India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Apr 21, 2020
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Do not agree with the summary. Making an enemy with a large nation like india will be a
historical blunder that the bat lovers will come to regret.
Giving a Chinese point of view. It fits their present actions.

I am looking, as always, at the larger picture.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Military option to remove GB from Pakistani map is not only possible but very much achievable. Yes, I do agree that the Political will shall always remain suspect but then, my fervent hope of the present government was that it would be willing to take a relook of maintaining the "sanctity of LoC" by changing the position from engaging with a foreign government to peacefully resolve all outstanding issues through dialogue to the actual policy we have of dealing with terrorists - no negotiations. Hence, when you have expectations of someone, you criticize it more. Try finding me criticizing Rahul Gandhi.

It is rather embarrassing and pretty amusing to note that GoI calls Pakistan the bastion of terror yet has no courage or morality to deal with it as such - a terrorist entity.
Can you provide more details about this hypothetical plan?
Mostly about how will we hold GB when the area is populated by what we can assume are 3 types of hostile hill tribes + assorted Pathan jihadis that maybe sent over from KPK? aside from the logistics issues from hilly terrain, snow blocking certain passes etc.


Apr 21, 2020
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Can you provide more details about this hypothetical plan?
Mostly about how will we hold GB when the area is populated by what we can assume are 3 types of hostile hill tribes + assorted Pathan jihadis that maybe sent over from KPK? aside from the logistics issues from hilly terrain, snow blocking certain passes etc.

We have enough forces to hold the land. And enough troops to go in. The conflict will, of course, not be limited to the theater for that.


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Oct 11, 2017
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PLA Was Never A Bogey For The Indian Army, May Be It Was For Some In Lutyen Delhi
By Kurus -
October 2, 2020

Colonel Awadhesh Kumar, Special Forces

The PLA has never been a bogey for the Indian Army. It is a deliberate myth created since 1962 by politicians, diplomats and bureaucrats controlling the seat of power in the Lutyen City. The myth has been spread to hide their fear and failures.

The fault was that of the Government of India led by Nehru that the Indian Army was poorly prepared to take on the Chinese in 1962. Yes, Army leadership at the COAS, CGS and Army Commanders of that time should have protested more vehemently, which they had done to a limited extent only.

During the actual battles, the PLA got a taste of Indian fighting capability at Rezang La in Ladhak and many other places in Arunachal. No wonder they withdrew hastily back to their own area in Arunachal, right after reaching the borders of Assam at Bhalukpong. Even in Ladhak they did not advance towards Chusul.
Then in 1967, the PLA got a thrashing of a life time in Nathu La area, which they must not have forgotten till date. In 1986 they were equally surprised during Sumdurong Chu incident by the swift reaction of the Indian Army. The Indian Navy too show cased itself and seeing it the Chinese Flotilla never dared to come anywhere near Maldives. It was the Indian Army which had stood up to the PLA at Doklam in Bhutan, when the rest of the World was watching helplessly. And now Galwan and post Galwan, the World including USA has seen that PLA may have been a bogey for others but never for the Indian Army.

So any one stating that on the eve of the 2004 general elections during a meeting of China Study Group (CSG) reviewing the status of border roads along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with the then Vice Chief of Army Staff while briefing the apex group on strategic roads, stated that the Indian Army had not made any roads in forward areas because the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) could use these roads to come into India, is pure bunkum.

The claim is that the then Home Secretary asked the Army general why we were not building strategic north-to-south roads and questioned the delays in doing so. The Home Secretary shot back that at this rate India should also stop building roads in Delhi.

Well right after Sumdurong Chu, Army has been pressing for infrastructure development in Himalayan region not only North to South but also East to West, and pray who all have been opposing it ? A Study Group should find this out in minutes of details. Also is not the Home Secretary responsible to look after the Internal Security ? What were the Home Minister and Home Secretary doing to ensure that the border States are fully developed for unhampered movement of BSF, ITBP and the SSB?

