India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Dessert Storm

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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Interesting... So game of Readjustments Vs counter measures going on...
Plus as far as the resupplies go..... yes it's very difficult but it's not just the Chinese who have the Food Delivery Drones (even if it were rocket science).
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Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
Interesting... So game of Readjustments Vs counter measures going on...
Ok so now that he cleared it up it does make sense.

To anyone wondering how this is possible look no further than the Vietnam war US troops would often build rapid firebases deep inside enemy territory which were only supplied by heliborne operations.

These firebases consisted of artillery mortars and SF personnel and were often used for recon softening up defenses and establishing green zones for medivac etc.

so yes it is entirely possible for us to do the same.

The only thing that surprises me is the lack of inaction by chinese but then again thy have not been responding in any meaningful way recently.


Jul 11, 2011
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Wait untill the smoke dissipate. After having seen Wang's press conf with Lavrov it seems to be that they have asked for a face saving solution. When he says "halfway" that means "highway and oneway for the Hans from here to the status quo ante".
We cant diplomatically shout this and they cant politically admit it.
The message has been received by the other side that IA is willing and more than ready for a shooting war but the Hans are not ready for this war.
We want status quo ante on the ground and they want status quo ante on the economic front. That's what "halfway" means in this context.
That's all what I can see for the moment. If we really get the status quo ante and we are again patrolling from finger x to finger y as before than it's a victory.
My 2 cents after having seen Wang's press conf with Lavrov.
What happens when you are down in physical combat and can not bear the pain? You starts padding the mat with your palm that you have conceded. That is conceding a point and does not imply the fight is over.

If China was so serious they would not build further forces almost on a daily basis. I assure you those tanks, BMPs, and SP Guns and those heavy vehicles of those fancy Mechanised Division and Motorised Divisions are a no go in those mountains when there would be ten to fifteen feet of snow there. By next year at the end of the winters, half of the equipment will be nonstarters.. Thousands of gallons of oil will be required for static runs of two hours per day to keep the engines alive.

China will never disengage and go where they were before having lost its face. PLA runs the Party and China. It is not IA to be hacked on ration scales in Parliamentary Committee based on lies and falsehood uttered by Pappu. PLA will hang that diplomat who goes against the PLA line be it Wang or Wi.

Moreover, IA also has some responsibilities towards the country and her people. The responsibility of maintaining the sanctity of LAC. IA would have gone to Black Top, helmet Top, Gurung hill, Magar Hill, Rezang La and Rechin La by 1975 had it not been stopped by MEA and CSG. Today they have claimed the LAC and can not be asked to withdraw from there. The country would not allow that. There may be a lot of proxy politicians' support of Congress, Communists, Islamists, and many resident editors for withdrawal. I doubt it if people will back it.

India is on or Near LAC and China has intruded. It is for China to withdraw and not India, How can India be asked to leave LAC, If the Chinese also feel to remain on LAC they are welcome.

If IA withdraws the LAC will again be given to ITBP who will deploy a Mahila Battalion on Penang Tso to facilitate easy penetration by PLA. Then again there will be one more "Hadakm" and pain for IA to gain the lost ground and eliminate penetration.

Chinese can not be trusted. There is no guarantee and guarantor. There is a long history of treachery, backstabbing, and deceit. Tell me a good reason why should anyone in India trust them..


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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He didn't say they were 'dropped at'. He says 'spurs leading up to'.
The spurs leading up to can be on the Indian side of LAC. So it's possible.
Pic posted previously in the thread today from twitter.View attachment 58986
I don't know why retired officers would put such ideas into the heads of our enemies.
If the army has already done the necessary thing, then this is fine as a psyop.... but otherwise, its better to keep their knowledge among closed circles.
But then may be I a mango man should keep out of what the military heads think.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2020
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which means unfortunate incident is Galwan and IAF was assisted temendously with CJ17/130 to send artillery etc to forward areas in fast paced manner.

Nothing more than that.


Regular Member
Apr 3, 2019
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Entire PLA camp can be seen from the top,India has occupied this peak meaning artillery & sharp shooting will be easy. All movement of enemy will be observed 24 hour and any attack will be understood in advance & reported to base area.
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Dessert Storm

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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I don't know why retired officers would put such ideas into the heads of our enemies.
If the army has already done the necessary thing, then this is fine as a psyop.... but otherwise, its better to keep their knowledge among closed circles.
But then may be I a mango man should keep out of what the military heads think.
He did say it's already done. A psyop can be a psyop either ways. Depends on how bad we have psyched them already.
*Respectfully... if your intention was to keep out of it, you wouldn't be here. I welcome you.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2020
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Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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It is possible that Sir Hellfire may be right about the heli-operation. Inserting troops behind enemy lines without backup is indeed done, and actually is the original task of para-airborne forces.
I still have doubts tho, because the Chinese will easily detect them and their forces will also reach there within no time.

However, I can confirm with (97% surety) Blacktop, Gurung top/Yellow bump is under Chinese control. In short, Nathan's analysis yesterday was indeed correct. They have a clear view of the entire Chusul general area as well from there.
As proof, I won't say I have X-contacts who I can't name. Have a look here - (link) yourself. You will need a fine eye for detail and some interpolation skills to make sense.

I also did not notice any presence of IA on Magar hills (I can be wrong here, so not verified). We, however, have a sizeable presence in the Rechin La - Rezang La ridge area.
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Regular Member
Jun 16, 2020
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I don't know why I feel, tonight might be big.
Entire PLA camp can be seen from the top,India has occupied this peak meaning artillery & sharp shooting will be easy. All movement of enemy will be observed 24 hour and any attack will be understood in advance & reported to base area.
1000 Chinese is a juicy opportunity, 100 Chinese a waste of ammo.
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