India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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What this joker's is trying to do on the ship's , Pherap's to run from the angry's Mob's. Winnie the Pooh's will Seat on the J 15's and will crash land's on the pherape's the Woody's Island's .
Good old days.. Winnie is too stressed these days..


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Jul 11, 2011
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Gatam Gataha!!!!

from Pusthakam Vanitha Vitham para hastham gatam gataha.

no point in lamenting, as consumer better to insist for local companies to localise their components from now on.
Ha Ha Ha .. I liked That :

Pushtakam = book
Vanita = a beautiful Lady (like spanish bonitto)
Vitam = Money from Vit
Para = It should be par meaning other
Hastam - Hands
Gatam = Going from Gam dhatu
Gatah _ Gone again from gam ,,,


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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The current PLA intrusion in Depsang plains is in the area of ‘Bottleneck’ proximate to Raki Nala and PLA has blocked Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) patrols going to Patrol Points 10, 11, 11A, 12 and 13. This clearly shows that China has no intention of withdrawing from this intrusion and same can be applied to other areas as well. How have we become so gullible to believe China will abide by protocols and promise like disengagement and deactivation when China broke protocols long-time back including the preplanned ambush on June 15 striking our troops with barbaric weapons? Why do we continue to believe China who has done everything against India since 1962?

The ‘Bottleneck’ point in Depsang is located some seven kilometers from Burtse adjacent to the DSDBO Road which is manned by the ITBP. From ‘Bottleneck’ one Indian patrol route leads northwards along the Raki Nala towards Patrol Point 10, then turning east to Patrol Point 11 and 11-A and finally south towards Patrol Point 12. Another Indian patrol route leads south-eastwards towards Patrol Point 13. By occupying Bottleneck and denying movement of ITBP along the patrol routes, China has opened a new front which is major escalation. Notably, these patrol points are the Limit of Patrolling which have been patrolled by India troops deployed in the area over the past decades. The proximity of Burtse, DBO and DSDBO Road to Bottleneck occupied by PLA makes it all the more dangerous. China has been eyeing the capture of DBO and further push west along the Shyok River to join up with Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK). In the words of former Army Chief General N.C. Vij, the mere fact that China is now claiming the whole of Galwan Valley indicates there is more than meets the eye.


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Dec 12, 2015
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President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday confirmed much of this prior skepticism toward Iran's official case count. He dropped a bombshell statement which if true means Iran far surpasses America's case count (at over 3.6 million), currently the most infected country in the world.

Rouhani said a whopping 25 million Iranians have likely been infected with the coronavirus, in the first such statement of its kind affirming that Iran's true numbers are far higher than the official current figure of 271,606.


This is real bombshell. This means number of deaths in Iran likely surpass all other countries. Covid19 may shake out Mullah rule in Iran.

This looks like the opening Israel may have been looking for.

Already there are riots in Iran. Worse could be the future.


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Jul 11, 2011
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The current PLA intrusion in Depsang plains is in the area of ‘Bottleneck’ proximate to Raki Nala and PLA has blocked Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) patrols going to Patrol Points 10, 11, 11A, 12 and 13. This clearly shows that China has no intention of withdrawing from this intrusion and same can be applied to other areas as well. How have we become so gullible to believe China will abide by protocols and promise like disengagement and deactivation when China broke protocols long-time back including the preplanned ambush on June 15 striking our troops with barbaric weapons? Why do we continue to believe China who has done everything against India since 1962?

The ‘Bottleneck’ point in Depsang is located some seven kilometers from Burtse adjacent to the DSDBO Road which is manned by the ITBP. From ‘Bottleneck’ one Indian patrol route leads northwards along the Raki Nala towards Patrol Point 10, then turning east to Patrol Point 11 and 11-A and finally south towards Patrol Point 12. Another Indian patrol route leads south-eastwards towards Patrol Point 13. By occupying Bottleneck and denying movement of ITBP along the patrol routes, China has opened a new front which is major escalation. Notably, these patrol points are the Limit of Patrolling which have been patrolled by India troops deployed in the area over the past decades. The proximity of Burtse, DBO and DSDBO Road to Bottleneck occupied by PLA makes it all the more dangerous. China has been eyeing the capture of DBO and further push west along the Shyok River to join up with Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK). In the words of former Army Chief General N.C. Vij, the mere fact that China is now claiming the whole of Galwan Valley indicates there is more than meets the eye.
Please quote the source. show some fake imagery. show some sketch of Raki nala and Jeevan nala and Y Junction also called bottleneck. Do mark the patrolling points on the sketch... let us see that..


