India-China Border conflict


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Sep 21, 2021
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Where are those bois who said we don't have offensive cyber capabilities? I repeatedly said we have the best hackers in the world, the only required thing is dedicated effort and infrastructure and intention like Israel, Iran and China.
one thing every so-called cyber experts forget to mention , when a big company buys a product chinese,american , it ensures that it has maintaince engineers who can repair it at a short notice , from my personal experience i have found chinese PLCs , flowmeters to be pretty inferior and simplistic in comparison to the americans/germans...which makes it pretty easy to understand about it's inner workings...............the way some experts(SUSU) talk about crashing a grid and a powerplant is like it's halwa puri , the largest power companies in india like NTPC , TATA ,RELIANCE don't use chinese equipment most them use GE , DOOSAN or POWERMACHINE(russian) turbines , while BHEL supplies boilers....

if anyone has been near a chinese turbine they will know how much noisy and unrefined it is while the americans(esp.GENERAL ELECTRIC) turbines are smooth and quite
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New Member
Oct 15, 2021
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one thing every so-called cyber experts forget to mention , when a big company buys a product chinese,american , it ensures that it has maintaince engineers who can repair it at a short notice , from my personal experience i have found chinese PLCs , flowmeters to be pretty inferior and simplistic in comparison to the americans/germans...which makes it pretty easy to understand about it's inner workings...............the way some experts(SUSU) talk about crashing a grid and a powerplant is like it's halwa puri , the largest power companies in india like NTPC , TATA ,RELIANCE don't use chinese equipment most them use GE , DOOSAN or POWERMACHINE(russian) turbines , while BHEL supplies boilers....

if anyone has been near a chinese turbine they will know how much noisy and unrefined it is while the americans(esp.GENERAL ELECTRIC) turbines are smooth and quite
Flawed points. Chinese state hackers inflitirated in at least 10 power electricity assets owned by NTPC and if I go by your words NTPC doesn't use Chinese machinery.

one thing every so-called cyber experts forget to mention , when a big company buys a product chinese,american , it ensures that it has maintaince engineers who can repair it at a short notice , from my personal experience i have found chinese PLCs , flowmeters to be pretty inferior and simplistic in comparison to the americans/germans...which makes it pretty easy to understand about it's inner workings.
I have done course on COA from nptel and I know how computer works but does that mean i would be able to hack it? Reparing and hacking are different. When we talk about hacking in general, it means unauthorised access to control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose. It could be done through n number of ways. I don't understand from where PLCs or flowmeter came into the picture.


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Jan 17, 2019
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Actually this is a misconception that any politician is invincible. No one is (except Joseph Stalin) ..
At one point Mulayam ,Mayawati and Lalu were looking invincible look at them now

Same with Mamta , how you chose to forget that year back she was fighting for survival but couple of good decision from her and bad decision from BJP got us here

BJP is still considered to be a North Indian party .The day BJP cultivates the local leadership (like HS Biswa) in Bengal , Mamta can kiss goodbye to her chair ..Subhendu looks promising but can he deliver we have to see
I feel like their best chance may have come and gone; will any Bengali really forgive them or stick his/her neck out for them again after the way those bloody cowards abandoned their own supporters to be beaten, murdered and gangraped by TMC?


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Oct 15, 2021
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Where are those boys who said we don't have offensive cyber capabilities? I repeatedly said we have the best hackers in the world, the only required thing is dedicated effort and infrastructure and intention like Israel, Iran, and China.
It's a good start but claiming to have the best hackers is overkill.
We do have offensive cyber capabilities but it is not as powerful as the adversary.
Here is a statement by BiRa on our Cyber defense:
Why I said it's a good start?
All I can say is that the cyber security market is not completely developed yet but it is rising up very fast.
Ek baar cyber security market ban jaaye defensive offensive capabilities apne aap aa jaaengi.
Indians SWE have won prizes in Hackathons at Int'l events but we are far behind in Cyberthons.


