India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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I was referring to Quad taking shape as a military alliance.. Right now its just talks at the diplomatic level.. Although at the bilateral and trilateral level there have been militarily excercises and intelligence sharing..
It's upto CCP, if they continue to behave foolishly, military alliance is not far off.


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Jun 27, 2020
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Can't find any PLA in Galwan. Was the map scrubbed clean or did Baba Monsoon take care of the yellow monkeys?

Any idea how recent the maps are? The older maps showed PLA tents and equipment all along the valley.

Heavy presence of PLA in fingers area but they left their flanks weak and we are overlooking their entire supply lines which is very very vulnerable.
Their goose seems truly cooked as IA keeps closing in.
Sirijap will most likely raise the white flag and surrender if we move in during winter. All in the hands of IA. Come winter, they will be overwhelmed without putting up much of a fight. That would mean we push the LAC to our perception line if we decide to move on and gain territory in Pangong Tso. No wonder PLA, ChiCom and GT are livid and hopping mad.
I've seen some reports or tweets stating we've taken Galwan valley (disputed region and heights) during Aug 29/30 readjustments. tough not sure about the authenticity.


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May 31, 2020
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Can't find any PLA in Galwan. Was the map scrubbed clean or did Baba Monsoon take care of the yellow monkeys?

Any idea how recent the maps are? The older maps showed PLA tents and equipment all along the valley.

Heavy presence of PLA in fingers area but they left their flanks weak and we are overlooking their entire supply lines which is very very vulnerable.
Their goose seems truly cooked as IA keeps closing in.
Sirijap will most likely raise the white flag and surrender if we move in during winter. All in the hands of IA. Come winter, they will be overwhelmed without putting up much of a fight. That would mean we push the LAC to our perception line if we decide to move on and gain territory in Pangong Tso. No wonder PLA, ChiCom and GT are livid and hopping mad.
:hmm: thats indian territory

this is triangle base location

map maybe before april ,


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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:hmm: thats indian territory

this is triangle base location

map maybe before april ,
Doubt it. The triangle is where PLA had pitched its 'pink tents' which Gokhale claimed were ours. All of those including more tents, equipment, earth movers and trucks which were deeper in the valley are gone. There was talk of flooding and land slides.


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May 31, 2020
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Doubt it. I saw those pink tents as late as July including their earth movers. All of those are gone now.
Their tents were down the path .

:hmm: As per agreement , both side moved back.

you can find our camps and their red camps in recent images , both away from triangle area.

our is closer , cant really see any detail tho , very low res images.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Their tents were down the path .

:hmm: As per agreement , both side moved back.

you can find our camps and their red camps in recent images , both away from triangle area.

our is closer , cant really see any detail tho , very low res images.
Our nearest camps are permanent structures at the confluence of Shyok and Galwan. That is where an Army Brat who doubles up as INC coolie posted some old pictures of hers and claimed they were clicked inside the valley.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
As it happened:-

Russia is applying pressure on India to not turn quad into a military alliance or accept australia.

This was pretty much expected as russia wouldn't want a partner or you could say a customer like India moving into the US zone of influence.

This has once again shown everyone in India today how dangerous it is to buy your national security from someone else.

Today we are forced to take the whim's and nonsense of others into consideration because they hold the key to our security.

I can't even blame russia for this they are doing this for their intrest and they have every right to do so.

We were foolish enough to do this then we must also suffer the consequences.

I hope atleast now GOI will understand the situation we are in. China is at our throats and we still can't get quad because our hands are tied.

And I do hope that we don't show the stupidity of moving from russian platforms to US platforms.

Let me make it very clear russia US french no one should be given a priority we seriously need to be independent atleast in this sector.


Maulana Rockullah
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Aug 12, 2009
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This CCP PLA propaganda videos are like cat showing Tiger how much capable to hunt 😂
GobarTimes is trying it's best to cover up Xitler's fail Dhakka-Mukki Sissy PLA.

To rub salt on Xitler's wounds in Galwan news coming that -> ~60 Chinese soldiers died at Galwan. :rofl:

Reality is below...




New Member
May 31, 2020
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Our nearest camps are permanent structures at the confluence of Shyok and Galwan. That is where an Army Brat who doubles up as INC coolie posted some old pictures of hers and claimed they were clicked inside the valley.

:hmm: last i saw , they push backed their red camps , we also have small camps nearby

Of course its low res , so its hard to tell what it is .

Looks like both sides have small presence nearby.


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May 31, 2020
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Google earth and google maps images may be too old. Only that could explain their mysterious absence.
:hmm: this is only what i could find

left is 2 days ago , right is june 28

the river looks like its flowing full now ,

i think the red things were their camp , black dots are our tents

they moved back quite a distance.
but resolution is shit , so who knows , it could just be shadows or rocks. :lawl::lawl:


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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:hmm: this is only what i could find

left is 2 days ago , right is june 28

the river looks like its flowing full now ,

i think the red things were their camp , black dots are our tents

they moved back quite a distance.
but resolution is shit , so who knows , it could just be shadows or rocks. :lawl::lawl:
Yup. Checked it. Resolution is shit and PLA have moved their camps back but are very much present.


