India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Senior Member
May 30, 2009
I am done with facebook.

Facebook censors WION after interview with Chinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan, who claimed COVID-19 is lab manufactured

If you see less of our content on your Facebook feed, it is because the social media giant is now censoring WION.

If a user tries to share some of WION’s stories on Facebook, they may see a prompt saying the following: “False information: Checked by independent fact checkers".

Why are we bringing this up?

Facebook has rated one of our interviews as “fake news”. The interview in question was with Dr Li-Meng Yan, a virologist from China who claimed that COVID-19 was manufactured in a lab, and shed light on the discreet underpinnings of the pandemic in China.

The Chinese virologist had made world headlines with a sensational claim of the origins of COVID-19.

Also read: WION exclusive | Beijing tried to cover-up Wuhan virus and WHO is very much part of it: Chinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan

On October 12, Facebook sent out a message to us regarding a piece that ran on our website - about the interview with Dr Yan.

During the interview, Dr Yan had told WION that Chinese virologists in Wuhan were forced into silence about the outbreak. The report was shared on Facebook.

A few weeks later, the post has been flagged for a “misinformation strike” by Facebook. And just on the basis of this one statement, WION's distribution has been reduced.

Irony tower

Ironically, Facebook itself doesn't have a role in fact-checking on its platform, and outsources the job to independent fact-checkers.

In our case, the fact-checking was done by an organisation called Science Feedback.

Also read: WION exclusive | Chinese virologist who claimed COVID-19 is lab-made suggests Wuhan doctors were forced into silence

WION has been at the helm of coronavirus coverage, even when only a few networks were covering the cause. In fact, we are among those few networks that questioned Dr Li-Meng Yan on her claims.

The interview, which ran on September 22, marked Dr Yan’s first interview in Asia after publishing her study. Her study has been widely discredited by the scientific community. In response, she said the Chinese Communist Party is trying to muzzle her voice.

On September 17, 2020 - we ran a report on Dr Yan’s claims, which claimed how the scientific community is vocally rejecting her claims and criticising her saying her arguments aren't backed by data.

Double standards?

Freedom of speech should be applicable to all - without the cherry-picking. You can debunk the theory of a Chinese virologist, but not deny her a platform.

Based on the communication we received from Facebook, user access to our stories is hereby limited. For reference, they sent us an article - another “fact-check” of an interview that ran on Fox News. On the basis of this, Facebook wants us to issue a correction. Other news outlets that carried a report based on our interview have got similar notices.

How can Facebook become an arbiter of truth? How can it censor a journalistic effort to probe a story?

A report came out earlier this year which claimed that “Facebook spreads fake news faster than any other social website".

Researchers tracked the internet use of more than three thousand Americans during the last presidential elections in the US. They found Facebook to be the preferred site for untrustworthy news sources more than 15 per cent of the time.

Also read: WION exclusive | 'Chinese Communist Party's money and power influence whole world', says virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan

Facebook is the largest social media network on this planet, and has a large volume of content, including fake news.

In 2018, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg refused to remove posts that denied the Holocaust. Back then, he had said, it must allow users to make "unintentional mistakes". Today, after intense pressure Facebook has reversed its stand. Now, posts that deny or distort the Holocaust will be banned.

In our case, fact-checkers earmarked the name of a Chinese virologist, and labelled everything linked with her name as fake news.

Facebook’s conclusion- “the virus most likely evolved in natural wildlife populations”.

Is that a fact? Or is it a guess? Did they practically investigate the source of the virus? Or refer to other reports?

By this logic, can Facebook one day tell us that India was the aggressor in Ladakh? And not China? Because the fact-checking bots say so?

Since Facebook is the arbiter of truth, it can decide what's right and what isn't.
Feb 16, 2009
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‘Indo-Pacific Nato’: China’s Wang Yi slams US-led ‘Quad’

china man is mad, come and do something


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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‘Indo-Pacific Nato’: China’s Wang Yi slams US-led ‘Quad’

china man is mad, come and do something
CCP don’t have the balls to do anything militarily.. Talk talk and more talk..

They will end up looking even more weak because of Ladakh standoff, this is twice in a row India stood up to PLA after doklam.


Apr 21, 2020
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So by when do you expect the build-up on the LAC to recede and go "back to normal" from our side? by March next year possibly?

There is going to be no "going back". Troops will remain on prolonged deployment till there is some kind of agreement reached between India and China.

