India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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May 31, 2020
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since Indonesia was mentioned, was checking some YouTube video from Indonesia on current indo China escalation.

Based on comments section, apparently Indonesians don’t like India much. Something about India being Vrindavan gang.
I think they hate the Han Chinese. sort of like how jews are hated.

They were anti-chinese riots,mass murders,shops burned . I doubt they are still very liked there.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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I might be wrong. But something is going to happen with respect to Taiwan very soon in my opinion.

China might invade Taiwan very soon. Not just for the territory but for another reason. Most of you know Trump imposed sanctions on companies supplying any technology to Huawei. Chinese were biding their time building and learning to become self reliant in Semi conductor manufacturing. The timeline was 2030 to become self reliant. To that effect they planned to invest $1 Trillion in Semi conductor industry. They used to source chips from TSMC which is Taiwanese company. Now TSMC has announced they won't be supplying any chips to Huawei and other Chinese companies. Chinese semiconductor foundry SMIC is still not upto the mark. TSMC was their lifeline. But now that is gone.

And in order to manufacture high performance chips you need EUV machines which ASML a Dutch company makes. They have 100% market share. US persuaded Netherlands not to supply EUV machines to China even after Netherlands gave the export licence to ASML in 2018. They outright banned the sale of any EUV machines to China. This is a direct threat to Chinese high tech industry and their companies which they call high tech Champions like Huawei, ZTE. With everyone now shy of adopting Huawei in their 5G networks, denying Huawei semi conductor chips is a double whammy to Chinese technology companies. Taiwan which hosts TSMC is a single point of failure in global supply chain in the Semi conductors. If anything happens to TSMC fabs in Taiwan we all would be toast as well. Apple, Nvidia, AMD, Qualcomm, Broadcomm all depend on TSMC to deliver their silicon chips. That is why Taiwan is diversifying their assets. They have planned to build a fab facility in Arizona.

Without the high performance chips Huawei and ZTE are screwed. Huawei said they have only 1 year stock of chips. I believe Chinese want to invade Taiwan soon otherwise their tech juggernaut might as well come to a halt if they don't take action now.
Not till 2021. Mark my word's . Perperstione's needs time and for a proper oppournitie's to appear's .
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Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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I think they hate the Han Chinese. sort of like how jews are hated.

They were anti-chinese riots,mass murders,shops burned . I doubt they are still very liked there.
They hate chinese more than us. So could find a way for a better relationship's . We should invest more in the Indonesian market's .


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Why until 2021? Now looks to be the perfect time especially when the time nears to American elections.
You attack when the least it's expected . Dont wage a war when everyone knew's you are going to, attack at an unexpected's time's .

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Indonesia has around 2.5 to 3 crore's Hindu's. Malaysia's 10 Percentage population's is made of Indian's, 20 Lakh's Hindu's live in Myanmar's, 10 Lakh's Indian's live in Thailand's, 17 percentage of the Singapore's population's is made of Indian's why not increase's our's infulence's there's .
Increasing influence is fine but all I was saying is culturally Myanmar & Cambodia are much closer to us thanks to Buddhism Thailand too as well. Indonesia has always mixed feelings regarding India though it is a rising economy & it will be vital for us to increase trade with them & reduce the trade deficit. India has immence soft power already in SEA countries All we need to do is improve our manufacturing sector which is pretty backward as of now.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Increasing influence is fine but all I was saying is culturally Myanmar & Cambodia are much closer to us thanks to Buddhism Thailand too as well. Indonesia has always mixed feelings regarding India though it is a rising economy & it will be vital for us to increase trade with them & reduce the trade deficit. India has immence soft power already in SEA countries All we need to do is improve our manufacturing sector which is pretty backward as of now.
Yes we need to have a good market's and that Liae's for future's potential export oppournitie's in the South East's Asian's Countrie's .


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
India urgently needs to make up the numbers.

114 mrca plus any mirages 2k or mig 29s or mkis that we can get.
Just wondering about something.Acqusition of these planes being hindered due to cash crunch. Let us assume that HAL and Dassault create a JV 51-49 sharing to produce Rafale locally. For the funding the PM goes online and seeks fund from public. That is crowdfunding IAF capex, a dedicated account for that purpose under PM control where Indians can contribute any amount.
Modi with his oratory skills and aura can make this happen😜


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Jul 11, 2011
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The above article by Shiv Kunal Verma in Sunday Gaurdian is being discussed on NewsX.

Shive Kunal Verma has invited attention to the North East and Arunachal in particular the Tawang Tract in view of the recent Chinese pronouncements about their claims to a wild Life Sanctuary in Eastern Bhutan.

i think India has always been sensitive to Tawang and is fully aware of Chinese insistence on their claims with respect to Tawang. India Army has had their moments of military efficiency when they occupied Hathungla = Lungrola to premept the Chinese.

