India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Tihar Jail
Jul 21, 2020
Pray to God that the talks fail ..atleast we will chance to teach Chinese a lesson they wont forget for generations to come ..
pray that some headways r made towards de escalations, war should always be the last resort... but pretty sure arrogant hans are too consumed in self bravado to chose path of peace,,,


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Feb 28, 2016
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A full blown war is not in anyone's interest. However a war is needed to finally focus on our military industrial complex which sucks btw.
A prolonged conflict even smaller will push us very much precisely for that very reason.. China with it's superior MIC will be still able to throw punches despite reversals.
We need to inflict heavy losses on China & target their long logistics or cut G219 to have a upper hand & force a result. IAF is gonna be game changer for us.
Not in this economic climate no.
Increasing defense budget will put the current dispensation in the firing range of the left libs.
Besides, applying the stick to muft ki roti todne wale DRDO, HAL etc employees will again cause drama.
Meanwhile "emergency procurement" will increase manifold, at inflated prices, making many in the brass and defense ministry happy.
Private sector was/is never interested in defense sector apart from low hanging fruit, they don't want to take any risk.

pray that some headways r made towards de escalations, war should always be the last resort... but pretty sure arrogant hans are too consumed in self bravado to chose path of peace,,,
only de-escalation is we leave our land or we accept the stalemate.
Chings won't pull back, whatever we do


New Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Wouldn't the range be significantly reduced for high altitudes . Most of the area is 4500 meters above sea level.

Its just propaganda.nothing else.
Chinese propaganda makes me cry sometimes, it is so stupid. A lot of westerners living in China have said that the propaganda is just bad and stupid. The only successes China has got in propaganda department is when westerners are involved or a money issue.

India PR:. Tibetans love IA so much that endure hardships to help them. We have an unbreakable bond.

China PR: we have drones that deliver food.



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Jul 21, 2010
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With this speed Baba will put India in IB within a weeks time

TOI is saying the same thing .


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Jun 2, 2015
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The Indian position is that the status quo as of April 2020 has to be restored by China. That would mean China dismantling every bunker and position that has been built up on the shore line and ridges from Finger 4 to Finger 8. And COAS Rawat has already said that the military option is on the table in case China does not restore the status quo. Occupying the ridges and heights on Pangong Tso south and occupying the ridges of Finger 4 above the existing PLA positions at Pangong Tso north is sending a signal to the PLA that they will be decimated in this sector if hostilities break out. If hostilities do break out I would hope that India takes a page from China's 1962 playbook and at least in this sector push forward as far as possible to the East, even beyond India's perception of the LAC, all the way to G-219 if possible. And then bargain from that position.


New Member
Jun 25, 2020
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Chinese propaganda makes me cry sometimes, it is so stupid. A lot of westerners living in China have said that the propaganda is just bad and stupid. The only successes China has got in propaganda department is when westerners are involved or a money issue.

India PR:. Tibetans love IA so much that endure hardships to help them. We have an unbreakable bond.

China PR: we have drones that deliver food.

Yes its a propaganda tweet but look at it from my perspective and you will find that they are trying to tell the world that INDIA is the aggressor and it may be an excuse to back any misadventure by the PLA may. They are saying that IF the talks fail it will be because of India.


New Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Yes its a propaganda tweet but look at it from my perspective and you will find that they are trying to tell the world that INDIA is the aggressor and it may be an excuse to back any misadventure by the PLA may. They are saying that IF the talks fail it will be because of India.
Has there ever been a country in modern history that has professed aggression and not self defence?

WMD or evil yindoo yahudi saazish, all countries will say they are defending. It's not a big deal.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Chinese propaganda makes me cry sometimes, it is so stupid. A lot of westerners living in China have said that the propaganda is just bad and stupid. The only successes China has got in propaganda department is when westerners are involved or a money issue.

India PR:. Tibetans love IA so much that endure hardships to help them. We have an unbreakable bond.

China PR: we have drones that deliver food.

Without IA their men are shipped to some concentration camp and their women are assigned a Han whom they will be forced to share their beds with.
Their patriotism towards Bharat exceed that of normal desis because we are the only ones standing between them and the extinction/assimilation of their tribe, language and religious sect.

Yes its a propaganda tweet but look at it from my perspective and you will find that they are trying to tell the world that INDIA is the aggressor and it may be an excuse to back any misadventure by the PLA may. They are saying that IF the talks fail it will be because of India.
Has there ever been a country in modern history that has professed aggression and not self defence?

WMD or evil yindoo yahudi saazish, all countries will say they are defending. It's not a big deal.
They will portray us as the aggressor but the entire planet knows that they are the ones invading and grabbing land all around them.
The pertinent question you should be asking is will foreign countries support us and in what ways in case of war vs Chamgadar khors or will they look the other side for narrow and more immediate business/trade interests of their corporates.

Dessert Storm

New Member
Sep 8, 2020
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The strategic heights at the upper section of both F4 & F5 are under Indian control as per reports (so F8 should be too, to solve extent). The lower positions at the banks of Pangong are possibly still occupied by Chinkys & can be expected to remain so until bullets start flying.
Easier to understand in 3D + the commentary sounds ok


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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With this speed Baba will put India in IB within a weeks time
I bet three weeks is a reasonable time frame ....

You give me the wherewithal - One Armoured Division (T-90) , one Mechanised Division, Four Infantry Division, Four Battalions of Ladakh Scouts, two artillery Divisions ( min six 155mm MGS Regiments, three Pinaka / Smerch Regiments and Two Brahmos Regiments, Four UAV Regiments), One Para Brigade, Two SF battalions, One SFF Division, 35 battalions of ITBP and two AD brigades, three Engineer Brigades, 45 Squadrons of IAF ( min 40 Apaches and 100 LCH, min 60 Mi-17) and I will take you to Qin Lun Mountains and Shaksgam Valley in three weeks (summer) ...

I will serve you hot lunch on the banks of Aksaichin Lake at the end of three weeks.
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