India will really need to take a re-look at it's deployment as prolonged deployment of troops along both borders leave very little troops for rotation back to peace area for training and more importantly, for rest and recoup.
Feb 16, 2009
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Do we need 2nd Mountain Strike Corps for China border?

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Enlarge the Quad to more countries and call it IPTO <3
So we send our military to defend these little guys whenever they get into trouble? And how much of a help would sending a few philipino soldiers over help us when we fight China or Pakistan..
The only smallish country we need to be serious about is Vietnam. They have some real muscle and spirit. and share a land border with China..


Apr 21, 2020
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Escalation ho gaya kya?

On topic.

1) Patrolling access, F4 to F8
2) Patrolling access, Y Junction & PPs beyond

We never showed any haste in confronting the Chinese at the tactical level when the buildup in these areas were going on. Maybe the expectation was that the troops would return to their bases or MEA could solve the issue. So clearly we failed at reading the Chinese intent.

In turn, readjustment done to 39 dominating heights albeit on our own territory.

So what i want to ask is that is it worth to the Chinese in terms of man, material, yuan, economic decoupling, quad etc. just for calling India's "bluff"on POK, GB, Aksai Hind when the claim position on the these remains the same. HM just answered a question that was posed to him in Parliament & the answer was in line with our stated position all these years.
Yes. To China, this is hardly an issue.

China achieved the following:

1. Effectively created a new equation in the overall calculus. It may seem to be of insignificance and one may be tempted to be dismissive about this 'new factor' creeping into Indian security calculus with the argument that it has always existed, the difference this time round is that now we have a China which feels that it's "time" has come. So, while earlier we had to contend with a possibility of China intervening on behalf of Pakistan, now, it is almost a certainty.

2. Imposed an additional burden on the Indian Economy - that of maintaining large formations for prolonged periods of time in forward postures. The 'initiative' is with them. We will have to have the troops 'up' while they can have lesser troops around as we are not going to move into their areas (unless a drastic policy shift occurs over night). In the light of expected downturn in economy (predicted back in 2018 due to changes that were being ushered in which were to create a temporary downturn as economy adjusted to new norms) being supplanted with a COVID 19 battered economy, this prolonged deployment will have an impact on our budgetary considerations in both short and medium term.

3. Any hypothetical Indian plans in GB and over CPEC as an extension, are now doubtful (per Chinese thinking).


Apr 21, 2020
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While I agree for most parts with @Hellfire this guy starts taking a complete different track when there is no action along the border, after the capture of strategic heights I remember him talking about a " very likely chinese counter attack, and about preparations being made in the chinese side" I remember him tweeting about how the government is preparing a military plan without any political constraints and complete backing.
And when everything is silent he talks as if we have been defeated completely and that we have no hopes of doing anything.
Just a few observations lol.

I post on the present thinking. Things change. Always welcome to ignore my 'rants'.

And yes, some times, the frustration of seeing ineptitude in garb of due diligence in strategic thinking, does come to fore.


Apr 21, 2020
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Exactly and the timing too is impeccable, as if he wants to start a meltdown, he said nothing is going to happen after the Galwan incident but then 29/30 took place, I mean to be fair he tweeted about something along those lines butwhatever I guess. If he was a porki trying troll us then I must say job well done.

Tweeted that forces had been given a free hand to decide a military response without looking for political imperative and Govt will align the political and diplomatic thrust as per the option exercised.

On 24th Aug 2020. Much before any action took place.
Feb 16, 2009
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Escalation ho gaya kya?

On topic.

Yes. To China, this is hardly an issue.

China achieved the following:

1. Effectively created a new equation in the overall calculus. It may seem to be of insignificance and one may be tempted to be dismissive about this 'new factor' creeping into Indian security calculus with the argument that it has always existed, the difference this time round is that now we have a China which feels that it's "time" has come. So, while earlier we had to contend with a possibility of China intervening on behalf of Pakistan, now, it is almost a certainty.

2. Imposed an additional burden on the Indian Economy - that of maintaining large formations for prolonged periods of time in forward postures. The 'initiative' is with them. We will have to have the troops 'up' while they can have lesser troops around as we are not going to move into their areas (unless a drastic policy shift occurs over night). In the light of expected downturn in economy (predicted back in 2018 due to changes that were being ushered in which were to create a temporary downturn as economy adjusted to new norms) being supplanted with a COVID 19 battered economy, this prolonged deployment will have an impact on our budgetary considerations in both short and medium term.

