India-China 2020 Border conflict

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cereal killer

Senior Member
May 14, 2020
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It is possible that Sir Hellfire may be right about the heli-operation. Inserting troops behind enemy lines without backup is indeed done, and actually is the original task of para-airborne forces.
I still have doubts tho, because the Chinese will easily detect them and their forces will also reach there within no time.

However, I can confirm with (97% surety) Blacktop, Gurung top/Yellow bump is under Chinese control. In short, Nathan's analysis yesterday was indeed correct. They have a clear view of the entire Chusul general area as well from there.
As proof, I won't say I have X-contacts who I can't name. Have a look here - (link) yourself. You will need a fine eye for detail and some interpolation skills to make sense.

I also did not notice and presence of IA on Magar hills (I can be wrong here, so not verified). We, however, have a sizeable presence in the Rechin La - Rezang La ridge area.
So if both Black Top & yellow bump are under Chinese control (according to you) then our advantage ain't that big.
Also PLA admitted first hand that Reqin LA is under IA control.. So there is no confusion there.


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2019
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So if both Black Top & yellow bump are under Chinese control (according to you) then our advantage ain't that big.
Also PLA admitted first hand that Reqin LA is under IA control.. So there is no confusion there.
I don't think PLA CCP GT ranting continuosly for losing control of only Reqin LA. There is much to it. They won't accept much loss of territory like they didn't admit casualties


Jul 11, 2011
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Important questions

1. whats the aim of sending para behind enemy lines when objective is no war? few hundred men cant force sizeable chinese force between f4-f8? correct?

2. Even Nitin G, also said BT, GT are not under our control but chinese are rattled due to our advances on others hilltops and on finger areas.

3. Nathans analysis is not fully correct too as he took roads as reference points but there are no roads on india side.
PARA... who told you they are PARA ?

All infantry battalions, Ladakh Scouts, SFF all are capable of carrying out Helliborne / Heli landing , heli insertion ops...

Did IA or GoI tell you something about Black Top? so do not be sure of Nathan, Gokhale or anyoneone else... that is the line being followed by the forum...


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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True to your Tag line " Haram Troll"...
Sir very simple question .

In the sat image below

the round structures , are they defensive structures ( sangars maybe ?)

and if they are , does that indicate the camp being defended against intruders from right side ?



Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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The gentleman was not just a IA officer he was Maj Gen so you can understand what message he is trying to send . we are on our side and we didn't use any special forces

For what its worth,Don't take this seriously,
yesterday i found a interesting comment from a retd IA officer.

While gokhale denying our presence in kaala top n helmet,

That’s a bit Schrödingerish

And one handle asked him "if sff controlling the top,we can't say IA controlling the top ?"

He replied

What’s SFF?

Again,he may be having fun,so take it as a molecule of salt.

A retd major's comment,

Ind army did not go there for trekking



Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
PARA... who told you they are PARA ?

All infantry battalions, Ladakh Scouts, SFF all are capable of carrying out Helliborne / Heli landing , heli insertion ops...

Did IA or GoI tell you something about Black Top? so do not be sure of Nathan, Gokhale or anyoneone else... that is the line being followed by the forum...
This is getting all smoke and mirrors, no one except the GOI and IA seems to know the ground facts regarding these peaks. In summary, we did something right I hope to keep Chinese barking for so long....god damn I was hoping for an easy decisive victory :cool:


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Which country are you from ??
AA Fire at 6000m height. Chinese are ten km done below and they will come and surround them.... It will take four days for the Chinese to climb up and be ambushed while doing so.

When Indians are occupying the height on top of Figer3 and Finger4 then linking up further to areas on top of Finger5 to eight would not be difficult.

In 1962 we had many posts which were only air Maintained. in 2020 we can not plan on that ??
True to your Tag line " Haram Troll"...
Sir, why come down to personal jibes? Just because I prefer to know & inform the truth, and not stay in the quagmire of misinformation spread by our own countrymen for some moments of fools-heaven, does not mean I am a propagandist and troll.

Let's not become stuck into our own lies like Pakistan & China. Critical thinking is invaluable. That does not mean I am not supporting my country.

Now to your question, -

AA Fire at 6000m height. Chinese are ten km done below and they will come and surround them.... It will take four days for the Chinese to climb up and be ambushed while doing so.

I have drawn a 10 km radius from Sirijap. An L70 Bofors can fire up to 12km effectively. MANPADS also have a similar range.