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Apr 6, 2019
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Was it even scheduled to happen today ?
Chai biscoot talks have been so often that when there is no talks they're reporting like this... Earlier there used to report when talks are scheduled but now reporting on when talks are not happening.


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Sep 12, 2020
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'Plain Hopeless': Wild Chinese PLA Bazooka Misfire Ends In Heavy Trolling Of China Stooge
The video is shared by Yusuf Unjhawala, Editor of Indian Defence Forum, on Twitter where he has tagged Hu Xijin and asked, "Dear Hu Xijin -- this your equipment and training." In the two-minute-long video, the alleged chinese officer can be seen holding the rocket launcher the wrong way around while firing it. A major disaster was averted as the people standing beside the officer had a lucky escape after the rocket was fired into the ground and it bounced back violently swinging the officer pell-mell. :rofl::rofl:
The soldiers in that video are clearly not Chinese, and the broken audio sounds more like Russian. This was probably a Russian exercise. It doesn't matter anyway because it proves absolutely nothing of significance. Weapons sometimes misfire and exercises don't work out. Should we conclude that the USN sucks because its destroyers kept running into civilian ships a few years back? It doesn't get more embarrassing than that!

Does anyone seriously believe that most Chinese weapons would not properly fire in an actual war? If you do, then India should go to war right away, because it would be the easiest victory ever.

One dangerous trend that I've noticed from both sides is the tendency to underestimate each other. The Global Times is ridiculously bombastic and nationalistic, talking about how they're going to wipe out the Indians and blah blah blah. What total nonsense. India is a great power, not a push-over. But much of the Indian press is hardly any better, having absolutely zero appreciation for the complex dimensions of modern warfare (ie. a few Rafales cannot be the decisive factor in a massive war against China, even if the Rafale was the best fighter ever made).

This kind of news coverage is dangerous because it sets up unrealistic expectations for domestic audiences, who start to think like many Europeans did on the eve of World War I -- that the war is just going to be quick and decisive and our side will easily win. No one should ever want a war between China and India. Period. And if it does happen, it's more likely to be hard, long, and complicated than easy, quick, and decisive. It would be more like a Pyrrhic victory for whoever "wins."

Here's someone in America who's hoping for peace and mutual respect between China and India. I know there's none of that going on now, but it's still better to hold out some hope than give up entirely.
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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The soldiers in that video are clearly not Chinese, and the broken audio sounds more like Russian. This was probably a Russian exercise. It doesn't matter anyway because it proves absolutely nothing of significance. Weapons sometimes misfire and exercises don't work out. Should we conclude that the USN sucks because its destroyers kept running into civilian ships a few years back? It doesn't get more embarrassing than that!

Does anyone seriously believe that most Chinese weapons would not properly fire in an actual war? If you do, then India should go to war right away, because it would be the easiest victory ever.

One dangerous trend that I've noticed from both sides is the tendency to underestimate each other. The Global Times is ridiculously bombastic and nationalistic, talking about how they're going to wipe out the Indians and blah blah blah. But much of the Indian press is hardly any better, having absolutely zero appreciation for the complex dimensions of modern warfare (ie. a few Rafales cannot be the decisive factor in a massive war against China, even if the Rafale was the best fighter ever made).

This kind of news coverage is dangerous because it sets up unrealistic expectations for domestic audiences, who start to think like many Europeans did on the eve of World War I -- that the war is just going to be quick and decisive and our side will easily win. No one should ever want a war between China and India. Period. And if it does happen, it's more likely to be hard, long, and complicated than easy, quick, and decisive. It would be more like a Pyrrhic victory for whoever "wins."

Here's someone in America who's hoping for peace and mutual respect between China and India. I know there's none of that going on now, but it's still better to hold out some hope than give up entirely.
Point to be noted is that you can make this remarks here, can you make similar remarks to chinese nationalistic defence forum? it is an enquiry not a statement.

Indian media's approach to current situation is similar to indian media's approach to pakistan related incidents, it is what it is. Ridiculing the opponent in media is done by everybody including the U.S .People who matter know what they are doing, that's what matters.

CCP can never mutually respect any country, that's not how it is designed. idiots are those who made us believe for past thirty years that CCP can reform if it becomes rich.

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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CCP can never mutually respect any country, that's not how it is designed. idiots are those who made us believe for past thirty years that CCP can reform if it becomes rich.
Nah, sirji they were doing as usual there capitalist thing.
The video is not from China then from where? And why our American friend here cannot point another language.
Now I am getting curious, it happens rare, since I pseudo left this place.
I will now watch that video again and again.
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