India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Jan 17, 2019
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Let's be honest here everyone was braying for friendship with china the past few years.

The whole Wuhan spirit and xi visit to India along with the so called bonding.

Chinese investment in India heck there were some talks about a bullet train project from Kunming to kolkata.

I think at one point the GOI was under the certain belief that we could be friends with china.
Not really; there was the hope of basic coexistence/cooperation which most people viewed as the common sense approach for the future - including the Gvt - and then there was our Manchurian Candidate Swamy who was non-stop cheerleading how we could be best buds with China and how he knew Chinese and understood them and their way of thinking because he'd allegedly opened the route to Kailash years ago (because of course nothing is ever complete without Swamy showing how important he is).

Now we have this situation, and Swamy's completely done a 180 and is braying again like a shameless <redacted by mod>
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New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Not really; there was the hope of basic coexistence/cooperation which most people viewed as the common sense approach for the future - including the Gvt - and then there was our Manchurian Candidate Swamy who was non-stop cheerleading how we could be best buds with China and how he knew Chinese and understood them and their way of thinking because he'd allegedly opened the route to Kailash years ago (because of course nothing is ever complete without Swamy showing how important he is).

Now we have this situation, and Swamy's completely done a 180 and is braying again like a shameless bastard.
After Yashwant Sinha and Arun Shourie, this is one more tumor that needs to be excised from BJP.
His entire career since 2014 has been taking shots at cabinet minister and indirectly at modi, and now on Modi himself.
Earlier i thought he was just butthurt that he wasn't made FM, but now i realize there are other games at play behind his behavior

Sorry for OT political post


New Member
Jul 22, 2020
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The whole disengagement thing is really farcical, I just learnt that when there was a Naval standoff between China and the Philippines USA intervened and negotiated a disengagement process where both the navies would pull back and put an end to stand off and guess what? Philippines kept their end of the agreement and withdrew their navy whereas the Chinks did not, hmmm haven't we seen that before.China does not honor any sort of agreement and they need to be taught a lesson.

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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Not really; there was the hope of basic coexistence/cooperation which most people viewed as the common sense approach for the future - including the Gvt - and then there was our Manchurian Candidate Swamy who was non-stop cheerleading how we could be best buds with China and how he knew Chinese and understood them and their way of thinking because he'd allegedly opened the route to Kailash years ago (because of course nothing is ever complete without Swamy showing how important he is).

Now we have this situation, and Swamy's completely done a 180 and is braying again like a shameless <redacted by mod>.

Once again I stood by my point. It's basically their itch to "teach India a lesson after Doklam" specially Xi's. He targeted multiple birds with just one stone. It happens and its completely normal when you had your own propaganda drink too much. :truestory:


New Member
Jul 7, 2020
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2 tactics... by occupying the key points, IA makes it costly for PLA to maintain forces in F4-F8.

PLA has to beef up numbers or pull back. If they beef up and things turn bad in SCS, then these forces become roadkill as comms & supply chains break down.

if they pull back, we occupy posts to F8 and push further if things heat up in SCS...

PLA's best move now is to make big concessions to IA and trust IA to keep its word, so it can focus in SCS.
i would like to know once winter sets in what will be environmental situation in ladkah LAC area. Will ceeni able to maintain their builup and even if they do, can environment punish them ?


New Member
Jul 7, 2020
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Spot on.

Understand why SuSu has been deeply hurt and has been rambling after Aug 29th move.

GOI has pissed on what ever peace plans babus & eco system.
I doubt this is the end though, wouldn't surprise me if GOI keeps escalating costs of Chinese unwelcome stay.
Contrary to opinions, I doubt GOI is in a hurry for a withdrawal.

The more this drags on, the more exposed Chinkies and Xi become.
The more this drags on, the more hatred for Chinkies in India. It would be very hard for any future govt to really be friendly with the chinkies, just like Pakis.

Modi & Co, just pissed, shat on & lit fire to what ever plans everyone else had.
Little wonder SuSu is mightily pissed and is coming across as unhinged. Lest we forget SuSu was always a great friend of the Chinkies.
what is indian deep state, we are referring to?
are you implying there is bigger power center than GOI itself?