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Oct 15, 2021
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one thing every so-called cyber experts forget to mention , when a big company buys a product chinese,american , it ensures that it has maintaince engineers who can repair it at a short notice , from my personal experience i have found chinese PLCs , flowmeters to be pretty inferior and simplistic in comparison to the americans/germans...which makes it pretty easy to understand about it's inner workings...............the way some experts(SUSU) talk about crashing a grid and a powerplant is like it's halwa puri , the largest power companies in india like NTPC , TATA ,RELIANCE don't use chinese equipment most them use GE , DOOSAN or POWERMACHINE(russian) turbines , while BHEL supplies boilers....

if anyone has been near a chinese turbine they will know how much noisy and unrefined it is while the americans(esp.GENERAL ELECTRIC) turbines are smooth and quite

Even American power grids are prone to cyber-attacks.

Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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I feel like their best chance may have come and gone; will any Bengali really forgive them or stick his/her neck out for them again after the way those bloody cowards abandoned their own supporters to be beaten, murdered and gangraped by TMC?
Maybe they will , maybe they not ..But if some local Bengali from BJP ranks rose against Mamta people will support him/her
Opposition to mamta will happen, BJP needs to snatch that opportunity .
Build local cadre , do ground work , fight for people and your ideology and for God fucking sake don't take people from other party..It's a long process so let's wait and watch


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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I had posted this a while back:

View attachment 120616

China is projected to have 400 million less people by the end of the century. Their growth will be incredibly hard to sustain. Imagine the US losing 28% of its population from 1925–2000. That is what China is facing.

China will never start an actual war unless they have a brilliant plan that would knock out both Taiwan and USA out of the conflict. Keep in mind that all the problems in CCP: low birth rates, energy crisis and corruption would be uncontrollable in an all out war with US and would fuck china so hard that it would return to the state like it was in 50s.

Since when has the communist party cared about human life? Remember, they don't mind fighting even if a couple of more million Chinese are dead. They will bring some absurd law whereby all Chinese men will have to donate their semen to sperm banks and fertilize their women in case they die in a war or something. Those guys are sick; they need to be treated with utmost prejudice.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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You are partially correct about the comparison of Mongols with China, I will even say it is just "causation implied by correlation" in the case of PLA.

Breaking down into granular parts of the comparison -
  1. Pschological warfare :-
    • While Mongols indeed implemented fear tactics of surrender or perish, it was not their go-to tactics. First was diplomacy and alliance, often through marriage. Country following this ideology closest to its modern warfare version is actually USA.
    • A lot of other tribes, especially muslim tribes originating from Arabian and Persian peninsula were actually much crueler.
    • Chinese version of psychological warfare is 100-foot Chinaman image. They attack none, but create the illusion of power by indirect actions like building infrastructure (islands, villages, roads) and military posturing (intrusions, airspace violations, military excercises).
  2. Extreme mobility :-
    • I will say this is nothing unique to China, in the way it was unique to Mongols. Any country with strong mechanized infantry & armour, that includes USA and Russia, posses good mobility.
    • Mongol mobility especially stands out during medival warfare due to two main reasons -
      • Their horse-back archers, which were unrivaled during that time.
      • Their nomadic lifestyle and symbiotic relationship with horses, which allowed them to carry or generate their own supplies (food, clothes).
    • The main reason the Chinese army "seems" mobile is because of their road infrastructure, which is frankly nothing unique because it is limited within their boundaries.
    • I will even argue that mechanized infantry and armour require more resources and hence even more unrealistic to keep supplied behind enemy lines.
    • A truly "mobile" force in today's modern warfare is actually USA, because of their air superiority and vast fleet of transport.
    • India possesses a shadow of that and we have always emphasised on behind the enemy-lines operations, by raising a dedicated PARA brigade with its own air-dropped mechanized artillery and armour battalion and pairing them up with special operation aircraft like C-130Js

If you have observed carefully, China has actually been unable to stop negative news about itself from reaching a common audience. Whether it is the ridiculous claim of only 3 soldiers killed, or their retreat from Pangong Tso.

