India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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May 8, 2019
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I might be wrong. But something is going to happen with respect to Taiwan very soon in my opinion.

China might invade Taiwan very soon. Not just for the territory but for another reason. Most of you know Trump imposed sanctions on companies supplying any technology to Huawei. Chinese were biding their time building and learning to become self reliant in Semi conductor manufacturing. The timeline was 2030 to become self reliant. To that effect they planned to invest $1 Trillion in Semi conductor industry. They used to source chips from TSMC which is Taiwanese company. Now TSMC has announced they won't be supplying any chips to Huawei and other Chinese companies. Chinese semiconductor foundry SMIC is still not upto the mark. TSMC was their lifeline. But now that is gone.

And in order to manufacture high performance chips you need EUV machines which ASML a Dutch company makes. They have 100% market share. US persuaded Netherlands not to supply EUV machines to China even after Netherlands gave the export licence to ASML in 2018. They outright banned the sale of any EUV machines to China. This is a direct threat to Chinese high tech industry and their companies which they call high tech Champions like Huawei, ZTE. With everyone now shy of adopting Huawei in their 5G networks, denying Huawei semi conductor chips is a double whammy to Chinese technology companies. Taiwan which hosts TSMC is a single point of failure in global supply chain in the Semi conductors. If anything happens to TSMC fabs in Taiwan we all would be toast as well. Apple, Nvidia, AMD, Qualcomm, Broadcomm all depend on TSMC to deliver their silicon chips. That is why Taiwan is diversifying their assets. They have planned to build a fab facility in Arizona.

Without the high performance chips Huawei and ZTE are screwed. Huawei said they have only 1 year stock of chips. I believe Chinese want to invade Taiwan soon otherwise their tech juggernaut might as well come to a halt if they don't take action now.
that's extreme skulduggery on their part (the Chinese). Taiwan is going to annihilate those ASML machines before they annihilate any Chinese landing anywhere near their soil. Then that's all over for the Asian semiconductor industry.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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View attachment 53497

We seroiusly's need's to look into this's the Krai Istumu's to Counter the Chinese's Infulence's .
Absolutely I posted about it on the other thread. Andamans is going to be our most crucial base in IOR, I think it Should be turned into full fledged defense based asset. An entire squadron of IAF will be great especially since we are very light in terms of subs.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Bad News.

A tentative deal between Oli and Dahal saves ruling party from imminent split, for now
Senior leader Madhav Nepal says any backdoor dealings will not be accepted and that he will go to the party rank and file if the two chairs attempted to impose totalitarianism.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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There's no element known as gallinium. GaN is used instead of silicon in power electronics since it can handle higher temperatures. The future of computing chips lies in graphene. India should start investing in this.
Sorry's meant by Gallium nitride nanotube


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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And yet the govt has been dragging its feet on investing 3k crore in a Galliinium foundry at IISc. When will we get some politicians who are visionary and who understand the need for the country to be at the forefront of technology to make India a world leader.
Well atleast some progress has been made seriously , a hybrid partnership model would be taken by the Nalco's and private firm's, that look's like the way's ahead's . To country's the chinese electronic's and Export's .


New Member
May 31, 2020
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All in all we are nearly in stone age when it comes to chip manufacturing. ISRO is also helpless for all the good they have done. Until we decide to change things, it will remain same. We will keep exporting electronics from China Japan S korea:frusty:
We are pretty good when it comes to chip design.

Keep reading about India becoming a Hub for Chip Design and testing.No idea if it will happen though.

:hmm: long time ago , friend in bangalore told me that Nvidia Terga processors were designed and tested in India.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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No you are wrong's IFB's Have started, I think voltas will follow the suit's . Should make every effort's for an less dependente's on the chinese import's .
A washing machine repair guy told me that few years back.

I think voltas AC components comes from China as well.

Its fucking sad a lot of our companies seem to be just importing in China made shit and slapping their name on it.

If you go on amazon/flipkart you will find everything from usb cables , kitchen appliances to electronics all very similar looking except they are from different brands . Most of these are made in china , custom made to indian companies specs .


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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A washing machine repair guy told me that few years back.

I think voltas AC components comes from China as well.

Its fucking sad a lot of our companies seem to be just importing in China made shit and slapping their name on it.

If you go on amazon/flipkart you will find everything from usb cables , kitchen appliances to electronics all very similar looking except they are from different brands . Most of these are made in china , custom made to indian companies specs .
Gatam Gataha!!!!

from Pusthakam Vanitha Vitham para hastham gatam gataha.

There is an ancient saying in Sanskritized Telugu-Vanita, vittam, pottam, parahastam gatam gataha, meaning that if woman, money, book, have changed hands, they are lost forever (since they are rarely returned). In modern times, this adage could be vehemently contested, especially by women. Nevertheless, in the case of money, it still might have relevance. Anyway, in reality one cannot sit back quoting adages. or old sayings. One has to make efforts to recover the lost.
no point in lamenting, as consumer better to insist for local companies to localise their components from now on.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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What this joker's is trying to do on the ship's , Pherap's to run from the angry's Mob's. Winnie the Pooh's will Seat on the J 15's and will crash land's on the pherape's the Woody's Island's .


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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I might be wrong. But something is going to happen with respect to Taiwan very soon in my opinion.

China might invade Taiwan very soon.
Out of the question! Unless Xi Jinping has lost his marbles.

There's the Taiwan Strait between them, which ranges from 220 km at its widest point to 130 km at its narrowest. China would need a massive force to be transported by a colossal fleet of ships and assault landing crafts which they do not possess.

Taiwan has a total strength of 1,800,000 military personnel including reserves, 290 fighter aircraft including 115 F-16s, 95 attack choppers, 117 corvettes, destroyers, minesweepers and frigates as well as 4 subs. China would need three times this force to even attempt an offensive in Taiwan, the beaches which are chockablock with anti ship weapon clusters. In addition to hundreds of sea skimming Harpoons, it also has dozens of the Yun Feng supersonic cruise missile, which can travel as far as 2,000 kms and strike targets on the Chinese mainland, which needless to say, includes the financial hub of Shanghai - China's jugular.

And then the sheer magnitude of logistics over the Taiwan Strait to launch an offensive of this nature is mind boggling. The Chinese are nowhere near the combat ratio required for invading Taiwan from the sea. Period! The Chinese got a bloody nose in the Vietnam war fighting a much smaller army. They'll get their ass kicked here if they attempt an invasion against Taiwan.

So all this talk of an imminent invasion of Taiwan by China is pure science fiction.
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New Member
Apr 24, 2016
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A washing machine repair guy told me that few years back.

I think voltas AC components comes from China as well.

Its fucking sad a lot of our companies seem to be just importing in China made shit and slapping their name on it.

If you go on amazon/flipkart you will find everything from usb cables , kitchen appliances to electronics all very similar looking except they are from different brands . Most of these are made in china , custom made to indian companies specs .
I think the issue here isn't that we can't make these smaller components and subsystems in India. It's that china subsidises its companies for taking a loss and/or selling their crap at an aggressively cheap rate which allows them to stay alive while chinese products flood the market over time and muscle out swadeshi companies.

It takes time for any company to grow, and chinis resort to corrupt monopolistic practices where they keep getting into price wars to oust their competitors. This is basically what the CCP is doing under the table.

GOI needs to do the same with desi MSMEs and simultaneously impose duties on chini products in every step of the way, put logistical barriers for the imported Chinese goods, do media blitzes like #BoycottChineseProducts and emphasize #Swadeshi, harass only chinese companies however possible, among anything else to trip the chinese wherever they go.
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