Tawang and Sela massif including the Bhutanese territory of Tashigang Dzong is a three division force fortress. Whatever is happening in Ladakh. keeping that in mind. 4 Corps here must be on their haunches.

Having played their cards in Ladakh with about three divisions. Chinese would not project another force level of that strength any where along the LAC. They can not afford to commit six to seven divisions on LAC and thereby reveal their hand and become option less after that. Yes intrusions with a brigade level forces are possible in Barahoti. Lipulekg, Sikkim, Bhutan and many places on Lac in Arunachal Pradesh. Even a brigade level fores can give out of prorogation gains in such places.

Committing 6 Highland Mechanized Division and 4 Motorized Infantry Division into narrow confines of Ladakh can not be ruse or diversion.


New Member
Mar 24, 2019
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I might be wrong. But something is going to happen with respect to Taiwan very soon in my opinion.

China might invade Taiwan very soon. Not just for the territory but for another reason. Most of you know Trump imposed sanctions on companies supplying any technology to Huawei. Chinese were biding their time building and learning to become self reliant in Semi conductor manufacturing. The timeline was 2030 to become self reliant. To that effect they planned to invest $1 Trillion in Semi conductor industry. They used to source chips from TSMC which is Taiwanese company. Now TSMC has announced they won't be supplying any chips to Huawei and other Chinese companies. Chinese semiconductor foundry SMIC is still not upto the mark. TSMC was their lifeline. But now that is gone.

And in order to manufacture high performance chips you need EUV machines which ASML a Dutch company makes. They have 100% market share. US persuaded Netherlands not to supply EUV machines to China even after Netherlands gave the export licence to ASML in 2018. They outright banned the sale of any EUV machines to China. This is a direct threat to Chinese high tech industry and their companies which they call high tech Champions like Huawei, ZTE. With everyone now shy of adopting Huawei in their 5G networks, denying Huawei semi conductor chips is a double whammy to Chinese technology companies. Taiwan which hosts TSMC is a single point of failure in global supply chain in the Semi conductors. If anything happens to TSMC fabs in Taiwan we all would be toast as well. Apple, Nvidia, AMD, Qualcomm, Broadcomm all depend on TSMC to deliver their silicon chips. That is why Taiwan is diversifying their assets. They have planned to build a fab facility in Arizona.

Without the high performance chips Huawei and ZTE are screwed. Huawei said they have only 1 year stock of chips. I believe Chinese want to invade Taiwan soon otherwise their tech juggernaut might as well come to a halt if they don't take action now.
Will usa remain silent if that happen.. though there is election in usa still there is a powerful deep state there .. If something like that happens i want india to give them a taste of two front..


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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But seriously's we need to look for the Krai Istumu's, well in co operatione's with the Malaysian and Singapore's. It could be a boost to our's trade's and we could have The adamense's Island's as a transportatione's Hub's . A counter to the Chinese's in the regione's .

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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I think there was plans to bring back foundaries to US.

:dude: As for india , we cant even make washing machine boards . most or all of it come from China .
All in all we are nearly in stone age when it comes to chip manufacturing. ISRO is also helpless for all the good they have done. Until we decide to change things, it will remain same. We will keep exporting electronics from China Japan S korea:frusty:


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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All in all we are nearly in stone age when it comes to chip manufacturing. ISRO is also helpless for all the good they have done. Until we decide to change things, it will remain same. We will keep exporting electronics from China Japan S korea:frusty:
The future's lies in Gallinium not silicion's .


New Member
May 8, 2019
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lots of people are dreaming about western jets rather then realizing the groud reality. indigenous Tejas is more valuable then western maal. Tejas has set the platform in our country for next gen fighters.

we should follow the model of France. they abandoned the development of 5th gen fighter all-together and now they are going straight for 6th gen fighter.

we should do the same, lca tejas mk2 is fine and needed to fill in numbers. but abandoned mwf, tedbf, orca etc and go straight for 6th gen fighters. we should start investing on it today.

get real noobs :hehe:
Nobody's doubting that ma'am. I'm also against the dilly-dallying tactics of IAF-MoD-CCS nexus of delaying HAL Tejas jet fighter deal. But right now, we require some platforms that need to go to war at a moments notice. Had the entire Tejas supply line performed as expected, IAF would be the happiest customer of all. But, right now, it's too little, too late. We can't fret over it. Let HAL make the supply line up and running within the coming months, all delays will get settled.


New Member
Jun 18, 2020
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One reason I think de- escalation won't happen is due to PLA. They have lost 40-50 of their soldiers , no proper funeral and then imagine returning with nothing to show for.
This will badly hit their soldiers morale if there is no revenge.
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