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Please quote the source. show some fake imagery. show some sketch of Raki nala and Jeevan nala and Y Junction also called bottleneck. Do mark the patrolling points on the sketch... let us see that..
Ok will post the whole article .


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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New Chinese Front in Depsang
July 6, 2020 By Lt. General P.C. Katoch (Retd) Photo(s): By Google Map
The Author is Former Director General of Information Systems and A Special Forces Veteran, Indian Army

Google Map showing the Depsang plains and the surrounding terrain​
In the current India-China standoff in Eastern Ladakh, China has once again displayed its strategy of surprise ambiguity and deceit. The surprise aggression was made under the garb of an exercise, followed by a quick move forward. It is widely known that despite agreement for de-escalation during high level military to military talks, PLA attacked a Commanding Officer and his escorts with swords, spears and clubs with iron spikes. The ensuing scuffle between our troops and Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) left 20 Indian Army personnel and 43 PLA killed. China did not acknowledge the PLA killed earlier but finally agreed PLA did suffer casualties after uproar on Chinese social media. They have still not revealed the number of PLA casualties. Obviously China would not like to admit PLA attacked first and yet suffered more than double the casualties of Indians. It is possible they attributed bulk of their casualties to COVID-19 so that the bodies can be buried anywhere with the parents just informed.
Importantly, despite agreeing to de-escalate, the PLA has not only, not moved back, they have re-established at the place in Galwan where their tent had been removed by our soldiers. PLA continues at Patrol Point 14 from where it can monitor movement along the Darbuk-Shyok-Gaulat Beg Oldi (DSDBO) Road and the airstrip at DBO. At Pangong Tso, PLA has blocked the movement of Indian troops beyond Finger 4; our troops used to earlier patrol till Finger 8. The manner in which PLA has dug down, it is unlikely they will move back from areas of Galwan, Hot Springs and Pangong Tso (Finger 4). The Chinese media continues to brand India as the aggressor. More significantly, China is now claiming the entire Galwan Valley as Chinese territory. There has been a third India-China military to military meeting at Corps Commanders level on June 30, this time at Chushul. But India should again expect deceit by China – which may be looking for an excuse for further forward move despite agreeing to de-escalate. If all this was not enough, China has mobilised troops into the Depsang plains where PLA had intruded in the area of Raki Nala in 2013 before the visit of Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang to India and continued thereafter, eventually withdrawing only after the ITBP was forced to dismantle its cameras and structure at Chumar which was 400 km south of the PLA intrusion area at Raki Nala in Depsang plains. Indian media had mentioned the intrusion in 2013 was 19 km deep.
The current PLA intrusion in Depsang plains is in the area of ‘Bottleneck’ proximate to Raki Nala and PLA has blocked Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) patrols going to Patrol Points 10, 11, 11A, 12 and 13. In effect PLA is denying Indian patrols the entire area of LAC from Patrol Point 10 to Patrol Pont 14 further south in Galwan, in addition to the intrusion in Pangong Tso area where PLA has constructed number of bunkers on the spur of Finger 4 overlooking the Indian post. Between Finger 4 and Finger 5, a huge inscription showing China’s map with an accompanying symbol in Mandarin - large enough to be spotted by satellites. This clearly shows that China has no intention of withdrawing from this intrusion and same can be applied to other areas as well. How have we become so gullible to believe China will abide by protocols and promise like disengagement and deactivation when China broke protocols long-time back including the preplanned ambush on June 15 striking our troops with barbaric weapons? Why do we continue to believe China who has done everything against India since 1962?
The ‘Bottleneck’ point in Depsang is located some seven kilometers from Burtse adjacent to the DSDBO Road which is manned by the ITBP. From ‘Bottleneck’ one Indian patrol route leads northwards along the Raki Nala towards Patrol Point 10, then turning east to Patrol Point 11 and 11-A and finally south towards Patrol Point 12. Another Indian patrol route leads south-eastwards towards Patrol Point 13. By occupying Bottleneck and denying movement of ITBP along the patrol routes, China has opened a new front which is major escalation. Notably, these patrol points are the Limit of Patrolling which have been patrolled by India troops deployed in the area over the past decades. The proximity of Burtse, DBO and DSDBO Road to Bottleneck occupied by PLA makes it all the more dangerous. China has been eyeing the capture of DBO and further push west along the Shyok River to join up with Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK). In the words of former Army Chief General N.C. Vij, the mere fact that China is now claiming the whole of Galwan Valley indicates there is more than meets the eye.
A China-Pakistan handshake along the Shyok River would imply loss of Siachen Glacier and the Saltoro Range jeopardising the defence of Ladakh at great strategic disadvantage to India. The Indian government maintains is not seeking conflict but coming days will indicate what Xi Jinping has in his devious mind. He appears to have already tested India’s redlines and seems tempted to force conflict on us. China already has a PLA Brigade stationed 14 km from Skardu in Gilgit-Baltistan. Should China force conflict and protégé Pakistan makes some moves, it would be ideal opportunity for US-NATO to hit the CPEC and cut Pakistan’s access to the Arabian Sea.


