India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Russian Federatione's going to launch it's largest War Exercise's, even bigger than the 80's USSR's war Exercise's at the Far East's .

Will try to get the source's .


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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At the moment Iran is seeing a lot of industrial sabotage. This will get worse if China's actions cause more friction between Iran and West. I am not sure how China will protect its investments in this scenario. Industrial facilities are very susceptible to sabotage and enemy action; specially in volatile gulf.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Compoistsion of some of the PLAAGF armouredae's formatione's .

From various Source's .

6th Highland Mechanised Infantry Division's now occupies jumping-off points in the Chinese half of Depsang Plains. It consists of 7 Mechanised Infantry Regiment, 18 Mechanised Infantry Regiment and an armoured regiment's .The divisional reconnaissance battalion is a small, lithe unit for scouting and flank protection tasks. Its mainstays are eighteen ZBD-04A infantry fighting vehicles armed with AFT-10 anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). These are the divisional commander’s eyes and ears. The division HQ has an infantry company and air defence platoon for its protection's.

And each mechanisede's infantry regiment/brigade's has four mechanised battalion's , up from the earlier three and a tank's battalion's with 35 Type 99 main battle tanks. There are eleven tank's in each of the three tank companies with two command tanks in the battalione's headquarters. An artillery's battalion with eighteen 122mm PLZ-07B self-propelled tracked howitzers is in direct fire supporte's . Combat support is provided by an engineer battalion and a signal battalion's .

Aksu, Xinjiang-based 4th Highland Motorised Infantry Divisione's comprises the 11 Motorised Infantry Regiment, 12 Motorised Infantry Regiment, a tank regiment, an artillery regiment, and anti-tank and anti-aircraft division battalionse's . This is the Chinese formation's troops's of XIV Corps are encountering in the Galwan River Valley, Hot Springs/Gogra and the Fingers Area. The division’s motorised infantrye's regiments are equipped with tracked Type 86 ICVs a reverse-engineered Soviet BMP-1 replicas and WZ-551 6 x 6 APCs. In addition, there are eight relatively more modern VN-1 8 x 8 APCs armed with indigenous Red Arrow 10 ATGMs. The motorised infantry battalion's follow the standard table of organisation with three companies, each of three platoons'es .
Where is that much touted T-15 Tanks ??? Or are we just dancing our way to illusions.. ??


New Member
Mar 29, 2019
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Interesting article Any thoughts are welcome.The author is a veteran (I cannot verify)


In a recent development in July 2020, Iran-China inked a $400 billion deal. This is a 25-year pact:

  • Iran doesn’t gain much from the deal, other than immediate relief from the American sanctions.
  • Which would get China a considerable bargain on the Iranian oil.
  • China will invest $400 billion in the Islamic nation over a period of 25 years.
  • China will invest $280 billion in oil, gas, and petrochemicals.
  • China will invest $120bn in transport and manufacturing, within the first five years.
  • The deal would expand economic development in 100 odd diverse fields, including banking and infrastructure, such as airports, high-speed railways, subways, and 5G telecommunications(this would give Iran, China-style censorship of the internet).
  • Iran-China set up an industrial town in the southern port city of Jask, to establish and develop different industries, including petrochemical, refinery, aluminum, and steel industries.
  • China will get priority to bid on any new project in Iran that is linked to these sectors.
  • China will get a 12 percent discount and it can delay payments by up to two years.
  • China will be able to pay in any currency it desires.
  • China will receive total discounts of nearly 32 percent.
  • 5,000 Chinese military personnel to be stationed in the country to protect their interests and the Chinese air force would be given access to Iranian bases.

Full article
This has to be the worst Chinese investment ever. The first country that is going to successfully fool China is going to be Iranians. Unlike Pakistanis, they are smart and have self-esteem! China is trying to set up a debt trap but it will backfire! They are doing oil and gas deals for the next 25 years whereas even the Arabs are planning to move to a post-oil economy by 2040. Why? because even if oil doesn't dry up we are moving to
Electric cars anyway! 15 years down the line all vehicles sold in India would be Electric, forget about the First World. Who will they sell oil to? Africa? Quite lucrative I must say! China knows this yet they are investing because they want control of key Iranian ports/bases etc. But like China, Iranians are also champions of breaking laws and treaties so we know how it will end. China can only retaliate with Pakistani help which Pakistan will not allow otherwise its Shia population will set it on fire! Also, all these conjectures don't even arise if the US strangulates China in the next decade itself ..LOL

