India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Jan 28, 2018
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PLA has intruded into five areas of western Bhutan and laid claim to a new boundary that extends approximately 40 km inside bhutan, to the east of chumbi valley : Report

Well this was expected from those loosers trying to open up a new front. Hope we are well prepared by now and dont let down our friend. If we let down Bhutan that will be a very bad PR.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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They are watching

I wonder why are they monitoring Congress party members. They have an MoU with them already and most likely they are getting all the information from them as such. With Mani Shankar Aiyar's efforts to take Pakistan's help in dismantling the Modi Government failing, now Congress is resorting to taking active support from China.
I am wondering why isn't there more stringent surveillance of opposition members and IAS babus who are working in critical positions happening. We know what a few people can do for money in political circles, right? Of course, these things won't come out in the public but the pressure should be visible on the opposition.

We are standing at the cusp of a conflict with a much larger neighbour & therefore, can't afford to allow this divisiveness within the country that is being created. The government needs to be more aggressive in clamping down political threats that toe the Chinese line within the country. FoE and FoS can be brought back once the PLA is bloodied enough to step back.


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Jul 11, 2011
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All useless excuses... ??

Everything here is related to Spangur Gap. the fulcrum of Indian defenses, which provides 1.5 km opening for a breakout of Chinese mechanized Forces into Chusul Bowl. Breakout, whether by Infantry or Mechanised forces requires logistics to fetch up which perforce has to come through Spangur Gap. Rezang La or Rechin La - all under Indian control,

Why is This elusive Black Top required or important?
To observe SriJap ?? Yes. But why Not.
But the main argument advanced is, and rightly so, that Black Top dominates Gurubg Hill? It also provides a secure Firm Base for an attack on Gurung Hill.
OK ... dominates men's what?
Dominates means I can see all activities on Gurung Hill from Black Top. Means I can bring observed artillery fire as also long-range direct fire on Gurung Hill.
OK, but does that mean Gurung Hill is useless without Black Top.
No, Gurung Hill is one of the shoulders of Spangur Gap. Even under domination. it is essential to capture it to open Spangur Gap. It a very essential feature for the defense of Spangur Gap.
What is the way to avoid easy attacks on Gurung Hill then?
The answer is to provide adequate depth to Gurung Hill.

Occupy features between Black Top and Gurung Hill like Bump, Hump, Tekari or even part of Black Hill whatever you can.

Is Black Top like a needlepoint?

Not , it is a plateau top and the top itself can be said to be about 1km in the expanse.

What if you share Black Top?
It means one is on Blacktop and take advantage of domination and observation of all Chinese areas in line of sight. Given the efforts, you can throw the Chinese off from there. I think that is what the Chinese are trying to do unsuccessfully.

Then what is the story?

The story is that Gurung hill, which is so vital to be defended has been provided depth unlike in 1962. so the advantages of a Firm Base for an attack on Gurung Hill has been snatched. Moreover, all advantages of taking a higher ground to dominate the Chinese area and movements have been achieved.

Please do not forget this is only the Western flank of the Spangur gap. There is an Eastern shoulder/ Flank which is held by Magar Hill. Spangur Gap is not so large that Magar Hill can by bypassed by masking or holding attacks. Both Gurung Hill and Magar Hill have to be captured.

Magar Hill is dominated by Mukpari which is decidedly held by the Indian Army.

So Spangur Gap has been adequately secured.

Can the Chinese outflank Spangur Gap?

Yes- through Rezang La and Rechin Law they can come into Chusul bawl and then progress operations towards Magar Hill and Gurung Hill from the rear.

But Renzang La and Rechin La have been occupied by the Indian Army..

So what is the overall scene or situation? Indian Army has secured Spangur Gap and can now launch offensive operations into Moldo/ Spangur bawl unhindered, threaten Spangur South defenses of the Chinese from the rear and also progress operations towards Rudok/ G-219 through the shortest and direct approach to Rudok.

Look at the overall picture like that rather than trying to find loopholes and faults around Black Top. Black Top Ridge is with us and if Chinese are somewhere there - they are now naked and mortally threatened. a title more impetus and they would be out from there..
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Sep 13, 2020
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Excellant talk that outlines China's objectives

Madhav Nalapat
Editorial Director, Itv Network & The Sunday Guardian
Jayadeva Ranade
President, Centre for China Analysis and Strategy
Phunchok Stobdan
Founding President, Ladakh International Center, and Former Indian Ambassador to Kyrgyztan
Eric Brown
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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PLA has intruded into five areas of western Bhutan and laid claim to a new boundary that extends approximately 40 km inside bhutan, to the east of chumbi valley : Report

Yeah it's not just Doklam plateau, China doesn't recognise much of their whole border status & claims some of Arunachal adjoining eastern Bhutan.
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New Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Just look at the map. How do the Chee intend to get through to Sakteng park? Either they will have to lay claim to other huge tracts of land towards the north west or, wait for it, via Tawang

Chee be like



Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Well this was expected from those loosers trying to open up a new front. Hope we are well prepared by now and dont let down our friend. If we let down Bhutan that will be a very bad PR.
We can't afford to let them down. If Bhutan gets swallowed, we get more border with China, remember? That's not a good thing, especially when we are trying to raise the issue of Tibet in the international community, through actions of the SFF recently.

