India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 28, 2019
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China will never be a superpower until it captures Taiwan.. It is imperative for its future that it breaks the first island china. If China breaks through the first island chain, US is fi ished in the western pacific.. and by 2050 might even have to vacate Guam.
So, even if Biden is elected President, apart from occasional sermons about being liberal and human rights. Biden will behave.. thats why Kissinger was sucking up to Modi..
Every US President is ring fenced after taking oath and a briefing by the 'establishment'.

Regardless of the 'establishment' redlines, US Presidents can still inflict a lot of damage to enemies and allies alike.


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Jun 2, 2015
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Their failure to reverse policy even after disintegration of USSR is surprising. Probably the low cost - high margin matrix got to their head.
They were cashing in on the "peace dividend". The actual peace dividend was for the US corporate sector to offshore and outsource everything and make stock buybacks the go to way to increase stock prices


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Jul 29, 2018
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What escorts? In a war time in supersonic era in an active aerial combat theatre, are the fighters going to slow down to bomber speed or going to fight air battles? Escort is only functional in mostly dominated airspace and peacetime. Not very practicle when opposing side has equal numbers to sport.
The heavy bomber usually carries ordinance that cannot or will be difficult for a fighter to carry. Could even be a tactical nuclear weapon. Or long range special bunker busting guided munitions. High value items. Even the cost of the bomber will be many times the cost of the accompanying fighter. An example, the US B2 bomber costs about 2 billion US dollars against about 80 million for a basic F35.

Usually heavy bombers are used after sanitising the enemy airspace but to say they will go without escorts is mistaken. If a couple of enemy fighters manage to get airborne and fire their Awacs killer missiles at the bomber it is the duty of the escort fighters to try to deflect the incoming missile by firing chaff or other counter measures and protect the bomber which is a high value asset.

The bomber has a specific role to play and may be assigned to take out an enemy high value target like an under ground strategic installation.

Just like how the accompanying warships in an Carrier Battle Group protect the Aircraft Carrier from harm from threats like anti ship missiles the escort aircraft to a bomber perform similar tasks. Saying that the speed of the escorts will slow down is missing the point. As long as the objectives of the mission are met it will be a successful outcome.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Huh, that is very weird conclusion. I am not from south. I guess Hindi speaking Indian like me is not expected to be aware of what happens/happened in rest of the India or world? Courage and intent to revenge/vengence is the pre-requisite and then everything else is tool, if they asked they would have gotten the arms. Tamil refugees just did not relax in Delhi. Your answer is not worth discussing anymore,
Man you got weird logic.. I'll give u that.


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Sep 4, 2019
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Day is not far when PLA and German Army will exercise together in Germany. USA is already moving out of Germany...
Germany and PLA? Not gonna happen.
It's going to be limited to economics. Russia and China are, for better or worse, allies.

The day's not far when Russia starts expanding outwards again after it's bried spurt of growth in Ukrain and Georgia.

Maybe Belarus, maybe even a NATO ally.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
The heavy bomber usually carries ordinance that cannot or will be difficult for a fighter to carry. Could even be a tactical nuclear weapon. Or long range special bunker busting guided munitions. High value items. Even the cost of the bomber will be many times the cost of the accompanying fighter. An example, the US B2 bomber costs about 2 billion US dollars against about 80 million for a basic F35.

Usually heavy bombers are used after sanitising the enemy airspace but to say they will go without escorts is mistaken. If a couple of enemy fighters manage to get airborne and fire their Awacs killer missiles at the bomber it is the duty of the escort fighters to try to deflect the incoming missile by firing chaff or other counter measures and protect the bomber which is a high value asset.

The bomber has a specific role to play and may be assigned to take out an enemy high value target like an under ground strategic installation.

Just like how the accompanying warships in an Carrier Battle Group protect the Aircraft Carrier from harm from threats like anti ship missiles the escort aircraft to a bomber perform similar tasks. Saying that the speed of the escorts will slow down is missing the point. As long as the objectives of the mission are met it will be a successful outcome.
Agreed -- Escort is only functional in mostly dominated airspace and peacetime. Not very practical when opposing side has equal numbers to sport. I will qualify this with "in theater level scenario". As someone mentioned and you also indicated it is a risky scenario in a contested airspace and generally one-way mission these days but still can do damage. Just WW2 or pre-jet/supersonic type escorts around bombers is not very practical now.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Day is not far when PLA and German Army will exercise together in Germany. USA is already moving out of Germany...
Germans have an army only in name. Their size of rougly 60000 is about the same as Swiss Army. Let those pansies excercise with China. The only reason Germany has a macho image is because of the violence wrought by Germans in World war 1 and World war 2.


New Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Germany and PLA? Not gonna happen.
It's going to be limited to economics. Russia and China are, for better or worse, allies.

The day's not far when Russia starts expanding outwards again after it's bried spurt of growth in Ukrain and Georgia.

