India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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Ya'll Nibbiars In a simulated environment, I once defeated Zeus and all other Gods and made dwarves work for me. Another time I took over entire Wild West and not to forget the time I won WW2. Just today morning I won two rounds of Golf with multiple Eagles. Simulated environment rocks. 😎


Natural stupid is talking about Artificial intelligence :frusty:

Rassil Krishnan

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Apr 16, 2019
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Still not much uproar from us why??
the kashmir of pak was already almost fully controlled by the army and establishment of pak from day 1 day and they have been populating that area with their own ethnicities instead of native kashmiri types for a long while.this is basically symbolic as they wont bring any real change in terms of rules that they were not doing before and this move will only make it official.

actually it waas indias move that made it more equal to pakistans as pakistan was alreaady controlling pok as their own province instead of an autonomous zone and that is why they were mad when we abrogated 370 as it lost them one of their comparitive administrative advantages that they were used to.


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May 30, 2009
Russia is not a friend of India
This is a very short-sighed opinion. Russian-Indian friendship will be essential in keeping China isolated. Much of India's weaponry is built/acquired with Russian support including Brahmos and other missiles, nuclear submarines, radars, ECM, etc. The author fails to mention that all weapons systems of all countries (including US) use non-essential electronics components made in China. The essential electronics components and software will always be of the country that is making the weapon system; the same is true of Russia and US. The weapons that Russia sells to China are severely downgraded in terms of capability, because Russia doesn't trust China: Russia knows that China does not respect IP laws and China will copy whatever Russia sells to it.
I think there has been a concerted effort by agents of certain foreign countries (including China and Pakistan) in the media, politics and internet to push Russia away from India and towards China. But it is not going to work. Russian India defence cooperation is much deeper than is publicly known.

In another setback to China, Russia suspends deliveries of S-400 surface-to-air missiles

There is no need for India to choose between US and Russia, it needs to work with both to isolate China. I foresee US and Russia becoming friendlier under a second Trump administration, with both countries wary of China's malicious intentions. This has already started (in partnership with other countries as well), after the pandemic that China created and spread throughout the world. China created the Covid-19 bioweapon virus in a lab and intentionally spread it globally by lying that person-to-person transmission was not taking place for 6 weeks, while allowing international travel. All the while China was stocking up on masks and antiviral drugs, doing contact tracing, lockdowns, etc.
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New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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Yes. They aren't terrorist. They aren't brave. They will be subdued easily once we take our land back and it is our territory so we must. I find it stupid when some people keep countering suggestion to re-merge our land back in our motherlands with logic such as this, 'hey we don't need them, we are better free of these terrorist scums'. They live in a region with restricted flow of information and restricted freedom of expression and no choice to speak what's unacceptable to its establishment.

Where do you get the figures of 20 crore terrorists????? Where will they acquire arms and ammunition once merged into India to fight us even if they were terrorists? Who and how are they gonna be organise to fight against us?

Sometimes I suspect if the people suggesting to not take back our land and people are actually ISI pricks posing as Indians because they know they can't incite normal Indians but they can influence some of the stupid Hindutva band members incapable of logical thinking. Do you see the massive crowd PDM is attracting in Pakistan against its army establishment? Is it because they are terrorist or is it because they want to get rid of terrorism but can't do so against armed men without someone leading them from front? Even Imran isn't pro army but he is cuck who knows he won't have a head if he crosses a limit. We only need to eliminate ISI and Army heads of Pakistan and we will see a smooth change in fortunes of both Pakistan and India even if we don't re-unite as one. Pakistani civillians in general have no hatred for Indians, they may have their biases as a result of 70+ years of propaganda but they are not jihadi maniacs. All those conscious and subconscious bias will be gone in little time once they find freedom they hadn't experienced before, freedom from repression, freedom from violence and freedom from terrorism. And we won't even need Indians to do any propganda for the change. There are enough sane minds within Pakistan who can do it.

India has two problems in its way of becoming a major power. Pak Establishment and CCP. Beating both or any would significantly cement India's standing in the world as leading power. Pak army has no one to look for once CCP is dealt with, likewise Chinkies have no major card against India if Pakistan is gone from the map.
lol. sorry but you are very far from basic understanding and ground reality.

EU countries like France, UK, Sweden, Germany thought, no no they are not terrorists they are immigrants. go and ask them today.

Rohingyas are also innocent people. isn't it?

we still have Naxal, Kashmir, NE militancy etc. and those are in couple of hundreds or thousands. Porks will be in couple of crores. and always there will be someone who will supply weapons. be it Porkis or China or anybody else. conflicting interests are universal truth in international politics.