Chinese are ten km done below and they will come and surround them.... It will take four days for the Chinese to climb up and be ambushed while doing so.
What is stopping them from carrying out a similar sortie?
Yes, as I said I do not agree because I think the chances of survival are low. I, however, can be wrong as I, in no way claim to be a military expert.

Dessert Storm

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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The gentleman was not just a IA officer he was Maj Gen so you can understand what message he is trying to send . we are on our side and we didn't use any special forces
Schrödingerish. I need help on that. That's a bit Schrödingerish. Google didn't help
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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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It is possible that Sir Hellfire may be right about the heli-operation. Inserting troops behind enemy lines without backup is indeed done, and actually is the original task of para-airborne forces.
I still have doubts tho, because the Chinese will easily detect them and their forces will also reach there within no time.

However, I can confirm with (97% surety) Blacktop, Gurung top/Yellow bump is under Chinese control. In short, Nathan's analysis yesterday was indeed correct. They have a clear view of the entire Chusul general area as well from there.
As proof, I won't say I have X-contacts who I can't name. Have a look here yourself. You will need a fine eye for detail and some interpolation skills to make sense.

I also did not notice and presence of IA on Magar hills (I can be wrong here, so not verified). We, however, have a sizeable presence in the Rechin La - Rezang La ridge area.
And do what? show off their pointy sticks from a distance?
Their whole strategy is based on intimidation and surprise, the whole guandao and spiked maces bs is because they are trying their best not to get into a shooting war.
They wanted to achieve this years salami slice objective through surprise/intimidation with minimal response from us.
Inspite of being almost NUMBA WAN even they seem to dislike the possibility of starting a war with us for some salami slices.
Perhaps they fear starting a shooting war with us will have NOT AS PLANNED results for them in many ways, inspite of all the bluster you find on GT.

This is getting all smoke and mirrors, no one except the GOI and IA seems to know the ground facts regarding these peaks. In summary, we did something right I hope to keep Chinese barking for so long....god damn I was hoping for an easy decisive victory :cool:
Chinks need to wage war on us for that.
Currently it's just brinkmanship and trying to pre-empt the chinese, in doing so frustrating their plans.
It is a stalemate, we haven't managed to re-take the fingers they have encroached, and they haven't been able to encroach further


Jul 11, 2011
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So if both Black Top & yellow bump are under Chinese control (according to you) then our advantage ain't that big.
Also PLA admitted first hand that Reqin LA is under IA control.. So there is no confusion there.
Thakung, Gurung Hill, Magar Hill, Rezang La, all are on the Indian side of LAC so why should China comment on that ... Everything that has been mentioned so far is on the Indian side of LAC..


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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So if both Black Top & yellow bump are under Chinese control (according to you) then our advantage ain't that big.
Also PLA admitted first hand that Reqin LA is under IA control.. So there is no confusion there.
Actually I hope that I turn out wrong, and the tracks that I interpreted as roads are just water-flowing marks. But let's see.

Regarding Reqin La, we can see clear roads & footpaths leading to dominating IA posts around the Reqin la area, both northern and southern parts of the ridge.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Schrödingerish. I need help on that. That's a bit Schrödingerish. Google didn't help
Schrodinger's cat :
In Schrodinger's imaginary experiment, you place a cat in a box with a tiny bit of radioactive substance. When the radioactive substance decays, it triggers a Geiger counter which causes a poison or explosion to be released that kills the cat. ... The cat ends up both dead and alive at the same time.

Schrodinger's plate:

Schrodingeresque Black Top: :devil::devil:


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Thakung, Gurung Hill, Magar Hill, Rezang La, all are on the Indian side of LAC so why should China comment on that ... Everything that has been mentioned so far is on the Indian side of LAC..
They are on the LAC if my eyes serve me right. China did not comment on anything except for Rechin La, neither has GoI.

Correction: Thakung is on the Indian side, and China has not mentioned it as well.


Jul 11, 2011
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Sir very simple question .

In the sat image below

the round structures , are they defensive structures ( sangars maybe ?)

and if they are , does that indicate the camp being defended against intruders from right side ?

View attachment 58988
Those all appear to be tents... I do not know the resolution of Imagery. a heap of stones (sangers) would not have such a contrast from the ground. yes, a higher structure made of stones will have a different contrast than the ground. In these conditions, it is difficult to survive without a tent.
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