Yes, they captured and punished people who questioned it, but that did not stop the news from propagating. For the 1% who raised their voice, 99% were mute spectators and did nothing fearing their well-being.

We are not fighting USA or Russia; we are fighting China. I am aware of the Chicom tactics of looking like the infallible giant, but to not be over-prepared would be dangerous. We should counter their narrative by covertly killing the soy boys stationed in these fake villages and raising the Indian flag there and deny that they were even Chinese villages.

Since the news is obscure, a smart government can always refute that Chinese were not here at all; also, since they cannot openly admit it, we will as much be able to get under their skin. Taking out communications in these villages and taking over quietly overnight. The next day when a PLA party comes, they will claim that we are sitting on their land, but then we will simply say that it is our village and they were never here.

Reversing the grayzone warfare and putting the ball of invasion in their court.


New Member
Aug 9, 2021
Not sure if anyone posted this, but has some very juicy details



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Sep 8, 2019
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Whats new?

Looks like IA has communicated to civilian leadership to make a call . (?)

There is so & so things that can be achieved in a tactical mil to mil meeting.

Maybe IA wants to know as to what their orders are:-

1. To accept fate accompli & hold line OR
2. To "re-establish" patrols to all blocked PPs via the necessary "means"


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May 28, 2016
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Change the subject matter from discussing political issues of India-China war of 1962, and let us discuss a more pressing issue.

‘’Chinese have moved a copy of Russian Tuplov strategic bomber(Hk-7) to Kashgar city in Sinkiang. It is only 300 miles from the India border. How much threat does this bomber poses to the Indian defences in the depth?

‘Now the key question….. Does the Indian installed S-400 system in the northern sector shoot down this bomber before it crosses over to Indian territory.

If it does, then threat is to the Chinese pilots and crew who will fly this on an offensive mission is the greatest. Once, this bomber is shot down over China then it is a huge insult to the Chinese strategic offensive action.

Can a Brahmos missile on Su-30mki can bomb the base in Kashgar and prevent future threats. Is there any other missile in Indian inventory which can do the job.
S400 battery will take care of this, hopefully. But understand this, that SEAD is something the PLAF will consider. However as what few people on this forum have rightly pointed out. An all out air raid with the advent of S400 battery and other layer of our air defense are going to be laid out, it highly unlikely. They would rather use the Ballistic missile options and long range rocket artillery to suppress our forward air bases.

This will be the likely situation, IAF understands this, that's why they are building 3 Km highway based runways.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Looks like IA has communicated to civilian leadership to make a call . (?)

There is so & so things that can be achieved in a tactical mil to mil meeting.

Maybe IA wants to know as to what their orders are:-

1. To accept fate accompli & hold line OR
2. To "re-establish" patrols to all blocked PPs via the necessary "means"
Chines have captured almost all areas (mostly wasteland) up to their 1959 claim line, which was Mao Tse Tung's declared intent in 1962 war. Whatever was not captured by them they tried and captured in 2020.

Yes, they retreated under pressure from their advances in Pangong Lake etc., because their supply base was threatened by sudden capture of Kailash Heights by Indian Army on August 29, 2020. Other places Like Hots Spring and Depsang they did not retreat as their supply bases were not threatened. But Indian T-90 tanks in Depsang plains are waiting for Chinese to make a move and they go into action. At this place, no additional area has been occupied but occasional patrolling by Indian troops is prevented leaving a sore point.

Now it has become a political issue; Chinese will make no moves as they sea waiting T-90 tanks compared to the light weight Chinese tanks. They had in August - October intimidated Indian troops on Kailash Heights with their much inferior tanks, only then they retreated when they saw Indian T-72 and T-90 tanks facing them.

