India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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I think I did, war is not needed when we are getting results without fighting it. Looks like we learned really quick from our neighbors.
Keep in mind the if clause i put in my statement.
in effect you are saying anyone can slap us around anytime they wish and there will be no retaliation.
blocking a potential ingress is not a retaliation, it is a defensive move.


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May 28, 2016
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Just a thought:

If in the end there is no military escalation, it would mean that this whole fiasco was a distraction, which in turn means CCP views Indian security establishment as a soft state which is incapable of imposing retaliatory consequences.
PRC is a authoritarian state, they don't have a democracy, religion is almost non existent, so fewer distractions. Major economic wealth goes into military, propaganda and spying, espionage.

Whereas, our country is like an open book. Army has to take orders from the political front. Lots of hurdles, so yes our hands are tied. Weakness, not militarily but deplomaticaly or politically.

Wuhan virus was created to assault major economies, because PRC has a vision 2035 plan to outgun, outsmart every nation on this planet, and first thing they will do is to break economies as they have sizable population themselves to continue churn cash flow. They built whole god damn ghost cities because they planned it all along.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Keep in mind the if clause i put in my statement.
in effect you are saying anyone can slap us around anytime they wish and there will be no retaliation.
blocking a potential ingress is not a retaliation, it is a defensive move.
They did so far but since Doklam, we are not letting them as I see it....first time we followed new tactics and more aggressive if we were to beleive in getting the heights e.t.c

We need a bit more domestic MIC before we indulge in more offensives....for now tug of war on small scale will go in our favor.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Keep in mind the if clause i put in my statement.
in effect you are saying anyone can slap us around anytime they wish and there will be no retaliation.
blocking a potential ingress is not a retaliation, it is a defensive move.
Not only potential ingress by China is blocked.. but their Moldo garrison is rendered useless. And the chinese can now mount a credible defence against an Indian attack only at Rutog.. Spanggur bowl is ours whenever we decide to attack after consolidating our position on the newly taken ridges..


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May 30, 2009
Chinese H-6 Bombers Deployed Near India’s Ladakh Border: CJ-20 Cruise Missiles Pose Major Threat to Mountain Bases
That article has several factual inaccuracies including listing higher Indian casualties. Also, the CJ-20 is much easier to shoot down than the Brahmos, as the CJ-20 is subsonic. All Chinese aircraft and missile radars can be jammed by Indian military, making them worthless, but the article doesn't mention that. Sounds more like Chinese propaganda.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
That article has several factual inaccuracies including listing higher Indian casualties. Also, the CJ-20 is much easier to shoot down than the Brahmos, as the CJ-20 is subsonic. All Chinese aircraft and missile radars can be jammed by Indian military, making them worthless, but the article doesn't mention that. Sounds more like Chinese propaganda.
I agree with the Bramhos being fastest cruise missle in supersonic realm but how would we jam their radars so easily in a terrain like that?


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May 28, 2016
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If people haven't realised it already on DFI, shots have been fired already, Digital spying is going on our major political, social figures.

I won't be surprised some document getting leaked or social warfare at major level (gobar times doing since Moscow visit)

IMHOOur action plan is getting ineffective at a larger scale.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Chinese H-6 Bombers Deployed Near India’s Ladakh Border: CJ-20 Cruise Missiles Pose Major Threat to Mountain Bases

Amid simmering tensions between China and Indian after a border clash in mid-June claimed over 150 Indian casualties, new images released by the Central Theatre Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) show several H-6 bombers have been deployed near the disputed area. China deploys over 270 H-6 bombers across the country, the bulk of them based near its east coast, which make up the largest bomber fleet in the world with much newer airframes available than those in the American or Russian fleets. The H-6’s considerable firepower, deploying a wide range of standoff cruise missiles, can potentially provide the PLA with a major advantage in the event of future clash in the Ladakh region, particularly given the scarcity of airbases on both sides meaning the ability to strike Indian bases at long ranges could be enough to turn the balance in the air and provide the PLA with air superiority. Most notably, the new CJ-20 cruise missile carries a 500kg warhead and has a 2000km range, while its lighter counterpart the YJ-63 has one tenth of the range but is considerably lighter meaning more can be carried by a single bomber. Their very high precision and manoeuvrability make them a very serious threat to Indian positions.

China’s H-6 fleet today is primarily oriented towards engaging ships and military bases in the Western Pacific region, with a number of bombers also having been converted fora an electronic attack role. Tensions with India, however, reveal that the aircraft still have a role to play in a conventional land attack role. Indian for its part was reportedly considering acquiring modern bombers from Russia, namely the Tu-22M, to serve as a maritime strike platform. The Russian airframe design is more modern and has a superior flight performance to the H-6, although it is considerably more expensive to operate and, depending on the variant, does not have an advantage in terms of sensors or avionics. India currently deploys K-100 air to air missiles from its Su-30MKI heavyweight fighters which have a formidable range estimated at 300-400km - with the missiles well optimised to engaging subsonic bombers. The Indian Defence Ministry has also ordered S-400 missile batteries which will be deployed to the Ladakh region when they are received from Russia, with the platforms highly capable at intercepting cruise missile attacks as well as bombers at long ranges.

