India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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100000 are deployed true so why haven't we done anything to PLA yet?

Point is GOI might not be willing to risk an escalation.
it just means that when we read history in books we assume that things happen in quick succession, but in reality they move at a their own pace and historians remove the boring parts in the literature and embellish the rest depending on whose side they are on.:scared1::scared1:


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Dec 2, 2009
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The guy means to say once squatters have appeared on your territory, you are supposed to physically eject them, not build a fence around them backed by your guys.
The waiting and camping precisely for PLA to do something *again* is what is the problem, when they have already done enough to warrant a reaction on April in Galwan and the aftermath.
It is also why the Bhutanese are doing the tibetan variant of "koi nahi ghussa".
CCP is being given a long rope with which they will hang both India and Bhutan. Such cucks in the government. "Koi nahi ghussa" after Galwan was unbelievable!!


New Member
May 30, 2009
The fact that China is building this village under the guise of "poverty alleviation program," near the border with Bhutan makes it highly suspicious, and much more probable that it is on stolen Bhutanese territory. Remember these are the same Chinese that build Uyghur concentration camps.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
it just means that when we read history in books we assume that things happen in quick succession, but in reality they move at a their own pace and historian remove the boring parts in the literature.:scared1::scared1:
I dont understand why one would think that waiting is to our advantage?

For all we know wait and delay could end up favouring the chinese.

For all we know bhutan could join china or china could take bhutan.

A few years from now they cold actually have a much better military that could match us in mountain warfare.

One should learn to make maximum use of the oppurtinities given because no one knows the future.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
India should just annex Bhutan already, it has become a "constitutional monarchy" now, it's only a matter of time before a Maoist party springs up there just like Nepal and turns it into a hive of anti-India activities, this is aside from the current chingchong land grab matters.
Good ola chacha said no to Nepal's request to join India.

There is a special place in hell for such people.


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Feb 28, 2016
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The fact that China is building this village under the guise of "poverty alleviation program," near the border with Bhutan makes it highly suspicious, and much more probable that it is on stolen Bhutanese territory. Remember these are the same Chinese that build Uyghur concentration camps.
In terms of Tibet they are doing these "poverty alleviation" memes i've noticed, many weeks ago there was a puff piece on TOI about how they are giving Tibetan villagers better lives with free, fully furnished modern house, subsidized food, govt jobs and all with the cost being giving up on Buddhism and putting a photo of Mao and Xi in the house.
Ofc the villages are pretty happy exchanging Buddha and their culture for material goods and golden manacles of CCP.
Just like CCP wants you to think.

I dont understand why one would think that waiting is to our advantage?

For all we know wait and delay could end up favouring the chinese.

For all we know bhutan could join china or china could take bhutan.

A few years from now they cold actually have a much better military that could match us in mountain warfare.

One should learn to make maximum use of the oppurtinities given because no one knows the future.
That is a very good casus belli tbh.
Ching pongs do every trick in the book to avoid conventional warfare retaliations for their stunts.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Why is it that the biggest snakes have the longest lifespans like this geezer or (((soros))).
On a serious note I had read about blood transfusion and dark practices performed by these people to continue to live.

Places where billionaires meet and perform and undergo mutations.

Probably fake but intresting nonetheless.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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I dont understand why one would think that waiting is to our advantage?

For all we know wait and delay could end up favouring the chinese.

For all we know bhutan could join china or china could take bhutan.

A few years from now they cold actually have a much better military that could match us in mountain warfare.

One should learn to make maximum use of the oppurtinities given because no one knows the future.
perhaps a way to approach this by starting finding good books on India Bhutan relationship & foreign policy and read them of course , maybe there are some clues there.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
perhaps a way to approach this by starting finding good books on India Bhutan relationship & foreign policy, maybe there are some clues there.
I had read this book on dalai lama and his escape to India the people who gave their life to protect him.

One of his generals just took a sword and decided to guard their exit while they escaped to India.

How their villages and monasteries were burnt how the people suffered.

Truly heartbreaking.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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We say bombers are cold war era concept, if it is so then why are Russia, USA, China and others investing heavily into Bombers? They are deadly great deterrents.

our military is mostly defensive, we should have an expeditionary Armed Forces, APJ Abdul Kalam sir said that there is no place for fear in this world, only strength respects strength.

