India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 19, 2019
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Let's learn from Pakistan's fuck-up. Short term greed in supporting US logistics, brought them long-term misery.
It's not like Pakis had a choice there. Uncle sam would have cratered their country too if pakis had not supported them. Bush's "you are either with us or against us" speech comes to mind... Pakistan misery is it's own talibani chickens coming home to roost.


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May 28, 2016
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Typical snakes hai yeh PLA thugs one side playing music and another side blaming political leadership of our country for the troubles soldiers are facing . Blood there is no difference between PLA and 10 JP thugs both parrot same lines , trying to create divide between forces and govt and using all regional differences .

I will send Madras thambi and make these Bat shit eaters to play Lungi dance rajnikanth numbers :cool3:

PLA bombards Indian soldiers with propaganda via loudspeakers, tells them to blame Modi (reports Shishir Gupta)

View attachment 59387
Global times if you are watching this, your army's scare tactics are pathetic. We've seen this tactics in Kashmir since three decades.

Dear editor. I think you are not doing your job well, please leave global times. Heck our news channel boys will pay you much better than this.

Pathetic. :facepalm:


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Jul 29, 2018
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If there's a 2 front attack, India has the justification to unload 50 warheads on Pakistan in an opening volley, and begin an exchange of attrition with China.

It would be the 23487234th Simpsons prediction having come true.

Afghanistan is a meat grinder. There's nothing but misery for us. The day we put boots there, suddenly we become an occupational force, lose goodwill with the locals, and the historic India-Afghanistan enmity will re-surface. Each year we'll receive about 4-5 thousand Indian coffins, bleed billions, and the only Indians who'll prosper will be Adani/Vedanta, etc.

Let's learn from Pakistan's fuck-up. Short term greed in supporting US logistics, brought them long-term misery.
It would be the biggest blunder politically and militarily to put Indian boots on the ground in Afghanistan.
Have we forgotten the saga of the IPKF in Sri Lanka so quickly where Ex PM Rajiv Gandhi was led into a minefield on wrong advice. Brothers killing brothers. Should never have happened.

The Afghans have never accepted outsiders kindly. We don't even have a land border with Afghanistan. Once we have a common border maybe we could send some military advisors or Special Forces.. As of now no need to commit suicide in Afghanistan.

There are many other ways to assist the Afghan Army and the present Government there. I believe artillery could play a decisive role in Afghan war against the Taliban. India now has the capability to develop and manufacture different types of artillery systems from 105 mm guns to 155 mm guns. We also manufacture the ammunition for the guns.

We can think of supplying various other systems and even transfer light aircraft equipped with LGB capability. I believe we have developed the laser targeting pod and the laser guided bomb. Since the Taliban possess Stinger missiles LGB will be needed. So we have other options to influence and shape the course of the battle there.

One shouldn't forget the training that we offer to Afghan soldiers and policemen. An invaluable input.

Let the Americans promise us anything for getting our troops into Afghanistan. The answer, a firm - NO - .


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May 28, 2016
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Dekh lena ye Sanju kisi din inko muh dikhane ke layak nahi chhodega. Ant-shant salaah deke chu bana rakha hai cheeniyon ko :troll:
This shows what a difference one good factually sound explainer can do to a particular topic, in this case Rohit vats video on Ladakh ranges. what ever answers people were looking for is there somewhere in that video.

In contrast look at the ruckus created on SM by a few retired jernails about the same topic, whatever they communicated and the way they communicated made people go nuts.

I am calling this the OSINT “null ignorance phenomenon”.

1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0

Here goes my hypothesis:
If the OSINT data available for analysis is represented by binaries of zero and one, and OSINT expert based on one’s expertise tends to focus on one dataset in this case some of the “1” because they are sniffed out, they are sniffed out because that’s what their training or algorithm is looking for. In the same dataset rest of the 0s are ignored.

But as we all know it takes all the 1s and 0s to get the complete picture, this ignorance of rest of 0s or nulls can be termed as “null ignorance phenomenon”.

result of this phenomenon is that the since only the 1s are presented as the complete data, focus tends to remain on the data presented i.e 1s. any analysis that is based on this set of data presented tends to remain inconclusive.

Hence recognising whether any set of data present by an OSINT analyst or a group of OSINT analysts has an element of “null ignorance” is key to deciding whether the published data is wholesome, or needs further interpretation and analysis by someone who recognises the missing elements of the data presented.
It's better that DFI folks should pitch in for an annual sub of sat pictures. $49 per month is not bad. Add the moderator of OSINT or give responsibility to an individual good in understanding maps at basic level.

