India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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If we assume CCP is going thru a check list, first release virus, second create a stand off with india, and third ensure U.S elects a favourable president, doesn't it mean CCP is counting down to a big event either on our front or in SCS?

There may be other moves unrelated to india as well.
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Sep 5, 2020
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If we assume CCP is going thru a check list, first release virus, second create a stand off with india, and third ensure U.S elects a favourable president, doesn't it mean CCP is counting down to a big event either on our front or in SCS?

There may be other moves unrelated to india as well.
CCP has some big targets:

1. Beat the US technologically. They have a list of top end technology that they want to match or dominate the US with completely in-house owned IP (beg, borrow, or steal). See their 2025 technology list.
2. Beat the US on nominal GDP under a domestic consumption model (not the vulnerable export led model).
3. Become an upper income ($12000+ nominal per capita) by 2030.
4. Displace dollar with Renmimbi as the world's preferred currency.
5. Replace SWIFT interbank settlement system with China dominated system.
6. Replace GPS with Beidou as the world's favored navigation system.
7. Displace US semi-conductor chips with Chinese ones.
8. Own the telecom network HW space.
9. Retrieve all the 'lost' land and sea spaces to set right 'the century of humiliation'.
10 Transform their urban rivals to rival those of the west in terms of quality of life and aesthetics - even if it is all to just show off.

Their India strategy is for the #9 goal.
Sep 5, 2020
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Russians doing china's bidding, that takes us back to the time when there were reports that ruskies mislead India about Chinese movement claiming it was only training nothing else.
Russians and CCP have a lot more common strategic interests than we and Ruskies do, when it comes to taking on the west. Both Russia and CCP want to beat the US/west and become as or more powerful than the west, so as to dictate terms to the world - and for that to happen they know that they need to get rich and become technology super powers.
However Ruskies dont trust Chinis much, like they trust us (natural as Russia and India do not share a border; border sharing countries generally do not trust each other), so we would normally have gained from the Ruskies head start in critical defense technology. However, Ruskies and Chinis do NOT want the US anywhere in their neighborhood. But India has introduced them, along with the Quad. Also, we chose American guns, naval platforms, recon aircraft, transport aircraft, drones etc. Ruskies would see such changes as antagonistic moves. So expect Ruskies to dial down on strategic collaboration with us in specific areas.
On our part, we can no longer maintain even a facade of a strategic collaboration with the Russians due to their significant dependency on CCP for money and technology collaboration, and us moving away from Russian technology for critical game-changer platforms. Note how Modi-Putin interactions have virtually died out. Russia no longer can keep up with the Americans and Chinese defense technologies, due to their R&D limitations. So, it is in our own interest to go with American weapons as Chinese technology is rapidly progressing beyond Russian technology, and slowly catching up with the West in certain areas, and that Chinese sophistication is a real threat for us, which can be matched only with in-house R&D in select areas (we identify where we beat the CCP) plus "make-in-india" of American technology.


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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Oct 11, 2017
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Food Crisis is one of many chinese chokers . China became a net food importer in 2004. Its import dependence is irreversible. Between 2003 and 2017, China's food imports grew from just $14 billion to $104.6 billion. It will face a domestic grain supply gap of about 130 million tonnes by the end of 2025. It continues to import seeds due to lack of technology. Wheat, corn and rice are the main ingredients of the Chinese food basket. These crops have been threatened by floods, typhoons and draughts – all in one season. Climate change might also be playing its part. Pork is the main meat. However availability of pork has been affected badly due to the African Swine Flu for the past three years. Corruption/inefficiency in logistics and storage as also insect infestation threaten its inventory.

See -
See -
Oh don't worry guys.


They'll be just fine :megusta:


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Some vidoe leaked from

It says the PLA retook of 5104m height, i believe it's called Black top or other top by India side.

Two 1.4 billon nations with nuclear weapon fought with stones ... LOL

View attachment 69786

View attachment 69787
But...but... I thought China used a super-duper directed energy microwave oven to remotely cook the tops of the hills while sitting comfortably in Beijing, and as weak and backward Indian soldiers vomited and vacated the hills, and thereafter 6-foot Chinese soldiers marched on top carrying flags of Mao and She Jing Ping as they established unrivaled control on the hilltops?

Running ahead of your own propaganda, eh?


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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But...but... I thought China used a super-duper directed energy microwave oven to remotely cook the tops of the hills while sitting comfortably in Beijing, and as weak and backward Indian soldiers vomited and vacated the hills, and thereafter 6-foot Chinese soldiers marched on top carrying flags of Mao and She Jing Ping as they established unrivaled control on the hilltops?

Running ahead of your own propaganda, eh?
It means that media report of hand to hand combat was true which ensured that India maintained the heights. The soldiers seen in this video must be from SG, gorkha, kumaon and sikh.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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It means that media report of hand to hand combat was true which ensured that India maintained the heights. The soldiers seen in this video must be from SG, gorkha, kumaon and sikh.
When did we have physical combat on Kailash range heights? Which media reports? I remember GoI maintaining that there were no physical contacts between soldiers.
All soldiers taking part in the operation were armed and had permission to open fire in self-defense, exactly for this case if these earthworm-munching subhumans tried to show their monkey heritage.

This is probably some older video.


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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When did we have physical combat on Kailash range heights? Which media reports? I remember GoI maintaining that there were no physical contacts between soldiers.
All soldiers taking part in the operation were armed and had permission to open fire in self-defense, exactly for this case if these earthworm-munching subhumans tried to show their monkey heritage.

This is probably some older video.
Oops I forgot it was reported by eurasian times and the whole mission took place in night.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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even the new murican president is about to do CCP’s bidding, might as well get used to it.
>Do China's bidding.
No he won't, but he won't be roasting those yellow arses on high flame like how Trump did these 4 years, he'll turn the heat to low, look the other way for the most part, and do token anti Choinees actions.

In any case Biden is a Deep State/Globalist puppet, you will see changes in him the moment these deep state walas see China as an un-avoidable threat, these all 4 years were focused on removing Trump, everything else was secondary to these people.

Inshallah 11 Jinping's antics will force their hand eventually.

btw if you think his tharki son's dushkarams are leverage enough for the chinks over him, no worries, Biden's masters will replace him with Commala giving some "seems legit" reason like Biden not being medically fit to run office.
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