India-China Border conflict


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May 31, 2020
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That has been reinforced by Beijing successfully combining an orbital system with a hypersonic weapon that can shoot a missile.

:hmm: they shot a hypersonic missile into space on their long march rocket , same rocket they use to lift their satellites and space station into space

the rocket then launches the hypersonic missile , which then over the south china sea while in hypersonic speed fired an air-to-air missile.

Chinese are advancing fast
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Sep 24, 2016
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AUKUS was mainly about Australia getting nearly a dozen nuclear powered submarines apart from some weapons and cyber capabilities. The submarines would be atleast 10-15 years away.

Japan, till it is under the US umbrella is largely safe from China. If they come out of the WW2 conditions regarding military, then things might get interesting.

SoKo biggest threat is NoKo. They have fairly good relations and they are also somewhat under US umbrella. Although there were recent reports of air intrusions by China and Russia in SoKo airspace.

Has India got its 1st S400?
Submarines will come late but they add to chinese headache down the road. In 20 years china might have to face additional 20+ nuke submarine of India and Australia over and above of what usa will field.

And significance of AUKUS in present is that Australia has gone full anti china. It even fought a trade war with china and won. This will become a example for many nations around. Plus usa showed it's commitment to region after dithering for years also showed it's Willing to share nuke technology to take on china. Major implications for india too. Also implies usa might help japan / soko similarly In future with nuke subs / nuke bombs while might help india build nuke reactor for future carrier or turn blind eye while france does that .

Japan is alredy out of WW2 restrictions mostly. It's building offensive force with f35 laden carriers , increasing military budget rapidly and recently announced that it will fight to protect vessels of Australia if needed.

Soko doesn't need slbm against noko. The kind of military soko is building goes far beyond what might be needed against bankruptcy obsolete noko army . Soko is preparing for something else entirely.


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Jan 17, 2019
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Change the subject matter from discussing political issues of India-China war of 1962, and let us discuss a more pressing issue.

‘’Chinese have moved a copy of Russian Tuplov strategic bomber(Hk-7) to Kashgar city in Sinkiang. It is only 300 miles from the India border. How much threat does this bomber poses to the Indian defences in the depth?

‘Now the key question….. Does the Indian installed S-400 system in the northern sector shoot down this bomber before it crosses over to Indian territory.

If it does, then threat is to the Chinese pilots and crew who will fly this on an offensive mission is the greatest. Once, this bomber is shot down over China then it is a huge insult to the Chinese strategic offensive action.

Can a Brahmos missile on Su-30mki can bomb the base in Kashgar and prevent future threats. Is there any other missile in Indian inventory which can do the job.

Either an S400 or a Sukhoi armed with AWACS killers could take it out.


New Member
Feb 8, 2021
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AUKUS was mainly about Australia getting nearly a dozen nuclear powered submarines apart from some weapons and cyber capabilities. The submarines would be atleast 10-15 years away.

Japan, till it is under the US umbrella is largely safe from China. If they come out of the WW2 conditions regarding military, then things might get interesting.

SoKo biggest threat is NoKo. They have fairly good relations and they are also somewhat under US umbrella. Although there were recent reports of air intrusions by China and Russia in SoKo airspace.

Has India got its 1st S400?
Australia won't get a single sub before 2040 from the AUKUS alliance.



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Dec 25, 2016
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It will affect us economically for sure , Prices of commodities shooting up over the sky if Ching pings start war they will first start with economic blockade of their exports to us which will bring stand still to many industries . dalal like R b@j@j will run to PMO crying how entire two wheel industry will crumble which will affect millions jobless . Oil shortage because we will be needing more for troops and also damages to our infrastructure rail roads and bridges and dams and plenty will all cost us very highly .

No I mean economical not psychological.
Do we lose jobs? Food crisis? Medical crisis.
They say a war will push us 10 decades back but how?
I think war will make us stronger.


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Dec 25, 2016
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S400 is not at all shipped yet we can expect them to reach our shores only in April 2022 . Rafales also will take another 5 months to complete the delivery of 36.

China has already deployed its S-400 and also its S300 version HQ-9 in lots of air bases in TAR region. What do we have apart from S-400 for AD ?

