India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 28, 2016
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India total population is 1.3 billion

pakistan 220 million

Bangladesh 160 million

muslim population in 2000 according to census was 138 million , 2020 estimate is 195 million

Where exactly did 600 muslims come from ? , you wont get that figure even if entire pakistan and bangladesh move into india ??

simply nonsense :rofl:
rough estimate lel.
220 paki + 160 bangla + 200 mn desis roughly 580 million.
20 million inshallah aur aayega by 2047.

Subcontinental momin is willing to cooperate with other subcontinental momins and even phoren ones for the "Victory of Islam".
That is if they are allowed to.It can be stopped by pro-active infiltration/danda application by the state on the more conspiratorial ones.
The Bangali issue has to be managed by us, Sheikh Hasina won't last forever, some puppet has to be prepped to replace her once age or death takes her.
Pakistan is and always will be a basket case, you just have to keep staving them off and give them punishments every 20 years through conventional war.

btw the numbers you suggest may be old, idk at what intervals Pak-Banglas do their census, ours is every 10 years, last one was in 2011.


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May 31, 2020
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rough estimate lel.
220 paki + 160 bangla + 200 mn desis roughly 580 million.
20 million inshallah aur aayega by 2047.

Subcontinental momin is willing to cooperate with other subcontinental momins and even phoren ones for the "Victory of Islam".
That is if they are allowed to.It can be stopped by pro-active infiltration/danda application by the state on the more conspiratorial ones.
The Bangali issue has to be managed by us, Sheikh Hasina won't last forever, some puppet has to be prepped to replace her once age or death takes her.
Pakistan is and always will be a basket case, you just have to keep staving them off and give them punishments every 20 years through conventional war.

btw the numbers you suggest may be old, idk at what intervals Pak-Banglas do their census, ours is every 10 years, last one was in 2011.
Makes sense.

Cant wait for the grand Bangladeshi army to march into New Delhi , followed by their entire 200 million population.

Might as well start studying the Quran.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Makes sense.

Cant wait for the grand Bangladeshi army to march into New Delhi , followed by their entire 200 million population.

Might as well start studying the Quran.
There is no need for an army, districts bordering al-Bongolistan is already numerical majority if not a soft majority of 40% thereabouts.
You face a two front war with ChinPak, and while you are busy with that perhaps more bangali momins can move in, the other desi momin ones can start concurrent riots everywhere, especially in Delhi.
GoI sleeps on the threat of the momin at their own peril, just as they used to sleep on the naxal-maoist problem many decades ago till it turned into the "Red Corridor" which jolted them into action.

During the CAA-NRC-Shaheen bagh drama season there were mini-riots and arson attacks all over the country, north to south, east to west, speaks volumes of the organizational capabilities of momin clergy and politicians.

mods please move all these to the appropriate thread.
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New Member
May 31, 2020
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There is no need for an army, districts bordering al-Bongolistan is already numerical majority if not a soft majority of 40% thereabouts.
You face a two front war with ChinPak, and while you are busy with that perhaps more bangali momins can move in, the other desi momin ones can start concurrent riots everywhere, especially in Delhi.
GoI sleeps on the threat of the momin at their own peril, just as they used to sleep on the naxal-maoist problem many decades ago till it turned into the "Red Corridor" which jolted them into action.
Fine dude.

IMHO , if there is a two front war , i doubt bangla would get involved much less push their border population into India .

desi muslims starting concurrent riots ?? , sounds like that kashmir turning into volcano after revoking 370 prediction .

what you are posting is simply Ghazwa e hind, same bullshit peddled by retarded pakistanis on twitter.

If there is a 2 front war , only thing that gonna happen is pakistan getting splitting into 2.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Fine dude.

IMHO , if there is a two front war , i doubt bangla would get involved much less push their border population into India .

desi muslims starting concurrent riots ?? , sounds like that kashmir turning into volcano after revoking 370 prediction .

what you are posting is simply Ghazwa e hind, same bullshit peddled by retarded pakistanis on twitter.

If there is a 2 front war , only thing that gonna happen is pakistan getting splitting into 2.
Not the Bangla state, under Sheikh Hasina, she is an ally/puppet.
There was their military, and one Islamist political party headed by Khaleda Zia, Sheikh Hasina destroyed that party afaik, some members are under ground, some absorbed by Awami League party of Hasina.
I think she subdued their military also.
But these fundamentalist organizations still remain, they are in madarsas and mosques etc now, they have "NGOs" also.
They can organize mass infiltrations if they wish.
The BSF groups along the Indo-Bangla border are known to be corrupt, and so is TMC in bengal.

Their Ghazwa e Hind meme is a meme for now, but it could be possible if you keep ignoring the momin threat and taking it very lightly, this Sharjeel Imam fellow was openly broadcasting plans about how to take control over the Siliguri corridor and block the NE from the rest of India, other such schemes are also abound..