Maybe Belarus, maybe even a NATO ally.
I can bet, lol! Will see in future, :)


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Feb 28, 2016
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Welfare is deeply ingrained in our psyche.

My uncle had reached a pretty senior post in Tata Steel when he retired. He is extremely upset with the way the company conducts itself these days. No free chai naashta, no long breaks, strict time schedules, two years of probation, no faltu OT for leeches to claim extra money. All his ire is at the 'heartless corporate' mindset.
Aside, he was also a part of the union.

The general tendency among elders is youngsters, even if right shouldn't open their mouths because 'ye duniya dekhe he kidhar hain...'?
I finally make him see sense because he simply doesn't accept globalization is a threat and Tata should continue hiring children of its ex employees, a la reservation. On one hand he opposes reservation in Govt. jobs, on the other he supports succession in Tata Steel. It is an old trait - Chit bhi meri, patt bhi meri.

Our selfishness will be our doom one day. Hoarding for coming generations and leaving nothing for the rest.

We cannot be a welfare state forever. The most vulnerable have to be taken care of and the Govt. is doing more than its bit. For the rest, the Govt. needs to remove maximum hurdles created by babudom to ensure they earn a respectable living to at least sustain themselves.
India is not a welfare state.
To be a welfare state you need to have $$$ to spend on welfare.
India is a dole based state, PSU employment is dole, reservation is dole, MNREGA type schemes are dole.

Actual socialist/commie countries focus on goals instead, for most commie places it was meeting the "production targets" of a given month or year, any shortfall and there are consequences involved for everyone down the chain.Consequences like beatings, starvation, gulags etc etc, very good motivators in a class-less society i'd say.

In your normal capitalist countries non performance has consequences both for individuals and entities like companies, lazy kamchors get demotion, pay cuts or outright fired, mis-managed companies go bankrupt or are sold off by their parent companies.

In Indian PSUs there are no consequences whatsoever, lazy employees will continue to be employed, getting pay, bonus, benefits, bribes if possible and even pension after retirement, and will never lose their jobs.
People are promoted based on bootlicking, he's from /mycaste/, he's from /mylanguagegroup/, he's from /myvillage/ etc etc
PSU companies will keep getting bailouts without the threat of Privatization or a purge of the C-Levels.
Sab chalta hai, everyone is happy, lazy employees, union dalals, politicians getting votes, babus, everyone is chill.
That is until you run out of money or face a crushing defeat in a war that is.

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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Hear out what defence expert Col Rohit Dev (R) has to say about India's indigenous armoured vehicle.

BMP-2, WHAP, MBT Arjun are the Armoured Vehicles which we must focus on under 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' Employment feasible in diverse terrain with tactical & operational advantages


Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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Amid India-China standoff, Lhasa city’s air raid drill raises eyebrows

China has been holding air raid drills in major cities in September to mark the annual National Defense Education Day. However, the timing of this drill has raised many eyebrows as the last time such exercise was carried out in Lhasa was in 2009.



New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Germans have an army only in name. Their size of rougly 60000 is about the same as Swiss Army. Let those pansies excercise with China. The only reason Germany has a macho image is because of the violence wrought by Germans in World war 1 and World war 2.
This so much. Also, their "army" has shit numbers and shit equipment, their equipment is shit because German Govt Duchess Merkel is absolutely chindi in terms of defense budget, so they don't have enough to even keep their army hardware well maintained and running.
Like all EU countries their defence cos got fat from Cold War paisa, once USSR collapsed the tap has been almost shut off.
The average German is also an ethno-masochist, self-flagellating sissy, just below the cuckery of Scandiniggers like Sweden, Denmark, Norway etc.
This is what happens when your country loses the world war, and is decades later is run by a childless, crypto-marxist, globalist puppet hag for 15 years and counting

Umang Shukla

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Apr 23, 2012
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India needs a development of a armored vehicle specially for mountainous regions for attack and holding positions. We need 10000s of these if we want to see India in reality as it is on the Map.


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
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Agreed -- Escort is only functional in mostly dominated airspace and peacetime. Not very practical when opposing side has equal numbers to sport. I will qualify this with "in theater level scenario". As someone mentioned and you also indicated it is a risky scenario in a contested airspace and generally one-way mission these days but still can do damage. Just WW2 or pre-jet/supersonic type escorts around bombers is not very practical now.
I don't understand what you are trying to say.
Would you risk a 1 billion dollar bomber before establishing some sort of air superiority. Enemy fighters are a real threat and the attempt in the beginning of the war would be to perform SEAD. Not only Sam sites and radars but also destroy enemy aircraft. When the strength of enemy aircraft is reduced to a minimum where does the situation of ' opposing side has equal number to sport' arise.

Also most bombers nowadays use standoff long range munitions and it is not necessary to fly over the target or even close to it.
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