I am ok to donate ₹500 from side. If each member can do so, we can do our own OSINT.


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Jul 11, 2011
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What kind of adversary does this. playing songs when alert level is highest and war can start anytime.

only thing which can be concluded is "hans Chinese are proving that indeed their Dicks are small, low testosterone level, and have unsatisfied wifes". they're are providing that they can noo fight MEN, so doing this nonsense.

Are they even human, or Just small dick creatures which just look like humans.
PLA is an Army that has the distinction of capturing their own country... It is a practicing communist militia/guerilla force that has gained expertise in party building and nation-building through mass mobilization and mass movements. It is the guard of an ideology and not Army of a state or government. It is the foundation from where the power of Communist Party emenates in China.

"Political power rises from the barrel of the gun" said Mao and the gun in China is PLA.

So you are faced with an institution on the border which is a master of propaganda, the perpetuation of lies, brainwashing, psychological warfare, irritating the opponent, constant and regular annoyance and bizarre inhuman methods of punishment.

They are giving proofs of their being Chinese - a third rate autocratic oriental despotic feudal mentality Army that is more capable of political mobilization rather than conducting conventional warfare....

We, unfortunately, have savages on our borders - One side is China, one side is medieval age Jihadis, the third side is treacherous oli gang .... India is surrounded by bad neighbors..


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
PLA is an Army that has the distinction of capturing their own country... It is a practicing communist militia/guerilla force that has gained expertise in party building and nation-building through mass mobilization and mass movements. It is the guard of an ideology and not Army of a state or government. It is the foundation from where the power of Communist Party emenates in China.

"Political power rises from the barrel of the gun" said Mao and the gun in China is PLA.

So you are faced with an institution on the border which is a master of propaganda, the perpetuation of lies, brainwashing, psychological warfare, irritating the opponent, constant and regular annoyance and bizarre inhuman methods of punishment.

They are giving proofs of their being Chinese - a third rate autocratic oriental despotic feudal mentality Army that is more capable of political mobilization rather than conducting conventional warfare....

We, unfortunately, have savages on our borders - One side is China, one side is medieval age Jihadis, the third side is treacherous oli gang .... India is surrounded by bad neighbors..
Don't forget the pole vaulters in the east.


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Oct 12, 2013
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Why not If there ready for Defending us in Ladakh Sure as Reliable partner we should That
We Should allied with every US interest

That goes around Regime change in neibour countries Specially Nepal bangladesh

Us 🇺🇸 Has Guts have balls to do things which no country on the planet does.
Russians are meak and defeatist

They test everyday new irrelevant Missile

But on Geopolitics front are cornered and economically Santioned

Chinese well we all know what they are capable of
Propogabanda videos of GT
No real military threat

I definitely rate Pakistani more experienced and Professional when it comes to warfare.

Let it be straight no countries likes unreliable
Baniya who wants to balance both sides

Ask yourself do you need a friend who try to balance things btw you and your Adversaries.

Me Personally don't.

We have to Accept than india talks big do less specially in geopolitical scenarios.

That is why we have to stand in the line with Pakistani's who are 5 times smaller economy than ours.

Being Diplomatically confused only left us without reliable allies

Tiny island as Taiwan 🇹🇼 has more Diplomatic security and support than country of 1.4 billion people


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Why not If there ready for Defending us in Ladakh Sure as Reliable partner we should That
We Should allied with every US interest

That goes around Regime change in neibour countries Specially Nepal bangladesh

Us 🇺🇸 Has Guts have balls to do things which no country on the planet does.
Russians are meak and defeatist

They test everyday new irrelevant Missile

But on Geopolitics front are cornered and economically Santioned

Chinese well we all know what they are capable of
Propogabanda videos of GT
No real military threat

I definitely rate Pakistani more experienced and Professional when it comes to warfare.

Let it be straight no countries likes unreliable
Baniya who wants to balance both sides

Ask yourself do you need a friend who try to balance things btw you and your Adversaries.

Me Personally don't.

We have to Accept than india talks big do less specially in geopolitical scenarios.

That is why we have to stand in the line with Pakistani's who are 5 times smaller economy than ours.

Being Diplomatically confused only left us without reliable allies

Tiny island as Taiwan 🇹🇼 has more Diplomatic security and support than country of 1.4 billion people
Ever thought about fixing your shit instead of tail wagging around Murica.