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Not because CCP is an information blackhole.
It is because most Americans in the political and business world do not give a damn what PLA/CCP does unless their business interests are hurt.
The last 40 years have basically been the globalist promoted rise of China, before actual chink lobbies were shilling for China as a magical place of cheap labour and large markets, the globalists were lobbying.
Even today you don't see western MSM criticism of China say as much as Russia, even though in reality Russia is a very minor threat to the west.
Rich people do what Rich people have always been doing, so no surprises there.
Information blackhole is relevant because by eliminating the un-curated information flow from CCP to outside, they have eliminated the scrutiny from within and outside. with out valid data, there is no valid scrutiny, without valid scrutiny there can't pressure on business practices of CCP, without public pressure rich people do what rich people always do i.e exploit for profits.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Pls note in the AMs reaction:
(1) India's objective was....
May not be the objective 'now' cuz the situation has evolved dramatically.
(2) Loss of face for the PLA.....
That means their international image has taken a beating.
(3) Unwilling to fight.....
IA has put fear of God into them. Further, as I keep saying they have landed themselves in a situation where even tactical losses (military and/or diplomatic) have strategic implications for them. Plus the fact that they cannot 'win' this one in any case. An army unwilling to fight is a huge assessment by the Air Marshal Sir. Should not be taken lightly.
(4) They want to talk.
If the Chinese expect any 'fruitful' talks, they 'will' be on Indian terms.
Tsun Tzu's way of deception which no Indian military commander should overlook at this point of time :

Feign weakness when strong..
Exhibit unwillingness to fight when ready...
Show yourself near when far..
Show no presence when near...


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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I got it Sir.

my question was specific to @Raj Malhotra . he was/is constantly criticising current govt, most of the time without any substance. it seems to me, he is trying to create a political narrative. so I was eager to know his view on this matter.

though I know he doesn't have any answer, but I'm throwing another question to him : what RaGa has done in this regard when he/they had 2 terms, UPA I and UPA II?

Edit : oops! that post of mine got deleted. you haven't got me properly. anyways...
Raj Malhotra from the very beginning is following a script- probably written by AICC IT Cell or AAP IT cell... so he has to earn his two ceilings..


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Any Modi or Shah is for...5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

A Babu's worktime is decades. Not to mention the absolute hub of mediocrity due to quota system. Did you see the recent programme of Sudharshan TV? Pretty soon IAS would be subservient to Pakistan due to letting in terrorists from Zakat Foundation (which btw, our Hindu Hriday Samrat attend functions of and praise heartily).

They can and do put obstacles in every way so that India cannot attain it's potential. Soon, IAS will be a pet dog of China, ISI, you name it. Whoever pays their vacations buys them. That also includes MEA.

Politicians, no matter how terrible have to face exams every 5 years. IAS and MEA are eternal.
it's easier to put a politician in Jail than an IAS & IPS.

Since these people make all laws and rules, they have all but ensured it's nearly impossible to jail them no matter what happens or who is in power.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars Chinese arms & ammunition now regularly recovered from Terrorists operating in JnK. When u cant fight a direct war, stoop to proxy like cowards of Pak Army.

Frontal Assault.


Tihar Jail
Jul 21, 2020
Pretty sure his son in law Haidar had some ties to the Eurofighter offer for MMRCA - so he traitorously attacked the Rafale deal too.
he was taken in coz he swear he is going to help any NDA govt in chasing the black money cartel of italian mafia including pawar and southern political kings...
this lose cannon was supposed to fire/bark at congress mafia eating India like deemak.

But end of the day this girgit just barked and didnt help ayone,.. on the other hand trying to PR every major
legal cases fought by BJP/RSS/VHP... he is kind of double agent calls himself Virat Hindu but from inside no different than nehru...

he was a loyal dog of rajiv sonia he himself admitted to taking money to Palestine militants on behalf of italian mafia...

Modi knew abt this girgit from day one susu never got permission to meet Modi ...

he has been indirectly told to get the fcuk out of BJP... i am pretty sure he will end like shatru chutia na ghar ka na ghaat kaa....


New Member
Sep 10, 2020
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Images allegedly taken by #China's Gaofen-2 satellite begin circulating chinese social media, showing #India's new camps sitting above the #SpanggurGap & #China's camps below it the image reaffirms action by the #IndianArmy Image two shows the line of sight India enjoys

corroborates the IE report which is posted earlier, second picture clearly shows why they are rattled so much.


New Member
Sep 10, 2020
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Pretty sure his son in law Haidar had some ties to the Eurofighter offer for MMRCA - so he traitorously attacked the Rafale deal too.
Suhasini Father in Law was Foreign seceratory of India and husband is curator of museum in New york and whole rafale scam etc was run by N Ram (editor, had fued with brother for direction in which paper should go). but thehindu has turned into Communist mouthpiece with twisted facts and opinion. Runs full page adds of achivements of China and what not.
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