India-China 2020 Border conflict

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May 31, 2020
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The precursors are already there. A multi-party Parliamentary panel is already angry with Facebook and Twitter for fake news, geopolitical violations, political censorship, arbitrary trend boosting/deboosting, and paki bots. That, and Jack Dorksy already rubbed GoI the wrong way. Also, Jio Platforms is developing clones of FB, Twitter, TikTok, WhatsApp, all in preparation to bans. It's also built vast CDN data centers to handle the traffic.

If that's not enough to convince you, read the phrase "Atmanirbhar Bharat" 5 times in your mind. Things will make sense.
Any predictions on US elections ??

I think Biden already mentioned that trade Chinese Tariffs are bad idea and in all probability those will be removed.

With all the PLA constructions activity at LAC , wouldnt be surprised if they launch attack right after biden wins (if he wins)


:hmm: My prediction based on is biden will win narrowingly.

Trump will contest it , there will be confusion , in midst of all that , PLA will try to capture peaks overlooking F4 and at Rechin La.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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:hmm: My prediction based on is biden will win narrowingly.

Trump will contest it , there will be confusion , in midst of all that , PLA will try to capture peaks overlooking F4 and at Rechin La.
My prediction too sees a Biden win through heavy electoral fraud, followed by India banning western SM, China feeling adventurous in Ladakh, and India feeling adventurous in G-B.


New Member
Sep 10, 2020
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Any predictions on US elections ??

I think Biden already mentioned that trade Chinese Tariffs are bad idea and in all probability those will be removed.

With all the PLA constructions activity at LAC , wouldnt be surprised if they launch attack right after biden wins (if he wins)


:hmm: My prediction based on is biden will win narrowingly.

Trump will contest it , there will be confusion , in midst of all that , PLA will try to capture peaks overlooking F4 and at Rechin La.
India is waiting for such misadventure. One shot fired and rest will be history. WW 3 will be reality.


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Sep 10, 2020
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Dynamatic Technologies Limited
has built the 1st front fuselage for FOC version of the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA). This is the first time a complex fuselage section for a supersonic fighter aircraft has been built by a private sector company.



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Feb 16, 2009
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Nov 7, 2011

India total population is 1.3 billion

pakistan 220 million

Bangladesh 160 million

muslim population in 2000 according to census was 138 million , 2020 estimate is 195 million

Where exactly did 600 muslims come from ? , you wont get that figure even if entire pakistan and bangladesh move into india ??
Every school boy in India knows the muslim population of India has been deliberately under-reported by Congress led administrations for years.India has largest number of muslims than any other country.This ticking bomb will explode in next thirty or forty years.I wont be around to witness that.I blame Gandhi-Nehru culture,divided hindus and lack of leaders with courage,fortitude and foresight.Our grandchildren will pay the price.It will be an Iran redux 1500 years on.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Every school boy in India knows the muslim population of India has been deliberately under-reported by Congress led administrations for years.India has largest number of muslims than any other country.This ticking bomb will explode in next thirty or forty years.I wont be around to witness that.I blame Gandhi-Nehru culture,divided hindus and lack of leaders with courage,fortitude and foresight.Our grandchildren will pay the price.It will be an Iran redux 1500 years on.
How many children did you produce ? You did your part ?


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Sep 10, 2020
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They are ready but what is our press doing? No huecry about rising tensions in USA

Rassil Krishnan

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Apr 16, 2019
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Hey yo Islam ain't cool man and many people are islamophobic (in the true sense of the word phobia). Christianity was like that at one point in time but it reformed itself out of its barbaric pasts unlike Islam. One ought to notice the fine line of difference between criticizing Islam (a genuinely aggressive religion criticizing which is not islamophobia) and Muslims who may want to genuinely reform the religion if not, do not follow the holy book completely to its fullest in other words are not radical.Islam is radical in nature(sadly) but its followers can choose whether to be radical or not.
Highly OT move further replies to appropriate threads.
islam is not reformable like christianity and that is something people miss.

islam is like a cd -r and chritianity is like cd-rw due to some rules and values and because of jebus figure canbe subverted along certain lines and this continous whataboutery and subversion is what lead to the countries adopting it overcome it.

this is both bad and good in regards to christianity depending upon your perspective and objective.

tell me how are you going to subvert islam without brute force of some kind or the people following it being massively captured and subjected to seculariztion like that of ccp.

you cant refer to mohammed to reform it as he did not want to change it or the muslim to be anything not like that is a non-starter.the qurans words can be disobeyed directly which means no serious muslim can go against invasion and expansion which is the stated aim of the memes in the the book protects itself from change and revision by granting itself the status of god to be protected by any random muslim who can take matters into his own hands.this also has the affect of empowering the natural genetic gundas and coniving types among them and diempowers the natural genetic peacniks and intellectual types.

the peacniks and intellectual types anyway dont have much street power and with these self protection suite of quran and mohammed any chance of reform and change is reduced to almost nil by these groups which happens in other religions.

this is why IF there is an effort to reform islam by a group, it must have a tankie component attached to the intellectual reformer component like the a infantry division given an attachment of heavy armour.

this way the the tankies who are more likely street power/hard power types like warlords/military types/state backed police can protect the soft and squishy reformers.

most of the reforming of islam in the arab world is done by coincidence and is not planned with a purpose and that is why most are unsucceddfula nd if successful,easily unravel.they are usually conducted by the generallismo types who want to gain power and just want to manager islam as it is very chaotic to their new regime(although they are far better than the clusterf**k and self goal inflicting west).the only purpose built and planned efforts till now have been done by atta turk in turkey and modern day ccp.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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Well when you decide not to fight.

Now its irritating, how can these bastards tolerate another country sitting in your territory and you are begging for peaceful talks?
there is no peace without fear, if we will talk to them they will consider us weak and will do it again and again but if you’ll hammer them then they’ll don’t even consider coming to the Indo-Tibetan border.

Also someone was saying 1000 companies coming to India from China, all of them went to Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and Bangladesh none in India coz these babus feel they will approach them sirji pls hame India aane dijiye, no they‘ll not, you have to pull and drag them to India else they will rarely come but no! Utter disgrace this country is!
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