India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Statment's on the Nathu La's and Chola La's Incidents. And dont knew if it's a officiale's or unofficale's .


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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After losing with us at Galwan'z, the chini's are trying Power's .

Paani maar de such much mein power's will come's .

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
hellfire is a fraud sir.. i have busted his bubbles many times.
he would simply tweet a random stuff and show up on this forum once in a while to make calculated and assumed educated guesses.

for example: he will tweet and claim something like this

"Sun will shine yellow tomorrow... lot of yellows"..

after tweeting that, he will add condition, "only if its not a cloudy day".. so next day, when sun do shine yellow next day or it its a cloudy day, he will come back to this forum and say, i told you so.. because either way he is fucking right.

there are lot of sickos on the internet who claim to have some secret government sources or somehow deeply connected to defense intelligence and they are all knower of actually whats happening on the ground.

this has become fashion cult for irrelevant peoples to somehow become relevant again by claiming they have insiders information. people like him simply island hob from different forums like this one and make a calculated opinion and pretend like they are some kind of "source" for real information.

them like people, exists on all forums, tweeter and even main stream media. there are atleast 3-5 in each of mohala and streets who claims to know all the insider information. they simply prey on our curiosity needs for information.

Pathetic. :truestory:
Sir ji he doesn't speak quite openly. And I know it's frustrated for people like us. But don't doubt him he is real and quite frankly knows more than anybody on this forum .

Abhay Rajput 02

New Member
Jul 17, 2020
It looks to me our reply will come from Navy. Moreover alliance is being forming right now with Americans. I guess Chinese really fell for our non alignment policy and thought Modi isn't gonna do it but coming days /weeks/months/years/future will be quite interesting. We have chosen our side. And Pakistan is being taken care by Americans and they have assured us that pakis will not interfere from f16 at least. And yes baba was right , hearing a lot of chatter about USS Nimitz in bay of bengal. Finally Modi has taken very good decision because we would definitely need America military industrial complex to back us as our defence production is still not sufficient to fight Chinese.


The Preacher
New Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Sir ji he doesn't speak quite openly. And I know it's frustrated for people like us. But don't doubt him he is real and quite frankly knows more than anybody on this forum .
:nono: NO, he is a fraud sire :sad: if anyone else thinks otherwise good luck to them. I am with this forum since the early days and i have seen all kinds of such peoples. i have also come across the real deals, such as W.G.Ewald, kunal biswas, tigerhill etc..

like i mentioned in the post, people like him goto different forums and make calculated guess and claim to be all knower of IA front-line operational information. speaking in cryptic language is all part of their act..

Sweety Patel

New Member
Jul 8, 2020
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Nobody's doubting that ma'am. I'm also against the dilly-dallying tactics of IAF-MoD-CCS nexus of delaying HAL Tejas jet fighter deal. But right now, we require some platforms that need to go to war at a moments notice. Had the entire Tejas supply line performed as expected, IAF would be the happiest customer of all. But, right now, it's too little, too late. We can't fret over it. Let HAL make the supply line up and running within the coming months, all delays will get settled.
finally, someone who can speak English. we should order tejas to fill in the numbers(including mk2). other then that we need to start investing in 6th gen today...,

we need stop this crap concepts like light weight fighter, medium weight fighter, heavy weight fighter, etc..
we are not going for Olympics are we?

Sweety Patel

New Member
Jul 8, 2020
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yes, get real noobs.

fyki, even Tejas isn't fully developed yet. we need some 42 squadrons and we have some 30 or so. this 42 squadron requirement is old estimate. China and Pak is not as they were 20 years ago. so presently if we calculate again, that result might be, we need some 60 or so (just saying).

now which ac will fill that gap?

what's the production rate of Tejas? how long it will take to fill that number gap?

an M.Phil student can start PhD. but can a class 10 student do the same?
can we even build an engine to power a Tejas?
mwf, tedbf/orca is our class 12, graduation, masters.

actually how many 5th gen fighters (not claimed but developed) are there?

6th gen fighters are nothing but 5th gen fighters with many added features. France and Germany is making many world class fighters for a long time. they might have technical expertise to go for 6th gen but we don't have.

even Tejas is still juggad.

get real noobs.
such childish post :hehe:

go back and read my post again, i simply said, we need tejas to fill in the numbers but we should also definitely start investing towards 6th gen fighers. or else we will be importing fighters from other countries for the rest of our existence.

5th grade bal-mandir vidhyarties makes such arguments.

an M.Phil student can start PhD. but can a class 10 student do the same?
can we even build an engine to power a Tejas?
mwf, tedbf/orca is our class 12, graduation, masters.
let me ask you these? did we build generation 1, generation 2 tanks? but today we built a better tank called ARJUN MBT. it had flaws so with 2-3 years we even made more improved and deadlier version of ARJUN MBT - MK2 tank.

like wise, we never built, 2,3, 3.5 generation planes (except IAF marut with german engineers). but today, Tejas MK2 is already in sight with 4.5 gen standards and people have been comparing it with at least on par with similar class fighters from other countries.

now we if we had same arguments in 80's like we didn't build 2 or 3 gen planes or tanks how can we build 4th gen planes or arjun mbts??? - well guess what? we would not have seen tejas today, or it would have been impossible to talk about ORCA, MWF, TEDBF etc.

as @utubekhiladi mentioned, that tejas has revolutionized local industries and supply chain for our next gen fighters.. in due time, our local industries and capabilities will also mature...

world has already gone towards 6th gen fighters, there are several prototypes and variants. we need to have guts and catchup with rest.

or after 25 years, we will talking about importing 6th gen fighters from other countries on this same forum.


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
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People talking about not buying foreign fighters and focusing on Tejas. Well Tejas Mk1A only comes in 2023, if the incompetent HAL does everything right.

Till then how do we fight a two front war?

What do our pilots fly?

Chidiya Ud, Tota Ud, Maina Ud?

Indigenisation is all good, but not at the cost of war making capacity.

Tejas FoC came in 2019 , february. So far, DAC has not approved the 83 Mk1A orders. How soon would you expect Tejas Mk1A while keeping on harping to 1985?

I repeat Mk1a FOC came in February 2019.

It shows lack of strategic management by IAF that, it did not plan a 2-front war until now. Saying Tejas is not ready does not cut it, since, you should've canniablised the Mig-27s and got more Mig-29s to show a presence.

Whatever is being done now, could have been done much earliar.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Something has happened or somethng ll happen..
Bhai I am sitting in south in a city where hardly anything happens, only major thing here that happens is during dasara and sometimes when leopard decides that it wants some change and starts eating street dogs. The only 'big bang' info I get is from 'babha' ji Kripa baba ji ki jay ho.
I was bored after reading same arguments which recycle after every twenty pages.
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