India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Jun 27, 2020
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World is getting over with nuclear hangover/ deterrence. Thinking about two nuclear country attacking and mass mobilizing in 90s would have been seen as a global crisis but today world is becoming different. Russians engaging against American interest in middle east. Chinese directly supporting NK and Pakistan with nuclear equipments and going into bloody conflict with india.
Recent dreams to dominate south China sea with American and Chinese naval forces eye to eye against each other.

The level of deterrence in few decades will be established again with hypersonic Nuclear weapons with much more advanced war heads.
Pakistan in past got access to nukes because of American dependence on Pakistan and Chinese TOT.
India today must openly make efforts to stop Pakistani advancements in development of these systems even if requires pro active steps like what Isreal is doing against iran. Clear and simple message to Chinese should be given if provide TOT to Pakistan then we will field more and more number of missiles towards you ultimately undermining your security.
World would definitely not want india to develop these capabilities but we must be among top 3 to develop these system.
Even USA would not like india to develop these system.
But Americans leaving Nuclear treaty shows how thing's are changing with Russians and Chinese doing new testing and developments. Americans also want to do catch up.
just to point out, we are already in the hypersonic missile race. and nobody is creating any problem regarding that.
also we are researching on Kali for a long time without any external reservations.

imo tech like rail gun, mirv, laser, ew, hypersonic etc are going to dominate next phase.

(I'm not contradicting you. just pointing out).

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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just to point out, we are already in the hypersonic missile race. and nobody is creating any problem regarding that.
India is far far bigger power today for some Xyz country to comment on our development or militarily stop them. Every year number of indian scientists go missing or end up dead with Mysterious reason's. Countries would never up front claim shit but behind the doors they would want to keep new Delhi Clam and tied. If that was not the case then till now we would have already tested 15K KM range nukes which are extremely important to deter Chinese.

Hypersonic and new advanced nuclear warheads will be the future of new deterrence neither country wants others to get this technology because it will decrease their strategic standing.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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yes, get real noobs.

fyki, even Tejas isn't fully developed yet. we need some 42 squadrons and we have some 30 or so. this 42 squadron requirement is old estimate. China and Pak is not as they were 20 years ago. so presently if we calculate again, that result might be, we need some 60 or so (just saying).

now which ac will fill that gap?

what's the production rate of Tejas? how long it will take to fill that number gap?

an M.Phil student can start PhD. but can a class 10 student do the same?
can we even build an engine to power a Tejas?
mwf, tedbf/orca is our class 12, graduation, masters.

actually how many 5th gen fighters (not claimed but developed) are there?

6th gen fighters are nothing but 5th gen fighters with many added features. France and Germany is making many world class fighters for a long time. they might have technical expertise to go for 6th gen but we don't have.

even Tejas is still juggad.

get real noobs.
Pakistan inducted JF17 when it was not ready, China inducted many jets when they were not ready, that's how they build up their squadrons, why should Indians always wait for a project for its FOC ?


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Sep 7, 2015
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We shouldn't blame Russia for our intelligence failure or failure to act before hand.

How can someone mobilise such a large army and we don't have a clue.
Secondly if we had done a galwan at Pangong tso and Depsang in may things wouldn't have come to this.
We keep talking about 'intel failures' in the present scenario in Ladakh. That's partly correct, not all of it. The fact is that we knew the PLA were conducting exercises in the Tibet region with over a division strength including artillery and armour which they do during their biannual training in summer and winter every year. But what failed us was the incorrect assessment and analysis and its dissemination of a possible deception by them by diverting their formations quickly to Ladakh. We failed to correctly analyze their intentions which is the sum of all inel inputs. That was the failure, not that we were unaware of their forces taking part in an 'exercise' which was nothing but a smokescreen.

A problem here is that we cannot get into an op alert situation everytime the PLA conducts an exercise in Tibet. Moving formations to Ladakh is neither easy nor cheap. In other words, it is not possible to do this twice or thrice a year whenever the PLA conducts exercises. We would need to move up our formations only in the event of the PLA threatening Ladakh as they have done now. So we need to be mind readers to know what the Chinese are up to as they are past masters in surprise and deception! The only solution is to permanently station our formations in areas of tactical and strategic importance so that we are not surprised by Chinese deception in future.


New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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Pakistan inducted JF17 when it was not ready, China inducted many jets when they were not ready, that's how they build up their squadrons, why should Indians always wait for a project for its FOC ?
Sir I'm not sure about the answer. probably our AF doesn't want to compromise on quality.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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yes, get real noobs.

fyki, even Tejas isn't fully developed yet. we need some 42 squadrons and we have some 30 or so. this 42 squadron requirement is old estimate. China and Pak is not as they were 20 years ago. so presently if we calculate again, that result might be, we need some 60 or so (just saying).

now which ac will fill that gap?

what's the production rate of Tejas? how long it will take to fill that number gap?

an M.Phil student can start PhD. but can a class 10 student do the same?
can we even build an engine to power a Tejas?
mwf, tedbf/orca is our class 12, graduation, masters.

actually how many 5th gen fighters (not claimed but developed) are there?

6th gen fighters are nothing but 5th gen fighters with many added features. France and Germany is making many world class fighters for a long time. they might have technical expertise to go for 6th gen but we don't have.

even Tejas is still juggad.

get real noobs.
Tejas is a good start though at least. I won't overrate Tejas but still it may be a stop gap solution. We make fun of Chinese JF 17 thunder blunder but at least they were in the game when we were in sleep. Our fighter jet squadron deficiency is indeed worrying.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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The chinese are flying theirs jets just barely 5 to 30 KM from LAC's and can't do nothing's, could brought be down, But then the war's is not just started's.


New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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Tejas is a good start though at least. I won't overrate Tejas but still it may be a stop gap solution. We make fun of Chinese JF 17 thunder blunder but at least they were in the game when we were in sleep. Our fighter jet squadron deficiency is indeed worrying.
Tejas is amazing. no doubt about that. better than or will be better than MiG 21 and Mirage 2000 (imo).

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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Sir I'm not sure about the answer. probably our AF doesn't want to compromise on quality.
We inducted many jets and are now upgrading them, although it's not the same but we can induct Tejas in high numbers and upgrade/perfect them later. IAF's reluctance to induct Tejas had given setback to indigenous r&d, thanks to the new govt and the time now IAF is inducting and planning to induct more Tejas in different variations.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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The chinese are flying theirs jets just barely 5 to 30 KM from LAC's and can't do nothing's, could brought be down, But then the war's is not just started's.
They have to as they have thousands of soldiers on the ground.
We also have to as we have thousands of soldiers on the ground.

Each is trying to pre-empt other's air attacks.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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just to point out, we are already in the hypersonic missile race. and nobody is creating any problem regarding that.
also we are researching on Kali for a long time without any external reservations.

imo tech like rail gun, mirv, laser, ew, hypersonic etc are going to dominate next phase.

(I'm not contradicting you. just pointing out).
Also anti sat weaponry .

Like the Anti Satellite test announcement , it will only be revealed when necessary .
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