Kashmir turning into a volcano was stopped by what 12k CRPF being rushed there before 370 gaya was announced.


New Member
May 30, 2009
Missiles like these can be jammed, electronically disabled permanently, or even shot down. Also, if you disable the missile's sensors/datalinks, it loses its ability to track the target's position.
If it were that simple to hit a carrier, the US would not be putting carrier battle groups into the South China Sea. Chinese like to parade their missiles as a part of psy ops propaganda. The US military loves Chinese propaganda, because it can use it to get more funds through the Pentagon from Congress. In reality, there is a massive technological gap between the US and China, enough to fry that missile's electronics in space.


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Feb 28, 2016
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he's saying this now and they are very cozy with S Korea since the last 2-3 years, unlike other Western vassals Korea seems to be unwilling to ban Huawei and all.
Korea is the dominant vendor-nation worldwide for DRAM ICs, Flash, Processors and Flat Panel Display technologies like IPS, OLED, MicroLED and god knows what else through LG and Samsung to a lesser extent


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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German will not decouple due to industrial interests but if they want to do it, then it's a good sign.
I'll tell you what's happening. Every western nation is under domestic political pressure to "do something" against China. And the US has conveniently hyphenated the Indian- and Pacific oceans as "Indo-Pacific." So every European nation with a navy to speak of, will send its vessels to the IOR, so they could tickmark the "we did something to enforce a rules-based Indo-Pacific" checkbox to their people. Even this German frigate is only patrolling IOR, not SCS (which is swarming with PLAN).

Until westerners' lives are back to normal (i.e., they can board an airplane without wearing a mask), the pressure against their governments to 'do something against China' will remain.

German hostility toward China is fake. Without the Chinese market, the German economy will be in tatters.


New Member
Sep 10, 2020
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Guys, diplomatically speaking there would be asignificant shift in the tone of Indian statements after USA election results.

If trump wins, they would be aggressive but if Biden wins India response will be more subtle.

Irrespective of the result Indian system be prepared for emerging conflict, growing economic indicators are good signs.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Guys, diplomatically speaking there would be asignificant shift in the tone of Indian statements after USA election results.
Within mere minutes of Trump losing (if he loses), Facebook and Twitter (and several other western SM platforms) will be blocked in India. GoI believes that the political neutrality of these platforms is too far gone to be safe for public discourse in India, and can be used against the BJP in future elections.


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Jul 22, 2020
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Within mere minutes of Trump losing (if he loses), Facebook and Twitter (and several other western SM platforms) will be blocked in India. GoI believes that the political neutrality of these platforms is too far gone to be safe for public discourse in India, and can be used against the BJP in future elections.
Getting a little to brave with the predictions eh? Facebook and Twitter block in India and that too within minutes of his losing(there is an if factor too)? naah


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Within mere minutes of Trump losing (if he loses), Facebook and Twitter (and several other western SM platforms) will be blocked in India. GoI believes that the political neutrality of these platforms is too far gone to be safe for public discourse in India, and can be used against the BJP in future elections.
Getting a little to brave with the predictions eh? Facebook and Twitter block in India and that too within minutes of his losing(there is an if factor too)? naah
Pray this is true lol.
Zucc and Dorsey can then blow Xinnie the Chu for access to the Large Chinese Market.


Sanathan Pepe
New Member
Sep 18, 2009
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Getting a little to brave with the predictions eh? Facebook and Twitter block in India and that too within minutes of his losing(there is an if factor too)? naah
The precursors are already there. A multi-party Parliamentary panel is already angry with Facebook and Twitter for fake news, geopolitical violations, political censorship, arbitrary trend boosting/deboosting, and paki bots. That, and Jack Dorksy already rubbed GoI the wrong way. Also, Jio Platforms is developing clones of FB, Twitter, TikTok, WhatsApp, all in preparation to bans. It's also built vast CDN data centers to handle the traffic.

If that's not enough to convince you, read the phrase "Atmanirbhar Bharat" 5 times in your mind. Things will make sense.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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The precursors are already there. A multi-party Parliamentary panel is already angry with Facebook and Twitter for fake news, geopolitical violations, political censorship, arbitrary trend boosting/deboosting, and paki bots. That, and Jack Dorksy already rubbed GoI the wrong way. Also, Jio Platforms is developing clones of FB, Twitter, TikTok, WhatsApp, all in preparation to bans. It's also built vast CDN data centers to handle the traffic.

If that's not enough to convince you, read the phrase "Atmanirbhar Bharat" 5 times in your mind. Things will make sense.
Any source of the above-bolded part?


New Member
Sep 10, 2020
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Within mere minutes of Trump losing (if he loses), Facebook and Twitter (and several other western SM platforms) will be blocked in India. GoI believes that the political neutrality of these platforms is too far gone to be safe for public discourse in India, and can be used against the BJP in future elections.
And after few hours a petition will be filed in SC and govt will be forced to backtrack.
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