I think this is Modi/BJP trying to consolidate their gains and grip on power in India, by focusing on cleaning house/removing 0.5 front pests first, then dealing with Yellow external matters.
After 0.5 front pests are done, the Babudom of Eunuchs will be next/ or the last to be purged.
After the Commies took over big and important cities and countryside of Russia, they pulled out of WW1 which Russia took part in, at the cost of huge territorial concessions to Germany and Austria, all this was so that they could focus on purging the bourgeoise, dealing with the pro-Tsar White Army, consolidating their newly won state called USSR etc in general getting rid of their enemies within Russia.
Some 20 years or so later Stalin managed to take over what was lost in WW1, and much much more by the opportunity afforded to him by a certain genocidal Austrian guy with a weird mustache.
Then again Stalin was going to re-conquer Eastern Europe anyway.