ,Informatics ,Biology .
These are the most standard parameters from where you can understand how far are we behind China and many small countries.
And to know why we are behind PRC and what's the difference between our and their system is that , the extensive Physics , Chemistry , Mathematics ,Biology culture in India is solely contributed by the private coaching institutes of JEE ,NEET which still only very people can afford and even in there are top batches ,average batches ,below average batches in those coaching based on both teachers and students quality ,
but in China note that their Government is providing this same type quality of education and training to its 100% students population all of them at least of the average batch type teachers in Indian coaching institutes and not just in PCMB like India , China is well training and educating their people in Computer Science.

In short , In India ALLEN,FIITJEE,BANSAL,AKASH,etc gives education and training in just PCMB to very few people
In China their government only provides the same for not only PCMB but for , Computer Science also to all of its student population ,that's why their presence in international competitions are also tremendously higher than every other country.

You can see they are developing their own OS(Huawei required 600K software engineers contribution for its very reliable and multipurpose Harmony OS) also and even their own GitHub(they will be working and developing their own projects on their own platform soon ,can be also more robust than GitHub ,guess by seeing their desire to dominate world) ,and have achieved their goals and significant works are done already.

There can be many ways for us to do and achieve the same things which we must have to ,but we can at least learn from the achievements of our actual enemy+competitor for now and many decades ahead and start thinking and making our policies accordingly.


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May 20, 2021
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Dec 8, 2021
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If the chinese decide to attack, they probably will do something similar to 62. A force of overwhelming fire power. They can choose when and where and IA will be decimated everywhere they attack. Everything will depend on how we respond. Political will to respond even if china declare a unilateral ceasefire and victory, to increase the threat to multi dimension and use the Navy to hurt the chinese economy because that is what going to actually hurt the chinese. A trent i'm seeing today is a gvt that care more about its image rather than national security and territorial integrity.
Another thing will be the quality of Indian military leadership under stress because in the first days of war, we will see battalions size forces being wiped out. In 62, everybody ran.
IDK, depends. In 67 chinese tried the same strategy of massed arty barrage, they got f****** by IA.So army probably learned a lesson or two about countering that.

Also, in 62 there was a massive difference (the strategy only worked if china did nothing, which is why it was stupid and everyone calls the leaders idiots). Sending 10-15 troops into isolated positions is never a great idea. Regardless, from what I know there were not many retreats/routs on the Indian side, most either died or exhausted ammo and surrendered.


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May 31, 2020
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sawhney is on at it again
To hell with him and his hyper active imagination
for others who didnt watch it , some highlights

* indian army capturing peaks on pangong tso last year was done without knowledge of goverment.

* PLA will deploy robos to LAC , robos willl run around , fully autonomous AI - fire at Indian soldiers by itself
sawhney probably think robos will be something like skynet terminator robots , unkillable metal machines with human skin on top - :dude: but from what i seen autonomous ai performs poorly now , if u put a gun on it , second thing it may do is shoot the guy who turned it on . besides will these "robos" work in high altitude or terrain like eastern ladakh , not to mention LAC along arunachal pradesh is insane hard to patrol both for PLA and IA/ITBP , u literally have to trek , climb mountains , peaks.

* they will never withdraw from depsang (this maybe true) , he thinks there will be a combined attack from pakistan and chinese here. this is something that makes sense , but highly unlikely since pakistani economy is in the toilet.

* joint training and combined ops between pakistan and china (kinda make sense , i mean y not ?)
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Dec 8, 2021
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It will never be a full scale war that will drag on for months/years. It will be a short sharp skirmish. So we should maximize the impact in my opinion. The power differential between IA v/s PLA is far lower than PA v/s IA and factoring in the landscape, we should be able to be a far greater pain to them than PA can ever be to us. Sinking PLAAN ships/subs and recording them will be far greater spectacle/loss of face in the subsequent Info War than hand to hand combat in the mountains. The Farmville/Candy Crush crowd will have anxiety issues seeing those pictures/videos on social media!
The long war may be a real, but unlikely scenario. That document which was getting circulated a while back, made by retired generals and politicians did hint at that. Might be good/bad depending on how much outside support we get.


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May 20, 2021
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incase u didnt watch it , some highlights

* they will never withdraw from depsang (this maybe true) , he thinks there will be a combined attack from pakistan and chinese here. this is something that makes sense , but highly unlikely since pakistani economy is in the toilet.

* joint training and combined ops between pakistan and china (kinda make sense , i mean y not ?)
Regarding Depsang and Chi-Pak collusion, already mentioned this few weeks back


Angel of War

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Nov 14, 2021
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incase u didnt watch it , some highlights

* indian army capturing peaks on pangong tso last year was done without knowledge of goverment.

