India-China 2020 Border conflict

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May 30, 2009
Isn't that an act of war??

And if US stationed its troops on those islands, then what's stopping cyna to attack those troops with its own landings or even missile barrage?

Na mate I feel like if war happened cyna would use its full force against India and it wouldn't bother much about those islands as they are close enough that even if captured by US, they can't hold them for much longer and eventually cyna will capture them.....again.
The Chinese military occupation of those islands is illegal, so the Chinese don't really have a leg to stand on. The US doesn't want to occupy those islands, just remove the Chinese military from them.
Plus the Chinese Communist thugs don't care as much about their soldiers as they do about themselves being protected in Beijing and their eastern cities. Plus after the Covid-19 that they spread, they are very paranoid about the US, and with good reason. Many in the US consider Covid-19 an act of war, and there is an increasing anti-China sentiment in US government and population. Given a good opportunity, the US will attack those Chinese islands. The Chinese know this, so I think they will keep a good bulk of their PLAAF near the eastern border. That is why they are trying to use intimidation tactics with bombers, cruise missiles, etc. In reality they know their options are limited, so better to intimidate the enemy into not making a move.
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New Member
May 30, 2009
The Chinese have lied about their casualties in every single war, including 1962 and Vietnam China War. The Chinese always try to rewrite history to make themselves look like winners, but the fact is that their soldiers were butchered in every war they fought. Afterwards the Chinese withdrew and declared victory. But there were very good reasons why they had to withdraw, both in Vietnam-China War and in 1962.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
It is propaganda video from the chinese it seems. Chinese did not achieve any objectives during sino-vietnam war. They were driven away with close to 60K PLA dead.
Actually in my opinion they did, they checked the vietnam which looked like unstoppable and well into taking over cambodia and bigger goals. Viets counted on soviet support but that did not happen. China did occupy some parts of vietnam for 10 years and took some territory but not sure about it. It is however true that CCP throws chinese into meat grinder....and lost more men proportionately


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Jun 17, 2009
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Actually in my opinion they did, they checked the vietnam which looked like unstoppable and well into taking over cambodia and bigger goals. Viets counted on soviet support but that did not happen. China did occupy some parts of vietnam for 10 years and took some territory but not sure about it. It is however true that CCP throws chinese into meat grinder....and lost more men proportionately
Did they got back the Cambodian territories which were occupied by Vietnam?

They simply ventured into Vietnam with their usual arrogance and humiliatingly back tracked with losses.

They got 60 of land from Vietnam after a loss of face and 60 K deaths.

Super power china against a tiny vietnam.

Turth is china is supporting blood thirsty regime as usual they find commonality with dictators and human right violaters.

Vietnam launched an invasion of Cambodia in late December 1978 to remove Pol Pot. Two million Cambodians had died at the hands of his Khmer Rouge regime and Pol Pot's troops had conducted bloody cross-border raids into Vietnam, Cambodia's historic enemy, massacring civilians and torching villages
Vietnamese purged the rogue regime in combodia and left the territory in 1989.

Chinese suffered loss of face infront of the world.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Did they got back the Cambodian territories which were occupied by Vietnam?

They simply ventured into Vietnam with their usual arrogance and humiliatingly back tracked with losses.

They got 60 of land from Vietnam after a loss of face and 60 K deaths.

Super power china against a tiny vietnam.
Goal was to defang the vietnam coming out of US-Viet war and I think they were able to do that from which vietnam did not recover as a regional power again. They also checked USSR in the region indirectly. I guess thats one angle to look at that conflict....


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Jun 17, 2009
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Goal was to defang the vietnam coming out of US-Viet war and I think they were able to do that from which vietnam did not recover as a regional power again. They also checked USSR in the region indirectly. I guess thats one angle to look at that conflict....
Fact is USSR declined and was more concentrating in Afghanistan, reason why China got the breather.

If USSR was stable Chinese would have been under pressure from Vietnam from South and Russia from North.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Goal was to defang the vietnam coming out of US-Viet war and I think they were able to do that from which vietnam did not recover as a regional power again. They also checked USSR in the region indirectly. I guess thats one angle to look at that conflict....
Those are retrospective justifications.. The immediate goal was to make Vietnam withdraw from the territory of their pal Cambodia.. that never happened.. Only the chinese withdrew with their bodybags...


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Fact is USSR declined and was more concentrating in Afghanistan, reason why China got the breather.

If USSR was stable Chinese would have been under pressure from Vietnam from South and Russia from North.
Afghar war started right when Sino-Viet war ended.....USSR was just a pussy to not support vietnam. They were worried China might go into US lap which happened anyway with Deng and Nixon warming up.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Those are retrospective justifications.. The immediate goal was to make Vietnam withdraw from their pal Cambodia.. that never happened.. Only the chinese withdrew with their bodybags...
Bodybags is not the only way to count victory or loss....USSR lost 28 million people in ww2. China didn't wanted a regional communist power on its door step and they knew how to play the USSR. Cambodia was the reason they needed to stop the momentum. Thats why we can't let them have Nepal/SL/Bhutan/BD/Myanmar....


