India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Jul 11, 2011
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China thinks Bhutan is the weakest link in Indian Defences and our vulnerability. So like a mad do dog they are trying to threaten Bhutan to wrest some concession in Ladakh.

Well, Indian needs to play the Chinese game in their won format, Launch an offensive into POK and threaten Chinese billion dollars investment and grand design of BRI. They will leave all LAC areas including Bhutan and rush to save CPEC.

Inka ilaz udhar hai...

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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China thinks Bhutan is the weakest link in Indian Defences and our vulnerability. So like a mad do dog they are trying to threaten Bhutan to wrest some concession in Ladakh.

Well, Indian needs to play the Chinese game in their won format, Launch an offensive into POK and threaten Chinese billion dollars investment and grand design of BRI. They will leave all LAC areas including Bhutan and rush to save CPEC.

Inka ilaz udhar hai...
This scenario of China opening another front in the eastern sector, including Bhutan, would have been wargamed by India.. Lets see how India reacts..

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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China thinks Bhutan is the weakest link in Indian Defences and our vulnerability. So like a mad do dog they are trying to threaten Bhutan to wrest some concession in Ladakh.

Well, Indian needs to play the Chinese game in their won format, Launch an offensive into POK and threaten Chinese billion dollars investment and grand design of BRI. They will leave all LAC areas including Bhutan and rush to save CPEC.

Inka ilaz udhar hai...
But would India want to open another front against Pakistan deliberately?


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Jul 11, 2011
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My friend, my state is at stake every time the dragon raises its ugly head. Sikkim will always remain in the shadows till Tibet is liberated, and given the brutality & cheapness of PLA's and CCP's tactics, they are ready to stoop to any level. We should be ready to remove our stupid self-imposed restrictions as well if that happens. My only concern is the holier-than-thou attitude that our politicians (including Vajpayee government in 1999) have adopted in "not crossing" the LOC/LAC.

Chumbi Valley is our strong point and in case we are too constrained on Ladakh front, we should mobilize on the valley in a pincer move against PLA and take over the valley. The point is to inflict such fierce damage that the LAC's perception moves in our favour.

Any campaign beyond such a the scope of the above would turn into a hot war and will pull in USA, Japan, Vietnam and Pakistan at the very least. Russia will stay away ideally.
You mean travelogues of Colonel young Husband should be dusted and opened to follow his footsteps..

If the Chinese think there are not enough troops to defend Bhutan, they may be grossly mistaken. It is only for the Bhutanese govt to decide how much assistance is needed to help RBA ... If the Chinese are under wrong impression that they have drawn 17 Mountain Strike Corps to Ladakh, Indians can still muster more than a Corps to apply them into Chumbi valley without losing any balance..

Why are Chinese forgetting that winter will soon be at its prime and their CPEC will then be taken over with their troops standing in the snow of Ladakh..


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Sep 13, 2020
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Shiv Shastry sir being a surgeon, is picking up details which look minor but are important.
after 4 months, its is only now I am seeing Google maps & earth links and terrain pics being posted.

WTF are OSINT people doing.. even now you will see sat pics posted but no GEarth web links posted to reference it.

I have started creating a GEarth project and marking all areas( from Karakoram, Denpasang, Galwan, Spangur to Doklam) that enter discussions. Happy to share KML file or project link for those interested.

Will make redundant all these discussions of do we have Kalatop as if that is the ONLY key bit


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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You mean travelogues of Colonel young Husband should be dusted and opened to follow his footsteps..

If the Chinese think there are not enough troops to defend Bhutan, they may be grossly mistaken. It is only for the Bhutanese govt to decide how much assistance is needed to help RBA ... If the Chinese are under wrong impression that they have drawn 17 Mountain Strike Corps to Ladakh, Indians can still muster more than a Corps to apply them into Chumbi valley without losing any balance..

Why are Chinese forgetting that winter will soon be at its prime and their CPEC will then be taken over with their troops standing in the snow of Ladakh..
The PLA's thrust into multiple fronts is not on the basis of their troops but on the basis of their equipment. Normally, you would never see news on PLA except when they intrude somewhere. There is a reason why they are going about announcing that they have surpassed the USA quantitatively in terms of military assets. Basically, they are using psychological warfare + also indicating that they can, at a moment's notice, mass manufacture weapons and deploy in combat that other Asian countries cannot sustain.