* PLA will deploy robos to LAC , robos willl run around , fully autonomous AI - fire at Indian soldiers by itself
sawhney probably think robos will be something like skynet terminator robots , unkillable metal machines with human skin on top - :dude: but from what i seen autonomous ai performs poorly now , if u put a gun on it , second thing it may do is shoot the guy who turned it on . besides will these "robos" work in high altitude or terrain like eastern ladakh , not to mention LAC along arunachal pradesh is insane hard to patrol both for PLA and IA/ITBP , u literally have to trek , climb mountains , peaks.

* they will never withdraw from depsang (this maybe true) , he thinks there will be a combined attack from pakistan and chinese here. this is something that makes sense , but highly unlikely since pakistani economy is in the toilet.

* joint training and combined ops between pakistan and china (kinda make sense , i mean y not ?)
watched it completely, but his hypothesis of PLA using unmanned warfare is imaginary at best, with emphasis on unmanned warfare comes the importance of network management to keep unmanned systems up and running. It is highly unlikely that PLA has gained excellence in that field since Strategic support force is still in its early stage. According to him by 2023 PLA will be ready for next gen warfare with India but the question is are the tactics and battle plans for such a war even operational yet ?


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
incase u didnt watch it , some highlights

* indian army capturing peaks on pangong tso last year was done without knowledge of goverment.

* PLA will deploy robos to LAC , robos willl run around , fully autonomous AI - fire at Indian soldiers by itself
sawhney probably think robos will be something like skynet terminator robots , unkillable metal machines with human skin on top - :dude: but from what i seen autonomous ai performs poorly now , if u put a gun on it , second thing it may do is shoot the guy who turned it on . besides will these "robos" work in high altitude or terrain like eastern ladakh , not to mention LAC along arunachal pradesh is insane hard to patrol both for PLA and IA/ITBP , u literally have to trek , climb mountains , peaks.

* they will never withdraw from depsang (this maybe true) , he thinks there will be a combined attack from pakistan and chinese here. this is something that makes sense , but highly unlikely since pakistani economy is in the toilet.

* joint training and combined ops between pakistan and china (kinda make sense , i mean y not ?)
The thing with these morons is the presumption that India will do nothing when Chinks and Pakis decide to attack at once.

Not really sure why Pakis would join the Chinks on this.
The Chinks would be safe sitting in their east coast.
Pakis on the other hand would be decimated.

Angel of War

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Nov 14, 2021
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The long war may be a real, but unlikely scenario. That document which was getting circulated a while back, made by retired generals and politicians did hint at that. Might be good/bad depending on how much outside support we get.
pLA doesn't want a long war and they aren't preparing for such a war with India( taking hint from the duration of their exercises from Tibet) . They want to fight a short , high intensity war not anything longer than a week in phases


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
pLA doesn't want a long war and they aren't preparing for such a war with India( taking hint from the duration of their exercises from Tibet) . They want to fight a short , high intensity war not anything longer than a week in phases
They won't achieve anything in 7 days.

In fact the losses they would take on in Indian ocean would all but be catastrophic.


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Jul 29, 2010
Mission Failed

They are doing same in many IOR islands. Many islands where you will sizeable indian diaspora, they are stoking fears about Modi policies will have on their country. Capitalising on internal communal tension to thwart Indian plans for Indian ocean region (IOR).
This follows a pattern with regards to Al jazeera reporting about agalega base.


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May 20, 2021
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watched it completely, but his hypothesis of PLA using unmanned warfare is imaginary at best, with emphasis on unmanned warfare comes the importance of network management to keep unmanned systems up and running. It is highly unlikely that PLA has gained excellence in that field since Strategic support force is still in its early stage.
Unmanned warfare and PLA laying FOC along LAC? Does it makes sense? Why would they do it?

AI robots and FOC? Doesnt makes any sense.



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May 31, 2020
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watched it completely, but his hypothesis of PLA using unmanned warfare is imaginary at best, with emphasis on unmanned warfare comes the importance of network management to keep unmanned systems up and running. It is highly unlikely that PLA has gained excellence in that field since Strategic support force is still in its early stage. According to him by 2023 PLA will be ready for next gen warfare with India but the question is are the tactics and battle plans for such a war even operational yet ?
ah sorry , didnt mean u , other people who didnt watch it.

i guess autonomous means no need to be managed centrally , u just give them high level commands - patrol - fire - track - do recon etc.

AI autonomous for recon makes sense , UAVs+AI can keep track of LAC easily. detect intrusions etc.

using them as soldiers seem like a bad idea and maybe possible 8-10 years from now .

Regarding Depsang and Chi-Pak collusion, already mentioned this few weeks back

people been predicting this since galwan , IMHO they will waste our time with talks and finally agree to a buffer zone in depsang.

Angel of War

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Nov 14, 2021
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Unmanned warfare and PLA laying FOC in Tibet? Does it makes sense? Why would they do it?

They are laying FO cables to secure their communication lines with forward bases. FO cables are safer because they are encrypted and can't be jammed ( although they can be tampered with by special forces )
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