India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Sep 5, 2020
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This is to be expected. Democrats are hand-in-glove with the CCP institutions.
  • A lot of laundered or stolen CCP money is once again going to start to flow into real estate on the US west coast, making all west coast property owners richer. These west coast richies are the top most contributors to democrats.
  • Xitler will be parading down the streets of Seattle once again to a warm reception.
  • All PLA researchers will be back at top US universities and Houston CCP embassy will once again become the IP stealing den.
  • CCP's women spies are going to sleep with Democrats, marry influential US decision makers and business heads (Mark Zuckerberg - expected to be running for future presidency - is already married to one, so are several Senators and other Silicon Valley executives).
  • The Confucius Institutes will be revived as the conduit for channeling moneys into US universities like Stanford where University Presidents get millions of dollars in salaries, courtesy CCP money.
  • Quad is going to be disbanded and arms technology to India tightened (hence the rush to get MQ9Bs even if on lease).
  • Statements will be issued that takes a neutral approach to PLA's backstabbing of India.
  • Sanctions on HK officials for oppression will be repealed.
  • Tibet, East Turkestan will be forgotten.
  • The US will join RCEP and TPP.
  • India will be put in religious freedom violator list, lectured to on kashmir, pakistan ties, upholding secular values, respect for minorities, climate change etc.
  • Strategic balance in South Asia maintained by transferring arms to Pakshitstan and 'quality improvement' of their nuke technology (the west turned a blind eye to Porki's nuclear theft during democrats' rule).
  • Anti competitive practices against the technology giants will be dropped.
  • Mexicans will be back violating all sorts of laws with the US going easy.

By the way, all of the above was exactly like how it was during Obama's terms. Obama's brother is a CCP citizen. Biden's son got rich due to CCP propping up his investment firm with free money.
Many Democrat senators were bribed by big tech like Google (research how Google purchased a worthless firm of a US senator Cory Booker for $10 million in the garb of technology acquisition so they can get the contract to put Google Tech in all NJ schools and get Democrats to not pursue anti-trust legislation). Microsoft got away with anti-trust during Democrat's rule in the 90s.

Bottom line:
India (but not Indians coming to America) is going to get put on the backburner with empty slogans like "world's oldest democracy" etc and superficial events like Indian PM getting to address the joint houses of US Congress. India will be 'encouraged' to give in to CCP.

With Russia staying neutral and China-Pakistan aligned and the Quad no longer active, who is our strategic partner for trade and defense?


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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>Do China's bidding.
No he won't, but he won't be roasting those yellow arses on high flame like how Trump did these 4 years, he'll turn the heat to low, look the other way for the most part, and do token anti Choinees actions.

In any case Biden is a Deep State/Globalist puppet, you will see changes in him the moment these deep state walas see China as an un-avoidable threat, these all 4 years were focused on removing Trump, everything else was secondary to these people.

Inshallah 11 Jinping's antics will force their hand eventually.

btw if you think his tharki son's dushkarams are leverage enough for the chinks over him, no worries, Biden's masters will replace him with Commala giving some "seems legit" reason like Biden not being medically fit to run office.
China is the number one enemy of America no amount of bootlicking and bribery can save them now. Their era of peaceful rise is now over.
Sep 5, 2020
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China is the number one enemy of America no amount of bootlicking and bribery can save them now. Their era of peaceful rise is now over.
You never know with the Americans. Japanese were the #1 enemy for decades since WW2 - heck they even put their own Japanese American citizens in jail camps, post pearl harbor. Now Japan is one of the key allies.
Americans can turn on a dime - they dont see the world as enemies and friends. They see it as who can fulfill the aspirations of their 1% elite and who cannot. The control of American elites on all aspects of American policy - from what types of bathrooms to be installed in schools to sharing technology secrets and moneys - is something you have to see in action to believe it. The legalized corruption in the US is so entrenched that anyone who can master that can control the US policies.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
China is the number one enemy of America no amount of bootlicking and bribery can save them now. Their era of peaceful rise is now over.
Look at the people who are coming under biden and you will understand.


Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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This is to be expected. Democrats are hand-in-glove with the CCP institutions.
  • A lot of laundered or stolen CCP money is once again going to start to flow into real estate on the US west coast, making all west coast property owners richer. These west coast richies are the top most contributors to democrats.
  • Xitler will be parading down the streets of Seattle once again to a warm reception.
  • All PLA researchers will be back at top US universities and Houston CCP embassy will once again become the IP stealing den.
  • CCP's women spies are going to sleep with Democrats, marry influential US decision makers and business heads (Mark Zuckerberg - expected to be running for future presidency - is already married to one, so are several Senators and other Silicon Valley executives).
  • The Confucius Institutes will be revived as the conduit for channeling moneys into US universities like Stanford where University Presidents get millions of dollars in salaries, courtesy CCP money.
  • Quad is going to be disbanded and arms technology to India tightened (hence the rush to get MQ9Bs even if on lease).
  • Statements will be issued that takes a neutral approach to PLA's backstabbing of India.
  • Sanctions on HK officials for oppression will be repealed.
  • Tibet, East Turkestan will be forgotten.
  • The US will join RCEP and TPP.
  • India will be put in religious freedom violator list, lectured to on kashmir, pakistan ties, upholding secular values, respect for minorities, climate change etc.
  • Strategic balance in South Asia maintained by transferring arms to Pakshitstan and 'quality improvement' of their nuke technology (the west turned a blind eye to Porki's nuclear theft during democrats' rule).
  • Anti competitive practices against the technology giants will be dropped.
  • Mexicans will be back violating all sorts of laws with the US going easy.

By the way, all of the above was exactly like how it was during Obama's terms. Obama's brother is a CCP citizen. Biden's son got rich due to CCP propping up his investment firm with free money.
Many Democrat senators were bribed by big tech like Google (research how Google purchased a worthless firm of a US senator Cory Booker for $10 million in the garb of technology acquisition so they can get the contract to put Google Tech in all NJ schools and get Democrats to not pursue anti-trust legislation). Microsoft got away with anti-trust during Democrat's rule in the 90s.

Bottom line:
India (but not Indians coming to America) is going to get put on the backburner with empty slogans like "world's oldest democracy" etc and superficial events like Indian PM getting to address the joint houses of US Congress. India will be 'encouraged' to give in to CCP.

With Russia staying neutral and China-Pakistan aligned and the Quad no longer active, who is our strategic partner for trade and defense?
We are on our own.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
New law allows Australia to scrap China Belt and Road plans

The quad pushback inertia will be enough to push biden of his cuckery.
Symbolic nonsense itna hi tha then why sign rcep they have already approved most projects now there is nothing left to veto.

Also elections are coming up in Australia too let's see how it goes.


New Member
Dec 3, 2017
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New law allows Australia to scrap China Belt and Road plans

The quad pushback inertia will be enough to push biden of his cuckery.
From your Al Jazeera link:

"Under the law, Morrison won’t be able to scrap deals between state governments and commercial companies or state-owned enterprises.
That means the lease of a strategic port in Darwin, used by the U.S. military, to a Chinese company by the Northern Territory government in 2015 could not be overturned.

Isn't that a bit of a loophole in the law , given that most of the bigger Chinese enterprises are essentially fronts for the Chinese government and military?

