India-China Border conflict

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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China being a $16 trillion economy can afford to construct HSR in Tibet and Xinjiang. Did China have HSR in Tibet when they were a $3 trillion economy? We're doing fine for our GDP and will build more HSR as economy grows.
China is 16 trillion dollar economy because of the infrastructure they built India is poor because of poor infrastructure and india will remain poor untill and unless the infrastructure improves to the level of China and USA
Mumbai-Delhi-Kolkata High Speed rail corridor is the most profitable corridor which will generate revenue to expand it further till Guwahati (via Patna) it’s not about money but political will China started making Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Rail corridor in April 18, 2008, with the line opened to the public for commercial service on June 30, 2011.
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New Member
Aug 9, 2021
IFS is so fucked up just like MEA. I mean just look at China's ambassador to India, he writes to a news outlet and even politicians but the cuckold sitting in China loves getting pegged.
No, Chinese don't allow him. Even his public accounts on Weibo et al are heavily moderated by CCP. I remember his posts were deleted on Weibo during last year's standoff.
This asymmetry of information dissemination is so disheartening, here Chinese get full page advertorials on the two most prominent newspapers. There even social media posts with barely any reach get pulled down lol.
Our government knows this very well, why don't they impose an unofficial embargo on news emanating from China like they do for Pakistan, idk.


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
Tibbet is also the poorest province in China and that’s why they’re making the infrastructure in Tibbet to strengthen the local economy of Tibbet (though 94% of their population is in coastal areas or along yangtze river economic belt)
Chinese economy is strong because of the infrastructure and not the other way around
Btw Delhi-Patna(Guwahati)-Kolkata HSR is proposed by Indian railways it’s not my assumption
Its true. China's entire economy is built through debt and that is the proper way to do it. Even if their economy collapses, their job is done - transforming a shithole poorer than Congo to a middle income country within 30 years. Individual chinese cities start construction on more infrastructure and industrial projects in a single week than entire indian states do in a year.

Every 10-iq Indian babu needs to look at the website stated above. Chong's economic miracle isnt luck and wont collapse anytime soon either. Its by sheer determination and growth orientated policies and investment into industries and infrastructure. Just take a look at the sheer amount of new fixed asset investments that break ground in each district every single day. Most Indian cities and districts dont even get that much investment in an entire decade. This is the real reason why India's growth has stalled. There is very little economic growth happening outside tier 1 cities.

For starters, 10-iq IAS parasites and politicians should start statistics boards in every district and release them yearly. Its an absolute joke nobody knows the actual economic state of our cities outside of estimates. If i asked you to find the GDP of Nashik city in 2020, the figures will be difficult to impossible to find.


New Member
May 30, 2020
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India twitter chaps, always ready to find non existent holes, in chinese / Pakistani videos.. It can be seen in the video that the river / nalla is frozen.. and it need not snow everywhere 24 /7 in a desert region like ladakh in winter..
I get ur point But the thing is these twatter warriors r fighting misinfo wid misinfo, propaganda wid propaganda because there isn't any attempt from GoI side to counter info war..then u have usual toolkit suspects peddling chinki propaganda on our side while chinki maintaining total blackout of galwan dead on their SM...also it doesn't help that geniuses in the GoI don't even try to counter info/psy warfare from chinki side so it's not black and white