Sixteen years later, the Politicians at the helm in New Delhi have finally shrugged off the bogey of the PLA and stopped the Lutyens “ DHOTI SHIVERING “. They have now not only permitted the Indian Armed Forces to stare down at the Chinese in Ladakh but are providing all the required support at the National level. Now we are learning to fight as a Nation not merely the Indian Army carrying out its duty. This time gains of heights in Ladhak will not be sacrificed on the political front like 1965 Hajipir and 1972 Shimla agreement.
On June 15 Galwan late Col Santosh Babu and his men engaged in hand to hand combat with their adversaries, and proved the fact that skills of Shaolin Temple were in fact exported from India to China.Also the Manchu downfall had commenced due to actions of Bihari Soldiers in China. This fact must not have gone unnoticed by the Central Military Commission of the Chinese Communist Party.

That now New Delhi thinks differently was shown when the Prime Minister of India himself went to Ladakh to boost the morale of the Indian Army and the way the Indian public gathered to honour the fallen. That now there was no DHOTI SHIVERING was clearly shown by acknowledging the sacrifice of a Deputy Leader of the Special Frontier Force, a so called secret force whose existence is well known world wide. Their contribution to Indian cause in Bangladesh liberation, Siachen operation and earlier manning of LAC in Ladhak had been largely ignored because our political- diplomatic bosses were fearful of Chinese displeasure. Remember how the system had ganged up against George Fernandes when as Raksha Mantel, he had bluntly stated that China was our potential enemy number one.

As on date the Prime Minister and his Cabinet have clearly stated that henceforth there will be NO BUSINESS with China as Usual.Also it has not been left as a mere statement but actions have been initiated on various fronts to give decoupling a concrete shape.

It is now the turn of the PLA to face the harsh winter of their Chinese Occupied Ladhak. Their military exercise has suddenly turned into a permanent deployment …..Now the great logistic nightmare is staring them in face. How much and how long the conscripts of theirs will obey the Commissars will be clear very soon. On the other hand the Indian Army is manned by volunteers.

The Chinese politburo has this time totally miscalculated. Xi Jumping it seems failed to notice the fact that Shri Modi had first time taken him to Sabarmati to talk peace.

However the next meeting was at Mahabalipuram. It was to tell him that Indians know how to handle the Chinese, as it is ingrained in our DNA as had been shown by the Cholas.

In case no timely actions are taken by Xi Jinping, he soon may be seeing the independence of not only Tibet but even Xinjiang. Next year is the 100th year of founding of Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


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Jul 22, 2020
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We have enough forces to hold the land. And enough troops to go in. The conflict will, of course, not be limited to the theater for that.
To be fair we have upped( even though not by a very large extent) the calls for physical jurisdiction of POK. It was non existent previously.


Well then, we will for sure see the Chinks at our eastern borders, do we have plans for that as well? I am sure we do but would like to ponder on what our course of action would be if that happens( imho the chances of that happening is almost 100% )
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Jul 29, 2018
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Do we need 2nd Mountain Strike Corps for China border?
I would think it is inevitable. Our approach to China for the last 50 years has been only defensive. The Chinese believe that India would never go on the offensive and capture and hold on to Chinese controlled territory. The PLA needs to fear the Indian Army.

We have for too long taken the moral high position that we don't covet neighbours territory. Many people here believe that even lusting for others land is a grave crime. Because of this emasculating ideology we have even gifted away our land to ungrateful neighbours be it Sri Lanka (Katchatheevu) or Bangladesh (enclaves gifted).

The Chinese on the other hand inspire fear in the hearts of their neighbours. I am not advocating becoming another China but some recalibration of our attitude towards our neighbours is necessary. They should fear messing with us.

If the Chinese aim to pose a threat to Arunachal Pradesh then we should pose an equivalent threat to Chinese control of Xinjiang and Tibet. We should make the PLA fear losing permanently parts of Tibet and Xinjiang to India in a future war. For capturing and retaining Chinese controlled land we require offensive forces in the form of Mountain Strike Corps.Two well trained and equipped Mountain Strike Corps is not an overkill.

Two mountain strike Corps will need a lot of money to establish and maintain. The elephant in the room is fund's availability. If our economy can return to plus 8% growth we may have sufficient funds to finance the Corps.