The real issues are the numerical advantage of chinese in MBRL and its Missiles do we even have enough brahmos to counter back ching pong attack ?

How are we so sure that brahmos is like the ultimate destruction against chinese don't you think Ching pong thugs by now studied russian Onyx and created counter AD for brahmos ?

i don't buy into this 11 foot ching pong propaganda at the same time i don't want to buy into our chest thumping we have enough to take on Ching pongs .

Always overestimate your enemy and prepare for it . We have our weakness they have theirs but the only pain is they are closing the gap on their weakness and we haven't .

Chicoms have rather gone silent since formation of AUKUS and now Japan has increased military spending by 7 billion usd (entire paki military budget) just in additional spending for the year. Their pocket carriers are now flying f35 and could sink China's bigger carrier with much ease.

South Korea has launched SLBM ( against whom?)

India has gotten s400 and almost all 36 Rafale are here.

What does the forum think of these developments??

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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S400 is not at all shipped yet we can expect them to reach our shores only in April 2022 . Rafales also will take another 5 months to complete the delivery of 36.

China has already deployed its S-400 and also its S300 version HQ-9 in lots of air bases in TAR region. What do we have apart from S-400 for AD ?

The real issues are the numerical advantage of chinese in MBRL and its Missiles do we even have enough brahmos to counter back ching pong attack ?

How are we so sure that brahmos is like the ultimate destruction against chinese don't you think Ching pong thugs by now studied russian Onyx and created counter AD for brahmos ?

i don't buy into this 11 foot ching pong propaganda at the same time i don't want to buy into our chest thumping we have enough to take on Ching pongs .

Always overestimate your enemy and prepare for it . We have our weakness they have theirs but the only pain is they are closing the gap on their weakness and we haven't .
Shaurya , prahaar brahmos , prithvi are there .

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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Say a war breaks out between India and China's what will be it's effect on the life of the common man.

Never been discussed here.
Medicine prices will skyrocket as our domestic pharma is dependent on chink made ingredients for manufacturing.

On the food crisis factor we can manage it as long as we manage to secure reliable crude oil supply.

industries that depend upon electronics will suffer a bit.

Needless to say Gadgets price will sky rocket and cellphone repair shops will go outta biz aa they rely on cheap chink made spare parts.

Li Battery based technologies like e vehicles will nose dive. We have to import from bit more pricey options like lg and Panasonic.

These are all short term probs,once the prices shoots up more likely mixture of domestic companies and foreign import will reduce the headache but some industries will be facing the supply chain bottle necks.

Mostly survivable imo

But if the threat gets escalated in the scs or Japan and soko front it'll be an whole other scenario,


New Member
May 31, 2020
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S400 is not at all shipped yet we can expect them to reach our shores only in April 2022 . Rafales also will take another 5 months to complete the delivery of 36.

China has already deployed its S-400 and also its S300 version HQ-9 in lots of air bases in TAR region. What do we have apart from S-400 for AD ?

The real issues are the numerical advantage of chinese in MBRL and its Missiles do we even have enough brahmos to counter back ching pong attack ?

How are we so sure that brahmos is like the ultimate destruction against chinese don't you think Ching pong thugs by now studied russian Onyx and created counter AD for brahmos ?

i don't buy into this 11 foot ching pong propaganda at the same time i don't want to buy into our chest thumping we have enough to take on Ching pongs .

Always overestimate your enemy and prepare for it . We have our weakness they have theirs but the only pain is they are closing the gap on their weakness and we haven't .
also, truck mounted artillery , 1000+ uavs and thats just the old ones + the large bases where they are stationing everything just 20km from LAC.

also better roads on their side right upto and crossing the LAC , atleast in eastern ladakh , great for mechanised forces.

probably the reason y we are carefully weighing our options.

IMHO best move we can make is another kailsh range style strategic grab of land.

take over something of value for negotiation without using hot weapons , then call for peace and tranquillity - Chinese wont have balls for escalation .

:hmm: entire eastern ladakh will be frozen in winter , mobilising trucks , tanks , using UAVS for targeting will be difficult . i think best time will be next few months.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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I am not claiming, it is a fact.