There will be no solution, Chinese may withdraw or may not withdraw. Winter is very hash on both sides. Indian troops are better prepared hence this winter may force a rethink in Chinese mind. Moreover their unsuccessful intimidation of Taiwan did not work. It may result in Chinese rethink of capture of wasteland in Ladakh. On the other hand they may force a military confrontation. If they loose, which is most likely then their prestige will be in the dust, hence they may agree for a status quo. India is prepared both ways.

Their dream of capturing Tawang in the East has been laid to dust. They tried and capture a commanding heights overlooking the Tawang town but failed as Indian troops knew about their plans and were waiting on the routes to prevent it. After hours of face to face confrontation, they retreated. Now they have changed tactic. They are building villages on their side to house civilians. This is a quite intimidation but of no use. These if occupied will be vacated at the sound of first gunfire, hence a useless tactic.

Hence this two years of confrontation has yielded nothing. Chinese have been branded as belligerent paper tigers. India speeded up sophisticated military hardware purchases to offset any Chinese advantage. In addition building of infrastructure, tunnels, roads even a rail link to strategic areas have been undertaken. Hence future aggression by Chinese will be bad memory.


New Member
May 28, 2016
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Looks like IA has communicated to civilian leadership to make a call . (?)

There is so & so things that can be achieved in a tactical mil to mil meeting.

Maybe IA wants to know as to what their orders are:-

1. To accept fate accompli & hold line OR
2. To "re-establish" patrols to all blocked PPs via the necessary "means"
Just like we anticipated, they are playing the waiting game for us to "react". This taking up time could only point to one thing, they are awaiting the elections.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
Chines have captured almost all areas (mostly wasteland) up to their 1959 claim line, which was Mao Tse Tung's declared intent in 1962 war. Whatever was not captured by them they tried and captured in 2020.

Yes, they retreated under pressure from their advances in Pangong Lake etc., because their supply base was threatened by sudden capture of Kailash Heights by Indian Army on August 29, 2020. Other places Like Hots Spring and Depsang they did not retreat as their supply bases were not threatened. But Indian T-90 tanks in Depsang plains are waiting for Chinese to make a move and they go into action. At this place, no additional area has been occupied but occasional patrolling by Indian troops is prevented leaving a sore point.

Now it has become a political issue; Chinese will make no moves as they sea waiting T-90 tanks compared to the light weight Chinese tanks. They had in August - October intimidated Indian troops on Kailash Heights with their much inferior tanks, only then they retreated when they saw Indian T-72 and T-90 tanks facing them.

There will be no solution, Chinese may withdraw or may not withdraw. Winter is very hash on both sides. Indian troops are better prepared hence this winter may force a rethink in Chinese mind. Moreover their unsuccessful intimidation of Taiwan did not work. It may result in Chinese rethink of capture of wasteland in Ladakh. On the other hand they may force a military confrontation. If they loose, which is most likely then their prestige will be in the dust, hence they may agree for a status quo. India is prepared both ways.

Their dream of capturing Tawang in the East has been laid to dust. They tried and capture a commanding heights overlooking the Tawang town but failed as Indian troops knew about their plans and were waiting on the routes to prevent it. After hours of face to face confrontation, they retreated. Now they have changed tactic. They are building villages on their side to house civilians. This is a quite intimidation but of no use. These if occupied will be vacated at the sound of first gunfire, hence a useless tactic.

Hence this two years of confrontation has yielded nothing. Chinese have been branded as belligerent paper tigers. India speeded up sophisticated military hardware purchases to offset any Chinese advantage. In addition building of infrastructure, tunnels, roads even a rail link to strategic areas have been undertaken. Hence future aggression by Chinese will be bad memory.
Chinease are building ghost villages behind Thier existing military camps these villages will serve as ammo depots in case of war


New Member
May 28, 2016
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Implying what? Do they want pursue separate policies that makes sense since you can't treat India in the same basket as others but that's it?
This is bizarre! Biden is a weak president. His administrations policy seem to reflect one. He doesn't understands the implication of our neighbors going to CCP's care giving shadows when push come to shove.