3. Any hypothetical Indian plans in GB and over CPEC as an extension, are now doubtful (per Chinese thinking).
Do not agree with the summary. Making an enemy with a large nation like india will be a
historical blunder that the bat lovers will come to regret.


Apr 21, 2020
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It is the ASSUMPTION you made ,if I say it here.

It definitely looks to you because of current government actions now but many things are being done and many things (which we want) are not done but we are moving zig-zaglllly in the direction of ours.

Me, seeing the border row right now and thinking of what INDIA CAN DO and and what not is thinking differently.

So, I disagree with you on your points.

Thanks for a response.

Just could not make out what you wished to convey though. Could you perhaps clarify?

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Escalation ho gaya kya?

On topic.

Yes. To China, this is hardly an issue.

China achieved the following:

1. Effectively created a new equation in the overall calculus. It may seem to be of insignificance and one may be tempted to be dismissive about this 'new factor' creeping into Indian security calculus with the argument that it has always existed, the difference this time round is that now we have a China which feels that it's "time" has come. So, while earlier we had to contend with a possibility of China intervening on behalf of Pakistan, now, it is almost a certainty.

2. Imposed an additional burden on the Indian Economy - that of maintaining large formations for prolonged periods of time in forward postures. The 'initiative' is with them. We will have to have the troops 'up' while they can have lesser troops around as we are not going to move into their areas (unless a drastic policy shift occurs over night). In the light of expected downturn in economy (predicted back in 2018 due to changes that were being ushered in which were to create a temporary downturn as economy adjusted to new norms) being supplanted with a COVID 19 battered economy, this prolonged deployment will have an impact on our budgetary considerations in both short and medium term.

3. Any hypothetical Indian plans in GB and over CPEC as an extension, are now doubtful (per Chinese thinking).
All this assumes that Modi Gov. had plans to occupy Gilgit Baltistan by force.. Knowing the kind of pu**ies we have been in occupying any land across the loc, no one in their right mind, except twitter trolls like baba would seriously consider that India was planning to use military power to occupy GB by force.. We need to walk before thinking about running..


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2020
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All this assumes that Modi Gov. had plans to occupy Gilgit Baltistan by force.. Knowing the kind of pu**ies we have been in occupying any land across the loc, no one in their right mind, except twitter trolls like baba would seriously consider that India was planning to use military power to occupy GB by force.. We need to walk before thinking about running..
Meltdown in 3..2...1

it was a joke don't get offended


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2020
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Tweeted that forces had been given a free hand to decide a military response without looking for political imperative and Govt will align the political and diplomatic thrust as per the option exercised.

On 24th Aug 2020. Much before any action took place.
Ye actually credited you for that.


Apr 21, 2020
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All this assumes that Modi Gov. had plans to occupy Gilgit Baltistan by force.. Knowing the kind of pu**ies we have been in occupying any land across the loc, no one in their right mind, except twitter trolls like baba would seriously consider that India was planning to use military power to occupy GB by force.. We need to walk before thinking about running..

Military option to remove GB from Pakistani map is not only possible but very much achievable. Yes, I do agree that the Political will shall always remain suspect but then, my fervent hope of the present government was that it would be willing to take a relook of maintaining the "sanctity of LoC" by changing the position from engaging with a foreign government to peacefully resolve all outstanding issues through dialogue to the actual policy we have of dealing with terrorists - no negotiations. Hence, when you have expectations of someone, you criticize it more. Try finding me criticizing Rahul Gandhi.

It is rather embarrassing and pretty amusing to note that GoI calls Pakistan the bastion of terror yet has no courage or morality to deal with it as such - a terrorist entity.


Apr 21, 2020
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What are the implications for Indian position on GB? Does any move for it now become time sensitive with a closing window (basically have to act after LAC becomes too cold/snowed in for major action or Chinese interference - preferably take care of things within one year before any more fortifications/preparations)?
The Chinese have effectively increased their 'exposure' in the territories. While the PLA elements had been observed opposite Indian side of Gurez and Machchil in 2012 in significant numbers, now the likelihood of PLA troops moving in to insure their interests in the territory, increases. A la US deployment in South Korea.

Is that chatter still strong, is it still their plan? I thought it kind of died down due to Ganguly's hesitance - though the way BJP pulled strings to make him BCCI President is definitely telling.

Thakur would make sense in BCCI, I think he was there before as well.
Quite strong in the ministries.
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