Although China currently holds an advantage in terms of aerial warfare and strike capabilities in the region, with India lacking an effective counter to the PLA’s deployment of J-16 heavyweight fighters near the Indian border, this could change as India moves to invest in more capable systems such as the S-400 and considers purchases of MiG-35 and Su-57 fighters to further modernise its combat fleet. India and Russia are also jointly developing a longer ranged and faster air launched missile to replace the K-100 - which will be able to pose a greater threat to Chinese bombers at range in future.

Incoming cruise missiles towards India are not of any tactical value in this terrain, if they are launched 1000 km away we already know they are coming because they have to come at an high altitude to cross the mountains.

i don't think there is a case of cruise missiles being used at these altitudes, only flat terrains.

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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If people haven't realised it already on DFI, shots have been fired already, Digital spying is going on our major political, social figures.

I won't be surprised some document getting leaked or social warfare at major level (gobar times doing since Moscow visit)

IMHOOur action plan is getting ineffective at a larger scale.
Heheh.. Corona is in full flow. .so no mass social agitations.. and we have SSR - RHEA for everything else.. Centre introduced agricultural reforms bill today.. and there was hardly a peep.. If it was normal times.. Delhi would have been under siege.. with rail roko .. rasta roko.. and all.. Modi is a smart operator..

images (17).jpeg

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Battle hardened without a battle. ? They would improve their mountaineering skills, and logistics though if they have year round deployment of 2 to 3 divisions in ladakh..
They are learning a thing or two from IA about how to approach in high altitude warfare. I'd say it's better than any shadow practices they do in Tibet or UAR.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
They are learning a thing or two from IA about how to approach in high altitude warfare. I'd say it's better than any shadow practices they do in Tibet or UAR.
Why do we think they do not have high alt experience? Being in Tibet (Lhasa) means almost 4000m altitude and where Chinese bases are it probably is 5000m....I have been to that part and I think we are underestimating their abilities on this forum not that IA does....

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Why do we think they do not have high alt experience? Being in Tibet (Lhasa) means almost 4000m altitude and where Chinese bases are it probably is 5000m....I have been to that part and I think we are underestimating their abilities on this forum not that IA does....
As some veteran in this forum or some other said.. high altitude plateau training and fitness, is not the same as high altitude mountainous terrain fitness.. Only near the LAC do the chinese encounter serious high altitude mountainous terrain. Not in Tibetan plateau or aksai chi plateau..


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
As some veteran in this forum or some other said.. high altitude plateau training and fitness, is not the same as high altitude mountainous terrain fitness.. Only near the LAC do the chinese encounter serious high altitude mountainous terrain. Not in Tibetan plateau or aksai chi plateau..
I think you are incorrect, you see lot of military folks in those area and the base camp is at 5480 m altitude (camp A), beyond that only military and professional ones with permit are allowed as the altitude increases further. Sure, all 200000 that are deployed may not have that kind of high alt experience but there is no point in underestimating their army and no reason to think they are weak at it....every 700m alt generally needs a bit of readjustment as O2 level and pressure changes occur.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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I think you are incorrect, you see lot of military folks in those area and the base camp is at 5480 m altitude (camp A), beyond that only military and professional ones with permit are allowed as the altitude increases further. Sure, all 200000 that are deployed may not have that kind of high alt experience but there is no point in underestimating their army and no reason to think they are weak at it....every 700m alt generally needs a bit of readjustment as O2 level and pressure changes occur.
It matters in combat only if a good number of those Chinese soldiers deployed above 5000 metre are trained in mountaineering and high altitude warfare.. If yes, then they are certainly formidable and we shouldn't underestimate them. Otherwise they are just cannon fodder..


New Member
May 30, 2009
I agree with the Bramhos being fastest cruise missle in supersonic realm but how would we jam their radars so easily in a terrain like that?
The SU-30MKI was recently spotted in growler mode with jamming pods. Plus Indian military has many such ELINT/jamming options, not all of which are public knowledge, for good reason. There are a lots of things happening behind the scenes that the general Indian public does not know, so they get impressed by brochures of shiny Chinese hardware. The Chinese military has plenty of weaknesses, including in electronics and engine reliablility. For example, did you know that the first female J-10 pilot died after ejecting from her J-10 during a training exercise? There were many such crashes earlier; god knows how many went unreported. The Chinese don't even fly as many hours anymore because they are afraid of losing more pilots and airplanes due to poor engine reliability. So they rely a lot more on simulators, and end up with much less training. The entire PLAAF has aircraft with engines that are either Russian, or copies of Russian engines. That includes all of their J-10s, J-16s, J-20s, etc. And all these aircraft engines have reliability issues. So they're fine for exhibitions and propaganda parades, but in any war that requires constant flying, the Chinese are going to run into aircraft availability issues. I think their electronics have similar issues, which is why Pakistan always prefers western radars/hardware instead of Chinese ones.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
The SU-30MKI was recently spotted in growler mode with jamming pods. Plus Indian military has many such ELINT/jamming options, not all of which are public knowledge, for good reason. There are a lots of things happening behind the scenes that the general Indian public does not know, so they get impressed by brochures of shiny Chinese hardware. The Chinese military has plenty of weaknesses, including in electronics and engine reliablility. For example, did you know that the first female J-10 pilot died after ejecting from her J-10 during a training exercise? The Chinese don't even fly as many hours because they are afraid of losing more pilots and airplanes due to poor engine reliability. So they rely a lot more on simulators, and end up with much less training. The entire PLAAF has aircraft with engines that are either Russian, or copies of Russian engines. That includes all of their J-10s, J-16s, J-20s, etc. And all these aircraft engines have reliability issues. So they're fine for exhibitions and propaganda parades, but in any war that requires constant flying, the Chinese are going to run into aircraft availability issues. I think their electronics have similar issues, which is why Pakistan always prefers western radars/hardware instead of Chinese ones.
That's pretty hardcore generalization of entire PLAAF, #1 rule do not underestimate enemy, #2 rule do not underestimate your enemy and #3 same....