edit: and , yes, as was mentioned by knowitall the Australians signed up to the RCEP ,last month.
How much substance is there to any of this?
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New Member
Feb 27, 2019
This is to be expected. Democrats are hand-in-glove with the CCP institutions.
  • A lot of laundered or stolen CCP money is once again going to start to flow into real estate on the US west coast, making all west coast property owners richer. These west coast richies are the top most contributors to democrats.
  • Xitler will be parading down the streets of Seattle once again to a warm reception.
  • All PLA researchers will be back at top US universities and Houston CCP embassy will once again become the IP stealing den.
  • CCP's women spies are going to sleep with Democrats, marry influential US decision makers and business heads (Mark Zuckerberg - expected to be running for future presidency - is already married to one, so are several Senators and other Silicon Valley executives).
  • The Confucius Institutes will be revived as the conduit for channeling moneys into US universities like Stanford where University Presidents get millions of dollars in salaries, courtesy CCP money.
  • Quad is going to be disbanded and arms technology to India tightened (hence the rush to get MQ9Bs even if on lease).
  • Statements will be issued that takes a neutral approach to PLA's backstabbing of India.
  • Sanctions on HK officials for oppression will be repealed.
  • Tibet, East Turkestan will be forgotten.
  • The US will join RCEP and TPP.
  • India will be put in religious freedom violator list, lectured to on kashmir, pakistan ties, upholding secular values, respect for minorities, climate change etc.
  • Strategic balance in South Asia maintained by transferring arms to Pakshitstan and 'quality improvement' of their nuke technology (the west turned a blind eye to Porki's nuclear theft during democrats' rule).
  • Anti competitive practices against the technology giants will be dropped.
  • Mexicans will be back violating all sorts of laws with the US going easy.

By the way, all of the above was exactly like how it was during Obama's terms. Obama's brother is a CCP citizen. Biden's son got rich due to CCP propping up his investment firm with free money.
Many Democrat senators were bribed by big tech like Google (research how Google purchased a worthless firm of a US senator Cory Booker for $10 million in the garb of technology acquisition so they can get the contract to put Google Tech in all NJ schools and get Democrats to not pursue anti-trust legislation). Microsoft got away with anti-trust during Democrat's rule in the 90s.

Bottom line:
India (but not Indians coming to America) is going to get put on the backburner with empty slogans like "world's oldest democracy" etc and superficial events like Indian PM getting to address the joint houses of US Congress. India will be 'encouraged' to give in to CCP.

With Russia staying neutral and China-Pakistan aligned and the Quad no longer active, who is our strategic partner for trade and defense?
In any geo political scene of today, you are always on your own. One need to realize that US is a war based economy ..they need wars and weapon sales to continue the kitchen burning... china won't buy but india will....this is a new cold war post USSR and it will end with breaking of china just like USSR. Most probably we will see it in our lifetime for sure.....

As for biden goes, he will be a puppet from day One. Trump is already ensuring that he left so much mess and laws that his whole term will be spend dousing the fire than sucking upto CCP & through trump tweets.. he is daily enacting a new law / rules making it more and more tough for biden to get out of spider web....

Let us not forget the public opinion with US against bat muchers too. Like of BLM & antiffa are monsters like Osama , which will come back to bite them for sure.. they know it and biden will need to tame it....ultimately biden cannot be seen as going against public chill ... it;s not that easy for biden .. also remember that republicans are in majority in senate.....
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New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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CCP has some big targets:

1. Beat the US technologically. They have a list of top end technology that they want to match or dominate the US with completely in-house owned IP (beg, borrow, or steal). See their 2025 technology list.
2. Beat the US on nominal GDP under a domestic consumption model (not the vulnerable export led model).
3. Become an upper income ($12000+ nominal per capita) by 2030.
4. Displace dollar with Renmimbi as the world's preferred currency.
5. Replace SWIFT interbank settlement system with China dominated system.
6. Replace GPS with Beidou as the world's favored navigation system.
7. Displace US semi-conductor chips with Chinese ones.
8. Own the telecom network HW space.
9. Retrieve all the 'lost' land and sea spaces to set right 'the century of humiliation'.
10 Transform their urban rivals to rival those of the west in terms of quality of life and aesthetics - even if it is all to just show off.

Their India strategy is for the #9 goal.
For beating US in technologies, China needs to deploy Indian scientist like NASA does. However, no indian scientist will like to work with China. CPC reeducation camp education can not produce great scientists.
Sep 5, 2020
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From your Al Jazeera link:

"Under the law, Morrison won’t be able to scrap deals between state governments and commercial companies or state-owned enterprises.
That means the lease of a strategic port in Darwin, used by the U.S. military, to a Chinese company by the Northern Territory government in 2015 could not be overturned.