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Ever thought about fixing your shit instead of tail wagging around Murica.
Do we have enough to fixing shit
Japan and koreas are far more advanced societies and smart than us indians

What makes us special

Yeah we were super power almost 1500 years ago not today

And that is geopolitical reality

Taking on chinese is not easy ball game specially for country with uncertain politics 🙄


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Do we have enough to fixing shit
Yes your problem are your problem no one else will fix it.

Japan and koreas are far more advanced societies and smart than us indians.
Do u also believe Chinese have higher IQ so they deserve to win against India?
LMAO ain't nothing such as advances society every country si full of shit when u look closer.
What makes us special
U aren't special until you stand up for yourselves.

Wid niggas like u inside the Babudom no matter the country is in such state.


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Oct 12, 2013
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When people dream about AMCA being equivalent of F-22 which defies all rational logic 🙄 and say 🤔 we don't need F-35

USA invested 22.4 billion $ in 1985 in R&D alone (Cost escalation auto 70 billion $ today )
While we are Still struggling 😪 for 15 billion $ for MMRCA for 15 years

And People here 🙄 has beleifs that DRDO will make its Peanuts cost of few hundred millions $



New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Yes your problem are your problem no one else will fix it.

LMAO ain't nothing such as advances society every country si full of shit when u look closer.

U aren't special until you stand up for yourselves.

Wid niggas like u inside the Babudom no matter the country is in such state.
Truth hurts
In india graduation rate 8 %

All these looks good on books not reality

99 % population of india 🇮🇳

Govt launches 200 billion on economic elevation

Unemployed smartphone using Youth

"Mujhe kya milega"

That is the reality of your nation try to accept it

Offcourse you are educated and young and want to revolutionalize india

But likes of you And I only amout to 1 % in society .
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Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Americans are leaving Afghanistan on terms and conditions that doesn't suit India atall. Afghanistan is a loss cause and the American public has so much fatigue that any more stay will negatively impact their political battle grounds. From the news it seems that new alliances are bring built in middle east for something big......
America leaving Afghanistan is the best thing that can happen to India, especially India under Modi. Whoever comes into Kashmir from Afghanistan has to come via Pakistan.. So, we bang Pakistan.. and most likely the Americans who are now dependent on Pakistani air and land corridor to supply their troops in Afghanistan will be indifferent.. Also the elimination of American dependence on Pakistan will further boost Indo-american military ties..We need to remember that the non Taliban faction is not a pushover today, and has accumulated wealth and power .Also, in 19 years the Taliban have not been able to capture and hold even a single urban center.. Although some will fall once the US leaves and civil war resumes, it will be very difficult for Taliban and Pakistan to develop the kind of dominance they had prior to 9/11 in Afghanistan.. Also, China's 25 year 400 billion plan for Iran, is a pie in the sky as of now, with no guarantee that either the Iranian regime or the CCP will make it to 2045, with ever tightening american chokehold.. And India being the most dominant naval power in the region after the US, Iran will continue to allow India to supply india friendly factions in Afghanistan via Chahbahar..


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Guys about afghanistan can't we just send special forces equipment and fund factions there.

US should not have a problem until the job is getting done right.


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Oct 12, 2013
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Buy F 35 today, buy f 100 in 2050, buy f 1000000(1- cosΘ) in 2100.

LMAO why aren't we superpower again.
Yup we will buy it today get it delivered on next year and deploy it against China by 2022

While DRDO will still wait for funds sanction for future
prototype due on 2040.


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Guys about afghanistan can't we just send special forces equipment and fund factions there.

US should not have a problem until the job is getting done right.
It's hypothetical like that dumb journalist 🙄 claims

Us itself is Getting out

And Having Defense treaty does not makes us there slaves

Many Nato countries not participate in Iraq war
With US while they did in Afghanistan.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
It's hypothetical like that dumb journalist 🙄 claims

Us itself is Getting out

And Having Defense treaty does not makes us there slaves

Many Nato countries not participate in Iraq war
With US while they did in Afghanistan.
If we have some agreement with US, it won't be about Afg...

We are sitting on the most important sea route in the world.
the strategic importance of where we are at can not be underestimated,

In case things turn ugly between China & US....
India offers a great opportunity to squeeze Chinese balls.
We can open a new front for US against China from Ladakh or Arunachal. We can also lay siege at Malacca.
This would seriously deplete PLA capability to fight US since they will need to split their military to cater to Indian challenge.
Otherwise, PLA can sit pretty on east coast and defend.
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