If we go by your analysis then looks like no one can stop us from taking Beijing I have provided no proof to your claims. We are a good match to them in capabilities and excel in some and inferior in some when it comes to air warfare. We have a few crashes of our own....same Russian planes and engines. Does that mean our pilots are bad? May be its me, I like to be modest in claims as that makes me to give more attention to understanding things around me....

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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IMO this whole episode is to save Xi. He was under pressure because of wuhan virus. All major countries instigated China that it is engineered Virus. CCP is not happy with public shame Xi has brought and USA, EU going against China.

What option Xi has to be in power - To be seen as potent leader who make India bow down. If this is achieved his competitors and not so well wisher will be purged, CCP will be happy. XI will be next MAO. After Doklam and Jhula jhuli chat biscoot with Modi, XI was under the impression that Modi will do exactly what he did after Doklam. nothing but chai biscoot.

Hence so aggressive posture by PLA in Ladakh and Nepal chutiapa by oli.

BUT nothing worked, current GOI not only matched the deployment, but also showing the intent to reverse salami slicing and aggression. GOI is banning apps after apps and killing Cenni contracts worth billions.

This adventure of XI again brought shame again to CCP, and now CCP must be asking him what next?

1. China accept indian offer and deescalate, public shame, execute XI ...some one else is next leader. Everything goes back to normal even commercials ties with India if China accept Indian demand. WIN for GOI.

2. XI present option of limited war with India to teach final lesson, and try to save his image. If this happens IA/IAF/IN are ready. We are much more prepared this time. Even USA and other SCS countries will chim in. Xi lose the face and China land in Ladakh. WIN for GOI again.

there is no other scenario, only prolonged deployment for which we are ready which eventually turn into either option 1 or 2.

Benefit to GOI.
1. BJP popularity will peak
2. Modi will be accepted as world class leader with Military powers
3. Small countries look at India as godfather
4. India will have much more say in World affair
5. IA and IN will truly become external facing orgs and not limited to indian sub.
6. Librandus, commi, anti india elements will get tight slap and delth with IRON hand
7.MODI win 2024 by 350+ seats
8. Rise of nationalism in India
9. reform in MOD and babu culture
10. Decoupling with China, true make in India moment.

This is god given opportunity to current GOI and BJP which they are aware of. This event will shape India foreign and military policy.

WIN WIN for Modi either way. we are not loosing anything, but ya need to have patience.
Well said.
That article has several factual inaccuracies including listing higher Indian casualties. Also, the CJ-20 is much easier to shoot down than the Brahmos, as the CJ-20 is subsonic. All Chinese aircraft and missile radars can be jammed by Indian military, making them worthless, but the article doesn't mention that. Sounds more like Chinese propaganda.
Recent "Carrier killer missiles" fired by China shown below average or very poor performance. Chinese supplied Drones are known to stall and fall while flying. It's a serious quality issue.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
It matters in combat only if a good number of those Chinese soldiers deployed above 5000 metre are trained in mountaineering and high altitude warfare.. If yes, then they are certainly formidable and we shouldn't underestimate them. Otherwise they are just cannon fodder..
There is no tricking or fooling at the altitude, if someone is not acclimatized to be there then in majority of the cases, you will not be able to perform basic tasks. There could be some super soldiers that are physically strong and have exceptional lungs and trained to do things well at that altitude and that does make difference but thats not most of the army any side. Just temper the claims a little bit so they can be taken a bit seriously on this forum....

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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There is no tricking or fooling at the altitude, if someone is not acclimatized to be there then in majority of the cases, you will not be able to perform basic tasks. There could be some super soldiers that are physically strong and have exceptional lungs and trained to do things well at that altitude and that does make difference but thats not most of the army any side. Just temper the claims a little bit so they can be taken a bit seriously on this forum....
Did i say they cant be taken seriously in my previous post.. If the chinese are trained well in mountainering and mountain warfare they need to be taken seriously.. Acclimatization is a pre-requisite for survival in those altitudes, not the distinguising factor.
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