India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Next, if Ninda Turtle shows up in Vizag, it should send a shiver down PN/PLAN's spine, because it would indicate many things:
  • That India's naval posture is offensive in the IOR
  • That India is actively hunting for Chinese and Pakistani subs
  • That India has deployed SSBNs (plural) in China's backyard to sharpen its second-strike capability
  • That Indian Navy is an active component of whatever surprise the US Navy is planning for China
  • That Indian Navy is sending a gentle reminder to all countries in the region that have economic engagement with China on ports (i.e. Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar), to keep their engagement "civilian"
  • That nobody will come to Karachi's rescue if Pakistanis get any ideas during India's military engagement against China in Ladakh

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
Sir why are you looking to match the chinese weapon to weapon ? China will always have adv. Their economy is huge. We must focus on our strength rather than their's. We must get our act together otherwise no amount of weapon will help us. Remember this is high altitude warfare... all the big money wapons will have min effect. It's the inf which will make the difference in high altitude warfare
I am not looking to match Chinese weapons for weapons. But to fight 2 front war in air we need more than 200/300more aircrafts. Chinese have close to 800 jets which are modern and we have half of them . That is when we don't count Pakistan. Agree that half of there fleet will not be available on our front but that still means facing 400 Chinese jets and 150+ jets from Pakistan.

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
The presence of US Carriers in SCS region forces China to devote a good part of its fighters in that area. Fighting or no fighting.

The way situation is escalating, I think a shooting war between USA and China may happen before China-India.
That's wishful thinking. Assumption is the mother of all failures. Americans are smart and they have no interest in fighting China as of now especially when elections are on the horizon. I think you should remember how much USA trade with China. China is today what it is because of USA. Let's assume that shooting war starts between USA and China , then we shouldn't stop at akasi hind but in Tibet. USA will fu*k up Chinese badly and Pakistan will not even interfere. It would solve Chinese problem once in for all .

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
bro, instead of Pak having nukes, we have conducted surgical strike and Balakot.
presently Pak is doomed and fighting for their own existence. presently they even won't be able to fight heightened Baluchistan and GB insurgency (if any).

secondly, why are you thinking our military planners that dumb that they haven't war gamed some 100/200 Chinese fighters in Pak when we can easily assume that?

next, if they will thin our forces along LAC then we will also do that to them. and I think at least we will be able to maintain a good number to defend that territory. will they able to field 1:9 or 1:6 or at least 1:3 ratio?

next, if they try small skirmishes like 1967, what if we heat up whole LAC? will they be able to field required number when there are 3+1 ACs in SCS?

next, if we choke Malacca streight, will they even be able to come there?

and many more...
Ohh how do I answer your questions without looking like a a**hole. How our military will stop 500+ jets of both Pakistan and Chinese with 380+ jets of ours. Yes balakot was nice , there was even rumour that Modi ji watched the bombing live. But what happens next day .? Also don't underestimate porkies. Navy , army is fine but not airforce. Airforce is my biggest worry. I guess Congress did screw India once again. Just imagine what would have happened if Congress did signed 126 rafale deal in 2012. Even after 2013 incident with Chinese they didn't.


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Jun 18, 2020
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Ohh how do I answer your questions without looking like a a**hole. How our military will stop 500+ jets of both Pakistan and Chinese with 380+ jets of ours. Yes balakot was nice , there was even rumour that Modi ji watched the bombing live. But what happens next day .? Also don't underestimate porkies. Navy , army is fine but not airforce. Airforce is my biggest worry. I guess Congress did screw India once again. Just imagine what would have happened if Congress did signed 126 rafale deal in 2012. Even after 2013 incident with Chinese they didn't.
But are all jets equal ?
For example can you equate 1 Su 30 with 1 JF 17 ?
What about quality? How many JF 17 can 10 Su 30 engage ?


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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But are all jets equal ?
For example can you equate 1 Su 30 with 1 JF 17 ?
What about quality? How many JF 17 can 10 Su 30 engage ?
Well if 135 F 17's engage 10 su 30' s but it never happened till now so cant tell .

