India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Jun 7, 2020
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Why not during ww2 and Vietnam drafting people regardless of background contributed in whatever way they can.

Infact war is the best time to grow.
I agree. But you think we can even draft a div? Not US model... unlogo me discipline issue bahot hai...


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Jun 7, 2020
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Ask American when they faced IAF with their advanced fighter jet and couldn't do much.

The world accept the supremacy of Indian fighter pilots flying Gnats /Mig21s taking down sabres and Starfighters in Indo pak war.

And then there is a huge tech gap in between China and Indian airforce which have the advance missile radars and fighter jet in comparison to China.
We have top class assets with AF but no co ordination... I was once in a football team.. our team was baby...... our play took us to semis... coz we realized our short comings.... it's high time we go tactical on chinese like we did in and around spanggur


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Jun 7, 2020
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@Thundering13th your comments are irritating, one-liners, and negative, not to mention without any backing or proof. Are you even Indian?

I can give you a definite reply to your one-liner doubts, but I think it won't be worth it.

If other members want an explanation, tag me in a suitable thread (let's not clutter this one).
Well whether I am Indian or not is upto your judgement. I give you that freedom. Well I am no OSINT or any otherINT so i dont have to give proof. Basic things i know coz i have been close to army... as far as negative comments are concerned.. well bro I am as optimistic as I can be.... I will be surprised if we dont face stiff opposition .... and that's we train... well that's a diff story.. score me.. bro


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Jun 7, 2020
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Its in fundamental duty enshrined in constitution. And also fundamental right when military calls u have to go without remuneration if optional.

If u want to be called citizen of India u that's a pre condition.
But do you think people will??? Some will that I can say


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Jun 7, 2020
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Its in fundamental duty enshrined in constitution. And also fundamental right when military calls u have to go without remuneration if optional.

If u want to be called citizen of India u that's a pre condition.
100% true ..but you think we can raise a 800 men unit with drafts? PS:- proper unit ..not some GIs


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Dec 26, 2016
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The question we should ask is can we take Moldo?
Yes, but we would rather not, and let the Chinis stuff the place with troops so that we can blow the place up nicely when / if war erupts.
And congrats for dumping multiple one liners and a couple of rambles in a single page of a thread started to clean up an older one.
Let me guess, you love to park in disabled slots and light cigarettes just below the no smoking sign, right?


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Sep 9, 2020
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Apr 21, 2020
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From Major general GD Bakshi:

The foreign ministry sees itself as waging peace around the world the Gandhian way. That wont work with the chinese. 22years we have been discussing the border issue to no avail. Now i hope they will not want to swap all our gains South of Pongong tso with the 4 fingers. it would be TRAGIC.The Fingers are worth little strategically.The Area South of Pangong Tso is VITAL . it is the main invasion route to Leh and Ladakh which we have sealed off completely by occupying these heights. God save us from our peaceniks. They made us give back Hajjipir and 93,000 Paki POWs for free in 1971.


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Nov 23, 2014
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I really hope that post covid, political leaders in west remember to shift their manufacturing/supply chains setup in mainland china.

We also need to put in to place our economy which is our weakest link at the moment. Hey prabhu please make PLA do something stupid in SCS. That will make things much easier for our armed forces.
Sep 8, 2020
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Will there be a war on western and northern fronts?

The situation on our northern border is tense. The Chinese hegemony has been challenged by India by taking very decisive steps in the last week of August 2020.

All the noises made by the Chinese in the Ladakh area are to pre-empt any action by India in the Aksai Chin area where the CPEC – China Pakistan economic corridor – enters China.

Aksai Chin falls in the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir which has been illegally occupied by Pakistan since the accession of Kashmir to India by Raja Hari Singh in 1947. The erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir was spread over Gilgit, Baltistan, Ladakh, Kashmir valley, and Jammu.

Pakistan illegally gave control of Aksai Chin to China for economic and military aid.

Having understood the brief history and geography of the area, let us look at the planetary changes that take place this year.

On 13/09/2020 Jupiter becomes Margi (Direct) and begins its forward movement in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius).