Isn't that a bit of a loophole in the law , given that most of the bigger Chinese enterprises are essentially fronts for the Chinese government and military?

edit: and , yes, as was mentioned by knowitall the Australians signed up to the RCEP ,last month.
How much substance is there to any of this?
Not much credibility here from the Aussie side. It is simply pandering by politicians to the people of a nation that has no option but to trade with CCPstan to continue to afford their million dollar homes in Sydney suburbs and finance their heavy investments into R&D. Aussies are totally dependent on the Chinese for trade as well as services revenues(aka university students). In realtiy the Quad is just a biad - US and India - for now. Japan and Australia are already in RCEP and their lacklustre participation in Malabar was taken note of. If Biden signs the Trans Pacific Partnership (an extended version of RCEP), Quad is all but finished. Overall,It is very very likely that India will largely be on its own during Biden's term. I hope we grasp this opportunity with both hands and make bold moves to make aatmanirbhar bhaarat a reality and not just a slogan.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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For beating US in technologies, China needs to deploy Indian scientist like NASA does. However, no indian scientist will like to work with China. CPC reeducation camp education can not produce great scientists.
They will lol.
They will be NRIs however already working in some Gora country.
In any case PRChings have their own fellows in SciTech R&D companies or universities of gora countries in similar quantities as we do


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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For beating US in technologies, China needs to deploy Indian scientist like NASA does. However, no indian scientist will like to work with China. CPC reeducation camp education can not produce great scientists.
china doesn’t need Indian scientists, competence is on par, probably Chinese have the edge too because they do more practical engineering than our folks.
Sep 5, 2020
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lots of pant shivering there....

In any geo political scene of today, you are always on your own. One need to realize that US is a war based economy ..they need wars and weapon sales to continue the kitchen burning... china won't buy but india will....this is a new cold war post USSR and it will end with breaking of china just like USSR. Most probably we will see it in our lifetime for sure.....

As for biden goes, he will be a puppet from day One. Trump is already ensuring that he left so much mess and laws that his whole term will be spend dousing the fire than sucking upto CCP & through trump tweets.. he is daily enacting a new law / rules making it more and more tough for biden to get out of spider web....

Let us not forget the public opinion with US against bat muchers too. Like of BLM & antiffa are monsters like Osama , which will come back to bite them for sure.. they know it and biden will need to tame it....ultimately biden cannot be seen as going against public chill ... it;s not that easy for biden .. also remember that republicans are in majority in senate.....
Careful. None of the points I stated requires congressional approval. Biden can reinstate all of that like Trump undid all of that. Trump did all that through executive actions. LOL. You are not recognizing how things were under Obama who opened the gates for massive Chinese influence over US economy as a way to offset the great depression of 2008. Democrats and their financial backers were openly shouting that it is time for all Americans to learn mandarin. They were using climate change as an excuse to shove manufacturing jobs over to China which screwed over the average joe, increasing American poverty hugely.


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
Careful. None of the points I stated requires congressional approval. Biden can reinstate all of that like Trump undid all of that. Trump did all that through executive actions. LOL. You are not recognizing how things were under Obama who opened the gates for massive Chinese influence over US economy as a way to offset the great depression of 2008. Democrats and their financial backers were openly shouting that it is time for all Americans to learn mandarin. They were using climate change as an excuse to shove manufacturing jobs over to China which screwed over the average joe, increasing American poverty hugely.
you forget that democrats have exposed themselves openly in these elections... he might be able to take ordance route like here but ultimately congress have the necessary powers to overrules biden fella....

Moreover, how would you take care of public opinion ....which is clearly anti china....tides have shifted...


New Member
Aug 16, 2014
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For beating US in technologies, China needs to deploy Indian scientist like NASA does. However, no indian scientist will like to work with China. CPC reeducation camp education can not produce great scientists.
Chinese engineers are neck to neck to Indian engineers in US in terms of skills. Indians excels in social bonding and creating network.
There are plenty of Indians working in China. One of my college friend is currently professor in Shanghai's Jia-Tong University. However there wont be any foreign scientist or engineer in the core govt groups of China.
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