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
But are all jets equal ?
For example can you equate 1 Su 30 with 1 JF 17 ?
What about quality? How many JF 17 can 10 Su 30 engage ?
My statement is more general rather than precise. What about j10 equiped with aesa radar and dual pulse motor missile. Or there Sukhoi copies with aesa radar and dual pulse motor missile.
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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:dude: GOI is still in "mulling" stage . which means there is chance negotiations with China will succeed.

:hmm: I think China provoked us in May because they anticipated that US will soon start escalating against China ( trade sanctions , tech sanctions , larger US navy presence in South China Sea etc )

Their plan as usual was to use the LAC as a bargaining chip . "Don't side with US" and we will pull back . They occupy land , our media starts screaming , putting pressure on Modi and GOI has to stay neutral . few months later they pull back - hindi - chini bhai bhai . As has been done previously .

But with 20 dead on our side and 40+ on theirs things have gone sideways . we are now going out of our way to fuck with them .

Its same in South China Sea . Chinese are provoking everyone in order to send out the message "Dont side with US ".
issue with Australia is that their internal politics are heavily compromised by CCP.

US is a treaty ally for Australia, so their procedures are secured, which is not the case for us. So we have to tread carefully so that the gains made are not reversible.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Looks like chinkies are shit scared. They were warning India of multiple fronts and now running like headless chicken as they are facing gangbang by USA and India. Lmao. Those lizards are too funny .lol

There was a major incident in 2001.

A Chinese fighter jet intercepted a US recon plane , tried to intimidate it and ended up crashing into it.

The chinese pilot died , US plane landed in Chinese island and was stripped of all its gear.

With all the US planes flying near Chinese militarized islands in SCS, is worried there maybe
another incident.

:megusta: and if that happens , it would be fun to see what happens next.


New Member
Jun 18, 2020
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Haha . When you run out of argument. Has done more then enough from my part for defence. Also I guess you don't know nothing because if you do then you would realise that Chinese has taken more than 640 square km of our territory without firing a shot in the past 2 decades. It's one of the best kept secret in India.
Can you point out on map what are the areas they have taken?
Why did you delete your post ? Everyone knows it .

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
Can you point out on map what are the areas they have taken?
Why did you delete your post ? Everyone knows it .
There are many articles regarding that. Let me name all three places for you Depsang, Chumar and Pangong Tso sectors.
Read this article from retired Major general from army.
And I didn't delete it . Mods did. Also it looks to me our hellfire sir ji was posted somewhere near LAC . Maybe you should asked him for clarity
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New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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Ohh how do I answer your questions without looking like a a**hole. How our military will stop 500+ jets of both Pakistan and Chinese with 380+ jets of ours. Yes balakot was nice , there was even rumour that Modi ji watched the bombing live. But what happens next day .? Also don't underestimate porkies. Navy , army is fine but not airforce. Airforce is my biggest worry. I guess Congress did screw India once again. Just imagine what would have happened if Congress did signed 126 rafale deal in 2012. Even after 2013 incident with Chinese they didn't.
good points.

firstly how our experts war gamed that and how we will resist, I can't answer. but what I can point out is, composition and quality of those 500 fighters? all of those will attack simaltenously or some will posture and few will attack? actual quality of thier missiles? are those missiles better than AMRAAM? we have jammed a few battle tested AMRAAMs (though older model). will they be able to jam meteor, astra, r27, r77 etc?

next, think of a different scenario. suppose Pak postures with some planes along with our western border. will we be able to send all our aircrafts to eastern border without keeping a large chunk for Western sector? will China be able to field 100/200 extra fighters in Pak when there are/will be 3+1 mighty ACs roaming in SCS?

what happened next day of Balakot? they were unable to deliver their package. and when we scrambled, they ran with their tail tucked between their legs and one flying coffin downed a mighty viper.

yes, MMRCA should have been signed a long time ago. that was a mistake. but Dassault was also reluctant to certify HAL made Rafales, afaik.
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