Another way to lower the cost is to neutralise Pakistan as a threat to India. Dismembering and balkanising Pakistan is not impossible. First Sindh and Balochistan can be made independent. Then Pakhtoonistan. A lone Pakistan Punjab will be too weak to pose any threat to India. The Punjabi Pakistani army will not use their nuclear weapons on their own citizens and hence nuclear weapons will not stop the break up of Pakistan. The US will probably secure the Pakistani nuclear arsenal. Nuclear weapons could not stop the disintegration of the then Soviet Union.

If Pakistan ceases to be a threat to India then we can reduce force levels on our western border and concentrate on the Chinese border. The savings will be substantial. The threat of a two front war ends.

As India manages to indigenously develop and manufacture almost all of its weapons requirements the cost of raising two or more mountain strike corps will decrease significantly. Indigenous weapons will be cheaper in the long run and give us flexibility and assured supplies.


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Feb 28, 2016
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In last 10 days , Taiwan PM has mentioned India thrice in her Twitter post.
Unless there has been some secret collaboration going on between the 2 countries about which we don't know, our response has been extremely cowardice. 🙁
Something is cooking I think, with all the drama regarding Taiwan happening in India and from Taiwanese Govt twitter handles


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Apr 13, 2013
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Parliament panel to visit Ladakh on October 28-29 amid India-China standoff

The visit was finalised after Chowdhury wrote to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla last month suggesting that the PAC visit the Ladakh sector to interact with soldiers deployed there and understand their working conditions and requirements



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Apr 13, 2013
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Foreign secretary Shringla, US deputy secretary discuss upcoming 2+2 dialogue
Foreign secretary Harsh Shringla and US deputy secretary of state Stephen Biegun on Tuesday discussed the upcoming 2+2 ministerial dialogue between the two countries and reviewed bilateral ties, including expanding cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.

Thanks to china, without them chinese making stoopid moves, this alliance wouldnt have taken such a fast pace.


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Dec 25, 2016
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Japan's new defence minister is non other than younger bridaar of Abe san .. 😁 😁

They had realised the threat what Communist thugs can pose them considering they themselves were colonialist just at start of this century and main contributors of WW2 .

Move one find options for moving slowly the economic dependency on peking and then slowly build a strong deterrent force

third they will go nuclear sooner than expected just wait and watch once USA hold declines in SCS Japan and Soko have no option but go nuclear to keep Lizzard peking under control .

As we discuss JSDMF ships JS Kaga LHD, JS Ikazuchi Destroyer and JS Shoryu submarine are docked in vietnam since Oct 11th. they have slowly started finding allies in SCS

Legend has it the balls of the Japanese were vaporized in the bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so nope.
You can except however fragging to take place at our Eastern border in around ~5 years time.

Of all the countries surrounding China that they have disputes with, we are the only country that gives them a NOT AS PLANNED reaction, rest everyone else is either a ghulam in thrall of Chinese money( SEA countries, Russia, Mongoria ) or is a hijda( Korea, Japan ) for business interests.

There are signs that the Japanese are re-growing their balls though, altough I think it will take another decade for them to fully grow under Suga-daddy's rule.


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Apr 13, 2013
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In lieu of Chinese foreign minister nervous with quad, said, America is building Indo-Pacific NATO
In Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, he said that strategic cooperation between the US, Japan, Australia and India is part of Washington’s effort to build Indo-Pacific NATO. He warned that this initiative would undermine regional security.

Wang Yi has been making fun of the first quad
Wang Yi has always made fun of Quad before. He had earlier said that Quad is an idea thrown in the garbage. This idea will end on its own like sea foam. However, in the second meeting of this organization, China’s senses are blown by the positive attitude of the member countries. The Chinese media is also saying various kinds of inflammatory things about the Quad.

oh well... the chinese diplomatic clown as usual on the chinese opium denying reality like the paki cousin they have!

Condition of Xi now
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Apr 13, 2013
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White House moves forward on two more arms sales to Taiwan - sources
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is moving forward with more sales of sophisticated military equipment to Taiwan, telling Congress on Tuesday that it will seek to sell MQ-9 drones and a coastal defensive missile system, five sources familiar with the situation said.

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