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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Interesting article Any thoughts are welcome.The author is a veteran (I cannot verify)


In a recent development in July 2020, Iran-China inked a $400 billion deal. This is a 25-year pact:

  • Iran doesn’t gain much from the deal, other than immediate relief from the American sanctions.
  • Which would get China a considerable bargain on the Iranian oil.
  • China will invest $400 billion in the Islamic nation over a period of 25 years.
  • China will invest $280 billion in oil, gas, and petrochemicals.
  • China will invest $120bn in transport and manufacturing, within the first five years.
  • The deal would expand economic development in 100 odd diverse fields, including banking and infrastructure, such as airports, high-speed railways, subways, and 5G telecommunications(this would give Iran, China-style censorship of the internet).
  • Iran-China set up an industrial town in the southern port city of Jask, to establish and develop different industries, including petrochemical, refinery, aluminum, and steel industries.
  • China will get priority to bid on any new project in Iran that is linked to these sectors.
  • China will get a 12 percent discount and it can delay payments by up to two years.
  • China will be able to pay in any currency it desires.
  • China will receive total discounts of nearly 32 percent.
  • 5,000 Chinese military personnel to be stationed in the country to protect their interests and the Chinese air force would be given access to Iranian bases.

Full article
All I see is massive Chinese benefit (Damn they are good) with Iran going down as collateral damage eventually. This also means that China has given up on Pakistan as its economy is failed & it will only be used as a proxy to India.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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All I see is massive Chinese benefit (Damn they are good) with Iran going down as collateral damage eventually. This also means that China has given up on Pakistan as its economy is failed & it will only be used as a proxy to India.
That are just number's and nothing's else .


Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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China is properly investing it 5 trillion investment which can bring them 15 trillion in next decade

They did it in past and got 24 trillion by systematically investing 7 trillion

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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That are just number's and nothing's else .
Well cheap oil is definitely true as it was part of the deal. Though there is certain backlash as well. Unlike Paki public Iranians are questioning their Govt over this. Let's see how it turns nothing is certain for sure.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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USSR never had province's but republic's they failed due to the communism by Peace's , economy was strangers due to the huge military expenditure's, border's despitues would be solved by the peaceful policie's and they disentrigated due to the stupidty of Lenin's .


New Member
Apr 4, 2019
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This has to be the worst Chinese investment ever. The first country that is going to successfully fool China is going to be Iranians. Unlike Pakistanis, they are smart and have self-esteem! China is trying to set up a debt trap but it will backfire! They are doing oil and gas deals for the next 25 years whereas even the Arabs are planning to move to a post-oil economy by 2040. Why? because even if oil doesn't dry up we are moving to
Electric cars anyway! 15 years down the line all vehicles sold in India would be Electric, forget about the First World. Who will they sell oil to? Africa? Quite lucrative I must say! China knows this yet they are investing because they want control of key Iranian ports/bases etc. But like China, Iranians are also champions of breaking laws and treaties so we know how it will end. China can only retaliate with Pakistani help which Pakistan will not allow otherwise its Shia population will set it on fire! Also, all these conjectures don't even arise if the US strangulates China in the next decade itself ..LOL
China already doesn't have the money to keep the already agreed to BRI projects and things are stuck in almost all places. The Chinese don't intend to keep their promises on their Iran deal either. They'll just do the bare minimum for their strategic needs and not do anything else.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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This has to be the worst Chinese investment ever. The first country that is going to successfully fool China is going to be Iranians. Unlike Pakistanis, they are smart and have self-esteem! China is trying to set up a debt trap but it will backfire! They are doing oil and gas deals for the next 25 years whereas even the Arabs are planning to move to a post-oil economy by 2040. Why? because even if oil doesn't dry up we are moving to
Electric cars anyway! 15 years down the line all vehicles sold in India would be Electric, forget about the First World. Who will they sell oil to? Africa? Quite lucrative I must say! China knows this yet they are investing because they want control of key Iranian ports/bases etc. But like China, Iranians are also champions of breaking laws and treaties so we know how it will end. China can only retaliate with Pakistani help which Pakistan will not allow otherwise its Shia population will set it on fire! Also, all these conjectures don't even arise if the US strangulates China in the next decade itself ..LOL
This is an investment where Iran will not see any of the hyped numbers. More than the investments
it is a direct challenge to USA and the middle eastern allies.
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