India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Doesn't matter, In the end they did this last time
democrats always made an effort to communicate with Indian community, republicans dont. Take India related congressional committees, democrats atleast attend (for or against India) and republicans don’t.

if I am not wrong, indian community mostly live in blue states or swing states but not many in red states.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
democrats always made an effort to communicate with Indian community, republicans dont. Take India related congressional committees, democrats atleast attend (for or against India) and republicans don’t.

if I am not wrong, indian community mostly live in blue states or swing states but not many in red states.
The main reason is the whole visa issue and then gaining permanent citizenship etc.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Countries are forming alliances (against India ) in asia. What is the different thing
India trying to do??
If you are talking about Pakistan and Chinese partnership then. We need to make one thing clear our global standing is far far greater than Pakistan we aim to become a global player in long run and a indo-pacific power we have collaborated with almost all indo-pacific countries and Australia which was under Chinese orbit to counter Chinese was also forced to collaborate with india.
Off course small countries like Pakistan can become a dumb state for Chinese interest and get collapsed under Chinese debt.
But india have a bigger plan in it's mind in coming year's you will see india playing a huge role in global politics and in the region.
Multiple nations will see india as their net security provider.
India will make new partnership but the system will not be like old era Nato dominated by single country USA.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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If you are talking about Pakistan and Chinese partnership then. We need to make one thing clear our global standing is far far greater than Pakistan we aim to become a global player in long run and a indo-pacific power we have collaborated with almost all indo-pacific countries and Australia which was under Chinese orbit to counter Chinese was also forced to collaborate with india.
Off course small countries like Pakistan can become a dumb state for Chinese interest and get collapsed under Chinese debt.
But india have a bigger plan in it's mind in coming year's you will see india playing a huge role in global politics and in the region.
Multiple nations will see india as their net security provider.
India will make new partnership but the system will not be like old era Nato dominated by single country USA.
Does not matter when Pakistan has nukes that China made possible pointed every corner of India; and they want to use them


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Dec 12, 2015
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Offcourse we should wait for other to join until Galwan like incident nail our heads...
See this is exactly what I have problem with.
First not preempting & then not firing the first bullet for the sake of keeping our good image intact/winning the hearts of our enemy are symptoms of pusillanimity & saying so doesn't mean I am asking for war without weighing the situation & time.

I am in love with no first use policy too, what kind of world we are living in. Whether you observe these things are not but all hints in same direction, Prithviraj syndrome.
You cannot engage an enemy like China easily. Prepare and then fight back.
I learnt in personal life also that small loss is sometimes better than to fight back without preparation and then end up taking a larger loss.

China is basically gone crazy after CPEC and BRI.

The Ladakh incursion seems to make a new road to bypass Karakoram Pass. However Indian army has stopped the Chinese well before that objective is achieved.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Then India should go at it alone . India should make weapons why even buy from others?
Opposite india ain't going alone but is making new partnership. We are singing high level technical cooperation agreements with multiple countries.
See MEA on one hand is saying we are not going part of alliance system but india have been speaking about free South China sea and support to free indo-pacific is higher than ever before from government.

India simply seeks a higher global standing and a major player in the region and that cannot be achieved by rallying behind one country. We need to build partnership with equal standing and with equal say off course that will be difficult coz we are not at level of USA or China.

If india successfully deter Chinese in these crisis you will see india becoming a respected power throughout the globe.
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New Member
May 16, 2011
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democrats always made an effort to communicate with Indian community, republicans dont. Take India related congressional committees, democrats atleast attend (for or against India) and republicans don’t.

if I am not wrong, indian community mostly live in blue states or swing states but not many in red states.
Democrats are leftists douchebags, moreso than ever. I am certain due to terrible handling of Covid- especially in Dem cities like Chicago, NY, LA, Seattle etc. Trump has a great opportunity to take a lot more states.

I doubt Indian American citizens will vote for Dems much this time around. In all Dem cities, hardcore criminals have been released, crime is up several hundred percent and not to mention very strict lock-downs. Also, the local mayors watch with their limp dicks while rioters torch buildings, business, shoplift etc. Dems in various cities are already defunding police. Gun sales are at an all time high and that alone could decide the victor. Millions of arms and ammo is being purchased, this is a very good advantage to Trump.

Dems need 90% Black vote, that too will evaporate since it appears giving fodder to BLM, Antifa ( Marxist anal leakage) only alienates the regular black people who support the police, want school choice (dems are dead set against it) etc.

Not to mention, Trump will politely rape Biden in a debate.

Actually regular people are fleeing Dem controlled shitholes (expensive, over taxed, crime infested, very tough gun control laws to other places). NYC, LA, Chicago all lost hundreds of thousands of residents last year. Actually they also have hundreds of thousands of homeless.

I really doubt Indians this time around will vote for Dems.
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Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Opposite india ain't going alone but is making new partnership. We are singing high level technical cooperation agreements with multiple countries.
See MEA on one hand is saying we are not going part of alliance system but india have been speaking about free South China sea and support to free indo-pacific is higher than ever before from government.

India simply seeks a higher global standing and a major player in the region and that cannot be achieved by rallying behind one country. We need to build partnership with equal standing and with equal say.

If india successfully deter Chinese in these crisis you will see india becoming a respected power throughout the globe.
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