India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 28, 2016
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Scathing comments from Hellfire:

Chanakya's kut-neet is only for domestic politics, doesn't do much in terms of international "relations"
GoI seems to be unwilling to face the Chinese Question head on and formulate some procedures on how to tackle them, instead prefers to put everything under the rug of Jhula-Jhuli & Nariyal paani and *hope* the Chinese don't "change the Status Quo"


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Sep 13, 2020
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Is there a possibility that GOI knows about cheeni build up, but wanted it to happen. Since self reliance can not come without China decoupling, so GOI secretly wanted it to happen, and now we are decoupling slowly at the same time Defense is getting stronger. Now look at resolve of Modi, we are standing strong, called their bluff and making economy independent.

It may be absurd, but atam-nirbhar-Bharat did need this scenario to play out.

Galwan was unfortunate in whole scene, om shanti.
I would back that view.

Decoupling was always in the works, was a matter of timing as it requires public buy in.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Jab MEA-Xixi raazi, kya karega qazi (IA)?
Sarcasm on, At least take GB so that the money spent on mobilizing troops and emergency purchases doesn't go waste, sarcasm off. So now can the emergency orders be cancelled?


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
I have said this before but I will say it again.

There is no permanent resolution with china this is just kicking the can down the road.

It's like when we were in school right. One of our exams gets postponed a lot of kids are happy but you eventually have to give it two days two months two years doesn't matter you will eventually have to give it. Maybe you will be in a better position maybe not you could have fever the paper could be tough who knows.

The same applies here any such resolution is temporary they will come back again 2 years or 2 months down the road they might get better and stronger we might get stronger but no one really can predict the future.

I have always said this before.

There is no perfect time but there are opportunities and you have to grab them when you see them.


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Feb 28, 2016
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So basically, while we made some good moves on the heights by Pangong Tso; the Chinese have still successfully changed facts on ground at a few other places (though I imagine we're well positioned to take on a Chinese offensive if it comes). Meaning, on the net, ground has still been lost.

Now we either remove them, or live with it.
This is what has been happening, it is the new "status quo", the Chinese have partially achieved their objectives of salami slicing this year.
The only remaining question is will the build up on the LAC and IA camping on hilltops be permanent, or will they pull back eventually as a part of some JoInT StAteMeNT with DeEsCaLaTiOn.

This is going to continue yearly now, unless the Chinese are removed by force.

This is the cycle

Chinese squat -> troops either get murdered by chinks like in Galwan, or they report back to superiors -> chinks make fortifications/permanent structures -> MEA promoted dhoti shivering occurs in GoI about not "escalating" further -> time passes, structures are built -> dhoti shivering leads to chai biscoot talks -> more time passes -> face saving DeScALaTiOn happens, GoI heaves a sigh of relief "phew, Cheeni ka masla akhir khatam hua " -> Cheeni encroachments are the new LAC.

Rinse and repeat the same cycle in the next 1-2 years.

The gap between China and India should decrease in long term not increase.
10 years ago it was said we will surpass China, thanks to their bioweapon we are now sliding closer towards South Africa/ Russia type countries in terms of growth rate.
In 10 more years China will be a literal superpower, probably with it's own high tech semiconductor industries, jet engines, blue water navy and more sophisticated bioweapons.
Dhoti shivering will be even worse then


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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I have said this before but I will say it again.

There is no permanent resolution with china this is just kicking the can down the road.

It's like when we were in school right. One of our exams gets postponed a lot of kids are happy but you eventually have to give it two days two months two years doesn't matter you will eventually have to give it. Maybe you will be in a better position maybe not you could have fever you the paper could be tough who knows.

The same applies here any such resolution is temporary they will come back again 2 years or 2 months down the road they might get better and stronger we might get stronger but no one really can predict the future.

I have always said this before.

There is no perfect time but there are opportunities and you have to grab them when you see them.
And they are building there version of Mountain warfare troops. They are learning fast and once they attain critical mass then it will be to late for us.


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New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars Chances of breakthrough is close to zero until any one of two side compromise.
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