I have full trust in our soldiers & military planners. But my main concern remains on ammunition & logistics.


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Dec 12, 2015
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The PLA's thrust into multiple fronts is not on the basis of their troops but on the basis of their equipment. Normally, you would never see news on PLA except when they intrude somewhere. There is a reason why they are going about announcing that they have surpassed the USA quantitatively in terms of military assets. Basically, they are using psychological warfare + also indicating that they can, at a moment's notice, mass manufacture weapons and deploy in combat that other Asian countries cannot sustain.

I have full trust in our soldiers & military planners. But my main concern remains on ammunition & logistics.
My take is India is basically making the right moves.

The military industrial complex of India has basic weakness that is not going to disappear in a hurry. India will have to import arms and ammunition.
However a lot can happen under pressure.

As long as India can import from USA/Europe, nothing much to worry.


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Apr 4, 2019
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At the current juncture no.. But why everyone is so worried about Bhutan? Attacking Bhutan means attacking India. We should immediately launch the offensive along Moldo & Arunachal.
I'm a bit confused with the language used. Did they already came inside Bhutan and are now squatting or they claim part of Bhutan but haven't come in yet?


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Sep 14, 2020
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I registered with DFI just to ask this question:
China is deploying soldiers and equipment along Indian border but how good are those equipment? I mean India and western countries struggle with quality of military equipment in-spite of "transparent" procurement procedures, China has one party rule and obviously there would be rampant corruption in producing such huge quantities of military equipment. Will they be able to hurt IA or is it just CCP propaganda? I guess that's why so suddenly western media is backing India, they too want to see how good CCP toys will fare in real war........


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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I registered with DFI just to ask this question:
China is deploying soldiers and equipment along Indian border but how good are those equipment? I mean India and western countries struggle with quality of military equipment in-spite of "transparent" procurement procedures, China has one party rule and obviously there would be rampant corruption in producing such huge quantities of military equipment. Will they be able to hurt IA or is it just CCP propaganda? I guess that's why so suddenly western media is backing India, they too want to see how good CCP toys will fare in real war........
Realistically speaking we do not know how good their weapon systems are, and it’s not just the weapon system it’s the man and his training also matters.

Everything is a theory for now.

But based on what we have seen so far, PLA behaves more like a militia rather than a proper military. Usage of sticks with nails, ambush tactics & the recent one with medieval weapons seems to indicate that their thought process is not in the same line as rest of the world.

ThE BrOkEn HeArT

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Sep 2, 2019
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China thinks Bhutan is the weakest link in Indian Defences and our vulnerability. So like a mad do dog they are trying to threaten Bhutan to wrest some concession in Ladakh.

Well, Indian needs to play the Chinese game in their won format, Launch an offensive into POK and threaten Chinese billion dollars investment and grand design of BRI. They will leave all LAC areas including Bhutan and rush to save CPEC.

Inka ilaz udhar hai...
Nhi. Inka Ilaaz Ocean mai hai.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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I registered with DFI just to ask this question:
China is deploying soldiers and equipment along Indian border but how good are those equipment? I mean India and western countries struggle with quality of military equipment in-spite of "transparent" procurement procedures, China has one party rule and obviously there would be rampant corruption in producing such huge quantities of military equipment. Will they be able to hurt IA or is it just CCP propaganda? I guess that's why so suddenly western media is backing India, they too want to see how good CCP toys will fare in real war........
Well we will find out in a war only.
I feel that Russian copies will be a serious risk.
Hard to say about effectiveness of stolen techs from USA/Europe.


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Jul 7, 2020
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IA isn't answerable to any MPs and MLAs and certainly not to you. They have their task at hand that they will complete with their level best period. The concerned authorities are aware .

What we have or haven't isn't your concern either nor it should be. Indians are very well aware what is happening there and we stand behind The Great Indian army. Period.

Now go your rudali for chinki lady boys.
@mod can we ban dutchzz he is shitting all over many forums spreading negativity for our defense forces.

librandu china owned slave alert.
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