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Jun 27, 2020
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The current PLA intrusion in Depsang plains is in the area of ‘Bottleneck’ proximate to Raki Nala and PLA has blocked Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) patrols going to Patrol Points 10, 11, 11A, 12 and 13. This clearly shows that China has no intention of withdrawing from this intrusion and same can be applied to other areas as well. How have we become so gullible to believe China will abide by protocols and promise like disengagement and deactivation when China broke protocols long-time back including the preplanned ambush on June 15 striking our troops with barbaric weapons? Why do we continue to believe China who has done everything against India since 1962?

The ‘Bottleneck’ point in Depsang is located some seven kilometers from Burtse adjacent to the DSDBO Road which is manned by the ITBP. From ‘Bottleneck’ one Indian patrol route leads northwards along the Raki Nala towards Patrol Point 10, then turning east to Patrol Point 11 and 11-A and finally south towards Patrol Point 12. Another Indian patrol route leads south-eastwards towards Patrol Point 13. By occupying Bottleneck and denying movement of ITBP along the patrol routes, China has opened a new front which is major escalation. Notably, these patrol points are the Limit of Patrolling which have been patrolled by India troops deployed in the area over the past decades. The proximity of Burtse, DBO and DSDBO Road to Bottleneck occupied by PLA makes it all the more dangerous. China has been eyeing the capture of DBO and further push west along the Shyok River to join up with Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK). In the words of former Army Chief General N.C. Vij, the mere fact that China is now claiming the whole of Galwan Valley indicates there is more than meets the eye.
@ARVION complete govt silance regarding Despang signalling something not right there. probably they are deliberately doing that to avoid people's rage for the time being. I'm smelling something very fishy. I don't think China came with 3 divisions just for strolling. they won't go back until there is a kick on the back (just wild guess).


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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@ARVION complete govt silance regarding Despang signalling something not right there. probably they are deliberately doing that to avoid people's rage for the time being. I'm smelling something very fishy. I don't think China came with 3 divisions just for strolling. they won't go back until there is a kick on the back (just wild guess).
Well there are always possibilities, chinese are going to do something's but dont knew exactly what and where's, but this is just a mere silence's before's a storm's and we are living in a fake peace's .


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Dec 12, 2015
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Why Osint silence on Depsang ? No sat images?
One thing we learnt is now there can be no gray areas. Build bases and camps there.
People like you and me have no money to buy sat images. But interesting thing is a political party like Congress is making accusations without proof.

Congress wants Modi to start a war badly and possibly lose that war. This strategy of Congress is so transparent that it is laughable.

I think Xi is getting inputs from Madam Gestapo.


