India-China 2020 Border conflict

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May 18, 2009
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Why dont USA just cut the crap and just offer F-35.
After all we are not pakistan and we will be paying for it, and USA keeps harping about how important india is for its indo pacific theater. Then how about back your words with action.


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Apr 4, 2019
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Well Modi did gave peace a chance.. Being a Baniya he tried to reason with Xi as it was the logical thing to do as well. But Doklam served him a reality that what was CCP up to.
Backing off isn't an option anymore..Forget tibetans For the first time whole of Asia is looking at him as India is now countering a adversary of its own size not tiny Porks. There 's a saying "A country is known by the enemy it keeps". This is a test as well as an opportunity for him. Only time will tell which way he'd go but the start is surely promising.
Didn't the Jhula Jhuli coconut water happened after Doklam?


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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1. India has more than sufficient troops in the NE region to take care of NE States, Bhutan and Sikkim.

2. IA has used a word 'readjustments'. Apt. No force accretion has taken place - merely forces have been realigned.

3. Interestingly, reserves have not been recalled. That is a massive chunk of combat ready troops with experience, ready to return to active duty on a short notice. Estimated to be able to equip about 02 divisions of troops every few weeks (as per recall orders & processing)

4. In a short span, India can massively expand armed forces with combat ready and battle hardened troops. Enough for a jingoistic post in point 5.

5. We can place so many troops along both our borders that Pakistan will be flooded if our troops synchronize the early morning ablutions. No jokes here.

6. Not even getting into numbers from BSF & other combat ready CAPFs like ITBP etc. Not including AR, RR either.

From @Hellfire
Absolutely ! I think in another thread @Waanar had succinctly summed it up very well. We've a mind
boggling number of armed forces, though excluding the IA the rest are not trained to IA's standard, but still numbers are numbers. And a modern day hitler would love to have such a huge number of armed forces.
And yet we adopt a defensive mindset everywhere. :facepalm:

GoI's official position is it wants status quo ante April 2020.
We are not in the best position to fight an offensive war, so they have set realistic goals, goals itself that exist as a result of chinense aggression.

Hope this is a wake up call for GoI, to prepare for offensive wars to retake lost territories eventually, when an opportunity presents itself
See, this is where I've a problem, when an opportunity is given you take it. But we never learn do we ? 1971, kargil so on and so forth. Do you think some time in the future when everything is settled down any govt will have the bollocks to go out and capture what was rightfully our country's territory by *initiating* the moves. No sir, no Indian govt will do that, I can guarantee you that. We'are always a reactive nation, so atleast when the enemy is forcing you to react, atleast then seize the initiative and cross the damned imaginary LAC and go for the jugular, why do we keep waiting for chinks to fire the first shot !!
Like @Hellfire mentioned, GOI will not allow IA to fire the first shot :frusty: even after chinks murdering our Bihar regt lads in cold blood.
I guess we're doomed to live in such a country where the political class is filled with IAS and UPSC cowards and greedy politician scum who go by their word.
Atleast NaMo has been far far better, but he too is backing off in this case from firing the first shot.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Cuz it's yet to be offered to India. India would consider when offered. If offered could be F35Bs first.
We wont get F-35 as we have S-400 .. and the logic behind US denial of F-35 to Turkey .. that S-400 radar might record F-35 signatures and russian maintenance personnel might get the data still holds w.r.t India..
Since China will have hundreds of J-20s by the time we have AMCA taking its first flight... all we can have is SU-57 Raptorski.. to fill in the gap


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars While the exact date of the next Corps Commanders level talks in Ladakh is awaited, Indian formations are on highest alert all along Eastern Ladakh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh frontiers considering a possibility of Chinese attempt (s) to occupy unheld areas. For the past 3-4 days, there is absolute calm on the LAC according to multiple sources. This is seen as unusual given the experience of the past four months in Ladakh. The PLA may attempt a QPQ (quid pro quo) to gain leverage in upcoming talks, feel ground commanders.

In any case, no one is pinning too much hope for any major breakthrough in the upcoming talks. The Indian military is prepared to stay through the harsh winter in Ladakh and indeed all along the LAC. Ops logistics branch in the Army must currently be the most harried organisation. It has to cater to the not only the current needs of the additional troops that have been inducted into Ladakh but also make sure that there are enough stocks for them through the winters when all roads into Ladakh will be closed after mid-November until at least late March.

There is of course a month plus window for China to withdraw its forces to permanent peace time locations--India's pre-condition for deescalation--if the PLA doesn't want its troops to experience the difficulties of super high altitude deployment for the first time in winter.

Nitin Gokhale.
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