French CATOBAR carrier has less displacement than our INS Vikramaditya but carries 10 more aircraft than our INS Vicky. We should go for 2 small flat deck carriers instead of a big one.

I mean it irritates me seeing chinks laughing on us because we indians are getting happy listening to disengagement but then reports come that chinks aren’t retreating. We are fooling ourselves but truth is that we are losing without a fight, chink propaganda is working everywhere from Galwan valley clash to microwave weapons use. Why aren’t we doing such things? We captured black top which is Indian territory which we lost to china and we reclaimed it. China is holding 38,000 sq km of Aksai china and we keep chanting it is Indian territory... it is Indian territory... but we don’t take it back nor we are able to take back PoK from tine PorkShitstan🇵🇰.

then what is our military for? We brag we are going to be a superpower, chinks are afraid of us, we brag of being 4th strongest country but the fact is that we are useless. Israeli military is nowhere near to the Indian military size yet they use their military to fullest potential, they make their x amount of weapons give impact of 2x amount of weapons to the enemy. Our defence budget is in stupid integers and our indigenous platforms are also mostly shit whatever we brag...

Arjun is over weight and we can’t reduce its weight, Arjun should’ve been in 1500+ numbers but its not, Arjun MK1A is infact heavier than the MK1 at 67 tonnes and Army is not at all interested in it.

Our Tejas production rate is shit
Our warships are underarmed
Our LCH lacks a fire control radar like LongBow of Apache
Our Rustom-II is in developments for decades
Our Aircraft carriers are STOBAR, can’t use their full potential
Our Tanks are heavy

And Armed forces is not focussing on number expansion, we are busy in modernisation not expanding the numbers.

And it requires money but after a -23.9% contraction... our GDP from 3.3 Trillion Dollars became 2.6 Trillion dollars because of poor lockdown by chaukidaar.

the weapons we buy are political purchases like AK-203 which is a shit piece rifle for Infantry as it is a SF category weapon And is going to become standard issue.

we delay procurement a lot and we are unable to finalise deals on time...
Chinki economy is still increasing despite the rhetoric of us that FoReIgN cOmPaNiEs aRe CoMiNg To InDiA but still their economy is booming.

Our modern platforms are having long awaited upgrades which is getting delayed.
We are losers, no doubt on that.

We tolerated giving away of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma from India as separate countries but even after giving away these countries, Pakistan and China still capture our land and we are still silent. We are so poor that we can’t even retire our MiG-21s🤬.

Thats why we should have gone for F-16 India production and purchased huge numbers of such aircraft.

We could have made 7-8 ships of each class but we go to redesigning after 3-4 ships of every class.

Our Mechanised Forces are all obsolete, even our T-90 tanks await upgrades, we are still using BMP-2s and modernisation will take decades and fleet expansion is just a dream, USA spends 3.4% of GDP on defence. But China spends just 1.8886% of their GDP on defence and still we are spending 2.4% and achieving nothing. China was and is cleaver spends more of her GDP on development and economic growth as growing economy will increase defence budget automatically hence they spend small portion of their GDP on defence.

We spend a lot on defence nothing on development. We need an agriculture, Indiastrial, and IT revolution. else India will be cease to exist because Pakistan is breathing her last, and pakistan will try fully to disturb us in the valley so that it helps the chinks.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
The layout matches what can be seen on recent sat images , so location looks the same.

The Chinese have been building on Bhutanese land for over half a year and everyone just kept quiet.

I think i figured out Bhutan+India foreign policy w.r.t China.

Bhutan is a small country with negligible power they cannot do anything until and unless they have our backing. Thinking otherwise is foolish.

Plus if they start rona dhona about territory and Indian help chances are GOI can get upset with them and leave them on their own.

So it is better for them to stay quiet.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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The layout matches what can be seen on recent sat images , so location looks the same.

The Chinese have been building on Bhutanese land for over half a year and everyone just kept quiet.

I think i figured out Bhutan+India foreign policy w.r.t China.

Tbh next time they should just suppress the news of Chiense g*ndmasti langrabs like their secular predecessors did, would save us a lot of heart burn, considering they don't want a war because it will be too "costly" or think that India is so weak it can't take on China in a short war.

Guess it is our destiny to keep being hyphenated with failed state dump like Piggiestan and join the long line of cowardly vassals to the middle kingdom.
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