PLA and CCP will play psychological war based on the analysis provided by the big data they are gathering from past leaderships. While they have a fair bit of idea about Modi government, they don't know that he's the real deal, since in CCP's eyes, Indian politicians = lip service experts.

This time, we will have to be invasive; meaning a plan to cross LAC and take out their missile and rocket artillery units would be the key in blunting PLA offensive & breaking their ego to smithereens. LAC is an artificial line that CCP never agreed upon; that means defending the line is pointless especially when eastern Ladakh or Aksai Chin is in their occupation. The objective should be to take Aksai Chin and push the PLA further inland with extreme force. This means we will need long-range rockets and batteries of SAMs to neutralize PLA and PLAAF.

China has gone rogue; they will use any tactic in the offensive manual to gain an advantage; including many moves that we have foolishly self-restricted. We can't rule out biological warfare as an attempt to scare India. That means PLA could, in theory, infect downstream rivers flowing out of Tibet with germs, bacteria or poison to kill off a lot of Indians who depend on these waters in Assam, Bengal and other NE areas. Bangladesh will also suffer but they don't care a damn. The point is if they do go so low and dirty, India should be willing to flatten their nearest cities, east of Tibet with long-range (non-nuclear) missiles.

Not to mention mobilize the Tibetans in India to simultaneously settle as we make inroads into Tibet while broadcasting the whole thing & flooding China-based social media networks with these recordings.

CCP is 5 times economically bigger and 4 times militarily larger in terms of budget - that means our rulebook of ethical combat with Pakistan won't work. If we have to put a strain on their military campaign, only the utmost brutal of intimidation & combat tactics on the battlefield will work.
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New Member
Jan 28, 2018
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We can't afford to let them down. If Bhutan gets swallowed, we get more border with China, remember? That's not a good thing, especially when we are trying to raise the issue of Tibet in the international community, through actions of the SFF recently.

PLA and CCP will play psychological war based on the analysis provided by the big data they are gathering from past leaderships. While they have a fair bit of idea about Modi government, they don't know that he's the real deal, since in CCP's eyes, Indian politicians = lip service experts.

This time, we will have to be invasive; meaning a plan to cross LAC and take out their missile and rocket artillery units would be the key in blunting PLA offensive & breaking their ego to smithereens. LAC is an artificial line that CCP never agreed upon; that means defending the line is pointless especially when eastern Ladakh or Aksai Chin is in their occupation. The objective should be to take Aksai Chin and push the PLA further inland with extreme force. This means, we will need long-range rocket and batteries of SAMs to neutralize PLA, while having the willingness to flatten any of China's cities within range, in response to a similar strike.

China has gone rogue; they will use any tactic in the offensive manual to gain an advantage; including many moves that we have foolishly self-restricted. We will need to be thick-skinned and engage in visceral combat with their troops, inflicting enough damage that they are horrified to fight against us.

CCP is 5 times economically bigger and 4 times militarily larger in terms of budget - that means our rulebook of ethical combat with Pakistan won't work. If we have to put a strain on their military campaign, only the umost brutal of intimidation & combat tactics on the battlefield will work.
Glad to see you havent changed a bit since you joined the forum in 2010. Still have that same fire within and in your opinion. This government wont let down Bhutan for sure, Isn't it chumby valley where we dominate Chinese very strongly? Hope Bhutan government also allows Indian troops to do counter deployment on their territory.
Regarding taking fight to Chinese side of LAC/LOC I feel we might have actually done it but wont accept it publicly.


New Member
Apr 6, 2019
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Just look at the map. How do the Chee intend to get through to Sakteng park? Either they will have to lay claim to other huge tracts of land towards the north west or, wait for it, via Tawang

Chee be like

View attachment 59146
CCP claims arunachal Pradesh and hence they claiming sakteng park bordering arunachal. It's like we claiming Chitral of Pakistan thou not in control of PoK and Gilgit baltistan. It's all future planning. CCP believes they can take arunachal as we believe taking PoK.


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Glad to see you haven't changed a bit since you joined the forum in 2010. Still have that same fire within and in your opinion. This government won't let down Bhutan for sure, Isn't it Chumby valley where we dominate Chinese very strongly? Hope Bhutan government also allows Indian troops to do counter deployment on their territory.
Regarding taking the fight to the Chinese side of LAC/LOC I feel we might have actually done it but won't accept it publicly.
My friend, my state is at stake every time the dragon raises its ugly head. Sikkim will always remain in the shadows till Tibet is liberated, and given the brutality & cheapness of PLA's and CCP's tactics, they are ready to stoop to any level. We should be ready to remove our stupid self-imposed restrictions as well if that happens. My only concern is the holier-than-thou attitude that our politicians (including Vajpayee government in 1999) have adopted in "not crossing" the LOC/LAC.

Chumbi Valley is our strong point and in case we are too constrained on Ladakh front, we should mobilize on the valley in a pincer move against PLA and take over the valley. The point is to inflict such fierce damage that the LAC's perception moves in our favour.

Any campaign beyond such a the scope of the above would turn into a hot war and will pull in USA, Japan, Vietnam and Pakistan at the very least. Russia will stay away ideally.
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