Cyberspace is misunderstood by most, it is not bigger rockets and larger guns there. Anyone with a decent laptop can start breaking into things. What makes a good hacker is knowledge of systems (network, OS, security, cryptography).

There are different types of cyber-attacks, but for simplicity -
  • Attacks that steals/modifies information
    • Malware, Trojans, Keyloggers, Spywares (basically viruses), range from simple worms which just multiply and block systems to sophisticated spywares like pegasus.
    • They are harder to create (good ones), and often require a complete team of specialists.
  • Attacks that deny information
Hey I was not supposed to post it ! I had it in draft, but gave up writing it halfway, got accidentally posted :lol:


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Dec 25, 2016
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Number game its all Number game how many of them we have compared to ching pongs ? you can question their quality and reliability in a number game it will matter a lot

Look back 1962 did indian soldiers were not courageous to fight chinese with .303 they did fight with great bravery it is only when ching pongs came in human wave after wave our guys ran out of ammo and got killed .

1000 arty against 200 brahmos . Arty will win any day . 500 CM against 50 CM you can guess which side will have upper hand .

Lets not forget for last 20 years the entire generation of fighting force is only seeing small arms action apart from some rare arty duel against Porki pigs .

We saw how armenian army crumbled against drone and precision arty attacks .

Bravery can only help a bit in war , It will not alone shape the outcome of war in no contact war century .

Shaurya , prahaar brahmos , prithvi are there .

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Intelligence Failures of India

India never learns. Its intelligence services were a big failure during the Chinese invasion of India in 1962. The head honchos of intelligence gave a bad judgement call on Chinese intent to PM Nehru. That resulted in his famous call to a weak Army “Clear the Chinese from Indian Territory”. We know the results of that bad judgement call.

Again in 1965; still smarting under the Chinese beating of India, that the Indian intelligence honchos could not determine the true intent of the Pakistani invasion of Raan of Kutch. Ayub Khan’s real intent was to grab Kashmir from India by choking the Kashmir supply line by reaching Jammu and cutting off Kashmir and 80,000 Indian troops at LOC and LAC. The day was saved by the brave Indian troops and Pakistani stupidity for halting to regroup on September 3, 1965 at the bridgehead of Tawi River. IAF blew up their advance tanks and prevented further advances. India replied by sending an army towards Lahore to relieve the pressure on Jammu.

In 1999, the re-organized Indian intelligence was fooled again when Pakistani staged a major tactical victory by capturing the heights in Kargil. The resulting war to expel the Pakistanis required a huge military effort and good offices of US President Clinton. It was lucky that by then India had built up a military muscle to expel them, which the Pakistanis did not have. India had no intelligence of this Pakistani action.

Well, in 2020 the Chinese staged a Pakistani stylistic tactical advance where their clever pretense of exercise brought their troops to the barren heights of LAC. They did beat up Indian troops in one area, but they lost a bunch of their own. In the process, they shifted the LAC as per their plan, about 7-8 miles, but retreated at a few places when their supply line was threatened. As it stands today, they do not wish to retreat from other areas and give India a victory. Our intelligence could never guess it right that the exercise they are staging in 2020 is in fact an invasion to capture the area. It is the will of iron and wrist of steel presented by the Indian troops knocked some sense into their heads. Now they are pin pricking elsewhere to stage a tactical surprise, but of no avail. Their intents are well known and remedy is to present them a fully loaded gun ready to fire.

These are published few examples where our intelligence fell short. Although, India spends about $4 billion on external and internal intelligence and data gathering, but we are still falling short. Had we known the true Chinese intent in 2020 then the LAC would be where, as it had been for several decades and expense of rushing troops would have been saved. The same is true about 1999 fight in Kargil. That sacrifice of the Indian soldiers to climb difficult heights would have been saved.

There are multiple ways the world gathers intelligence. They use multiple ways, including Human, electronic. Satellite, diplomatic, etc. Even if the raw intelligence is correct, yet its interpretation which matters. It would seem that our peacetime intelligence gathering and conclusions drawn are highly faulty.