1992/93, 2020 delhi incident (and numerous other incidents) showed we are sitting on a volcano. now if you think it's better to detonate a nuke inside that volcano, then good luck.

sorry but if anybody thinks his/her religion is above his/her own country, I think he/she is unsuitable for being a citizen of any country. (it's applicable to all religions). at first that concept has to be changed.
(I'm not trying to be mean to any particular religion. I'm just trying to state the truth. Country first should be the primary prerequisite of being citizen of any country (imo).)

yes, being main production unit of terrorism, Terrorist State of naPakistan has or is able to produce some crores of terrorists in a very short period of time.

Imran is nothing but a Pak Army mole installed by the Army itself.

we build toilets, soakpits on our land. but we could have built a very good bedroom or living room on that particular land. so it's a wastage. but no, we have to sacrifice some of land for filth.

P.S. : mud slinging or personal attacks are double edged swords. I can also hypothesize, those who baselessly demand for reintegration of Porki land are Chinese agents as it may lead to disintegration of our country due to complete chaos and lawlessness.

so better to refrain from that and engage in a healthy debate.

P.P.S. : just think, I think at least for once we'd thank Mountbatten. but Nehru-Gandhi and team have done a monumental blunder.


New Member
Mar 2, 2019
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This is a very short-sighed opinion. Russian-Indian friendship will be essential in keeping China isolated. Much of India's weaponry is built/acquired with Russian support including Brahmos and other missiles, nuclear submarines, radars, ECM, etc. The author fails to mention that all weapons systems of all countries (including US) use non-essential electronics components made in China. The essential electronics components and software will always be of the country that is making the weapon system; the same is true of Russia and US. The weapons that Russia sells to China are severely downgraded in terms of capability, because Russia doesn't trust China: Russia knows that China does not respect IP laws and China will copy whatever Russia sells to it.
I think there has been a concerted effort by agents of certain foreign countries (including China and Pakistan) in the media, politics and internet to push Russia away from India and towards China. But it is not going to work. Russian India defence cooperation is much deeper than is publicly known.

In another setback to China, Russia suspends deliveries of S-400 surface-to-air missiles

There is no need for India to choose between US and Russia, it needs to work with both to isolate China. I foresee US and Russia becoming friendlier under a second Trump administration, with both countries wary of China's malicious intentions. This has already started (in partnership with other countries as well), after the pandemic that China created and spread throughout the world. China created the Covid-19 bioweapon virus in a lab and intentionally spread it globally by lying that person-to-person transmission was not taking place for 6 weeks, while allowing international travel. All the while China was stocking up on masks and antiviral drugs, doing contact tracing, lockdowns, etc.
i agree, the author of that article was suswamy who at different times has sung tunes favorable to usa and israel and even china going as far as to say we should send the army if israel asks for it. i don't necessarily agree with him but it is just 1 opinion.

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Ex Pakistani Army officer exposes role of Pakistan in initiating 1947 Kashmir conflict

View attachment 63403

Islamabad [Pakistan], October 18 (ANI): A retired Army officer in Pakistan has exposed his country's role in initiating the 1947 conflict in Kashmir and its aggressive intentions to invade and occupy the whole of Kashmir.

In his book 'Raiders in Kashmir', retired Major General Akbar Khan admits to played a leading role in creating the 1947 conflict in Kashmir, according to the EU Chronicle.

Akbar Khan served on the Armed Forces Partition Sub-Committee which gave him unfettered access to knowledge and intelligence on the security of Kashmir.

At the beginning of September 1947, Akbar Khan as the then Director of Weapons and Equipment (DW&E) stationed at the General Headquarters of the Pakistan Army, was asked to prepare a plan to take over Kashmir.

In his position as Director, he was fully aware of the stocks of weapons and ammunition held by the Pakistani army and those needed for an assault on Kashmir.

In order to execute the aggressive strategy he acquired weapons from Italy, and covertly supplied them to Pakistan's agents in Kashmir.

The aim of the Pakistani military operation was to invade, plunder and inflict violence on the people of Kashmir, to intimidate and oppress in order to occupy, depose Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir and take control of the princely state.

In an operation was code-named 'Gulmarg', after the region's hill-station, and with the full understanding of Kashmir's resources and security capabilities, Pakistan's military, under the direction of its political leadership, formulated an offensive to attack the Maharaja's forces by surprise and invade Kashmir on October, 22 1947 - just two months after Partition.