On 18/09/2020 Rahu leaves Mithun Rashi (Gemini) and enters Vrish Rashi (Taurus)

On 30/09/2020 Saturn becomes Margi (Direct) and continues its forward motion in Makar Rashi (Capricorn)

On 20/11/2020 Jupiter leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign where Jupiter becomes Neech and loses all his powers to give favorable results.

Jupiter is the planets whose blessings are needed to accomplish a goal. Saturn is the planet that gives permission for an event to happen and a goal to be reached. Without the blessing of Jupiter and the permission of Saturn nothing good or bad can happen.

Let us see which houses do Jupiter and Saturn own in our independence day chart.

Saturn owns the ninth and the tenth houses and becomes a Yogakaraka. Transit of Yogakaraka planet through his own sign is good for India

Jupiter owns the eighth and eleventh house but his results will pertain more to the eighth house as his Mool Trikon Rashi falls there. In a nation’s chart, the eighth house represents death, destruction, hills, fear from enemies, clandestine, and evil deeds.

What that implies is that as Jupiter becomes direct and resumes its forward motion there will be constant harassment from our western and northern neighbors. An attempt on the life of a VIP, terrorist attacks, and border skirmishes on both borders are likely.

As mentioned above Jupiter enters Capricorn on 20/11/2020 and becomes Neech. The significance of this is that strong steps will be taken to overcome the provocation on both borders.

On 11/02/2021 the following planetary configuration obtains.

Please note that as many as six planets transit Capricorn while Rahu sits in the Lagna.

Compare it to the independence day chart given below.

Please note that all six planets that have gathered together in the transit chart of 11/02/2021 aspect the five planets in the third house in the independence day chart. Jupiter and Saturn aspect the third and the sixth houses in the Independence chart. Mars, who is placed in the twelfth house also aspects the third house of military forces. More importantly Mars aspects the sixth house and indicates destruction of the enemies.

The third house in any chart is the house of leadership, elan, the strength of arms, and the army. One reason why the Indian army has never lost to its enemies is that there are five planets in the third house which give the Indian army great strength and resolve. Also Moon who is the lord of the third house is placed in the third house making it very strong.

Now in the seventy fourth year of our republic, six planets sit in the seventh house from Moon in the independence day chart. Jupiter and Saturn both aspect the third house making defense services active. Very strong Mars sits in the tenth house from the Moon. This says that a decisive war will be fought on two fronts as well as in the sea. The Dasha Bhuktis running in the I-day chart in February 2021 are as below.

The Dasha years have been taken as Lunar years of 360 days as instructed by Maharishi Parashar. Moon-Mercury-Mars could trigger a war.

The results of this war will be devastating for our enemies. The defeat of Pakistan and China will start the inevitable implosion and break up of both nations into separate parts.This will take a while but the process will begin.

People who have read about the repeal of article 370 in the state of J&K may have wondered why Ladakh was made a separate entity. The reason for this is that during the time of the British, Ladakh, Baltistan and Gilgit were one area under Raja Hari Singh. Modi always thinks far ahead in the future.

If the leadership displays the will and the nerve, which it is quite capable of, the Indian army will take POK along with Aksai Chin, Baltistan, and Gilgit as well. These belong to India anyway and the British records prove it. There would be no criticism from the international community and the UN.

As a matter of fact the UN will welcome the move and disallow Pakistan and China from taking any foolish steps like use of nuclear weapons.




Sep 8, 2020
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Will there be a war on western and northern fronts?

The situation on our northern border is tense. The Chinese hegemony has been challenged by India by taking very decisive steps in the last week of August 2020.

All the noises made by the Chinese in the Ladakh area are to pre-empt any action by India in the Aksai Chin area where the CPEC – China Pakistan economic corridor – enters China.

Aksai Chin falls in the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir which has been illegally occupied by Pakistan since the accession of Kashmir to India by Raja Hari Singh in 1947. The erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir was spread over Gilgit, Baltistan, Ladakh, Kashmir valley, and Jammu.

Pakistan illegally gave control of Aksai Chin to China for economic and military aid.

Having understood the brief history and geography of the area, let us look at the planetary changes that take place this year.

On 13/09/2020 Jupiter becomes Margi (Direct) and begins its forward movement in Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius).

