India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars Andaman banega QUAD ka base. Australian Navy, Japanse Navy will have access to A&N islands if the agreements are Implemented.

GOI approves air connectivity plans for Ladakh UT. Total of six airstrips to be built in various basins of Ladakh region.

Wolf Pack.


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Sep 8, 2019
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Feb 28, 2016
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Thats right, we don't want status quo of april 2020 we don't want any status quo dammit, we want aksai hind and tibet !
GoI's official position is it wants status quo ante April 2020.
We are not in the best position to fight an offensive war, so they have set realistic goals, goals itself that exist as a result of chinense aggression.

Hope this is a wake up call for GoI, to prepare for offensive wars to retake lost territories eventually, when an opportunity presents itself

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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GoI's official position is it wants status quo ante April 2020.
We are not in the best position to fight an offensive war, so they have set realistic goals, goals itself that exist as a result of chinense aggression.

Hope this is a wake up call for GoI, to prepare for offensive wars to retake lost territories eventually, when an opportunity presents itself
Nobody (except the Chinese) saw 'status quo ante April 2020...' in the EAM"s supposed joint statement.

This position is as good as it can get. Let perfection not be an enemy of good.

GOI 'apparently' woke up after 2014. It seems somebody else didn't.

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Rohit Vats has started his youtube channel. Much better analysis than what we have seen on SM so far.
No amount of foreign OSINT can reach this level of analysis that a desi with same data can do.
Atma Nirbhar Bharat.
Ladakh Series-1: Strategic Importance of Chushul Sector


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Feb 28, 2016
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Nobody (except the Chinese) saw 'status quo ante April 2020...' in the EAM"s supposed joint statement.

This position is as good as it can get. Let perfection not be an enemy of good.

GOI 'apparently' woke up after 2014. It seems somebody else didn't.
EAM has been saying they want Chinks to retreat to status quo ante April 2020 positions all along, idk what was or was not in the so called "joint" statement.
Ching chongs say status of the border is not related to China's economic prospects here, but that was clearly not the case, they keep spewing bs

Ofc once a shooting war starts all our objectives are "fluid" to the public eye, and the actual objectives will only be known to GoI, probably re-take Aksai or not, maybe re-take PoK, or grab Chumbi valley for leverage. who knows.

But for now EAM has been always asking for a Chinese retreat to ante april 2020 positions, which is countered by wolf warrior bullshit like CHAINA WIRR NOT GO CEDE AN INCH OF ITS TERRITORY!!!!.
EAM is being the reasonable one here, we need some level of foreign support you see, unlike this NUMBA WAN spreader of disease.

btw GoI will not wage war to re-take territory directly, the war to re-take our land will be in response for Pakis trying some sht again or the Chongs escalating things with us.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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There's your answer, in bold and underlined.

@pinakaTHEbow sorry i didn't address your main Q, pre-Xi you could expect corruption in equipment manufacture/purchase, but in the rule of Xi he is focused on letting the PLA have the best possible equipment, as you'd expect a back-to-the-wall, the-world-is-our-enemy autocratic state to have, like Soviet Russia for example, but still they're playing catch-up in terms of quality high end equipment though.
Their strength is quantity, not quality, quantity is what won WW2 in the end.
While I dont agree with his idea that India not play the Tibet card, I fully agree with his opinion that this government has indulged in cynical exploitation of Tibetans. First Modi Government had the hots for Tibetan government in exile, then during Jhula season with Xi Jinping, all official engagement was abandoned with the Tibetans. And now when things are hot on the border SFF is being glamourised, and Ram Madhav appears in Ladakh at the funeral. I only hope that Modi Government does not again cynically abandon the Tibetans, based on the "hope" of a China deal.


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Feb 28, 2016
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While I dont agree with his idea that India not play the Tibet card, I fully agree with his opinion that this government has indulged in cynical exploitation of Tibetans. First Modi Government had the hots for Tibetan government in exile, then during Jhula season with Xi Jinping, all official engagement was abandoned with the Tibetans. And now when things are hot on the border SFF is being glamourised, and Ram Madhav appears in Ladakh at the funeral. I only hope that Modi Government does not again cynically abandon the Tibetans, based on the "hope" of a China deal.
Not just Modi govt, every GoI has done this.
There was even a deal afaik that we'd recognize Tibet as a part of China( officially ) while they'd recognize Sikkim as a part of India

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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US formally pitched Boeing F-15EX to IAF.

View attachment 59158
F15EX along with Growlers (G-Lite excuse me) could be very effective against the Chinese ADs.
(2) We also saw the MKIs yesterday with SAP 518 self-protection jammers and ELM 2060P SAR/GMTI recon pod. Further, SAP 518, SAP 14 and ELTA EL/L 8222 would give MKIs good EW capabilities against the Chinese.
(3) Having quad launchers on MKI and (2) above could give them similar capabilities (mission profile wise) as (1).
* I don't know if SAPs are available to Chinese too.
(4) India is not looking for heavies not unless it's 5th Gen. Which one.... the only one (Co-dev. might have failed but u don't know what surprise the Russians might spring. Ne ways not happening in near future).

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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While I dont agree with his idea that India not play the Tibet card, I fully agree with his opinion that this government has indulged in cynical exploitation of Tibetans. First Modi Government had the hots for Tibetan government in exile, then during Jhula season with Xi Jinping, all official engagement was abandoned with the Tibetans. And now when things are hot on the border SFF is being glamourised, and Ram Madhav appears in Ladakh at the funeral. I only hope that Modi Government does not again cynically abandon the Tibetans, based on the "hope" of a China deal.
Well Modi did gave peace a chance.. Being a Baniya he tried to reason with Xi as it was the logical thing to do as well. But Doklam served him a reality that what was CCP up to.
Backing off isn't an option anymore..Forget tibetans For the first time whole of Asia is looking at him as India is now countering a adversary of its own size not tiny Porks. There 's a saying "A country is known by the enemy it keeps". This is a test as well as an opportunity for him. Only time will tell which way he'd go but the start is surely promising.
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