The invasion was sparked because Pakistan had not expected the Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, to accede Kashmir to India.

Pakistan had attempted to threaten the Maharaja by pressurising him and insisting that Kashmir accede to Pakistan - the latter had made it clear that Kashmir would be annexed by force if necessary. True to its threats, following Maharaja Hari Singh's request to India for support and protection against its aggressive neighbour, Pakistan invaded Kashmir, EU Chronicle article stated.

Akbar Khan has testified to the fact that the regular Pakistan army, along with tribal forces it had influenced who was acting on behalf of Pakistan, began their incursions in Kashmir and continued the combat in an attempt to annex Kashmir.

The Pakistani forces were ruthless and barbaric - raping women, killing innocent Kashmiri civilians including children and creating anarchy to accomplish their objective. In the town of Baramula alone on October 26 1947, of 14000 Kashmiri Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs, only 3000 survived.

Pakistani forces indulged in the ethnic cleansing of local Kashmiris, something rarely highlighted in historical recounts of the events.

:mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
Raiders in Kashmir-Akbar Khan
I am unable to get this book. Is a PDF available? Wanted to purchase the book, but not available online.


Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
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EU countries like France, UK, Sweden, Germany thought, no no they are not terrorists they are immigrants. go and ask them today
Comparing natives with immigrants. Cheers :clap2:.

sorry but you are very far from basic understanding and ground reality

sorry but if anybody thinks his/her religion is above his/her own country, I think he/she is unsuitable for being a citizen of any country. (it's applicable to all religions). at first that concept has to be changed.

mud slinging or personal attacks are double edged swords. I can also hypothesize, those who baselessly demand for reintegration of Porki land are Chinese agents as it may lead to disintegration of our country due to complete chaos and lawlessness.
Just to clarify I wasn't accusing you of anything but feel free to mudsling. I shall prove my devotion to nation. There is nothing wrong in questioning or hypothesizing.

Pakistan would eventually dis-integrate and if not re-integrated, they will continue to be used against India by Chinkies, Americans, New Ottoman Khalifa as well as Iranians and Saudi Arabians.

Yours seems like a genuine case of Islamophobia. Maybe you don't intermingle much.


New Member
Jul 22, 2020
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Comparing natives with immigrants. Cheers :clap2:.



Just to clarify I wasn't accusing you of anything but feel free to mudsling. I shall prove my devotion to nation. There is nothing wrong in questioning or hypothesizing.

Pakistan would eventually dis-integrate and if not re-integrated, they will continue to be used against India by Chinkies, Americans, New Ottoman Khalifa as well as Iranians and Saudi Arabians.

Yours seems like a genuine case of Islamophobia. Maybe you don't intermingle much.
Hey yo Islam ain't cool man and many people are islamophobic (in the true sense of the word phobia). Christianity was like that at one point in time but it reformed itself out of its barbaric pasts unlike Islam. One ought to notice the fine line of difference between criticizing Islam (a genuinely aggressive religion criticizing which is not islamophobia) and Muslims who may want to genuinely reform the religion if not, do not follow the holy book completely to its fullest in other words are not radical.Islam is radical in nature(sadly) but its followers can choose whether to be radical or not.
Highly OT move further replies to appropriate threads.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Comparing natives with immigrants. Cheers :clap2:.



Just to clarify I wasn't accusing you of anything but feel free to mudsling. I shall prove my devotion to nation. There is nothing wrong in questioning or hypothesizing.

Pakistan would eventually dis-integrate and if not re-integrated, they will continue to be used against India by Chinkies, Americans, New Ottoman Khalifa as well as Iranians and Saudi Arabians.

Yours seems like a genuine case of Islamophobia. Maybe you don't intermingle much.
If something like Partition can happen once it can always happen again, and the next time they will take away a bigger chunk of territory because of their increased population. Muslim nationalism is not a thing of the past, even today, even after Hindu nationalism almost peaking, Muslim nationalism is still stronger than Hindu nationalism, because of the simple fact that most muslims value their religion above everything else. I still do not see any genuine efforts to change the way muslims follow Islam from within ( like the reformation movement Christians had centuries ago )..
Fools who dont learn from history are condemned to repeat it. And India, will always be in a position to deter an external enemy like Pakistan for all eternity, but will disintegrate if it allows that poison to seep into the country..
PS: OT please move it to the appropriate thread.