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Afghar war started right when Sino-Viet war ended.....USSR was just a pussy to not support vietnam. They were worried China might go into US lap which happened anyway with Deng and Nixon warming up.
Russia is busy, Chinese are not Russians. Chinese fake everything. China is like a Hyena Russia is like a Bear.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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It is propaganda video from the chinese it seems. Chinese did not achieve any objectives during sino-vietnam war. They were driven away with close to 60K PLA dead.
My take away is a bit different, CCP can go to any lengths to preempt a risk, in this case possible encirclement of china by USSR. CCP in this case was teaching a lesson for an act that has not happened yet, in other words CCP is thwarting an intent prior to it becoming an potential risk.

hypothetically if India was closer in distance to Beijing, they would have attacked us decades ago, they would have thrown hundreds of thousands of PLA at us just to teach us a lesson from a CCP perspective. In vietnam's case they have devastated northern vietnam & destroyed industrial capacity in that region, quite possibly to just teach a lesson. in other words, CCP has demonstrated the high costs to be paid by vietnam if they try anything funny against CCP.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
My take away is a bit different, CCP can go to any lengths to preempt a risk, in this case possible encirclement of china by USSR. CCP in this case was teaching a lesson for an act that has not happened yet, in other words CCP is thwarting an intent prior to it becoming an potential risk.

hypothetically if India was closer in distance to Beijing, they would have attacked us decades ago, they would have thrown hundreds of thousands of PLA at us just to teach us a lesson from a CCP perspective. In vietnam's case they have devastated northern vietnam & destroyed industrial capacity in that region, quite possibly to just teach a lesson. in other words, CCP has demonstrated the high costs to be paid by vietnam if they try anything funny against CCP.

If you look at recent chinese history you will see that the lack of a proper military never seemed to deter them from using it to achieve various objectives.

Take the Korean war.

More chinese troops were dying of hunger than on the front lines they had no artillery no armour no air cover no logisitcs not enough trucks yet they went ahead to stop a act that has not happened yet.

In case of vietnam the chinese used scorched earth tactics to a great extent if im not wrong the civilian casulties were almost a 100k.

So the logic that they often try to preempt a risk holds true to a extent but it still does not explain the current situation and what the wish to achieve.

I feel that china has just gone soft over the years economic development along with keeping the masses happy is now their main goal and they simply seemed to have lost any appetite for war.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
But if one is to go way back in time chinese still never seemed to have a very proper military combat record.

Chinese were taunted as a asian giant and regional power before the sino Japanese war.

Most Western countries were confident that china would crush japan yet we all know what happened the qing dynasty met its end.

Japan went ahead to defeat even russia in the Russo Japanese war.

Maybe this still holds true today they might be a regional power as long as they can maintain the illusion of them being strong.

The second the fight and lose we might witness something similar again.


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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My take away is a bit different, CCP can go to any lengths to preempt a risk, in this case possible encirclement of china by USSR. CCP in this case was teaching a lesson for an act that has not happened yet, in other words CCP is thwarting an intent prior to it becoming an potential risk.

hypothetically if India was closer in distance to Beijing, they would have attacked us decades ago, they would have thrown hundreds of thousands of PLA at us just to teach us a lesson from a CCP perspective. In vietnam's case they have devastated northern vietnam & destroyed industrial capacity in that region, quite possibly to just teach a lesson. in other words, CCP has demonstrated the high costs to be paid by vietnam if they try anything funny against CCP.
They went to premept the risk against Russia got a spanking, they went to preempt the risk against Vietnam got a spanking.

Chinese do not go into fights they think they cannot win.

Regarding sino-vietnam war, Cambodia remained under Vietnamese control for 10 years after the war.

Chinese GDP growth rate fell to -1.6 % and Vietnam GDP rate -3.5%, China eventually opened up its economy to the same westerners who it thinks are its bitter enemies.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
They went to premept the risk against Russia got a spanking, they went to preempt the risk against Vietnam got a spanking.

Chinese do not go into fights they think they cannot win.

Regarding sino-vietnam war, Cambodia remained under Vietnamese control for 10 years after the war.

Chinese GDP growth rate fell to -1.6 % and Vietnam GDP rate -3.5%, China eventually opened up its economy to the same westerners who it thinks are its bitter enemies.
I think you are looking at the wrong way.....long term they removed vietnam from any kind of regional influence and now they control Cambodia. They do play a long game and made some good alliances...USSR in Korea war and fought USSR and then kept USSR away from Vietnam war and then made a deal with US got rich and now buddy with Russia. Only Japanese kicked their ass decisively in modern history. India war in 1962 is not going to be repeatable and so they never attempted again....Taiwan is another one where victory is not iminent when they look at the chess board but they will attempt depending on the pieces on the board. CCP will collapse, it is inevitable....they actually gained those islands back in a deal with Russia under Putin I think.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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They went to premept the risk against Russia got a spanking, they went to preempt the risk against Vietnam got a spanking.

Chinese do not go into fights they think they cannot win.

Regarding sino-vietnam war, Cambodia remained under Vietnamese control for 10 years after the war.

Chinese GDP growth rate fell to -1.6 % and Vietnam GDP rate -3.5%, China eventually opened up its economy to the same westerners who it thinks are its bitter enemies.
True, you are getting into events that happened after CCP did what they wanted to do. No plan is perfect, wars big or small have consequences.
I am talking about why they took the risk in the first place.
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