On 18/09/2020 Rahu leaves Mithun Rashi (Gemini) and enters Vrish Rashi (Taurus)

On 30/09/2020 Saturn becomes Margi (Direct) and continues its forward motion in Makar Rashi (Capricorn)

On 20/11/2020 Jupiter leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign where Jupiter becomes Neech and loses all his powers to give favorable results.

Jupiter is the planets whose blessings are needed to accomplish a goal. Saturn is the planet that gives permission for an event to happen and a goal to be reached. Without the blessing of Jupiter and the permission of Saturn nothing good or bad can happen.

Let us see which houses do Jupiter and Saturn own in our independence day chart.

Saturn owns the ninth and the tenth houses and becomes a Yogakaraka. Transit of Yogakaraka planet through his own sign is good for India

Jupiter owns the eighth and eleventh house but his results will pertain more to the eighth house as his Mool Trikon Rashi falls there. In a nation’s chart, the eighth house represents death, destruction, hills, fear from enemies, clandestine, and evil deeds.

What that implies is that as Jupiter becomes direct and resumes its forward motion there will be constant harassment from our western and northern neighbors. An attempt on the life of a VIP, terrorist attacks, and border skirmishes on both borders are likely.

As mentioned above Jupiter enters Capricorn on 20/11/2020 and becomes Neech. The significance of this is that strong steps will be taken to overcome the provocation on both borders.

On 11/02/2021 the following planetary configuration obtains.

Please note that as many as six planets transit Capricorn while Rahu sits in the Lagna.

Compare it to the independence day chart given below.

Please note that all six planets that have gathered together in the transit chart of 11/02/2021 aspect the five planets in the third house in the independence day chart. Jupiter and Saturn aspect the third and the sixth houses in the Independence chart. Mars, who is placed in the twelfth house also aspects the third house of military forces. More importantly Mars aspects the sixth house and indicates destruction of the enemies.

The third house in any chart is the house of leadership, elan, the strength of arms, and the army. One reason why the Indian army has never lost to its enemies is that there are five planets in the third house which give the Indian army great strength and resolve. Also Moon who is the lord of the third house is placed in the third house making it very strong.

Now in the seventy fourth year of our republic, six planets sit in the seventh house from Moon in the independence day chart. Jupiter and Saturn both aspect the third house making defense services active. Very strong Mars sits in the tenth house from the Moon. This says that a decisive war will be fought on two fronts as well as in the sea. The Dasha Bhuktis running in the I-day chart in February 2021 are as below.

The Dasha years have been taken as Lunar years of 360 days as instructed by Maharishi Parashar. Moon-Mercury-Mars could trigger a war.

The results of this war will be devastating for our enemies. The defeat of Pakistan and China will start the inevitable implosion and break up of both nations into separate parts.This will take a while but the process will begin.

People who have read about the repeal of article 370 in the state of J&K may have wondered why Ladakh was made a separate entity. The reason for this is that during the time of the British, Ladakh, Baltistan and Gilgit were one area under Raja Hari Singh. Modi always thinks far ahead in the future.

If the leadership displays the will and the nerve, which it is quite capable of, the Indian army will take POK along with Aksai Chin, Baltistan, and Gilgit as well. These belong to India anyway and the British records prove it. There would be no criticism from the international community and the UN.

As a matter of fact the UN will welcome the move and disallow Pakistan and China from taking any foolish steps like use of nuclear weapons.

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Saw this post on Quora and found it quite amusing 🤗
Sep 5, 2020
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Some good write up about the LAC clash, including a video of a similar clash in 2017. Looks like this has been going on for a while. In 2017, the PLA intruded and occupied areas around finger 4. And the clashes in the video show stones being hurled at each other. One PLA soldier even kicks our jawan and another PLA soldier gravely injures our jawan by hurling a stone at him(You can see our guys carrying away the injured soldier).

2017 video:

current positions around f4:


Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Some good write up about the LAC clash, including a video of a similar clash in 2017. Looks like this has been going on for a while. In 2017, the PLA intruded and occupied areas around finger 4. And the clashes in the video show stones being hurled at each other. One PLA soldier even kicks our jawan and another PLA soldier gravely injures our jawan by hurling a stone at him(You can see our guys carrying away the injured soldier).

2017 video:

current positions around f4:

Bot bandhu.. Go back to whichever hole you came from
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