New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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Comparing natives with immigrants.
native to what? probably not to India.
when immigrate go to any other country then they are willing to change and adopt to the culture of the new country they are immigrating to. but the results can be seen. now judge what will happen if we occupy those areas. lol

Yours seems like a genuine case of Islamophobia. Maybe you don't intermingle much.
fyki, the area I live in is surrounded by Muslim dominated localities from all sides. I interact with more number of muslims than Hindus in day to day basis. I know them very well. 🙂

stating facts isn't Islamophobia afaik.

and I've found something. check below. 😉

BJP must fix the law. If he can object to national song on the name of Islam, he can very well demand India to convert into an Islamic republic and bring Sharia and so can do all other people in the country with all kinds religion and its interpretation. That's a fair excuse to ban all the mullas and others bringing religiosity into politics.

Religion is a personal matter. Religiously devout people should, by law, be banned from politics.
lol. with 22 crore you are asserting this and debating here that 44 crore will be all right and even when we will be occupying force. lol. seems like you need to read "Dar ul Islam" concept first.

please try to be consistent if you are not trying something specific.

P.S. : @mods please transfer our comments to respective thread but please don't delete.

Edit : I'm fine with each and every religion living in our country as long as they are patriot. but if anybody priorities anything above India then sorry but I don't think we need them, be it Hindus turned Commies or whatever they may be.
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New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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If something like Partition can happen once it can always happen again, and the next time they will take away a bigger chunk of territory because of their increased population. Muslim nationalism is not a thing of the past, even today, even after Hindu nationalism almost peaking, Muslim nationalism is still stronger than Hindu nationalism, because of the simple fact that most muslims value their religion above everything else. I still do not see any genuine efforts to change the way muslims follow Islam from within ( like the reformation movement Christians had centuries ago )..
Fools who dont learn from history are condemned to repeat it. And India, will always be in a position to deter an external enemy like Pakistan for all eternity, but will disintegrate if it allows that poison to seep into the country..
PS: OT please move it to the appropriate thread.
No partition now.
It will be Muslim take over, and unification of Bharat ironically under Momin rule.
As of now there are around 600 million momins including Pak-Bangla and our domestic ones.
1 billion Hindus give or take.
1 billion Hindus divided by jaativad tribalism, all jaatis resent each other to varying degrees.
Said resentments exploited and kept raw for votes by politicians.

The country will hit a danger threshold when the momin national population is 20-25%, and it will happen soon.
Momin population is ticking timebomb, they have to be subdued and turned into assets rather than liabilities.


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Jul 22, 2020
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The chad ching chong FM : "India must vacate all illegally occupied Chinese land"
The cucked Indian FM : "ChAnGeS aT ThE LaC aRe UnAcCePtabLe"

idk if this is tactical cuckery and there is something else cooking under the table, or traditionaly IFS cuckery being displayed
Why mock this statement, it is better than many past statements.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
The chad ching chong FM : "India must vacate all illegally occupied Chinese land"
The cucked Indian FM : "ChAnGeS aT ThE LaC aRe UnAcCePtabLe"

idk if this is tactical cuckery and there is something else cooking under the table, or traditionaly IFS cuckery being displayed
I would have preferred action rather than empty statements but now the time to do something is over.


New Member
Jul 22, 2020
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I would have preferred action rather than empty statements but now the time to do something is over.
As long as both the armies are face to face along the LAC there is always room for something to happen it's only a matter of time.Stand off is going to continue on to the summer if no breakthrough is achieved( highly unlikely).


New Member
May 31, 2020
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No partition now.
It will be Muslim take over, and unification of Bharat ironically under Momin rule.
As of now there are around 600 million momins including Pak-Bangla and our domestic ones.
1 billion Hindus give or take.
1 billion Hindus divided by jaativad tribalism, all jaatis resent each other to varying degrees.
Said resentments exploited and kept raw for votes by politicians.

The country will hit a danger threshold when the momin national population is 20-25%, and it will happen soon.
Momin population is ticking timebomb, they have to be subdued and turned into assets rather than liabilities.

India total population is 1.3 billion

pakistan 220 million

Bangladesh 160 million

muslim population in 2000 according to census was 138 million , 2020 estimate is 195 million

Where exactly did 600 muslims come from ? , you wont get that figure even if entire pakistan and bangladesh move into india ??


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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why mock this statement?
This is the fundamental difference Jai Shankar has brought into MEA since he was foreign secretary under Sushma Swaraj.

He changed MEA from a passive & reactive organisation to an active organisation, which actively seeks to look after India’s economic interest. It was not the case earlier. Let’s just hope the next foreign minister also continues with this momentum.
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