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Jul 11, 2011
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@ARVION complete govt silance regarding Despang signalling something not right there. probably they are deliberately doing that to avoid people's rage for the time being. I'm smelling something very fishy. I don't think China came with 3 divisions just for strolling. they won't go back until there is a kick on the back (just wild guess).
Have the Chinese blocked Indian road construction... ??
Have they fired on our landing strip..??
Till the time they have not done that let the Chinese soldiers punish themselves... and we should be busy with winter stacking and inducting more guns, tanks and APC there.

Let us see how long they sustain themselves there . Let the the General Winter arrive ... why initiate a war in summers when winters could have done the job... only one road coming to Depsang needs to be blocked and bombed... that is all..


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Jun 10, 2020
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Bad News.

A tentative deal between Oli and Dahal saves ruling party from imminent split, for now
Senior leader Madhav Nepal says any backdoor dealings will not be accepted and that he will go to the party rank and file if the two chairs attempted to impose totalitarianism.

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
Have the Chinese blocked Indian raod construction... ??
Have they fire on our landing strip..??
Till the time they ahve not done that let the Chinese soldiers punish themselves...

Let us see how long they sustain themselves there . Let the the General Winter arrive ... why initiate a war in summers when winters could have done the job... only one road coming to Depsang needs to be blocked and bombed... that is all..
Recently I have heard that despang news is true , they have came as much as last time in 2013 maybe slightly less. And they can sustain it , we all know about Chinese construction capabilities. They were doing the same thing on pp14. Unlike finger area , this time they are actually sitting more than 10km in our territory from LAC with some 1500 soldiers in ours territory. It's 1962/kargil all over again. Chinese are saying that they want control till finger 2 and entire galwan Valley , only then they will pullback. So our options are either we loose some 15/20 km territory or go to war. Waiting means they are making there hold stronger on these positions and constructing bunkers , shelters and artillery positions both in finger area , despang . Essentially this will be the biggest lost of territory since 1962 . They are sitting there pretty and prepared for armed conflict , we aren't. Maybe you need to get updates from your sources


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Have the Chinese blocked Indian road construction... ??
Have they fired on our landing strip..??
Till the time they have not done that let the Chinese soldiers punish themselves... and we should be busy with winter stacking and inducting more guns, tanks and APC there.

Let us see how long they sustain themselves there . Let the the General Winter arrive ... why initiate a war in summers when winters could have done the job... only one road coming to Depsang needs to be blocked and bombed... that is all..
Bhadra ji ki bhaut baatein sahei hai, let's see what will happen . We dont have a clean's picture's so have to wait just in darkness's . Even if they have inturned it's will be a hell for the PLAGF's . They will knew the terraine's the Harsh way's . They will understand's that the Ladakh's is a Harsh Mistresses's .


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Jun 19, 2020
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When will some people get their head out of their backsides and accept that there are intrusions. Why has the Indian army sent 10’s of thousands of troops to Ladakh.? To play cricket? Even the defence minister says there are no guarantees that the Chinese will vacate. What’s with the “all is well” brigade burying their head in the ground, trying to prove there are no intrusions, Time people accepted facts and let the army do its job and throw out the intruders. People seem to be more worried about the image of a particular party or person/s, than about the country. Isn’t loyalty supposed to be to the country rather than political parties or persons?


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Recently I have heard that despang news is true , they have came as much as last time in 2013 maybe slightly less. And they can sustain it , we all know about Chinese construction capabilities. They were doing the same thing on pp14. Unlike finger area , this time they are actually sitting more than 10km in our territory from LAC with some 1500 soldiers in ours territory. It's 1962/kargil all over again. Chinese are saying that they want control till finger 2 and entire galwan Valley , only then they will pullback. So our options are either we loose some 15/20 km territory or go to war. Waiting means they are making there hold stronger on these positions and constructing bunkers , shelters and artillery positions both in finger area , despang . Essentially this will be the biggest lost of territory since 1962 . They are sitting there pretty and prepared for armed conflict , we aren't. Maybe you need to get updates from your sources
Which source's do you have ? , be kind to shares it's with us all's .
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